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feat: forward direction of Turán's theorem (#11990)
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Parcly-Taxel committed Jun 22, 2024
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197 changes: 194 additions & 3 deletions Mathlib/Combinatorics/SimpleGraph/Turan.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,29 +4,49 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jeremy Tan
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Clique
import Mathlib.Order.Partition.Equipartition

# The Turán graph
# Turán's theorem
This file defines the Turán graph and proves some of its basic properties.
In this file we prove Turán's theorem, the first important result of extremal graph theory,
which states that the `r + 1`-cliquefree graph on `n` vertices with the most edges is the complete
`r`-partite graph with part sizes as equal as possible (`turanGraph n r`).
The forward direction of the proof performs "Zykov symmetrisation", which first shows
constructively that non-adjacency is an equivalence relation in a maximal graph, so it must be
complete multipartite with the parts being the equivalence classes. Then basic manipulations
show that the graph is isomorphic to the Turán graph for the given parameters.
## Main declarations
* `SimpleGraph.IsTuranMaximal`: `G.IsTuranMaximal r` means that `G` has the most number of edges for
its number of vertices while still being `r + 1`-cliquefree.
* `SimpleGraph.turanGraph n r`: The canonical `r + 1`-cliquefree Turán graph on `n` vertices.
* `SimpleGraph.IsTuranMaximal.finpartition`: The result of Zykov symmetrisation, a finpartition of
the vertices such that two vertices are in the same part iff they are non-adjacent.
* `SimpleGraph.IsTuranMaximal.nonempty_iso_turanGraph`: The forward direction, an isomorphism
between `G` satisfying `G.IsTuranMaximal r` and `turanGraph n r`.
## References
* Port the rest of Turán's theorem from
* Prove the reverse direction of Turán's theorem at

open Finset

namespace SimpleGraph

variable {V : Type*} [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V] (G H : SimpleGraph V) [DecidableRel G.Adj]
{n r : ℕ}

section Defs

/-- An `r + 1`-cliquefree graph is `r`-Turán-maximal if any other `r + 1`-cliquefree graph on
the same vertex set has the same or fewer number of edges. -/
def IsTuranMaximal (r : ℕ) : Prop :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,4 +111,175 @@ theorem not_cliqueFree_of_isTuranMaximal (hn : r ≤ Fintype.card V) (hG : G.IsT
exact hGab <| le_sup_right.trans_eq ((hG.le_iff_eq <| h.sup_edge _ _).1 le_sup_left).symm <|
(edge_adj ..).2 ⟨Or.inl ⟨rfl, rfl⟩, hab⟩

lemma exists_isTuranMaximal :
∃ H : SimpleGraph V, ∃ _ : DecidableRel H.Adj, H.IsTuranMaximal r := by
let c := {H : SimpleGraph V | H.CliqueFree (r + 1)}
have cn : c.toFinset.Nonempty := ⟨⊥, by
simp only [Set.toFinset_setOf, mem_filter, mem_univ, true_and, c]
exact cliqueFree_bot (by omega)⟩
obtain ⟨S, Sm, Sl⟩ := exists_max_image c.toFinset (·.edgeFinset.card) cn
use S, inferInstance
rw [Set.mem_toFinset] at Sm
refine ⟨Sm, ?_⟩
intro I _ cf
by_cases Im : I ∈ c.toFinset
· convert Sl I Im
· rw [Set.mem_toFinset] at Im

end Defs

section Forward

variable {G} {s t u : V} (h : G.IsTuranMaximal r)

namespace IsTuranMaximal

/-- In a Turán-maximal graph, non-adjacent vertices have the same degree. -/
lemma degree_eq_of_not_adj (hn : ¬G.Adj s t) : s = t := by
rw [IsTuranMaximal] at h; contrapose! h; intro cf
wlog hd : t < s generalizing G t s
· replace hd : s < t := lt_of_le_of_ne (le_of_not_lt hd) h
exact this (by rwa [adj_comm] at hn)' cf hd
use G.replaceVertex s t, inferInstance, cf.replaceVertex s t
have := G.card_edgeFinset_replaceVertex_of_not_adj hn

