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feat: port Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.EulerSineProd (#4881)
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Komyyy committed Jun 9, 2023
1 parent 99f948e commit 185d28b
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Showing 2 changed files with 352 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -681,6 +681,7 @@ import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Chebyshev
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Complex
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.ComplexDeriv
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Deriv
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.EulerSineProd
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Inverse
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.InverseDeriv
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Series
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351 changes: 351 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/SpecialFunctions/Trigonometric/EulerSineProd.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 David Loeffler. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: David Loeffler
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module analysis.special_functions.trigonometric.euler_sine_prod
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 2c1d8ca2812b64f88992a5294ea3dba144755cd1
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Integrals
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.PeakFunction

/-! # Euler's infinite product for the sine function
This file proves the infinite product formula
$$ \sin \pi z = \pi z \prod_{n = 1}^\infty \left(1 - \frac{z ^ 2}{n ^ 2}\right) $$
for any real or complex `z`. Our proof closely follows the article
[Salwinski, *Euler's Sine Product Formula: An Elementary Proof*][salwinski2018]: the basic strategy
is to prove a recurrence relation for the integrals `∫ x in 0..π/2, cos 2 z x * cos x ^ (2 * n)`,
generalising the arguments used to prove Wallis' limit formula for `π`.

local macro_rules | `($x ^ $y) => `(HPow.hPow $x $y) -- Porting note: See issue #2220

open scoped Real Topology BigOperators

open Real Set Filter intervalIntegral MeasureTheory.MeasureSpace

namespace EulerSine

section IntegralRecursion

/-! ## Recursion formula for the integral of `cos (2 * z * x) * cos x ^ n`
We evaluate the integral of `cos (2 * z * x) * cos x ^ n`, for any complex `z` and even integers
`n`, via repeated integration by parts. -/

variable {z : ℂ} {n : ℕ}

theorem antideriv_cos_comp_const_mul (hz : z ≠ 0) (x : ℝ) :
HasDerivAt (fun y : ℝ => Complex.sin (2 * z * y) / (2 * z)) (Complex.cos (2 * z * x)) x := by
have a : HasDerivAt (fun y : ℂ => y * (2 * z)) _ x := hasDerivAt_mul_const _
have b : HasDerivAt (fun y : ℂ => Complex.sin (y * (2 * z))) _ x :=
HasDerivAt.comp (x : ℂ) (Complex.hasDerivAt_sin (x * (2 * z))) a
have c := b.comp_of_real.div_const (2 * z)
field_simp at c; simp only [fun y => mul_comm y (2 * z)] at c
exact c
#align euler_sine.antideriv_cos_comp_const_mul EulerSine.antideriv_cos_comp_const_mul

theorem antideriv_sin_comp_const_mul (hz : z ≠ 0) (x : ℝ) :
HasDerivAt (fun y : ℝ => -Complex.cos (2 * z * y) / (2 * z)) (Complex.sin (2 * z * x)) x := by
have a : HasDerivAt (fun y : ℂ => y * (2 * z)) _ x := hasDerivAt_mul_const _
have b : HasDerivAt (fun y : ℂ => Complex.cos (y * (2 * z))) _ x :=
HasDerivAt.comp (x : ℂ) (Complex.hasDerivAt_cos (x * (2 * z))) a
have c := (b.comp_of_real.div_const (2 * z)).neg
field_simp at c; simp only [fun y => mul_comm y (2 * z)] at c
exact c
#align euler_sine.antideriv_sin_comp_const_mul EulerSine.antideriv_sin_comp_const_mul

