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feat: construct Haar measure in locally compact non-Hausdorff groups (#…
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The construction we have is given in T2 spaces, but it works in non-Hausdorff spaces modulo a few modifications. 

For this, we introduce an ad hoc class `T2OrLocallyCompactRegularSpace`, which is just enough to unify the arguments, as a replacement for the class `ClosableCompactSubsetOpenSpace` (which is not strong enough). In the file `Separation.lean`, we move some material that was only available on T2 spaces to this new class.

The construction is needed for a forthcoming improvement of uniqueness results for Haar measures, based on
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sgouezel committed Jan 18, 2024
1 parent 1872765 commit 158d852
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Showing 8 changed files with 412 additions and 308 deletions.
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/Fourier/RiemannLebesgueLemma.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ spaces `V`: if `f` is a function on `V` (valued in a complete normed space `E`),
Fourier transform of `f`, viewed as a function on the dual space of `V`, tends to 0 along the
cocompact filter. Here the Fourier transform is defined by
`λ w : V →L[ℝ] ℝ, ∫ (v : V), exp (↑(2 * π * w v) * I) • f x`.
`fun w : V →L[ℝ] ℝ ∫ (v : V), exp (↑(2 * π * w v) * I) • f x`.
This is true for arbitrary functions, but is only interesting for `L¹` functions (if `f` is not
integrable then the integral is zero for all `w`). This is proved first for continuous
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,10 +260,9 @@ via dual space. **Do not use** -- it is only a stepping stone to
`tendsto_integral_exp_smul_cocompact` where the inner-product-space structure isn't required. -/
theorem tendsto_integral_exp_smul_cocompact_of_inner_product (μ : Measure V) [μ.IsAddHaarMeasure] :
Tendsto (fun w : V →L[ℝ] ℝ => ∫ v, e[-w v] • f v ∂μ) (cocompact (V →L[ℝ] ℝ)) (𝓝 0) := by
obtain ⟨C, _, _, hC⟩ := μ.isAddHaarMeasure_eq_smul volume
rw [hC]
simp_rw [integral_smul_measure]
rw [← (smul_zero _ : C.toReal • (0 : E) = 0)]
rw [μ.isAddHaarMeasure_eq_smul volume]
simp_rw [integral_smul_nnreal_measure]
rw [← (smul_zero _ : Measure.addHaarScalarFactor μ volume • (0 : E) = 0)]
apply Tendsto.const_smul
let A := (InnerProductSpace.toDual ℝ V).symm
have : (fun w : V →L[ℝ] ℝ => ∫ v, e[-w v] • f v) = (fun w : V => ∫ v, e[-⟪v, w⟫] • f v) ∘ A := by
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81 changes: 51 additions & 30 deletions Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Measure/Content.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ For `μ : Content G`, we define
* `μ.outerMeasure` : the outer measure associated to `μ`.
* `μ.measure` : the Borel measure associated to `μ`.
We prove that, on a locally compact space, the measure `μ.measure` is regular.
These definitions are given for spaces which are either T2, or locally compact and regular (which
covers possibly non-Hausdorff locally compact groups). The resulting measure `μ.measure` is always
outer regular by design. When the space is locally compact, `μ.measure` is also regular.
## References
Expand All @@ -68,7 +70,8 @@ structure Content (G : Type w) [TopologicalSpace G] where
toFun : Compacts G → ℝ≥0
mono' : ∀ K₁ K₂ : Compacts G, (K₁ : Set G) ⊆ K₂ → toFun K₁ ≤ toFun K₂
sup_disjoint' :
∀ K₁ K₂ : Compacts G, Disjoint (K₁ : Set G) K₂ → toFun (K₁ ⊔ K₂) = toFun K₁ + toFun K₂
∀ K₁ K₂ : Compacts G, Disjoint (K₁ : Set G) K₂ → IsClosed (K₁ : Set G) → IsClosed (K₂ : Set G)
→ toFun (K₁ ⊔ K₂) = toFun K₁ + toFun K₂
sup_le' : ∀ K₁ K₂ : Compacts G, toFun (K₁ ⊔ K₂) ≤ toFun K₁ + toFun K₂
#align measure_theory.content MeasureTheory.Content

