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feat: port CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.KernelPair (#2871)
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joelriou committed Mar 22, 2023
1 parent 071e0bf commit 1bd5066
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Showing 4 changed files with 290 additions and 4 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -402,6 +402,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.FiniteLimits
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.FiniteProducts
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.FunctorCategory
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Images
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.KernelPair
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Kernels
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.NormalMono.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.NormalMono.Equalizers
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28 changes: 26 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Limits/Shapes/Equalizers.lean
Expand Up @@ -439,18 +439,42 @@ theorem Cofork.IsColimit.π_desc {s t : Cofork f g} (hs : IsColimit s) : s.π
hs.fac _ _
#align category_theory.limits.cofork.is_colimit.π_desc CategoryTheory.Limits.Cofork.IsColimit.π_desc

-- porting note: `Fork.IsLimit.lift` was added in order to ease the port
/-- If `s` is a limit fork over `f` and `g`, then a morphism `k : W ⟶ X` satisfying
`k ≫ f = k ≫ g` induces a morphism `l : W ⟶` such that `l ≫ fork.ι s = k`. -/
def Fork.IsLimit.lift {s : Fork f g} (hs : IsLimit s) {W : C} (k : W ⟶ X) (h : k ≫ f = k ≫ g) :
W ⟶ :=
hs.lift (Fork.ofι _ h)

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma Fork.IsLimit.lift_ι' {s : Fork f g} (hs : IsLimit s) {W : C} (k : W ⟶ X) (h : k ≫ f = k ≫ g) :
Fork.IsLimit.lift hs k h ≫ Fork.ι s = k :=
hs.fac _ _

/-- If `s` is a limit fork over `f` and `g`, then a morphism `k : W ⟶ X` satisfying
`k ≫ f = k ≫ g` induces a morphism `l : W ⟶` such that `l ≫ fork.ι s = k`. -/
def Fork.IsLimit.lift' {s : Fork f g} (hs : IsLimit s) {W : C} (k : W ⟶ X) (h : k ≫ f = k ≫ g) :
{ l : W ⟶ // l ≫ Fork.ι s = k } :=
hs.lift <| Fork.ofι _ h, hs.fac _ _
Fork.IsLimit.lift hs k h, by simp
#align category_theory.limits.fork.is_limit.lift' CategoryTheory.Limits.Fork.IsLimit.lift'

-- porting note: `Cofork.IsColimit.desc` was added in order to ease the port
/-- If `s` is a colimit cofork over `f` and `g`, then a morphism `k : Y ⟶ W` satisfying
`f ≫ k = g ≫ k` induces a morphism `l : ⟶ W` such that `cofork.π s ≫ l = k`. -/
def Cofork.IsColimit.desc {s : Cofork f g} (hs : IsColimit s) {W : C} (k : Y ⟶ W)
(h : f ≫ k = g ≫ k) : ⟶ W :=
hs.desc (Cofork.ofπ _ h)

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma Cofork.IsColimit.π_desc' {s : Cofork f g} (hs : IsColimit s) {W : C} (k : Y ⟶ W)
(h : f ≫ k = g ≫ k) : Cofork.π s ≫ Cofork.IsColimit.desc hs k h = k :=
hs.fac _ _

/-- If `s` is a colimit cofork over `f` and `g`, then a morphism `k : Y ⟶ W` satisfying
`f ≫ k = g ≫ k` induces a morphism `l : ⟶ W` such that `cofork.π s ≫ l = k`. -/
def Cofork.IsColimit.desc' {s : Cofork f g} (hs : IsColimit s) {W : C} (k : Y ⟶ W)
(h : f ≫ k = g ≫ k) : { l : ⟶ W // Cofork.π s ≫ l = k } :=
hs.desc <| Cofork.ofπ _ h, hs.fac _ _
Cofork.IsColimit.desc hs k h, by simp
#align category_theory.limits.cofork.is_colimit.desc' CategoryTheory.Limits.Cofork.IsColimit.desc'

theorem Fork.IsLimit.existsUnique {s : Fork f g} (hs : IsLimit s) {W : C} (k : W ⟶ X)
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227 changes: 227 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Limits/Shapes/KernelPair.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Bhavik Mehta. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Bhavik Mehta
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module category_theory.limits.shapes.kernel_pair
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit f6bab67886fb92c3e2f539cc90a83815f69a189d
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Equalizers
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.CommSq
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.RegularMono