theorem integral_cos_mul_cos_pow_aux (hn : 2 ≤ n) (hz : z ≠ 0) :
(∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.cos (2 * z * x) * (cos x : ℂ) ^ n) =
n / (2 * z) *
∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.sin (2 * z * x) * sin x * (cos x : ℂ) ^ (n - 1) := by
have der1 :
∀ x : ℝ,
x ∈ uIcc 0 (π / 2) →
HasDerivAt (fun y : ℝ => (cos y : ℂ) ^ n) (-n * sin x * (cos x : ℂ) ^ (n - 1)) x := by
intro x _
have b : HasDerivAt (fun y : ℝ => (cos y : ℂ)) (-sin x) x := by
simpa using (hasDerivAt_cos x).of_real_comp
convert HasDerivAt.comp x (hasDerivAt_pow _ _) b using 1
convert (config := { sameFun := true })
integral_mul_deriv_eq_deriv_mul der1 (fun x _ => antideriv_cos_comp_const_mul hz x) _ _ using 2
· ext1 x; rw [mul_comm]
· rw [Complex.ofReal_zero, MulZeroClass.mul_zero, Complex.sin_zero, zero_div,
MulZeroClass.mul_zero, sub_zero, cos_pi_div_two, Complex.ofReal_zero,
zero_pow (by positivity : 0 < n), MulZeroClass.zero_mul, zero_sub, ← integral_neg, ←
refine' integral_congr fun x _ => _
field_simp; ring
· apply Continuous.intervalIntegrable
(continuous_const.mul (Complex.continuous_ofReal.comp continuous_sin)).mul
((Complex.continuous_ofReal.comp continuous_cos).pow (n - 1))
· apply Continuous.intervalIntegrable
exact Complex.continuous_cos.comp (continuous_const.mul Complex.continuous_ofReal)
#align euler_sine.integral_cos_mul_cos_pow_aux EulerSine.integral_cos_mul_cos_pow_aux

theorem integral_sin_mul_sin_mul_cos_pow_eq (hn : 2 ≤ n) (hz : z ≠ 0) :
(∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.sin (2 * z * x) * sin x * (cos x : ℂ) ^ (n - 1)) =
(n / (2 * z) * ∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.cos (2 * z * x) * (cos x : ℂ) ^ n) -
(n - 1) / (2 * z) *
∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.cos (2 * z * x) * (cos x : ℂ) ^ (n - 2) := by
have der1 :
∀ x : ℝ,
x ∈ uIcc 0 (π / 2) →
HasDerivAt (fun y : ℝ => sin y * (cos y : ℂ) ^ (n - 1))
((cos x : ℂ) ^ n - (n - 1) * (sin x : ℂ) ^ 2 * (cos x : ℂ) ^ (n - 2)) x := by
intro x _
have c := HasDerivAt.comp (x : ℂ) (hasDerivAt_pow (n - 1) _) (Complex.hasDerivAt_cos x)
convert ((Complex.hasDerivAt_sin x).mul c).comp_of_real using 1
· ext1 y; simp only [Complex.ofReal_sin, Complex.ofReal_cos, Function.comp]
· simp only [Complex.ofReal_cos, Complex.ofReal_sin]
rw [mul_neg, mul_neg, ← sub_eq_add_neg, Function.comp_apply]
congr 1
· rw [← pow_succ, Nat.sub_add_cancel (by linarith : 1 ≤ n)]
· have : ((n - 1 : ℕ) : ℂ) = (n : ℂ) - 1 := by
rw [Nat.cast_sub (one_le_two.trans hn), Nat.cast_one]
rw [Nat.sub_sub, this]
integral_mul_deriv_eq_deriv_mul der1 (fun x _ => antideriv_sin_comp_const_mul hz x) _ _ using 1
· refine' integral_congr fun x _ => _
· -- now a tedious rearrangement of terms
-- gather into a single integral, and deal with continuity subgoals:
rw [sin_zero, cos_pi_div_two, Complex.ofReal_zero, zero_pow, MulZeroClass.zero_mul,
MulZeroClass.mul_zero, MulZeroClass.zero_mul, MulZeroClass.zero_mul, sub_zero, zero_sub, ←
integral_neg, ← integral_const_mul, ← integral_const_mul, ← integral_sub]
· apply Continuous.intervalIntegrable
((Complex.continuous_cos.comp (continuous_const.mul Complex.continuous_ofReal)).mul
((Complex.continuous_ofReal.comp continuous_cos).pow n))
· apply Continuous.intervalIntegrable
((Complex.continuous_cos.comp (continuous_const.mul Complex.continuous_ofReal)).mul
((Complex.continuous_ofReal.comp continuous_cos).pow (n - 2)))
· apply Nat.sub_pos_of_lt; exact one_lt_two.trans_le hn
refine' integral_congr fun x _ => _
dsimp only
-- get rid of real trig functions and divions by 2 * z:
rw [Complex.ofReal_cos, Complex.ofReal_sin, Complex.sin_sq, ← mul_div_right_comm, ←
mul_div_right_comm, ← sub_div, mul_div, ← neg_div]
congr 1
have : Complex.cos x ^ n = Complex.cos x ^ (n - 2) * Complex.cos x ^ 2 := by
conv_lhs => rw [← Nat.sub_add_cancel hn, pow_add]
rw [this]
· apply Continuous.intervalIntegrable
((Complex.continuous_ofReal.comp continuous_cos).pow n).sub
((continuous_const.mul ((Complex.continuous_ofReal.comp continuous_sin).pow 2)).mul
((Complex.continuous_ofReal.comp continuous_cos).pow (n - 2)))
· apply Continuous.intervalIntegrable
exact Complex.continuous_sin.comp (continuous_const.mul Complex.continuous_ofReal)
#align euler_sine.integral_sin_mul_sin_mul_cos_pow_eq EulerSine.integral_sin_mul_sin_mul_cos_pow_eq

