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feat: port Topology.Category.Top.OpenNhds (#3834)
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int-y1 committed May 8, 2023
1 parent 828c813 commit 296aaf3
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Showing 2 changed files with 179 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -1971,6 +1971,7 @@ import Mathlib.Topology.Category.Top.Adjunctions
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.Top.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.Top.EpiMono
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.Top.Limits.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.Top.OpenNhds
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.Top.Opens
import Mathlib.Topology.CompactOpen
import Mathlib.Topology.Connected
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178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Topology/Category/Top/OpenNhds.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module topology.category.Top.open_nhds
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 1ec4876214bf9f1ddfbf97ae4b0d777ebd5d6938
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.Top.Opens

# The category of open neighborhoods of a point
Given an object `X` of the category `TopCat` of topological spaces and a point `x : X`, this file
builds the type `OpenNhds x` of open neighborhoods of `x` in `X` and endows it with the partial
order given by inclusion and the corresponding category structure (as a full subcategory of the
poset category `Set X`). This is used in `Topology.Sheaves.Stalks` to build the stalk of a sheaf
at `x` as a limit over `OpenNhds x`.
## Main declarations
Besides `OpenNhds`, the main constructions here are:
* `inclusion (x : X)`: the obvious functor `OpenNhds x ⥤ Opens X`
* `functorNhds`: An open map `f : X ⟶ Y` induces a functor `OpenNhds x ⥤ OpenNhds (f x)`
* `adjunctionNhds`: An open map `f : X ⟶ Y` induces an adjunction between `OpenNhds x` and
`OpenNhds (f x)`.

open CategoryTheory

open TopologicalSpace

open Opposite

universe u

variable {X Y : TopCat.{u}} (f : X ⟶ Y)

namespace TopologicalSpace

/-- The type of open neighbourhoods of a point `x` in a (bundled) topological space. -/
def OpenNhds (x : X) :=
FullSubcategory fun U : Opens X => x ∈ U
#align topological_space.open_nhds TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds

namespace OpenNhds

instance partialOrder (x : X) : PartialOrder (OpenNhds x) where
le U V := U.1 ≤ V.1
le_refl _ := by dsimp [LE.le]; exact le_rfl
le_trans _ _ _ := by dsimp [LE.le]; exact le_trans
le_antisymm _ _ i j := FullSubcategory.ext _ _ <| le_antisymm i j

instance (x : X) : Lattice (OpenNhds x) :=
{ OpenNhds.partialOrder x with
inf := fun U V => ⟨U.1 ⊓ V.1, ⟨U.2, V.2⟩⟩
le_inf := fun U V W => @le_inf _ _ U.1.1 V.1.1 W.1.1
inf_le_left := fun U V => @inf_le_left _ _ U.1.1 V.1.1
inf_le_right := fun U V => @inf_le_right _ _ U.1.1 V.1.1
sup := fun U V => ⟨U.1 ⊔ V.1, Set.mem_union_left V.1.1 U.2
sup_le := fun U V W => @sup_le _ _ U.1.1 V.1.1 W.1.1
le_sup_left := fun U V => @le_sup_left _ _ U.1.1 V.1.1
le_sup_right := fun U V => @le_sup_right _ _ U.1.1 V.1.1 }

instance (x : X) : OrderTop (OpenNhds x) where
top := ⟨⊤, trivial⟩
le_top _ := by dsimp [LE.le]; exact le_top

instance (x : X) : Inhabited (OpenNhds x) :=

instance openNhdsCategory (x : X) : Category.{u} (OpenNhds x) := inferInstance
#align topological_space.open_nhds.open_nhds_category TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.openNhdsCategory

instance opensNhdsHomHasCoeToFun {x : X} {U V : OpenNhds x} : CoeFun (U ⟶ V) fun _ => U.1 → V.1 :=
fun f x => ⟨x, f.le x.2⟩⟩
#align topological_space.open_nhds.opens_nhds_hom_has_coe_to_fun TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.opensNhdsHomHasCoeToFun

/-- The inclusion `U ⊓ V ⟶ U` as a morphism in the category of open sets. -/
def infLeLeft {x : X} (U V : OpenNhds x) : U ⊓ V ⟶ U :=
homOfLE inf_le_left
#align topological_space.open_nhds.inf_le_left TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.infLeLeft