# Kernel pairs
This file defines what it means for a parallel pair of morphisms `a b : R ⟶ X` to be the kernel pair
for a morphism `f`.
Some properties of kernel pairs are given, namely allowing one to transfer between
the kernel pair of `f₁ ≫ f₂` to the kernel pair of `f₁`.
It is also proved that if `f` is a coequalizer of some pair, and `a`,`b` is a kernel pair for `f`
then it is a coequalizer of `a`,`b`.
## Implementation
The definition is essentially just a wrapper for `IsLimit ( _ _ _)`, but the
constructions given here are useful, yet awkward to present in that language, so a basic API
is developed here.
- Internal equivalence relations (or congruences) and the fact that every kernel pair induces one,
and the converse in an effective regular category (WIP by b-mehta).

universe v u u₂

namespace CategoryTheory

open CategoryTheory CategoryTheory.Category CategoryTheory.Limits

variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C]

variable {R X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (a b : R ⟶ X)

/-- `IsKernelPair f a b` expresses that `(a, b)` is a kernel pair for `f`, i.e. `a ≫ f = b ≫ f`
and the square
R → X
↓ ↓
X → Y
is a pullback square.
This is just an abbreviation for `IsPullback a b f f`.
abbrev IsKernelPair :=
IsPullback a b f f
#align category_theory.is_kernel_pair CategoryTheory.IsKernelPair

namespace IsKernelPair

/-- The data expressing that `(a, b)` is a kernel pair is subsingleton. -/
instance : Subsingleton (IsKernelPair f a b) :=
fun P Q => by
cases P
cases Q
congr ⟩

/-- If `f` is a monomorphism, then `(𝟙 _, 𝟙 _)` is a kernel pair for `f`. -/
theorem id_of_mono [Mono f] : IsKernelPair f (𝟙 _) (𝟙 _) :=
⟨⟨rfl⟩, ⟨PullbackCone.isLimitMkIdId _⟩⟩
#align category_theory.is_kernel_pair.id_of_mono CategoryTheory.IsKernelPair.id_of_mono

instance [Mono f] : Inhabited (IsKernelPair f (𝟙 _) (𝟙 _)) :=
⟨id_of_mono f⟩

variable {f a b}

-- porting note: `lift` and the two following simp lemmas were introduced to ease the port
Given a pair of morphisms `p`, `q` to `X` which factor through `f`, they factor through any kernel
pair of `f`.
noncomputable def lift {S : C} (k : IsKernelPair f a b) (p q : S ⟶ X) (w : p ≫ f = q ≫ f) :
S ⟶ R :=
PullbackCone.IsLimit.lift k.isLimit _ _ w

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma lift_fst {S : C} (k : IsKernelPair f a b) (p q : S ⟶ X) (w : p ≫ f = q ≫ f) :
k.lift p q w ≫ a = p :=
PullbackCone.IsLimit.lift_fst _ _ _ _

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma lift_snd {S : C} (k : IsKernelPair f a b) (p q : S ⟶ X) (w : p ≫ f = q ≫ f) :
k.lift p q w ≫ b = q :=
PullbackCone.IsLimit.lift_snd _ _ _ _

Given a pair of morphisms `p`, `q` to `X` which factor through `f`, they factor through any kernel
pair of `f`.
noncomputable def lift' {S : C} (k : IsKernelPair f a b) (p q : S ⟶ X) (w : p ≫ f = q ≫ f) :
{ t : S ⟶ R // t ≫ a = p ∧ t ≫ b = q } :=
⟨k.lift p q w, by simp⟩
#align category_theory.is_kernel_pair.lift' CategoryTheory.IsKernelPair.lift'

