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feat: port Data.Finset.Sort (#1675)
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Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
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Ruben-VandeVelde and jcommelin committed Jan 19, 2023
1 parent 1771130 commit 11de62e
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Showing 2 changed files with 264 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Pi
import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Powerset
import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Prod
import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Sigma
import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Sort
import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Sum
import Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Card
Expand Down
263 changes: 263 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Data/Finset/Sort.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
Copyright (c) 2017 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Mario Carneiro
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module data.finset.sort
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 509de852e1de55e1efa8eacfa11df0823f26f226
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Order.RelIso.Set
import Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Lattice
import Mathlib.Data.Multiset.Sort
import Mathlib.Data.List.NodupEquivFin

# Construct a sorted list from a finset.

namespace Finset

open Multiset Nat

variable {α β : Type _}

/-! ### sort -/

section sort

variable (r : α → α → Prop) [DecidableRel r] [IsTrans α r] [IsAntisymm α r] [IsTotal α r]

/-- `sort s` constructs a sorted list from the unordered set `s`.
(Uses merge sort algorithm.) -/
def sort (s : Finset α) : List α :=
Multiset.sort r s.1
#align finset.sort Finset.sort

theorem sort_sorted (s : Finset α) : List.Sorted r (sort r s) :=
Multiset.sort_sorted _ _
#align finset.sort_sorted Finset.sort_sorted

theorem sort_eq (s : Finset α) : ↑(sort r s) = s.1 :=
Multiset.sort_eq _ _
#align finset.sort_eq Finset.sort_eq

theorem sort_nodup (s : Finset α) : (sort r s).Nodup :=
(by rw [sort_eq]; exact s.2 : @Multiset.Nodup α (sort r s))
#align finset.sort_nodup Finset.sort_nodup

theorem sort_toFinset [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) : (sort r s).toFinset = s :=
List.toFinset_eq (sort_nodup r s) ▸ eq_of_veq (sort_eq r s)
#align finset.sort_to_finset Finset.sort_toFinset

theorem mem_sort {s : Finset α} {a : α} : a ∈ sort r s ↔ a ∈ s :=
Multiset.mem_sort _
#align finset.mem_sort Finset.mem_sort

theorem length_sort {s : Finset α} : (sort r s).length = s.card :=
Multiset.length_sort _
#align finset.length_sort Finset.length_sort

theorem sort_empty : sort r ∅ = [] :=
Multiset.sort_zero r
#align finset.sort_empty Finset.sort_empty

theorem sort_singleton (a : α) : sort r {a} = [a] :=
Multiset.sort_singleton r a
#align finset.sort_singleton Finset.sort_singleton

theorem sort_perm_toList (s : Finset α) : sort r s ~ s.toList := by
rw [← Multiset.coe_eq_coe]
simp only [coe_toList, sort_eq]
#align finset.sort_perm_to_list Finset.sort_perm_toList

end sort

section SortLinearOrder

variable [LinearOrder α]

theorem sort_sorted_lt (s : Finset α) : List.Sorted (· < ·) (sort (· ≤ ·) s) :=
(sort_sorted _ _).imp₂ (@lt_of_le_of_ne _ _) (sort_nodup _ _)
#align finset.sort_sorted_lt Finset.sort_sorted_lt

theorem sorted_zero_eq_min'_aux (s : Finset α) (h : 0 < (s.sort (· ≤ ·)).length) (H : s.Nonempty) :
(s.sort (· ≤ ·)).nthLe 0 h = s.min' H := by
let l := s.sort (· ≤ ·)
apply le_antisymm
· have : s.min' H ∈ l := (Finset.mem_sort (α := α) (· ≤ ·)).mpr (s.min'_mem H)
obtain ⟨i, hi⟩ : ∃ i, l.get i = s.min' H := List.mem_iff_get.1 this
rw [← hi]
exact (s.sort_sorted (· ≤ ·)).rel_nthLe_of_le _ _ (Nat.zero_le i)
· have : l.get ⟨0, h⟩ ∈ s := (Finset.mem_sort (α := α) (· ≤ ·)).1 (List.get_mem l 0 h)
exact s.min'_le _ this
#align finset.sorted_zero_eq_min'_aux Finset.sorted_zero_eq_min'_aux