/-- The inclusion `U ⊓ V ⟶ V` as a morphism in the category of open sets. -/
def infLeRight {x : X} (U V : OpenNhds x) : U ⊓ V ⟶ V :=
homOfLE inf_le_right
#align topological_space.open_nhds.inf_le_right TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.infLeRight

/-- The inclusion functor from open neighbourhoods of `x`
to open sets in the ambient topological space. -/
def inclusion (x : X) : OpenNhds x ⥤ Opens X :=
fullSubcategoryInclusion _
#align topological_space.open_nhds.inclusion TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.inclusion

theorem inclusion_obj (x : X) (U) (p) : (inclusion x).obj ⟨U, p⟩ = U :=
#align topological_space.open_nhds.inclusion_obj TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.inclusion_obj

theorem openEmbedding {x : X} (U : OpenNhds x) : OpenEmbedding U.1.inclusion :=
#align topological_space.open_nhds.open_embedding TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.openEmbedding

/-- The preimage functor from neighborhoods of `f x` to neighborhoods of `x`. -/
def map (x : X) : OpenNhds (f x) ⥤ OpenNhds x where
obj U := ⟨( f).obj U.1, U.2
map i := ( f).map i

-- Porting note: Changed `⟨( f).obj U, by tidy⟩` to `⟨( f).obj U, q⟩`
theorem map_obj (x : X) (U) (q) : (map f x).obj ⟨U, q⟩ = ⟨( f).obj U, q⟩ :=
#align topological_space.open_nhds.map_obj TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.map_obj

theorem map_id_obj (x : X) (U) : (map (𝟙 X) x).obj U = U := rfl
#align topological_space.open_nhds.map_id_obj TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.map_id_obj

theorem map_id_obj' (x : X) (U) (p) (q) : (map (𝟙 X) x).obj ⟨⟨U, p⟩, q⟩ = ⟨⟨U, p⟩, q⟩ :=
#align topological_space.open_nhds.map_id_obj' TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.map_id_obj'

theorem map_id_obj_unop (x : X) (U : (OpenNhds x)ᵒᵖ) : (map (𝟙 X) x).obj (unop U) = unop U := by
#align topological_space.open_nhds.map_id_obj_unop TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.map_id_obj_unop

theorem op_map_id_obj (x : X) (U : (OpenNhds x)ᵒᵖ) : (map (𝟙 X) x).op.obj U = U := by simp
#align topological_space.open_nhds.op_map_id_obj TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.op_map_id_obj

/-- ` f` and ` f` form a commuting square (up to natural isomorphism)
with the inclusion functors into `Opens X`. -/
def inclusionMapIso (x : X) : inclusion (f x) ⋙ f ≅ map f x ⋙ inclusion x :=
NatIso.ofComponents (fun U => by constructor; rfl; rfl; exact 𝟙 _; exact 𝟙 _) (by simp)
#align topological_space.open_nhds.inclusion_map_iso TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.inclusionMapIso

theorem inclusionMapIso_hom (x : X) : (inclusionMapIso f x).hom = 𝟙 _ :=
#align topological_space.open_nhds.inclusion_map_iso_hom TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.inclusionMapIso_hom

theorem inclusionMapIso_inv (x : X) : (inclusionMapIso f x).inv = 𝟙 _ :=
#align topological_space.open_nhds.inclusion_map_iso_inv TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.inclusionMapIso_inv

end OpenNhds

end TopologicalSpace

namespace IsOpenMap

open TopologicalSpace

variable {f}

/-- An open map `f : X ⟶ Y` induces a functor `OpenNhds x ⥤ OpenNhds (f x)`. -/
def functorNhds (h : IsOpenMap f) (x : X) : OpenNhds x ⥤ OpenNhds (f x) where
obj U := ⟨h.functor.obj U.1, ⟨x, U.2, rfl⟩⟩
map i := i
#align is_open_map.functor_nhds IsOpenMap.functorNhds

/-- An open map `f : X ⟶ Y` induces an adjunction between `OpenNhds x` and `OpenNhds (f x)`. -/
def adjunctionNhds (h : IsOpenMap f) (x : X) : IsOpenMap.functorNhds h x ⊣ f x :=
{ unit := { app := fun U => homOfLE fun x hxU => ⟨x, hxU, rfl⟩ }
counit := { app := fun V => homOfLE fun y ⟨_, hfxV, hxy⟩ => hxy ▸ hfxV } }
#align is_open_map.adjunction_nhds IsOpenMap.adjunctionNhds

end IsOpenMap

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