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feat: port CategoryTheory.Limits.Fubini (#4416)
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Co-authored-by: adomani <>
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int-y1 and adomani committed May 29, 2023
1 parent e434199 commit 1e3da72
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Showing 2 changed files with 352 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -711,6 +711,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.ExactFunctor
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Filtered
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.FilteredColimitCommutesFiniteLimit
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Final
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Fubini
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.FullSubcategory
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.FunctorCategory
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.HasLimits
Expand Down
351 changes: 351 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Limits/Fubini.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module category_theory.limits.fubini
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 59382264386afdbaf1727e617f5fdda511992eb9
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.HasLimits
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Products.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Functor.Currying

# A Fubini theorem for categorical limits
We prove that $lim_{J × K} G = lim_J (lim_K G(j, -))$ for a functor `G : J × K ⥤ C`,
when all the appropriate limits exist.
We begin working with a functor `F : J ⥤ K ⥤ C`. We'll write `G : J × K ⥤ C` for the associated
"uncurried" functor.
In the first part, given a coherent family `D` of limit cones over the functors `F.obj j`,
and a cone `c` over `G`, we construct a cone over the cone points of `D`.
We then show that if `c` is a limit cone, the constructed cone is also a limit cone.
In the second part, we state the Fubini theorem in the setting where limits are
provided by suitable `HasLimit` classes.
We construct
`limitUncurryIsoLimitCompLim F : limit (uncurry.obj F) ≅ limit (F ⋙ lim)`
and give simp lemmas characterising it.
For convenience, we also provide
`limitIsoLimitCurryCompLim G : limit G ≅ limit ((curry.obj G) ⋙ lim)`
in terms of the uncurried functor.
## Future work
The dual statement.

universe v u

open CategoryTheory

namespace CategoryTheory.Limits

variable {J K : Type v} [SmallCategory J] [SmallCategory K]

variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C]

variable (F : J ⥤ K ⥤ C)

-- We could try introducing a "dependent functor type" to handle this?
/-- A structure carrying a diagram of cones over the functors `F.obj j`.
structure DiagramOfCones where
obj : ∀ j : J, Cone (F.obj j)
map : ∀ {j j' : J} (f : j ⟶ j'), (Cones.postcompose ( f)).obj (obj j) ⟶ obj j'
id : ∀ j : J, (map (𝟙 j)).Hom = 𝟙 _ := by aesop_cat
comp : ∀ {j₁ j₂ j₃ : J} (f : j₁ ⟶ j₂) (g : j₂ ⟶ j₃),
(map (f ≫ g)).Hom = (map f).Hom ≫ (map g).Hom := by aesop_cat
#align category_theory.limits.diagram_of_cones CategoryTheory.Limits.DiagramOfCones

variable {F}

/-- Extract the functor `J ⥤ C` consisting of the cone points and the maps between them,
from a `DiagramOfCones`.
def DiagramOfCones.conePoints (D : DiagramOfCones F) : J ⥤ C where
obj j := (D.obj j).pt
map f := ( f).Hom
map_id j := j
map_comp f g := D.comp f g
#align category_theory.limits.diagram_of_cones.cone_points CategoryTheory.Limits.DiagramOfCones.conePoints

/-- Given a diagram `D` of limit cones over the `F.obj j`, and a cone over `uncurry.obj F`,
we can construct a cone over the diagram consisting of the cone points from `D`.
def coneOfConeUncurry {D : DiagramOfCones F} (Q : ∀ j, IsLimit (D.obj j))
(c : Cone (uncurry.obj F)) : Cone D.conePoints where
pt :=
π :=
{ app := fun j =>
(Q j).lift
{ pt :=
π :=
{ app := fun k => c.π.app (j, k)
naturality := fun k k' f => by
dsimp; simp only [Category.id_comp]
have := @NatTrans.naturality _ _ _ _ _ _ c.π (j, k) (j, k') (𝟙 j, f)
dsimp at this
simp only [Category.id_comp, CategoryTheory.Functor.map_id, NatTrans.id_app]
at this
exact this } }
naturality := fun j j' f =>
(Q j').hom_ext
intro k
simp only [Limits.ConeMorphism.w, Limits.Cones.postcompose_obj_π,
Limits.IsLimit.fac_assoc, Limits.IsLimit.fac, NatTrans.comp_app, Category.id_comp,
have := @NatTrans.naturality _ _ _ _ _ _ c.π (j, k) (j', k) (f, 𝟙 k)
dsimp at this
simp only [Category.id_comp, Category.comp_id, CategoryTheory.Functor.map_id,
NatTrans.id_app] at this
exact this) }
#align category_theory.limits.cone_of_cone_uncurry CategoryTheory.Limits.coneOfConeUncurry