/-- In a Turán-maximal graph, non-adjacency is transitive. -/
lemma not_adj_trans (hst : ¬G.Adj s t) (hsu : ¬G.Adj s u) : ¬G.Adj t u := by
have dst := h.degree_eq_of_not_adj hst
have dsu := h.degree_eq_of_not_adj hsu
rw [IsTuranMaximal] at h; contrapose! h; intro cf
use (G.replaceVertex s t).replaceVertex s u, inferInstance,
(cf.replaceVertex s t).replaceVertex s u
have nst : s ≠ t := fun a ↦ hsu (a ▸ h)
have ntu : t ≠ u := G.ne_of_adj h
have := (G.adj_replaceVertex_iff_of_ne s nst ntu.symm).not.mpr hsu
rw [card_edgeFinset_replaceVertex_of_not_adj _ this,
card_edgeFinset_replaceVertex_of_not_adj _ hst, dst, Nat.add_sub_cancel]
have l1 : (G.replaceVertex s t).degree s = s := by
unfold degree; congr 1; ext v
simp only [mem_neighborFinset, SimpleGraph.irrefl, ite_self]
by_cases eq : v = t
· simpa only [eq, not_adj_replaceVertex_same, false_iff]
· rw [G.adj_replaceVertex_iff_of_ne s nst eq]
have l2 : (G.replaceVertex s t).degree u = u - 1 := by
rw [degree, degree, ← card_singleton t, ← card_sdiff (by simp [h.symm])]
congr 1; ext v
simp only [mem_neighborFinset, mem_sdiff, mem_singleton, replaceVertex]
split_ifs <;> simp_all [adj_comm]
have l3 : 0 < u := by rw [G.degree_pos_iff_exists_adj u]; use t, h.symm

/-- In a Turán-maximal graph, non-adjacency is an equivalence relation. -/
theorem equivalence_not_adj : Equivalence fun x y ↦ ¬G.Adj x y where
refl x := by simp
symm xy := by simp [xy, adj_comm]
trans xy yz := by
rw [adj_comm] at xy
exact h.not_adj_trans xy yz

/-- The non-adjacency setoid over the vertices of a Turán-maximal graph
induced by `equivalence_not_adj`. -/
def setoid : Setoid V := ⟨_, h.equivalence_not_adj⟩

instance : DecidableRel h.setoid.r :=
inferInstanceAs <| DecidableRel fun v w ↦ ¬G.Adj v w

/-- The finpartition derived from `h.setoid`. -/
def finpartition : Finpartition (univ : Finset V) := Finpartition.ofSetoid h.setoid

lemma not_adj_iff_part_eq : ¬G.Adj s t ↔ h.finpartition.part s = h.finpartition.part t := by
change h.setoid.r s t ↔ _
rw [← Finpartition.mem_part_ofSetoid_iff_rel]
let fp := h.finpartition
change t ∈ fp.part s ↔ fp.part s = fp.part t
rw [fp.mem_part_iff_part_eq_part (mem_univ t) (mem_univ s), eq_comm]

lemma degree_eq_card_sub_part_card : s = Fintype.card V - (h.finpartition.part s).card :=
_ = (univ.filter fun b ↦ G.Adj s b).card := by
simp [← card_neighborFinset_eq_degree, neighborFinset]
_ = Fintype.card V - (univ.filter fun b ↦ ¬G.Adj s b).card :=
eq_tsub_of_add_eq (filter_card_add_filter_neg_card_eq_card _)
_ = _ := by
congr; ext; rw [mem_filter]
convert Finpartition.mem_part_ofSetoid_iff_rel.symm
simp [setoid]

/-- The parts of a Turán-maximal graph form an equipartition. -/
theorem isEquipartition : h.finpartition.IsEquipartition := by
set fp := h.finpartition
by_contra hn
rw [Finpartition.not_isEquipartition] at hn
obtain ⟨large, hl, small, hs, ineq⟩ := hn
obtain ⟨w, hw⟩ := fp.nonempty_of_mem_parts hl
obtain ⟨v, hv⟩ := fp.nonempty_of_mem_parts hs
apply absurd h
rw [IsTuranMaximal]; push_neg; intro cf
use G.replaceVertex v w, inferInstance, cf.replaceVertex v w
have large_eq := fp.part_eq_of_mem hl hw
have small_eq := fp.part_eq_of_mem hs hv
have ha : G.Adj v w := by
by_contra hn; rw [h.not_adj_iff_part_eq, small_eq, large_eq] at hn
rw [hn] at ineq; omega
rw [G.card_edgeFinset_replaceVertex_of_adj ha,
degree_eq_card_sub_part_card h, small_eq, degree_eq_card_sub_part_card h, large_eq]
have : large.card ≤ Fintype.card V := by simpa using card_le_card large.subset_univ

lemma card_parts_le : ≤ r := by
by_contra! l
obtain ⟨z, -, hz⟩ := h.finpartition.exists_subset_part_bijOn
have ncf : ¬G.CliqueFree z.card := by
refine IsNClique.not_cliqueFree ⟨fun v hv w hw hn ↦ ?_, rfl⟩
contrapose! hn
exact hz.injOn hv hw (by rwa [← h.not_adj_iff_part_eq])
rw [Finset.card_eq_of_equiv hz.equiv] at ncf
exact absurd (h.1.mono (Nat.succ_le_of_lt l)) ncf