If `(a,b)` is a kernel pair for `f₁ ≫ f₂` and `a ≫ f₁ = b ≫ f₁`, then `(a,b)` is a kernel pair for
just `f₁`.
That is, to show that `(a,b)` is a kernel pair for `f₁` it suffices to only show the square
commutes, rather than to additionally show it's a pullback.
theorem cancel_right {f₁ : X ⟶ Y} {f₂ : Y ⟶ Z} (comm : a ≫ f₁ = b ≫ f₁)
(big_k : IsKernelPair (f₁ ≫ f₂) a b) : IsKernelPair f₁ a b :=
{ w := comm
isLimit' :=
⟨PullbackCone.isLimitAux' _ fun s =>
let s' : PullbackCone (f₁ ≫ f₂) (f₁ ≫ f₂) := s.fst s.snd (s.condition_assoc _)
⟨big_k.isLimit.lift s', big_k.isLimit.fac _ WalkingCospan.left,
big_k.isLimit.fac _ WalkingCospan.right, fun m₁ m₂ => _⟩
apply big_k.isLimit.hom_ext
refine' ( a b _ : PullbackCone (f₁ ≫ f₂) _).equalizer_ext _ _
. apply reassoc_of% comm
. apply m₁.trans (big_k.isLimit.fac s' WalkingCospan.left).symm
. apply m₂.trans (big_k.isLimit.fac s' WalkingCospan.right).symm⟩ }
#align category_theory.is_kernel_pair.cancel_right CategoryTheory.IsKernelPair.cancel_right

/-- If `(a,b)` is a kernel pair for `f₁ ≫ f₂` and `f₂` is mono, then `(a,b)` is a kernel pair for
just `f₁`.
The converse of `comp_of_mono`.
theorem cancel_right_of_mono {f₁ : X ⟶ Y} {f₂ : Y ⟶ Z} [Mono f₂]
(big_k : IsKernelPair (f₁ ≫ f₂) a b) : IsKernelPair f₁ a b :=
cancel_right (by rw [← cancel_mono f₂, assoc, assoc, big_k.w]) big_k
#align category_theory.is_kernel_pair.cancel_right_of_mono CategoryTheory.IsKernelPair.cancel_right_of_mono

If `(a,b)` is a kernel pair for `f₁` and `f₂` is mono, then `(a,b)` is a kernel pair for `f₁ ≫ f₂`.
The converse of `cancel_right_of_mono`.
theorem comp_of_mono {f₁ : X ⟶ Y} {f₂ : Y ⟶ Z} [Mono f₂] (small_k : IsKernelPair f₁ a b) :
IsKernelPair (f₁ ≫ f₂) a b :=
{ w := by rw [small_k.w_assoc]
isLimit' := ⟨by
refine' PullbackCone.isLimitAux _
(fun s => small_k.lift s.fst s.snd (by rw [← cancel_mono f₂, assoc, s.condition, assoc]))
(by simp) (by simp) _
. intro s m hm
apply small_k.isLimit.hom_ext
apply PullbackCone.equalizer_ext small_k.cone _ _
. exact (hm WalkingCospan.left).trans (by simp)
. exact (hm WalkingCospan.right).trans (by simp)⟩ }
#align category_theory.is_kernel_pair.comp_of_mono CategoryTheory.IsKernelPair.comp_of_mono

If `(a,b)` is the kernel pair of `f`, and `f` is a coequalizer morphism for some parallel pair, then
`f` is a coequalizer morphism of `a` and `b`.
def toCoequalizer (k : IsKernelPair f a b) [r : RegularEpi f] : IsColimit (Cofork.ofπ f k.w) := by
let t := k.isLimit.lift ( _ _ r.w)
have ht : t ≫ a = r.left := k.isLimit.fac _ WalkingCospan.left
have kt : t ≫ b = r.right := k.isLimit.fac _ WalkingCospan.right
refine' _
(fun s => Cofork.IsColimit.desc r.isColimit s.π
(by rw [← ht, assoc, s.condition, reassoc_of% kt]))
(fun s => _) (fun s m w => _)
. apply Cofork.IsColimit.π_desc' r.isColimit
. apply Cofork.IsColimit.hom_ext r.isColimit
exact w.trans (Cofork.IsColimit.π_desc' r.isColimit _ _).symm
#align category_theory.is_kernel_pair.to_coequalizer CategoryTheory.IsKernelPair.toCoequalizer

