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feat port: Data.Erased (#937)
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One instance at the end is a bit longer because we don't have `refine' { .. }`. No other issues

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
  • Loading branch information
ChrisHughes24 and semorrison committed Dec 20, 2022
1 parent 1946e5d commit 2737973
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Showing 2 changed files with 173 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ import Mathlib.Data.Char
import Mathlib.Data.Countable.Defs
import Mathlib.Data.DList.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Equiv.Functor
import Mathlib.Data.Erased
import Mathlib.Data.Fin.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Fin.Fin2
import Mathlib.Data.Finite.Defs
Expand Down
172 changes: 172 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Data/Erased.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
Copyright (c) 2018 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Mario Carneiro
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module data.erased
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 10b4e499f43088dd3bb7b5796184ad5216648ab1
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Logic.Equiv.Defs

# A type for VM-erased data
This file defines a type `Erased α` which is classically isomorphic to `α`,
but erased in the VM. That is, at runtime every value of `Erased α` is
represented as `0`, just like types and proofs.

universe u

/-- `Erased α` is the same as `α`, except that the elements
of `Erased α` are erased in the VM in the same way as types
and proofs. This can be used to track data without storing it
literally. -/
def Erased (α : Sort u) : Sort max 1 u :=
Σ's : α → Prop, ∃ a, (fun b => a = b) = s
#align erased Erased

namespace Erased

/-- Erase a value. -/
def mk {α} (a : α) : Erased α :=
fun b => a = b, a, rfl⟩

/-- Extracts the erased value, noncomputably. -/
noncomputable def out {α} : Erased α → α
| ⟨_, h⟩ => Classical.choose h
#align erased.out Erased.out

/-- Extracts the erased value, if it is a type.
Note: `(mk a).OutType` is not definitionally equal to `a`.
def OutType (a : Erased (Sort u)) : Sort u :=
out a
#align erased.out_type Erased.OutType

/-- Extracts the erased value, if it is a proof. -/
theorem out_proof {p : Prop} (a : Erased p) : p :=
out a
#align erased.out_proof Erased.out_proof

theorem out_mk {α} (a : α) : (mk a).out = a := by
let h := (mk a).2; show Classical.choose h = a
have := Classical.choose_spec h
exact cast (congr_fun this a).symm rfl
#align erased.out_mk Erased.out_mk

theorem mk_out {α} : ∀ a : Erased α, mk (out a) = a
| ⟨s, h⟩ => by simp [mk] ; congr ; exact Classical.choose_spec h
#align erased.mk_out Erased.mk_out

theorem out_inj {α} (a b : Erased α) (h : a.out = b.out) : a = b := by simpa using congr_arg mk h
#align erased.out_inj Erased.out_inj

/-- Equivalence between `erased α` and `α`. -/
noncomputable def equiv (α) : Erased α ≃ α :=
⟨out, mk, mk_out, out_mk⟩
#align erased.equiv Erased.equiv

instance (α : Type u) : Repr (Erased α) :=
fun _ _ => "Erased"

instance (α : Type u) : ToString (Erased α) :=
fun _ => "Erased"

-- Porting note: Deleted `has_to_format`

/-- Computably produce an erased value from a proof of nonemptiness. -/
def choice {α} (h : Nonempty α) : Erased α :=
mk (Classical.choice h)
#align erased.choice Erased.choice

theorem nonempty_iff {α} : Nonempty (Erased α) ↔ Nonempty α :=
fun ⟨a⟩ => ⟨a.out⟩, fun ⟨a⟩ => ⟨mk a⟩⟩
#align erased.nonempty_iff Erased.nonempty_iff

instance {α} [h : Nonempty α] : Inhabited (Erased α) :=
⟨choice h⟩

/-- `(>>=)` operation on `Erased`.
This is a separate definition because `α` and `β` can live in different
universes (the universe is fixed in `Monad`).
def bind {α β} (a : Erased α) (f : α → Erased β) : Erased β :=
fun b => (f a.out).1 b, (f a.out).2
#align erased.bind Erased.bind

theorem bind_eq_out {α β} (a f) : @bind α β a f = f a.out := rfl
#align erased.bind_eq_out Erased.bind_eq_out

/-- Collapses two levels of erasure.
def join {α} (a : Erased (Erased α)) : Erased α :=
bind a id
#align erased.join Erased.join

theorem join_eq_out {α} (a) : @join α a = a.out :=
bind_eq_out _ _
#align erased.join_eq_out Erased.join_eq_out

/-- `(<$>)` operation on `Erased`.
This is a separate definition because `α` and `β` can live in different
universes (the universe is fixed in `Functor`).
def map {α β} (f : α → β) (a : Erased α) : Erased β :=
bind a (mk ∘ f)

theorem map_out {α β} {f : α → β} (a : Erased α) : ( f).out = f a.out := by simp [map]
#align erased.map_out Erased.map_out

protected instance Monad : Monad Erased where
pure := @mk
bind := @bind
map := @map
#align erased.monad Erased.Monad

theorem pure_def {α} : (pure : α → Erased α) = @mk _ :=
#align erased.pure_def Erased.pure_def

theorem bind_def {α β} : ((· >>= ·) : Erased α → (α → Erased β) → Erased β) = @bind _ _ :=
#align erased.bind_def Erased.bind_def

theorem map_def {α β} : ((· <$> ·) : (α → β) → Erased α → Erased β) = @map _ _ :=
#align erased.map_def Erased.map_def

--Porting note: Old proof `by refine' { .. } <;> intros <;> ext <;> simp`
protected instance LawfulMonad : LawfulMonad Erased :=
{ Erased.Monad with
id_map := by intros ; ext ; simp
map_const := by intros ; ext ; simp [Functor.mapConst]
pure_bind := by intros ; ext ; simp
bind_assoc := by intros ; ext ; simp
bind_pure_comp := by intros ; ext ; simp
bind_map := by intros ; ext ; simp [Seq.seq]
seqLeft_eq := by intros ; ext ; simp [Seq.seq, Functor.mapConst, SeqLeft.seqLeft]
seqRight_eq := by intros ; ext ; simp [Seq.seq, Functor.mapConst, SeqRight.seqRight]
pure_seq := by intros ; ext ; simp [Seq.seq, Functor.mapConst, SeqRight.seqRight] }

end Erased

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