/-- `coneOfConeUncurry Q c` is a limit cone when `c` is a limit cone.
def coneOfConeUncurryIsLimit {D : DiagramOfCones F} (Q : ∀ j, IsLimit (D.obj j))
{c : Cone (uncurry.obj F)} (P : IsLimit c) : IsLimit (coneOfConeUncurry Q c) where
lift s :=
{ pt :=
π :=
{ app := fun p => s.π.app p.1 ≫ (D.obj p.1).π.app p.2
naturality := fun p p' f => by
dsimp; simp only [Category.id_comp, Category.assoc]
rcases p with ⟨j, k⟩
rcases p' with ⟨j', k'⟩
rcases f with ⟨fj, fk⟩
slice_rhs 3 4 => rw [← NatTrans.naturality]
slice_rhs 2 3 => rw [← (D.obj j).π.naturality]
simp only [Functor.const_obj_map, Category.id_comp, Category.assoc]
have w := ( fj).w k'
dsimp at w
rw [← w]
have n := s.π.naturality fj
dsimp at n
simp only [Category.id_comp] at n
rw [n]
simp } }
fac s j := by
apply (Q j).hom_ext
intro k
uniq s m w := by
refine' P.uniq
{ pt :=
π := _ } m _
rintro ⟨j, k⟩
rw [← w j]
#align category_theory.limits.cone_of_cone_uncurry_is_limit CategoryTheory.Limits.coneOfConeUncurryIsLimit


variable (F)

variable [HasLimitsOfShape K C]

/-- Given a functor `F : J ⥤ K ⥤ C`, with all needed limits,
we can construct a diagram consisting of the limit cone over each functor `F.obj j`,
and the universal cone morphisms between these.
noncomputable def DiagramOfCones.mkOfHasLimits : DiagramOfCones F where
obj j := limit.cone (F.obj j)
map f := { Hom := ( f) }
#align category_theory.limits.diagram_of_cones.mk_of_has_limits CategoryTheory.Limits.DiagramOfCones.mkOfHasLimits

-- Satisfying the inhabited linter.
noncomputable instance diagramOfConesInhabited : Inhabited (DiagramOfCones F) :=
⟨DiagramOfCones.mkOfHasLimits F⟩
#align category_theory.limits.diagram_of_cones_inhabited CategoryTheory.Limits.diagramOfConesInhabited

theorem DiagramOfCones.mkOfHasLimits_conePoints :
(DiagramOfCones.mkOfHasLimits F).conePoints = F ⋙ lim :=
#align category_theory.limits.diagram_of_cones.mk_of_has_limits_cone_points CategoryTheory.Limits.DiagramOfCones.mkOfHasLimits_conePoints

variable [HasLimit (uncurry.obj F)]

variable [HasLimit (F ⋙ lim)]

/-- The Fubini theorem for a functor `F : J ⥤ K ⥤ C`,
showing that the limit of `uncurry.obj F` can be computed as
the limit of the limits of the functors `F.obj j`.
noncomputable def limitUncurryIsoLimitCompLim : limit (uncurry.obj F) ≅ limit (F ⋙ lim) := by
let c := limit.cone (uncurry.obj F)
let P : IsLimit c := limit.isLimit _
let G := DiagramOfCones.mkOfHasLimits F
let Q : ∀ j, IsLimit (G.obj j) := fun j => limit.isLimit _
have Q' := coneOfConeUncurryIsLimit Q P
have Q'' := limit.isLimit (F ⋙ lim)
exact IsLimit.conePointUniqueUpToIso Q' Q''
#align category_theory.limits.limit_uncurry_iso_limit_comp_lim CategoryTheory.Limits.limitUncurryIsoLimitCompLim

@[simp, reassoc]
theorem limitUncurryIsoLimitCompLim_hom_π_π {j} {k} :
(limitUncurryIsoLimitCompLim F).hom ≫ limit.π _ j ≫ limit.π _ k = limit.π _ (j, k) := by
dsimp [limitUncurryIsoLimitCompLim, IsLimit.conePointUniqueUpToIso, IsLimit.uniqueUpToIso]
#align category_theory.limits.limit_uncurry_iso_limit_comp_lim_hom_π_π CategoryTheory.Limits.limitUncurryIsoLimitCompLim_hom_π_π