/-- Note this also holds for `z = 0`, but we do not need this case for `sin_pi_mul_eq`. -/
theorem integral_cos_mul_cos_pow (hn : 2 ≤ n) (hz : z ≠ 0) :
(((1 : ℂ) - (4 : ℂ) * z ^ 2 / (n : ℂ) ^ 2) *
∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.cos (2 * z * x) * (cos x : ℂ) ^ n) =
(n - 1 : ℂ) / n *
∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.cos (2 * z * x) * (cos x : ℂ) ^ (n - 2) := by
have nne : (n : ℂ) ≠ 0 := by
contrapose! hn; rw [Nat.cast_eq_zero] at hn ; rw [hn]; exact zero_lt_two
have := integral_cos_mul_cos_pow_aux hn hz
rw [integral_sin_mul_sin_mul_cos_pow_eq hn hz, sub_eq_neg_add, mul_add, ← sub_eq_iff_eq_add]
at this
convert congr_arg (fun u : ℂ => -u * (2 * z) ^ 2 / n ^ 2) this using 1 <;> field_simp <;> ring
#align euler_sine.integral_cos_mul_cos_pow EulerSine.integral_cos_mul_cos_pow

/-- Note this also holds for `z = 0`, but we do not need this case for `sin_pi_mul_eq`. -/
theorem integral_cos_mul_cos_pow_even (n : ℕ) (hz : z ≠ 0) :
(((1 : ℂ) - z ^ 2 / ((n : ℂ) + 1) ^ 2) *
∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.cos (2 * z * x) * (cos x : ℂ) ^ (2 * n + 2)) =
(2 * n + 1 : ℂ) / (2 * n + 2) *
∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.cos (2 * z * x) * (cos x : ℂ) ^ (2 * n) := by
convert integral_cos_mul_cos_pow (by linarith : 22 * n + 2) hz using 3
· simp only [Nat.cast_add, Nat.cast_mul, Nat.cast_two]
nth_rw 2 [← mul_one (2 : ℂ)]
rw [← mul_add, mul_pow, ← div_div]
· push_cast ; ring
· push_cast ; ring
#align euler_sine.integral_cos_mul_cos_pow_even EulerSine.integral_cos_mul_cos_pow_even