/-- There are `min n r` parts in a graph on `n` vertices satisfying `G.IsTuranMaximal r`.
`min` handles the `n < r` case, when `G` is complete but still `r + 1`-cliquefree
for having insufficiently many vertices. -/
theorem card_parts : = min (Fintype.card V) r := by
set fp := h.finpartition
apply le_antisymm (le_min fp.card_parts_le_card h.card_parts_le)
by_contra! l
rw [lt_min_iff] at l
obtain ⟨x, -, y, -, hn, he⟩ :=
exists_ne_map_eq_of_card_lt_of_maps_to l.1 fun a _ ↦ fp.part_mem (mem_univ a)
apply absurd h
rw [IsTuranMaximal]; push_neg; rintro -
have cf : G.CliqueFree r := by
simp_rw [← cliqueFinset_eq_empty_iff, cliqueFinset, filter_eq_empty_iff, mem_univ,
forall_true_left, isNClique_iff, and_comm, not_and, isClique_iff, Set.Pairwise]
intro z zc; push_neg; simp_rw [h.not_adj_iff_part_eq]
exact exists_ne_map_eq_of_card_lt_of_maps_to (zc.symm ▸ l.2) fun a _ ↦ fp.part_mem (mem_univ a)
use G ⊔ edge x y, inferInstance, cf.sup_edge x y
convert G.edgeFinset.card
convert G.card_edgeFinset_sup_edge _ hn
rwa [h.not_adj_iff_part_eq]

/-- **Turán's theorem**, forward direction.
Any `r + 1`-cliquefree Turán-maximal graph on `n` vertices is isomorphic to `turanGraph n r`. -/
theorem nonempty_iso_turanGraph : Nonempty (G ≃g turanGraph (Fintype.card V) r) := by
obtain ⟨zm, zp⟩ := h.isEquipartition.exists_partPreservingEquiv
use (Equiv.subtypeUnivEquiv mem_univ).symm.trans zm
intro a b
simp_rw [turanGraph, Equiv.trans_apply, Equiv.subtypeUnivEquiv_symm_apply]
have := zp ⟨a, mem_univ a⟩ ⟨b, mem_univ b⟩
rw [← h.not_adj_iff_part_eq] at this
rw [← not_iff_not, not_ne_iff, this, card_parts]
rcases le_or_lt r (Fintype.card V) with c | c
· rw [min_eq_right c]; rfl
· have lc : ∀ x, zm ⟨x, _⟩ < Fintype.card V := fun x ↦ (zm ⟨x, mem_univ x⟩).2
rw [min_eq_left c.le, Nat.mod_eq_of_lt (lc a), Nat.mod_eq_of_lt (lc b),
← Nat.mod_eq_of_lt ((lc a).trans c), ← Nat.mod_eq_of_lt ((lc b).trans c)]; rfl

end IsTuranMaximal

end Forward

end SimpleGraph
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions Mathlib/Order/Partition/Finpartition.lean
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Expand Up @@ -498,9 +498,16 @@ theorem existsUnique_mem (ha : a ∈ s) : ∃! t, t ∈ ∧ a ∈ t := b
/-- The part of the finpartition that `a` lies in. -/
def part (a : α) : Finset α := if ha : a ∈ s then choose (hp := P.existsUnique_mem ha) else

theorem part_mem (ha : a ∈ s) : P.part a ∈ := by simp [part, ha, choose_mem]
lemma part_mem (ha : a ∈ s) : P.part a ∈ := by simp [part, ha, choose_mem]

theorem mem_part (ha : a ∈ s) : a ∈ P.part a := by simp [part, ha, choose_property]
lemma mem_part (ha : a ∈ s) : a ∈ P.part a := by simp [part, ha, choose_property]

lemma part_eq_of_mem (ht : t ∈ (hat : a ∈ t) : P.part a = t := by
apply P.eq_of_mem_parts (P.part_mem _) ht (P.mem_part _) hat <;> exact mem_of_subset (P.le ht) hat

lemma mem_part_iff_part_eq_part {b : α} (ha : a ∈ s) (hb : b ∈ s) :
a ∈ P.part b ↔ P.part a = P.part b :=
fun c ↦ (P.part_eq_of_mem (P.part_mem hb) c), fun c ↦ c ▸ P.mem_part ha⟩

theorem part_surjOn : Set.SurjOn P.part s := fun p hp ↦ by
obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ := P.nonempty_of_mem_parts hp
Expand All @@ -521,8 +528,7 @@ def equivSigmaParts : s ≃ Σ t :, t.1 where
ext e
· obtain ⟨⟨p, mp⟩, ⟨f, mf⟩⟩ := x
dsimp only at mf ⊢
have mfs := mem_of_subset (P.le mp) mf
rw [P.eq_of_mem_parts mp (P.part_mem mfs) mf (P.mem_part mfs)]
rw [P.part_eq_of_mem mp mf]
· simp

lemma exists_enumeration : ∃ f : s ≃ Σ t :, Fin t.1.card,
Expand Down

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