-- Porting note: Added type annotation `limit (_ ⋙ lim) ⟶ _`
@[simp, reassoc]
theorem limitUncurryIsoLimitCompLim_inv_π {j} {k} :
(limitUncurryIsoLimitCompLim F).inv ≫ limit.π _ (j, k) =
(limit.π _ j ≫ limit.π _ k : limit (_ ⋙ lim) ⟶ _) := by
rw [← cancel_epi (limitUncurryIsoLimitCompLim F).hom]
#align category_theory.limits.limit_uncurry_iso_limit_comp_lim_inv_π CategoryTheory.Limits.limitUncurryIsoLimitCompLim_inv_π



variable (F) [HasLimitsOfShape J C] [HasLimitsOfShape K C]

-- With only moderate effort these could be derived if needed:
variable [HasLimitsOfShape (J × K) C] [HasLimitsOfShape (K × J) C]

/-- The limit of `F.flip ⋙ lim` is isomorphic to the limit of `F ⋙ lim`. -/
noncomputable def limitFlipCompLimIsoLimitCompLim : limit (F.flip ⋙ lim) ≅ limit (F ⋙ lim) :=
(limitUncurryIsoLimitCompLim _).symm ≪≫
HasLimit.isoOfNatIso (uncurryObjFlip _) ≪≫
HasLimit.isoOfEquivalence (Prod.braiding _ _)
(NatIso.ofComponents (fun _ => by rfl) (by simp)) ≪≫
limitUncurryIsoLimitCompLim _
#align category_theory.limits.limit_flip_comp_lim_iso_limit_comp_lim CategoryTheory.Limits.limitFlipCompLimIsoLimitCompLim

-- Porting note: Added type annotation `limit (_ ⋙ lim) ⟶ _`
@[simp, reassoc]
theorem limitFlipCompLimIsoLimitCompLim_hom_π_π (j) (k) :
(limitFlipCompLimIsoLimitCompLim F).hom ≫ limit.π _ j ≫ limit.π _ k =
(limit.π _ k ≫ limit.π _ j : limit (_ ⋙ lim) ⟶ _) := by
dsimp [limitFlipCompLimIsoLimitCompLim]
#align category_theory.limits.limit_flip_comp_lim_iso_limit_comp_lim_hom_π_π CategoryTheory.Limits.limitFlipCompLimIsoLimitCompLim_hom_π_π

-- Porting note: Added type annotation `limit (_ ⋙ lim) ⟶ _`
-- See note [dsimp, simp]
@[simp, reassoc]
theorem limitFlipCompLimIsoLimitCompLim_inv_π_π (k) (j) :
(limitFlipCompLimIsoLimitCompLim F).inv ≫ limit.π _ k ≫ limit.π _ j =
(limit.π _ j ≫ limit.π _ k : limit (_ ⋙ lim) ⟶ _) := by
dsimp [limitFlipCompLimIsoLimitCompLim]
#align category_theory.limits.limit_flip_comp_lim_iso_limit_comp_lim_inv_π_π CategoryTheory.Limits.limitFlipCompLimIsoLimitCompLim_inv_π_π



variable (G : J × K ⥤ C)


variable [HasLimitsOfShape K C]

variable [HasLimit G]

variable [HasLimit (curry.obj G ⋙ lim)]

/-- The Fubini theorem for a functor `G : J × K ⥤ C`,
showing that the limit of `G` can be computed as
the limit of the limits of the functors `G.obj (j, _)`.
noncomputable def limitIsoLimitCurryCompLim : limit G ≅ limit (curry.obj G ⋙ lim) := by
have i : G ≅ uncurry.obj ((@curry J _ K _ C _).obj G) := G
haveI : Limits.HasLimit (uncurry.obj ((@curry J _ K _ C _).obj G)) := hasLimitOfIso i
trans limit (uncurry.obj ((@curry J _ K _ C _).obj G))
apply HasLimit.isoOfNatIso i
exact limitUncurryIsoLimitCompLim ((@curry J _ K _ C _).obj G)
#align category_theory.limits.limit_iso_limit_curry_comp_lim CategoryTheory.Limits.limitIsoLimitCurryCompLim