theorem sorted_zero_eq_min' {s : Finset α} {h : 0 < (s.sort (· ≤ ·)).length} :
(s.sort (· ≤ ·)).nthLe 0 h = s.min' (card_pos.1 <| by rwa [length_sort] at h) :=
sorted_zero_eq_min'_aux _ _ _
#align finset.sorted_zero_eq_min' Finset.sorted_zero_eq_min'

theorem min'_eq_sorted_zero {s : Finset α} {h : s.Nonempty} :
s.min' h = (s.sort (· ≤ ·)).nthLe 0 (by rw [length_sort]; exact card_pos.2 h) :=
(sorted_zero_eq_min'_aux _ _ _).symm
#align finset.min'_eq_sorted_zero Finset.min'_eq_sorted_zero

theorem sorted_last_eq_max'_aux (s : Finset α)
(h : (s.sort (· ≤ ·)).length - 1 < (s.sort (· ≤ ·)).length) (H : s.Nonempty) :
(s.sort (· ≤ ·)).nthLe ((s.sort (· ≤ ·)).length - 1) h = s.max' H := by
let l := s.sort (· ≤ ·)
apply le_antisymm
· have : l.get ⟨(s.sort (· ≤ ·)).length - 1, h⟩ ∈ s :=
(Finset.mem_sort (α := α) (· ≤ ·)).1 (List.get_mem l _ h)
exact s.le_max' _ this
· have : s.max' H ∈ l := (Finset.mem_sort (α := α) (· ≤ ·)).mpr (s.max'_mem H)
obtain ⟨i, hi⟩ : ∃ i, l.get i = s.max' H := List.mem_iff_get.1 this
rw [← hi]
exact (s.sort_sorted (· ≤ ·)).rel_nthLe_of_le _ _ (Nat.le_pred_of_lt i.prop)
#align finset.sorted_last_eq_max'_aux Finset.sorted_last_eq_max'_aux

theorem sorted_last_eq_max' {s : Finset α}
{h : (s.sort (· ≤ ·)).length - 1 < (s.sort (· ≤ ·)).length} :
(s.sort (· ≤ ·)).nthLe ((s.sort (· ≤ ·)).length - 1) h =
s.max' (by rw [length_sort] at h; exact card_pos.1 (lt_of_le_of_lt bot_le h)) :=
sorted_last_eq_max'_aux _ _ _
#align finset.sorted_last_eq_max' Finset.sorted_last_eq_max'

theorem max'_eq_sorted_last {s : Finset α} {h : s.Nonempty} :
s.max' h =
(s.sort (· ≤ ·)).nthLe ((s.sort (· ≤ ·)).length - 1)
(by simpa using Nat.sub_lt (card_pos.mpr h) zero_lt_one) :=
(sorted_last_eq_max'_aux _ _ _).symm
#align finset.max'_eq_sorted_last Finset.max'_eq_sorted_last

/-- Given a finset `s` of cardinality `k` in a linear order `α`, the map `orderIsoOfFin s h`
is the increasing bijection between `Fin k` and `s` as an `OrderIso`. Here, `h` is a proof that
the cardinality of `s` is `k`. We use this instead of an iso `Fin s.card ≃o s` to avoid
casting issues in further uses of this function. -/
def orderIsoOfFin (s : Finset α) {k : ℕ} (h : s.card = k) : Fin k ≃o s :=
OrderIso.trans (Fin.cast ((length_sort (α := α) (· ≤ ·)).trans h).symm) <|
(s.sort_sorted_lt.getIso _).trans <| OrderIso.setCongr _ _ <| Set.ext fun _ => mem_sort _
#align finset.order_iso_of_fin Finset.orderIsoOfFin