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,7 +99,8 @@ theorem mono (K₁ K₂ : Compacts G) (h : (K₁ : Set G) ⊆ K₂) : μ K₁
simp [apply_eq_coe_toFun, μ.mono' _ _ h]
#align measure_theory.content.mono MeasureTheory.Content.mono

theorem sup_disjoint (K₁ K₂ : Compacts G) (h : Disjoint (K₁ : Set G) K₂) :
theorem sup_disjoint (K₁ K₂ : Compacts G) (h : Disjoint (K₁ : Set G) K₂)
(h₁ : IsClosed (K₁ : Set G)) (h₂ : IsClosed (K₂ : Set G)) :
μ (K₁ ⊔ K₂) = μ K₁ + μ K₂ := by
simp [apply_eq_coe_toFun, μ.sup_disjoint' _ _ h]
#align measure_theory.content.sup_disjoint MeasureTheory.Content.sup_disjoint
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,7 +171,7 @@ theorem innerContent_exists_compact {U : Opens G} (hU : μ.innerContent U ≠
#align measure_theory.content.inner_content_exists_compact MeasureTheory.Content.innerContent_exists_compact

/-- The inner content of a supremum of opens is at most the sum of the individual inner contents. -/
theorem innerContent_iSup_nat [T2Space G] (U : ℕ → Opens G) :
theorem innerContent_iSup_nat [T2OrLocallyCompactRegularSpace G] (U : ℕ → Opens G) :
μ.innerContent (⨆ i : ℕ, U i) ≤ ∑' i : ℕ, μ.innerContent (U i) := by
have h3 : ∀ (t : Finset ℕ) (K : ℕ → Compacts G), μ (t.sup K) ≤ t.sum fun i => μ (K i) := by
intro t K
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,7 +200,8 @@ theorem innerContent_iSup_nat [T2Space G] (U : ℕ → Opens G) :
/-- The inner content of a union of sets is at most the sum of the individual inner contents.
This is the "unbundled" version of `innerContent_iSup_nat`.
It is required for the API of `inducedOuterMeasure`. -/
theorem innerContent_iUnion_nat [T2Space G] ⦃U : ℕ → Set G⦄ (hU : ∀ i : ℕ, IsOpen (U i)) :
theorem innerContent_iUnion_nat [T2OrLocallyCompactRegularSpace G] ⦃U : ℕ → Set G⦄
(hU : ∀ i : ℕ, IsOpen (U i)) :
μ.innerContent ⟨⋃ i : ℕ, U i, isOpen_iUnion hU⟩ ≤ ∑' i : ℕ, μ.innerContent ⟨U i, hU i⟩ := by
have := μ.innerContent_iSup_nat fun i => ⟨U i, hU i⟩
rwa [Opens.iSup_def] at this
Expand All @@ -220,7 +225,8 @@ theorem is_mul_left_invariant_innerContent [Group G] [TopologicalGroup G]
#align measure_theory.content.is_add_left_invariant_inner_content MeasureTheory.Content.is_add_left_invariant_innerContent

theorem innerContent_pos_of_is_mul_left_invariant [T2Space G] [Group G] [TopologicalGroup G]
theorem innerContent_pos_of_is_mul_left_invariant [T2OrLocallyCompactRegularSpace G] [Group G]
[TopologicalGroup G]
(h3 : ∀ (g : G) {K : Compacts G}, μ ( _ <| continuous_mul_left g) = μ K) (K : Compacts G)
(hK : μ K ≠ 0) (U : Opens G) (hU : (U : Set G).Nonempty) : 0 < μ.innerContent U := by
have : (interior (U : Set G)).Nonempty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,7 +255,7 @@ protected def outerMeasure : OuterMeasure G :=
inducedOuterMeasure (fun U hU => μ.innerContent ⟨U, hU⟩) isOpen_empty μ.innerContent_bot
#align measure_theory.content.outer_measure MeasureTheory.Content.outerMeasure