@[simp, reassoc]
theorem limitIsoLimitCurryCompLim_hom_π_π {j} {k} :
(limitIsoLimitCurryCompLim G).hom ≫ limit.π _ j ≫ limit.π _ k = limit.π _ (j, k) := by
simp [limitIsoLimitCurryCompLim, Trans.simple, HasLimit.isoOfNatIso, limitUncurryIsoLimitCompLim]
#align category_theory.limits.limit_iso_limit_curry_comp_lim_hom_π_π CategoryTheory.Limits.limitIsoLimitCurryCompLim_hom_π_π

-- Porting note: Added type annotation `limit (_ ⋙ lim) ⟶ _`
@[simp, reassoc]
theorem limitIsoLimitCurryCompLim_inv_π {j} {k} :
(limitIsoLimitCurryCompLim G).inv ≫ limit.π _ (j, k) =
(limit.π _ j ≫ limit.π _ k : limit (_ ⋙ lim) ⟶ _) := by
rw [← cancel_epi (limitIsoLimitCurryCompLim G).hom]
#align category_theory.limits.limit_iso_limit_curry_comp_lim_inv_π CategoryTheory.Limits.limitIsoLimitCurryCompLim_inv_π



variable [HasLimits C]

-- Certainly one could weaken the hypotheses here.

/-- A variant of the Fubini theorem for a functor `G : J × K ⥤ C`,
showing that $\lim_k \lim_j G(j,k) ≅ \lim_j \lim_k G(j,k)$.
noncomputable def limitCurrySwapCompLimIsoLimitCurryCompLim :
limit (curry.obj (Prod.swap K J ⋙ G) ⋙ lim) ≅ limit (curry.obj G ⋙ lim) :=
limit (curry.obj (Prod.swap K J ⋙ G) ⋙ lim) ≅ limit (Prod.swap K J ⋙ G) :=
(limitIsoLimitCurryCompLim _).symm
_ ≅ limit G := (HasLimit.isoOfEquivalence (Prod.braiding K J) (Iso.refl _))
_ ≅ limit (curry.obj G ⋙ lim) := limitIsoLimitCurryCompLim _
#align category_theory.limits.limit_curry_swap_comp_lim_iso_limit_curry_comp_lim CategoryTheory.Limits.limitCurrySwapCompLimIsoLimitCurryCompLim

-- Porting note: Added type annotation `limit (_ ⋙ lim) ⟶ _`
theorem limitCurrySwapCompLimIsoLimitCurryCompLim_hom_π_π {j} {k} :
(limitCurrySwapCompLimIsoLimitCurryCompLim G).hom ≫ limit.π _ j ≫ limit.π _ k =
(limit.π _ k ≫ limit.π _ j : limit (_ ⋙ lim) ⟶ _) := by
dsimp [limitCurrySwapCompLimIsoLimitCurryCompLim]
simp only [Iso.refl_hom, Prod.braiding_counitIso_hom_app, Limits.HasLimit.isoOfEquivalence_hom_π,
Iso.refl_inv, limitIsoLimitCurryCompLim_hom_π_π, eqToIso_refl, Category.assoc]
erw [NatTrans.id_app]
-- Why can't `simp` do this`?
-- porting note: the original proof only had `simp`.
-- However, now `CategoryTheory.Bifunctor.map_id` does not get used by `simp`
rw [CategoryTheory.Bifunctor.map_id]

#align category_theory.limits.limit_curry_swap_comp_lim_iso_limit_curry_comp_lim_hom_π_π CategoryTheory.Limits.limitCurrySwapCompLimIsoLimitCurryCompLim_hom_π_π

-- Porting note: Added type annotation `limit (_ ⋙ lim) ⟶ _`
theorem limitCurrySwapCompLimIsoLimitCurryCompLim_inv_π_π {j} {k} :
(limitCurrySwapCompLimIsoLimitCurryCompLim G).inv ≫ limit.π _ k ≫ limit.π _ j =
(limit.π _ j ≫ limit.π _ k : limit (_ ⋙ lim) ⟶ _) := by
dsimp [limitCurrySwapCompLimIsoLimitCurryCompLim]
simp only [Iso.refl_hom, Prod.braiding_counitIso_hom_app, Limits.HasLimit.isoOfEquivalence_inv_π,
Iso.refl_inv, limitIsoLimitCurryCompLim_hom_π_π, eqToIso_refl, Category.assoc]
erw [NatTrans.id_app]
-- Why can't `simp` do this`?
#align category_theory.limits.limit_curry_swap_comp_lim_iso_limit_curry_comp_lim_inv_π_π CategoryTheory.Limits.limitCurrySwapCompLimIsoLimitCurryCompLim_inv_π_π



end CategoryTheory.Limits

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