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feat: the shift on the category of cochain complexes (#6626)
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This PR constructs the shift on the category of cochain complexes.

Co-authored-by: Joël Riou <>
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joelriou and joelriou committed Sep 5, 2023
1 parent 03c21fa commit 1f3d388
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Showing 3 changed files with 195 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.Homology
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.Homotopy
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomotopyCategory
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomotopyCategory.HomComplex
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomotopyCategory.Shift
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ImageToKernel
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.LocalCohomology
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ModuleCat
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/HomologicalComplex.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -361,6 +361,14 @@ end

noncomputable section

lemma XIsoOfEq_hom_naturality {K L : HomologicalComplex V c} (φ : K ⟶ L) {n n' : ι} (h : n = n') :
φ.f n ≫ (L.XIsoOfEq h).hom = (K.XIsoOfEq h).hom ≫ φ.f n' := by subst h; simp

lemma XIsoOfEq_inv_naturality {K L : HomologicalComplex V c} (φ : K ⟶ L) {n n' : ι} (h : n = n') :
φ.f n' ≫ (L.XIsoOfEq h).inv = (K.XIsoOfEq h).inv ≫ φ.f n := by subst h; simp

-- porting note: removed @[simp] as the linter complained
/-- If `C.d i j` and `C.d i j'` are both allowed, then we must have `j = j'`,
and so the differentials only differ by an `eqToHom`.
Expand Down
186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/HomotopyCategory/Shift.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Joël Riou. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joël Riou
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.Additive
import Mathlib.Algebra.GroupPower.NegOnePow
import Mathlib.Tactic.Linarith

# The shift on cochain complexes and on the homotopy category
In this file, we show `[HasShift (CochainComplex C ℤ) ℤ]` for any preadditive
category `C`.
TODO: show `[HasShift (HomotopyCategory C (ComplexShape.up ℤ)) ℤ]`.

universe v u

open CategoryTheory

variable (C : Type u) [Category.{v} C] [Preadditive C]

namespace CochainComplex

open HomologicalComplex

attribute [local simp] XIsoOfEq_hom_naturality

/-- The shift functor by `n : ℤ` on `CochainComplex C ℤ` which sends a cochain
complex `K` to the complex which is `K.X (i + n)` in degree `i`, and which
multiplies the differentials by `(-1)^n`. -/
def shiftFunctor (n : ℤ) : CochainComplex C ℤ ⥤ CochainComplex C ℤ where
obj K :=
{ X := fun i => K.X (i + n)
d := fun i j => n.negOnePow • K.d _ _
d_comp_d' := by
simp only [Preadditive.comp_zsmul, Preadditive.zsmul_comp, d_comp_d, smul_zero]
shape := fun i j hij => by
rw [K.shape, smul_zero]
intro hij'
apply hij
dsimp at hij' ⊢
linarith }
map φ :=
{ f := fun i => φ.f _
comm' := by
simp only [Preadditive.comp_zsmul, Hom.comm, Preadditive.zsmul_comp] }
map_id := by intros; rfl
map_comp := by intros; rfl

instance (n : ℤ) : (shiftFunctor C n).Additive where

variable {C}

/-- The canonical isomorphism `((shiftFunctor C n).obj K).X i ≅ K.X m` when `m = i + n`. -/
def shiftFunctorObjXIso (K : CochainComplex C ℤ) (n i m : ℤ) (hm : m = i + n) :
((shiftFunctor C n).obj K).X i ≅ K.X m := K.XIsoOfEq hm.symm

variable (C)

/-- The shift functor by `n` on `CochainComplex C ℤ` identifies to the identity
functor when `n = 0`. -/
def shiftFunctorZero' (n : ℤ) (h : n = 0) :
shiftFunctor C n ≅ 𝟭 _ :=
NatIso.ofComponents (fun K => Hom.isoOfComponents
(fun i => K.shiftFunctorObjXIso _ _ _ (by linarith))
(fun _ _ _ => by simp [h])) (by aesop_cat)

/-- The compatibility of the shift functors on `CochainComplex C ℤ` with respect
to the addition of integers. -/
def shiftFunctorAdd' (n₁ n₂ n₁₂ : ℤ) (h : n₁ + n₂ = n₁₂ ) :
shiftFunctor C n₁₂ ≅ shiftFunctor C n₁ ⋙ shiftFunctor C n₂ :=
NatIso.ofComponents (fun K => Hom.isoOfComponents
(fun i => K.shiftFunctorObjXIso _ _ _ (by linarith))
(fun _ _ _ => by
subst h
simp only [add_comm n₁ n₂, Int.negOnePow_add, Preadditive.zsmul_comp,
Preadditive.comp_zsmul, d_comp_XIsoOfEq_hom, smul_smul, XIsoOfEq_hom_comp_d]))
(by aesop_cat)

attribute [local simp] XIsoOfEq

instance : HasShift (CochainComplex C ℤ) ℤ := hasShiftMk _ _
{ F := shiftFunctor C
zero := shiftFunctorZero' C _ rfl
add := fun n₁ n₂ => shiftFunctorAdd' C n₁ n₂ _ rfl }

instance (n : ℤ) :
(CategoryTheory.shiftFunctor (HomologicalComplex C (ComplexShape.up ℤ)) n).Additive :=
(inferInstance : (CochainComplex.shiftFunctor C n).Additive)