variable [T2Space G]
variable [T2OrLocallyCompactRegularSpace G]

theorem outerMeasure_opens (U : Opens G) : μ.outerMeasure U = μ.innerContent U :=
inducedOuterMeasure_eq' (fun _ => isOpen_iUnion) μ.innerContent_iUnion_nat μ.innerContent_mono U.2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,22 +364,34 @@ theorem borel_le_caratheodory : S ≤ μ.outerMeasure.caratheodory := by
rw [ENNReal.iSup_add]
refine' iSup_le _
rintro ⟨L, hL⟩
let L' : Compacts G := ⟨closure L, L.isCompact.closure⟩
suffices μ L' + μ.outerMeasure (↑U' \ U) ≤ μ.outerMeasure U' by
have A : μ L ≤ μ L' := μ.mono _ _ subset_closure
exact (add_le_add_right A _).trans this
simp only [subset_inter_iff] at hL
have : ↑U' \ U ⊆ U' \ L := diff_subset_diff_right hL.2
have hL'U : (L' : Set G) ⊆ U := IsCompact.closure_subset_of_isOpen L.2 hU hL.2
have hL'U' : (L' : Set G) ⊆ (U' : Set G) := IsCompact.closure_subset_of_isOpen L.2 U'.2 hL.1
have : ↑U' \ U ⊆ U' \ L' := diff_subset_diff_right hL'U
refine' le_trans (add_le_add_left (μ.outerMeasure.mono' this) _) _
rw [μ.outerMeasure_of_isOpen (↑U' \ L) (IsOpen.sdiff U'.2 L.2.isClosed)]
rw [μ.outerMeasure_of_isOpen (↑U' \ L') (IsOpen.sdiff U'.2 isClosed_closure)]
simp only [innerContent, iSup_subtype']
rw [Opens.coe_mk]
haveI : Nonempty { M : Compacts G // (M : Set G) ⊆ ↑U' \ L } := ⟨⟨⊥, empty_subset _⟩⟩
haveI : Nonempty { M : Compacts G // (M : Set G) ⊆ ↑U' \ closure L } := ⟨⟨⊥, empty_subset _⟩⟩
rw [ENNReal.add_iSup]
refine' iSup_le _
rintro ⟨M, hM⟩
simp only [subset_diff] at hM
have : (↑(L ⊔ M) : Set G) ⊆ U' := by
simp only [union_subset_iff, Compacts.coe_sup, hM, hL, and_self_iff]
let M' : Compacts G := ⟨closure M, M.isCompact.closure⟩
suffices μ L' + μ M' ≤ μ.outerMeasure U' by
have A : μ M ≤ μ M' := μ.mono _ _ subset_closure
exact (add_le_add_left A _).trans this
have hM' : (M' : Set G) ⊆ U' \ L' :=
IsCompact.closure_subset_of_isOpen M.2 (IsOpen.sdiff U'.2 isClosed_closure) hM
have : (↑(L' ⊔ M') : Set G) ⊆ U' := by
simp only [Compacts.coe_sup, union_subset_iff, hL'U', true_and]
exact hM'.trans (diff_subset _ _ )
rw [μ.outerMeasure_of_isOpen (↑U') U'.2]
refine' le_trans (ge_of_eq _) (μ.le_innerContent _ _ this)
exact μ.sup_disjoint _ _ hM.2.symm
exact μ.sup_disjoint L' M' (subset_diff.1 hM').2.symm isClosed_closure isClosed_closure
#align measure_theory.content.borel_le_caratheodory MeasureTheory.Content.borel_le_caratheodory