/-- Given a finset `s` of cardinality `k` in a linear order `α`, the map `orderEmbOfFin s h` is
the increasing bijection between `Fin k` and `s` as an order embedding into `α`. Here, `h` is a
proof that the cardinality of `s` is `k`. We use this instead of an embedding `Fin s.card ↪o α` to
avoid casting issues in further uses of this function. -/
def orderEmbOfFin (s : Finset α) {k : ℕ} (h : s.card = k) : Fin k ↪o α :=
(orderIsoOfFin s h).toOrderEmbedding.trans (OrderEmbedding.subtype _)
#align finset.orderEmbOfFin Finset.orderEmbOfFin

theorem coe_orderIsoOfFin_apply (s : Finset α) {k : ℕ} (h : s.card = k) (i : Fin k) :
↑(orderIsoOfFin s h i) = orderEmbOfFin s h i :=
#align finset.coe_order_iso_of_fin_apply Finset.coe_orderIsoOfFin_apply

theorem orderIsoOfFin_symm_apply (s : Finset α) {k : ℕ} (h : s.card = k) (x : s) :
↑((s.orderIsoOfFin h).symm x) = (s.sort (· ≤ ·)).indexOf ↑x :=
#align finset.order_iso_of_fin_symm_apply Finset.orderIsoOfFin_symm_apply

theorem orderEmbOfFin_apply (s : Finset α) {k : ℕ} (h : s.card = k) (i : Fin k) :
s.orderEmbOfFin h i =
(s.sort (· ≤ ·)).nthLe i (by rw [length_sort, h]; exact i.2) :=
#align finset.order_emb_of_fin_apply Finset.orderEmbOfFin_apply

theorem orderEmbOfFin_mem (s : Finset α) {k : ℕ} (h : s.card = k) (i : Fin k) :
s.orderEmbOfFin h i ∈ s :=
(s.orderIsoOfFin h i).2
#align finset.order_emb_of_fin_mem Finset.orderEmbOfFin_mem

theorem range_orderEmbOfFin (s : Finset α) {k : ℕ} (h : s.card = k) :
Set.range (s.orderEmbOfFin h) = s := by
simp only [orderEmbOfFin, Set.range_comp ((↑) : _ → α) (s.orderIsoOfFin h),
RelEmbedding.coe_trans, Set.image_univ, Finset.orderEmbOfFin, RelIso.range_eq,
OrderEmbedding.subtype_apply, OrderIso.coe_toOrderEmbedding, eq_self_iff_true,
Subtype.range_coe_subtype, Finset.setOf_mem, Finset.coe_inj]
#align finset.range_order_emb_of_fin Finset.range_orderEmbOfFin

/-- The bijection `orderEmbOfFin s h` sends `0` to the minimum of `s`. -/
theorem orderEmbOfFin_zero {s : Finset α} {k : ℕ} (h : s.card = k) (hz : 0 < k) :
orderEmbOfFin s h ⟨0, hz⟩ = s.min' ( (h.symm ▸ hz)) := by
simp only [orderEmbOfFin_apply, Fin.val_mk, sorted_zero_eq_min']
#align finset.order_emb_of_fin_zero Finset.orderEmbOfFin_zero

/-- The bijection `orderEmbOfFin s h` sends `k-1` to the maximum of `s`. -/
theorem orderEmbOfFin_last {s : Finset α} {k : ℕ} (h : s.card = k) (hz : 0 < k) :
orderEmbOfFin s h ⟨k - 1, Nat.sub_lt hz (Nat.succ_pos 0)⟩ =
s.max' ( (h.symm ▸ hz)) := by
simp [orderEmbOfFin_apply, max'_eq_sorted_last, h]
#align finset.order_emb_of_fin_last Finset.orderEmbOfFin_last