variable {C}

lemma shiftFunctor_map_f' {K L : CochainComplex C ℤ} (φ : K ⟶ L) (n p : ℤ) :
((CategoryTheory.shiftFunctor (CochainComplex C ℤ) n).map φ).f p = φ.f (p+n) := rfl

lemma shiftFunctor_obj_d' (K : CochainComplex C ℤ) (n i j : ℤ) :
((CategoryTheory.shiftFunctor (CochainComplex C ℤ) n).obj K).d i j =
((-1 : Units ℤ) ^ n : ℤ) • K.d _ _ := rfl

lemma shiftFunctorAdd_inv_app_f (K : CochainComplex C ℤ) (a b n : ℤ) :
((shiftFunctorAdd (CochainComplex C ℤ) a b) K).f n =
(K.XIsoOfEq (by dsimp; rw [add_comm a, add_assoc])).hom := rfl

lemma shiftFunctorAdd_hom_app_f (K : CochainComplex C ℤ) (a b n : ℤ) :
((shiftFunctorAdd (CochainComplex C ℤ) a b) K).f n =
(K.XIsoOfEq (by dsimp; rw [add_comm a, add_assoc])).hom := by
have : IsIso (((shiftFunctorAdd (CochainComplex C ℤ) a b) K).f n) := by
rw [shiftFunctorAdd_inv_app_f]
rw [← cancel_mono (((shiftFunctorAdd (CochainComplex C ℤ) a b) K).f n),
← comp_f, Iso.hom_inv_id_app, id_f, shiftFunctorAdd_inv_app_f]
simp only [XIsoOfEq, eqToIso.hom, eqToHom_trans, eqToHom_refl]

lemma shiftFunctorAdd'_inv_app_f' (K : CochainComplex C ℤ) (a b ab : ℤ) (h : a + b = ab) (n : ℤ) :
((CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorAdd' (CochainComplex C ℤ) a b ab h) K).f n =
(K.XIsoOfEq (by dsimp; rw [← h, add_assoc, add_comm a])).hom := by
subst h
rw [shiftFunctorAdd'_eq_shiftFunctorAdd, shiftFunctorAdd_inv_app_f]

lemma shiftFunctorAdd'_hom_app_f' (K : CochainComplex C ℤ) (a b ab : ℤ) (h : a + b = ab) (n : ℤ) :
((CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorAdd' (CochainComplex C ℤ) a b ab h) K).f n =
(K.XIsoOfEq (by dsimp; rw [← h, add_assoc, add_comm a])).hom := by
subst h
rw [shiftFunctorAdd'_eq_shiftFunctorAdd, shiftFunctorAdd_hom_app_f]

lemma shiftFunctorZero_inv_app_f (K : CochainComplex C ℤ) (n : ℤ) :
((CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorZero (CochainComplex C ℤ) ℤ) K).f n =
(K.XIsoOfEq (by dsimp; rw [add_zero])).hom := rfl

lemma shiftFunctorZero_hom_app_f (K : CochainComplex C ℤ) (n : ℤ) :
((CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorZero (CochainComplex C ℤ) ℤ) K).f n =
(K.XIsoOfEq (by dsimp; rw [add_zero])).hom := by
have : IsIso (((shiftFunctorZero (CochainComplex C ℤ) ℤ) K).f n) := by
rw [shiftFunctorZero_inv_app_f]
rw [← cancel_mono (((shiftFunctorZero (CochainComplex C ℤ) ℤ) K).f n), ← comp_f,
Iso.hom_inv_id_app, id_f, shiftFunctorZero_inv_app_f]
simp only [XIsoOfEq, eqToIso.hom, eqToHom_trans, eqToHom_refl]

lemma XIsoOfEq_shift (K : CochainComplex C ℤ) (n : ℤ) {p q : ℤ} (hpq : p = q) :
(K⟦n⟧).XIsoOfEq hpq = K.XIsoOfEq (show p + n = q + n by rw [hpq]) := rfl

variable (C)

lemma shiftFunctorAdd'_eq (a b c : ℤ) (h : a + b = c) :
CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorAdd' (CochainComplex C ℤ) a b c h =
shiftFunctorAdd' C a b c h := by
simp only [shiftFunctorAdd'_hom_app_f', XIsoOfEq, eqToIso.hom, shiftFunctorAdd'_hom_app_f]

lemma shiftFunctorAdd_eq (a b : ℤ) :
CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorAdd (CochainComplex C ℤ) a b = shiftFunctorAdd' C a b _ rfl := by
rw [← CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorAdd'_eq_shiftFunctorAdd, shiftFunctorAdd'_eq]

lemma shiftFunctorZero_eq :
CategoryTheory.shiftFunctorZero (CochainComplex C ℤ) ℤ = shiftFunctorZero' C 0 rfl := by
rw [shiftFunctorZero_hom_app_f, shiftFunctorZero'_hom_app_f]

variable {C}

lemma shiftFunctorComm_hom_app_f (K : CochainComplex C ℤ) (a b p : ℤ) :
((shiftFunctorComm (CochainComplex C ℤ) a b) K).f p =
(K.XIsoOfEq (show p + b + a = p + a + b
by rw [add_assoc, add_comm b, add_assoc])).hom := by
rw [shiftFunctorComm_eq _ _ _ _ rfl]
rw [shiftFunctorAdd'_inv_app_f', shiftFunctorAdd'_hom_app_f']
simp only [XIsoOfEq, eqToIso.hom, eqToHom_trans]

end CochainComplex

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