/-- The measure induced by the outer measure coming from a content, on the Borel sigma-algebra. -/
Expand All @@ -385,19 +403,21 @@ theorem measure_apply {s : Set G} (hs : MeasurableSet s) : μ.measure s = μ.out
toMeasure_apply _ _ hs
#align measure_theory.content.measure_apply MeasureTheory.Content.measure_apply

instance outerRegular : μ.measure.OuterRegular := by
refine ⟨fun A hA r (hr : _ < _) ↦ ?_⟩
rw [μ.measure_apply hA, outerMeasure_eq_iInf] at hr
simp only [iInf_lt_iff] at hr
rcases hr with ⟨U, hUo, hAU, hr⟩
rw [← μ.outerMeasure_of_isOpen U hUo, ← μ.measure_apply hUo.measurableSet] at hr
exact ⟨U, hAU, hUo, hr⟩

/-- In a locally compact space, any measure constructed from a content is regular. -/
instance regular [WeaklyLocallyCompactSpace G] : μ.measure.Regular := by
have : μ.measure.OuterRegular := by
refine' ⟨fun A hA r (hr : _ < _) => _⟩
rw [μ.measure_apply hA, outerMeasure_eq_iInf] at hr
simp only [iInf_lt_iff] at hr
rcases hr with ⟨U, hUo, hAU, hr⟩
rw [← μ.outerMeasure_of_isOpen U hUo, ← μ.measure_apply hUo.measurableSet] at hr
exact ⟨U, hAU, hUo, hr⟩
have : IsFiniteMeasureOnCompacts μ.measure := by
refine' ⟨fun K hK => _⟩
rw [measure_apply _ hK.measurableSet]
exact μ.outerMeasure_lt_top_of_isCompact hK
apply (measure_mono subset_closure).trans_lt _
rw [measure_apply _ isClosed_closure.measurableSet]
exact μ.outerMeasure_lt_top_of_isCompact hK.closure
refine' ⟨fun U hU r hr => _⟩
rw [measure_apply _ hU.measurableSet, μ.outerMeasure_of_isOpen U hU] at hr
simp only [innerContent, lt_iSup_iff] at hr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -430,7 +450,7 @@ theorem contentRegular_exists_compact (H : ContentRegular μ) (K : TopologicalSp
(ENNReal.lt_add_right (ne_top_of_lt (μ.lt_top K)) (ENNReal.coe_ne_zero.mpr hε)))
#align measure_theory.content.content_regular_exists_compact MeasureTheory.Content.contentRegular_exists_compact

variable [MeasurableSpace G] [T2Space G] [BorelSpace G]
variable [MeasurableSpace G] [T2OrLocallyCompactRegularSpace G] [BorelSpace G]

/-- If `μ` is a regular content, then the measure induced by `μ` will agree with `μ`
on compact sets. -/
Expand All @@ -441,16 +461,17 @@ theorem measure_eq_content_of_regular (H : MeasureTheory.Content.ContentRegular
intro ε εpos _
obtain ⟨K', K'_hyp⟩ := contentRegular_exists_compact μ H K (ne_bot_of_gt εpos)
μ.measure ↑K ≤ μ.measure (interior ↑K') := by
rw [μ.measure_apply isOpen_interior.measurableSet,
μ.measure_apply K.isCompact.measurableSet]
exact μ.outerMeasure.mono K'_hyp.left
μ.measure ↑K ≤ μ.measure (interior ↑K') := measure_mono K'_hyp.1
_ ≤ μ K' := by
rw [μ.measure_apply (IsOpen.measurableSet isOpen_interior)]
exact μ.outerMeasure_interior_compacts K'
_ ≤ μ K + ε := K'_hyp.right
· rw [μ.measure_apply (IsCompact.measurableSet K.isCompact)]
exact μ.le_outerMeasure_compacts K
· calc
μ K ≤ μ ⟨closure K, K.2.closure⟩ := μ.mono _ _ subset_closure
_ ≤ μ.measure (closure K) := by
rw [μ.measure_apply (isClosed_closure.measurableSet)]
exact μ.le_outerMeasure_compacts _
_ = μ.measure K := Measure.OuterRegular.measure_closure_eq_of_isCompact K.2
#align measure_theory.content.measure_eq_content_of_regular MeasureTheory.Content.measure_eq_content_of_regular

end RegularContents
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