/-- Relate the integral `cos x ^ n` over `[0, π/2]` to the integral of `sin x ^ n` over `[0, π]`,
which is studied in `Data.Real.Pi.Wallis` and other places. -/
theorem integral_cos_pow_eq (n : ℕ) :
(∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, cos x ^ n) = 1 / 2 * ∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π, sin x ^ n := by
rw [mul_comm (1 / 2 : ℝ), ← div_eq_iff (one_div_ne_zero (two_ne_zero' ℝ)), ← div_mul, div_one,
have L : IntervalIntegrable _ volume 0 (π / 2) := (continuous_sin.pow n).intervalIntegrable _ _
have R : IntervalIntegrable _ volume (π / 2) π := (continuous_sin.pow n).intervalIntegrable _ _
rw [← integral_add_adjacent_intervals L R]
-- Porting note: was `congr 1` but it timeouts
refine congr_arg₂ _ ?_ ?_
· nth_rw 1 [(by ring : 0 = π / 2 - π / 2)]
nth_rw 3 [(by ring : π / 2 = π / 2 - 0)]
rw [← integral_comp_sub_left]
refine' integral_congr fun x _ => _
rw [cos_pi_div_two_sub]
· nth_rw 3 [(by ring : π = π / 2 + π / 2)]
nth_rw 2 [(by ring : π / 2 = 0 + π / 2)]
rw [← integral_comp_add_right]
refine' integral_congr fun x _ => _
rw [sin_add_pi_div_two]
#align euler_sine.integral_cos_pow_eq EulerSine.integral_cos_pow_eq

theorem integral_cos_pow_pos (n : ℕ) : 0 < ∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, cos x ^ n :=
(integral_cos_pow_eq n).symm ▸ mul_pos one_half_pos (integral_sin_pow_pos _)
#align euler_sine.integral_cos_pow_pos EulerSine.integral_cos_pow_pos

/-- Finite form of Euler's sine product, with remainder term expressed as a ratio of cosine
integrals. -/
theorem sin_pi_mul_eq (z : ℂ) (n : ℕ) :
Complex.sin (π * z) =
((π * z * ∏ j in Finset.range n, ((1 : ℂ) - z ^ 2 / ((j : ℂ) + 1) ^ 2)) *
∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.cos (2 * z * x) * (cos x : ℂ) ^ (2 * n)) /
(∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, cos x ^ (2 * n) : ℝ) := by
rcases eq_or_ne z 0 with (rfl | hz)
· simp
induction' n with n hn
· simp_rw [Nat.zero_eq, MulZeroClass.mul_zero, pow_zero, mul_one, Finset.prod_range_zero, mul_one,
integral_one, sub_zero]
rw [integral_cos_mul_complex (mul_ne_zero two_ne_zero hz), Complex.ofReal_zero,
MulZeroClass.mul_zero, Complex.sin_zero, zero_div, sub_zero,
(by push_cast ; field_simp; ring : 2 * z * ↑(π / 2) = π * z)]
field_simp [Complex.ofReal_ne_zero.mpr']
· rw [hn, Finset.prod_range_succ]
set A := ∏ j in Finset.range n, ((1 : ℂ) - z ^ 2 / ((j : ℂ) + 1) ^ 2)
set B := ∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.cos (2 * z * x) * (cos x : ℂ) ^ (2 * n)
set C := ∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, cos x ^ (2 * n)
have aux' : 2 * n.succ = 2 * n + 2 := by rw [Nat.succ_eq_add_one, mul_add, mul_one]
have : (∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, cos x ^ (2 * n.succ)) = (2 * (n : ℝ) + 1) / (2 * n + 2) * C := by
rw [integral_cos_pow_eq]
dsimp only
rw [integral_cos_pow_eq, aux', integral_sin_pow, sin_zero, sin_pi, pow_succ,
MulZeroClass.zero_mul, MulZeroClass.zero_mul, MulZeroClass.zero_mul, sub_zero, zero_div,
zero_add, ← mul_assoc, ← mul_assoc, mul_comm (1 / 2 : ℝ) _, Nat.cast_mul, Nat.cast_eq_ofNat]
rw [this]
π * z * A * B / C =
(π * z * (A * ((1 : ℂ) - z ^ 2 / ((n : ℂ) + 1) ^ 2)) *
∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.cos (2 * z * x) * (cos x : ℂ) ^ (2 * n.succ)) /
((2 * n + 1) / (2 * n + 2) * C : ℝ)
have :
(π * z * (A * ((1 : ℂ) - z ^ 2 / ((n : ℂ) + 1) ^ 2)) *
∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.cos (2 * z * x) * (cos x : ℂ) ^ (2 * n.succ)) =
π * z * A *
(((1 : ℂ) - z ^ 2 / (n.succ : ℂ) ^ 2) *
∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.cos (2 * z * x) * (cos x : ℂ) ^ (2 * n.succ)) := by
nth_rw 2 [Nat.succ_eq_add_one]
rw [Nat.cast_add_one]
rw [this]
(((1 : ℂ) - z ^ 2 / (n.succ : ℂ) ^ 2) *
∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.cos (2 * z * x) * (cos x : ℂ) ^ (2 * n.succ)) =
(2 * n + 1) / (2 * n + 2) * B by
rw [this, Complex.ofReal_mul, Complex.ofReal_div]
have : (C : ℂ) ≠ 0 := Complex.ofReal_ne_zero.mpr (integral_cos_pow_pos _).ne'
have : 2 * (n : ℂ) + 10 := by
convert (Nat.cast_add_one_ne_zero (2 * n) : (↑(2 * n) + 1 : ℂ) ≠ 0)
have : 2 * (n : ℂ) + 20 := by
convert (Nat.cast_add_one_ne_zero (2 * n + 1) : (↑(2 * n + 1) + 1 : ℂ) ≠ 0) using 1
push_cast ; ring
field_simp; ring
convert integral_cos_mul_cos_pow_even n hz
rw [Nat.cast_succ]
#align euler_sine.sin_pi_mul_eq EulerSine.sin_pi_mul_eq