/-- If `a₁ a₂ : A ⟶ Y` is a kernel pair for `g : Y ⟶ Z`, then `a₁ ×[Z] X` and `a₂ ×[Z] X`
(`A ×[Z] X ⟶ Y ×[Z] X`) is a kernel pair for `Y ×[Z] X ⟶ X`. -/
protected theorem pullback {X Y Z A : C} {g : Y ⟶ Z} {a₁ a₂ : A ⟶ Y} (h : IsKernelPair g a₁ a₂)
(f : X ⟶ Z) [HasPullback f g] [HasPullback f (a₁ ≫ g)] :
IsKernelPair (pullback.fst : pullback f g ⟶ X)
( f _ f _ (𝟙 X) a₁ (𝟙 Z) (by simp) <| Category.comp_id _)
( _ _ _ _ (𝟙 X) a₂ (𝟙 Z) (by simp) <| (Category.comp_id _).trans h.1.1) := by
refine' ⟨⟨by rw [pullback.lift_fst, pullback.lift_fst]⟩, ⟨PullbackCone.isLimitAux _
(fun s => pullback.lift (s.fst ≫ pullback.fst)
(h.lift (s.fst ≫ pullback.snd) (s.snd ≫ pullback.snd) _ ) _) (fun s => _) (fun s => _)
(fun s m hm => _)⟩⟩
. simp_rw [Category.assoc, ← pullback.condition, ← Category.assoc, s.condition]
. simp only [assoc, lift_fst_assoc, pullback.condition]
. apply pullback.hom_ext <;> simp
. apply pullback.hom_ext
. simp [s.condition]
. simp
. apply pullback.hom_ext
. simpa using hm WalkingCospan.left =≫ pullback.fst
. apply PullbackCone.IsLimit.hom_ext h.isLimit
. simpa using hm WalkingCospan.left =≫ pullback.snd
. simpa using hm WalkingCospan.right =≫ pullback.snd
#align category_theory.is_kernel_pair.pullback CategoryTheory.IsKernelPair.pullback

theorem mono_of_isIso_fst (h : IsKernelPair f a b) [IsIso a] : Mono f := by
obtain ⟨l, h₁, h₂⟩ := Limits.PullbackCone.IsLimit.lift' h.isLimit (𝟙 _) (𝟙 _) (by simp [h.w])
rw [IsPullback.cone_fst, ← IsIso.eq_comp_inv, Category.id_comp] at h₁
rw [h₁, IsIso.inv_comp_eq, Category.comp_id] at h₂
intro Z g₁ g₂ e
obtain ⟨l', rfl, rfl⟩ := Limits.PullbackCone.IsLimit.lift' h.isLimit _ _ e
rw [IsPullback.cone_fst, h₂]
#align category_theory.is_kernel_pair.mono_of_is_iso_fst CategoryTheory.IsKernelPair.mono_of_isIso_fst

theorem isIso_of_mono (h : IsKernelPair f a b) [Mono f] : IsIso a := by
rw [←
show _ = a from
(Category.comp_id _).symm.trans
((IsKernelPair.id_of_mono f).isLimit.conePointUniqueUpToIso_inv_comp h.isLimit
#align category_theory.is_kernel_pair.is_iso_of_mono CategoryTheory.IsKernelPair.isIso_of_mono

theorem of_isIso_of_mono [IsIso a] [Mono f] : IsKernelPair f a a := by
change IsPullback _ _ _ _
convert (IsPullback.of_horiz_isIso ⟨(rfl : a ≫ 𝟙 X = _ )⟩).paste_vert (IsKernelPair.id_of_mono f)
all_goals { simp }
#align category_theory.is_kernel_pair.of_is_iso_of_mono CategoryTheory.IsKernelPair.of_isIso_of_mono

end IsKernelPair

end CategoryTheory
38 changes: 36 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Limits/Shapes/Pullbacks.lean
Expand Up @@ -648,12 +648,28 @@ def ext {s t : PullbackCone f g} (i : ≅ (w₁ : s.fst = i.hom ≫ t
WalkingCospan.ext i w₁ w₂
#align category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.ext CategoryTheory.Limits.PullbackCone.ext

-- porting note: `IsLimit.lift` and the two following simp lemmas were introduced to ease the port
/-- If `t` is a limit pullback cone over `f` and `g` and `h : W ⟶ X` and `k : W ⟶ Y` are such that
`h ≫ f = k ≫ g`, then we get `l : W ⟶`, which satisfies `l ≫ fst t = h`
and `l ≫ snd t = k`, see `IsLimit.lift_fst` and `IsLimit.lift_snd`. -/
def IsLimit.lift {t : PullbackCone f g} (ht : IsLimit t) {W : C} (h : W ⟶ X) (k : W ⟶ Y)
(w : h ≫ f = k ≫ g) : W ⟶ :=
ht.lift <| _ _ w