/-- `orderEmbOfFin {a} h` sends any argument to `a`. -/
theorem orderEmbOfFin_singleton (a : α) (i : Fin 1) :
orderEmbOfFin {a} (card_singleton a) i = a := by
rw [Subsingleton.elim i ⟨0, zero_lt_one⟩, orderEmbOfFin_zero _ zero_lt_one, min'_singleton]
#align finset.order_emb_of_fin_singleton Finset.orderEmbOfFin_singleton

/-- Any increasing map `f` from `Fin k` to a finset of cardinality `k` has to coincide with
the increasing bijection `orderEmbOfFin s h`. -/
theorem orderEmbOfFin_unique {s : Finset α} {k : ℕ} (h : s.card = k) {f : Fin k → α}
(hfs : ∀ x, f x ∈ s) (hmono : StrictMono f) : f = s.orderEmbOfFin h := by
apply Fin.strictMono_unique hmono (s.orderEmbOfFin h).strictMono
rw [range_orderEmbOfFin, ← Set.image_univ, ← coe_univ, ← coe_image, coe_inj]
refine' eq_of_subset_of_card_le (fun x hx => _) _
· rcases mem_image.1 hx with ⟨x, _, rfl⟩
exact hfs x
· rw [h, card_image_of_injective _ hmono.injective, card_univ, Fintype.card_fin]
#align finset.order_emb_of_fin_unique Finset.orderEmbOfFin_unique

/-- An order embedding `f` from `Fin k` to a finset of cardinality `k` has to coincide with
the increasing bijection `orderEmbOfFin s h`. -/
theorem orderEmbOfFin_unique' {s : Finset α} {k : ℕ} (h : s.card = k) {f : Fin k ↪o α}
(hfs : ∀ x, f x ∈ s) : f = s.orderEmbOfFin h :=
RelEmbedding.ext <| Function.funext_iff.1 <| orderEmbOfFin_unique h hfs f.strictMono
#align finset.order_emb_of_fin_unique' Finset.orderEmbOfFin_unique'

/-- Two parametrizations `orderEmbOfFin` of the same set take the same value on `i` and `j` if
and only if `i = j`. Since they can be defined on a priori not defeq types `Fin k` and `Fin l`
(although necessarily `k = l`), the conclusion is rather written `(i : ℕ) = (j : ℕ)`. -/
theorem orderEmbOfFin_eq_orderEmbOfFin_iff {k l : ℕ} {s : Finset α} {i : Fin k} {j : Fin l}
{h : s.card = k} {h' : s.card = l} :
s.orderEmbOfFin h i = s.orderEmbOfFin h' j ↔ (i : ℕ) = (j : ℕ) := by
substs k l
exact (s.orderEmbOfFin rfl).eq_iff_eq.trans Fin.ext_iff
finset.order_emb_of_fin_eq_order_emb_of_fin_iff Finset.orderEmbOfFin_eq_orderEmbOfFin_iff

/-- Given a finset `s` of size at least `k` in a linear order `α`, the map `orderEmbOfCardLe`
is an order embedding from `Fin k` to `α` whose image is contained in `s`. Specifically, it maps
`Fin k` to an initial segment of `s`. -/
def orderEmbOfCardLe (s : Finset α) {k : ℕ} (h : k ≤ s.card) : Fin k ↪o α :=
(Fin.castLe h).trans (s.orderEmbOfFin rfl)
#align finset.order_emb_of_card_le Finset.orderEmbOfCardLe

theorem orderEmbOfCardLe_mem (s : Finset α) {k : ℕ} (h : k ≤ s.card) (a) :
orderEmbOfCardLe s h a ∈ s := by
simp only [orderEmbOfCardLe, RelEmbedding.coe_trans, Finset.orderEmbOfFin_mem,
#align finset.order_emb_of_card_le_mem Finset.orderEmbOfCardLe_mem

end SortLinearOrder

unsafe instance [Repr α] : Repr (Finset α) :=
fun s _ => repr s.1

end Finset

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