end IntegralRecursion

/-! ## Conclusion of the proof
The main theorem `Complex.tendsto_euler_sin_prod`, and its real variant
`Real.tendsto_euler_sin_prod`, now follow by combining `sin_pi_mul_eq` with a lemma
stating that the sequence of measures on `[0, π/2]` given by integration against `cos x ^ n`
(suitably normalised) tends to the Dirac measure at 0, as a special case of the general result
`tendsto_set_integral_pow_smul_of_unique_maximum_of_isCompact_of_continuousOn`. -/

theorem tendsto_integral_cos_pow_mul_div {f : ℝ → ℂ} (hf : ContinuousOn f (Icc 0 (π / 2))) :
(fun n : ℕ => (∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, (cos x : ℂ) ^ n * f x) /
(∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, cos x ^ n : ℝ))
atTop (𝓝 <| f 0) := by
simp_rw [div_eq_inv_mul (α := ℂ), ← Complex.ofReal_inv, integral_of_le pi_div_two_pos.le,
← MeasureTheory.integral_Icc_eq_integral_Ioc, ← Complex.ofReal_pow, ← Complex.real_smul]
have c_lt : ∀ y : ℝ, y ∈ Icc 0 (π / 2) → y ≠ 0 → cos y < cos 0 := fun y hy hy' =>
cos_lt_cos_of_nonneg_of_le_pi_div_two (le_refl 0) hy.2 (lt_of_le_of_ne hy.1 hy'.symm)
have c_nonneg : ∀ x : ℝ, x ∈ Icc 0 (π / 2) → 0 ≤ cos x := fun x hx =>
cos_nonneg_of_mem_Icc ((Icc_subset_Icc_left (neg_nonpos_of_nonneg pi_div_two_pos.le)) hx)
have c_zero_pos : 0 < cos 0 := by rw [cos_zero]; exact zero_lt_one
have zero_mem : (0 : ℝ) ∈ closure (interior (Icc 0 (π / 2))) := by
rw [interior_Icc, closure_Ioo, left_mem_Icc]
exact pi_div_two_pos.le
tendsto_set_integral_pow_smul_of_unique_maximum_of_isCompact_of_continuousOn isCompact_Icc
continuousOn_cos c_lt c_nonneg c_zero_pos zero_mem hf
#align euler_sine.tendsto_integral_cos_pow_mul_div EulerSine.tendsto_integral_cos_pow_mul_div