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma IsLimit.lift_fst {t : PullbackCone f g} (ht : IsLimit t) {W : C} (h : W ⟶ X) (k : W ⟶ Y)
(w : h ≫ f = k ≫ g) : IsLimit.lift ht h k w ≫ fst t = h := ht.fac _ _

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma IsLimit.lift_snd {t : PullbackCone f g} (ht : IsLimit t) {W : C} (h : W ⟶ X) (k : W ⟶ Y)
(w : h ≫ f = k ≫ g) : IsLimit.lift ht h k w ≫ snd t = k := ht.fac _ _

/-- If `t` is a limit pullback cone over `f` and `g` and `h : W ⟶ X` and `k : W ⟶ Y` are such that
`h ≫ f = k ≫ g`, then we have `l : W ⟶` satisfying `l ≫ fst t = h` and `l ≫ snd t = k`.
def IsLimit.lift' {t : PullbackCone f g} (ht : IsLimit t) {W : C} (h : W ⟶ X) (k : W ⟶ Y)
(w : h ≫ f = k ≫ g) : { l : W ⟶ // l ≫ fst t = h ∧ l ≫ snd t = k } :=
ht.lift <| _ _ w, ht.fac _ _, ht.fac _ _
IsLimit.lift ht h k w, by simp
#align category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.is_limit.lift' CategoryTheory.Limits.PullbackCone.IsLimit.lift'

/-- This is a more convenient formulation to show that a `PullbackCone` constructed using
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -866,12 +882,30 @@ theorem IsColimit.hom_ext {t : PushoutCocone f g} (ht : IsColimit t) {W : C} {k
ht.hom_ext <| coequalizer_ext _ h₀ h₁
#align category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.is_colimit.hom_ext CategoryTheory.Limits.PushoutCocone.IsColimit.hom_ext

-- porting note: `IsColimit.desc` and the two following simp lemmas were introduced to ease the port
/-- If `t` is a colimit pushout cocone over `f` and `g` and `h : Y ⟶ W` and `k : Z ⟶ W` are
morphisms satisfying `f ≫ h = g ≫ k`, then we have a factorization `l : ⟶ W` such that
`inl t ≫ l = h` and `inr t ≫ l = k`, see `IsColimit.inl_desc` and `IsColimit.inr_desc`-/
def IsColimit.desc {t : PushoutCocone f g} (ht : IsColimit t) {W : C} (h : Y ⟶ W) (k : Z ⟶ W)
(w : f ≫ h = g ≫ k) : ⟶ W :=
ht.desc ( _ _ w)

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma IsColimit.inl_desc {t : PushoutCocone f g} (ht : IsColimit t) {W : C} (h : Y ⟶ W) (k : Z ⟶ W)
(w : f ≫ h = g ≫ k) : inl t ≫ IsColimit.desc ht h k w = h :=
ht.fac _ _

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma IsColimit.inr_desc {t : PushoutCocone f g} (ht : IsColimit t) {W : C} (h : Y ⟶ W) (k : Z ⟶ W)
(w : f ≫ h = g ≫ k) : inr t ≫ IsColimit.desc ht h k w = k :=
ht.fac _ _

/-- If `t` is a colimit pushout cocone over `f` and `g` and `h : Y ⟶ W` and `k : Z ⟶ W` are
morphisms satisfying `f ≫ h = g ≫ k`, then we have a factorization `l : ⟶ W` such that
`inl t ≫ l = h` and `inr t ≫ l = k`. -/
def IsColimit.desc' {t : PushoutCocone f g} (ht : IsColimit t) {W : C} (h : Y ⟶ W) (k : Z ⟶ W)
(w : f ≫ h = g ≫ k) : { l : ⟶ W // inl t ≫ l = h ∧ inr t ≫ l = k } :=
ht.desc <| _ _ w, ht.fac _ _, ht.fac _ _
IsColimit.desc ht h k w, by simp
#align category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.is_colimit.desc' CategoryTheory.Limits.PushoutCocone.IsColimit.desc'

theorem epi_inr_of_is_pushout_of_epi {t : PushoutCocone f g} (ht : IsColimit t) [Epi f] :
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