/-- Euler's infinite product formula for the complex sine function. -/
theorem _root_.Complex.tendsto_euler_sin_prod (z : ℂ) :
Tendsto (fun n : ℕ => π * z * ∏ j in Finset.range n, ((1 : ℂ) - z ^ 2 / ((j : ℂ) + 1) ^ 2))
atTop (𝓝 <| Complex.sin (π * z)) := by
have A :
(fun n : ℕ =>
((π * z * ∏ j in Finset.range n, ((1 : ℂ) - z ^ 2 / ((j : ℂ) + 1) ^ 2)) *
∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.cos (2 * z * x) * (cos x : ℂ) ^ (2 * n)) /
(∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, cos x ^ (2 * n) : ℝ))
atTop (𝓝 <| _) :=
Tendsto.congr (fun n => sin_pi_mul_eq z n) tendsto_const_nhds
have : 𝓝 (Complex.sin (π * z)) = 𝓝 (Complex.sin (π * z) * 1) := by rw [mul_one]
simp_rw [this, mul_div_assoc] at A
convert (tendsto_mul_iff_of_ne_zero _ one_ne_zero).mp A
suffices :
(fun n : ℕ =>
(∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, Complex.cos (2 * z * x) * (cos x : ℂ) ^ n) /
(∫ x in (0 : ℝ)..π / 2, cos x ^ n : ℝ))
atTop (𝓝 1)
exact this.comp (tendsto_id.const_mul_atTop' zero_lt_two)
have : ContinuousOn (fun x : ℝ => Complex.cos (2 * z * x)) (Icc 0 (π / 2)) :=
(Complex.continuous_cos.comp (continuous_const.mul Complex.continuous_ofReal)).continuousOn
convert tendsto_integral_cos_pow_mul_div this using 1
· ext1 n; congr 2 with x : 1; rw [mul_comm]
· rw [Complex.ofReal_zero, MulZeroClass.mul_zero, Complex.cos_zero]
#align complex.tendsto_euler_sin_prod Complex.tendsto_euler_sin_prod

/-- Euler's infinite product formula for the real sine function. -/
theorem _root_.Real.tendsto_euler_sin_prod (x : ℝ) :
Tendsto (fun n : ℕ => π * x * ∏ j in Finset.range n, ((1 : ℝ) - x ^ 2 / ((j : ℝ) + 1) ^ 2))
atTop (𝓝 <| sin (π * x)) := by
convert (Complex.continuous_re.tendsto _).comp (Complex.tendsto_euler_sin_prod x) using 1
· ext1 n
rw [Function.comp_apply, ← Complex.ofReal_mul, Complex.ofReal_mul_re]
(∏ j : ℕ in Finset.range n, ((1 : ℂ) - (x : ℂ) ^ 2 / ((j : ℂ) + 1) ^ 2)) =
(∏ j : ℕ in Finset.range n, ((1 : ℝ) - x ^ 2 / ((j : ℝ) + 1) ^ 2) : ℝ) by
rw [this, Complex.ofReal_re]
rw [Complex.ofReal_prod]
refine' Finset.prod_congr (by rfl) fun n _ => _
· rw [← Complex.ofReal_mul, ← Complex.ofReal_sin, Complex.ofReal_re]
#align real.tendsto_euler_sin_prod Real.tendsto_euler_sin_prod

end EulerSine

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