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feat: port Data.Sum.Interval (#1962)
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Co-authored-by: Lukas Miaskiwskyi <>
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int-y1 and LukasMias committed Jan 31, 2023
1 parent cc29e78 commit 29ffa06
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Showing 2 changed files with 216 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -562,6 +562,7 @@ import Mathlib.Data.String.Defs
import Mathlib.Data.String.Lemmas
import Mathlib.Data.Subtype
import Mathlib.Data.Sum.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Sum.Interval
import Mathlib.Data.Sum.Order
import Mathlib.Data.Sym.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Sym.Sym2
Expand Down
215 changes: 215 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Data/Sum/Interval.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Yaël Dillies. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yaël Dillies
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module data.sum.interval
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 861a26926586cd46ff80264d121cdb6fa0e35cc1
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Data.Sum.Order
import Mathlib.Order.LocallyFinite

# Finite intervals in a disjoint union
This file provides the `LocallyFiniteOrder` instance for the disjoint sum of two orders.
Do the same for the lexicographic sum of orders.

open Function Sum

namespace Finset

variable {α₁ α₂ β₁ β₂ γ₁ γ₂ : Type _}

section SumLift₂

variable (f f₁ g₁ : α₁ → β₁ → Finset γ₁) (g f₂ g₂ : α₂ → β₂ → Finset γ₂)

/-- Lifts maps `α₁ → β₁ → Finset γ₁` and `α₂ → β₂ → Finset γ₂` to a map
`α₁ ⊕ α₂ → β₁ ⊕ β₂ → Finset (γ₁ ⊕ γ₂)`. Could be generalized to `Alternative` functors if we can
make sure to keep computability and universe polymorphism. -/
def sumLift₂ : ∀ (_ : Sum α₁ α₂) (_ : Sum β₁ β₂), Finset (Sum γ₁ γ₂)
| inl a, inl b => (f a b).map Embedding.inl
| inl _, inr _ => ∅
| inr _, inl _ => ∅
| inr a, inr b => (g a b).map Embedding.inr
#align finset.sum_lift₂ Finset.sumLift₂

variable {f f₁ g₁ g f₂ g₂} {a : Sum α₁ α₂} {b : Sum β₁ β₂} {c : Sum γ₁ γ₂}

theorem mem_sumLift₂ :
c ∈ sumLift₂ f g a b ↔
(∃ a₁ b₁ c₁, a = inl a₁ ∧ b = inl b₁ ∧ c = inl c₁ ∧ c₁ ∈ f a₁ b₁) ∨
∃ a₂ b₂ c₂, a = inr a₂ ∧ b = inr b₂ ∧ c = inr c₂ ∧ c₂ ∈ g a₂ b₂ := by
· cases a <;> cases b <;> rename_i a b
· rw [sumLift₂, mem_map]
rintro ⟨c, hc, rfl⟩
exact Or.inl ⟨a, b, c, rfl, rfl, rfl, hc⟩
· refine' fun h ↦ (not_mem_empty _ h).elim
· refine' fun h ↦ (not_mem_empty _ h).elim
· rw [sumLift₂, mem_map]
rintro ⟨c, hc, rfl⟩
exact Or.inr ⟨a, b, c, rfl, rfl, rfl, hc⟩
· rintro (⟨a, b, c, rfl, rfl, rfl, h⟩ | ⟨a, b, c, rfl, rfl, rfl, h⟩) <;> exact mem_map_of_mem _ h
#align finset.mem_sum_lift₂ Finset.mem_sumLift₂

theorem inl_mem_sumLift₂ {c₁ : γ₁} :
inl c₁ ∈ sumLift₂ f g a b ↔ ∃ a₁ b₁, a = inl a₁ ∧ b = inl b₁ ∧ c₁ ∈ f a₁ b₁ := by
rw [mem_sumLift₂, or_iff_left]
simp only [inl.injEq, exists_and_left, exists_eq_left']
rintro ⟨_, _, c₂, _, _, h, _⟩
exact inl_ne_inr h
#align finset.inl_mem_sum_lift₂ Finset.inl_mem_sumLift₂

theorem inr_mem_sumLift₂ {c₂ : γ₂} :
inr c₂ ∈ sumLift₂ f g a b ↔ ∃ a₂ b₂, a = inr a₂ ∧ b = inr b₂ ∧ c₂ ∈ g a₂ b₂ := by
rw [mem_sumLift₂, or_iff_right]
simp only [inr.injEq, exists_and_left, exists_eq_left']
rintro ⟨_, _, c₂, _, _, h, _⟩
exact inr_ne_inl h
#align finset.inr_mem_sum_lift₂ Finset.inr_mem_sumLift₂

theorem sumLift₂_eq_empty :
sumLift₂ f g a b = ∅ ↔
(∀ a₁ b₁, a = inl a₁ → b = inl b₁ → f a₁ b₁ = ∅) ∧
∀ a₂ b₂, a = inr a₂ → b = inr b₂ → g a₂ b₂ = ∅ := by
refine' ⟨fun h ↦ _, fun h ↦ _⟩
· constructor <;>
· rintro a b rfl rfl
exact map_eq_empty.1 h
cases a <;> cases b
· exact map_eq_empty.2 (h.1 _ _ rfl rfl)
· rfl
· rfl
· exact map_eq_empty.2 (h.2 _ _ rfl rfl)
#align finset.sum_lift₂_eq_empty Finset.sumLift₂_eq_empty

theorem sumLift₂_nonempty :
(sumLift₂ f g a b).Nonempty ↔
(∃ a₁ b₁, a = inl a₁ ∧ b = inl b₁ ∧ (f a₁ b₁).Nonempty) ∨
∃ a₂ b₂, a = inr a₂ ∧ b = inr b₂ ∧ (g a₂ b₂).Nonempty := by
simp only [nonempty_iff_ne_empty, Ne, sumLift₂_eq_empty, not_and_or, not_forall, not_imp]
#align finset.sum_lift₂_nonempty Finset.sumLift₂_nonempty

theorem sumLift₂_mono (h₁ : ∀ a b, f₁ a b ⊆ g₁ a b) (h₂ : ∀ a b, f₂ a b ⊆ g₂ a b) :
∀ a b, sumLift₂ f₁ f₂ a b ⊆ sumLift₂ g₁ g₂ a b
| inl _, inl _ => map_subset_map.2 (h₁ _ _)
| inl _, inr _ => Subset.rfl
| inr _, inl _ => Subset.rfl
| inr _, inr _ => map_subset_map.2 (h₂ _ _)
#align finset.sum_lift₂_mono Finset.sumLift₂_mono

end SumLift₂

end Finset

open Finset Function

namespace Sum

variable {α β : Type _}

/-! ### Disjoint sum of orders -/

section Disjoint

variable [Preorder α] [Preorder β] [LocallyFiniteOrder α] [LocallyFiniteOrder β]

instance : LocallyFiniteOrder (Sum α β)
finsetIcc := sumLift₂ Icc Icc
finsetIco := sumLift₂ Ico Ico
finsetIoc := sumLift₂ Ioc Ioc
finsetIoo := sumLift₂ Ioo Ioo
finset_mem_Icc := by rintro (a | a) (b | b) (x | x) <;> simp
finset_mem_Ico := by rintro (a | a) (b | b) (x | x) <;> simp
finset_mem_Ioc := by rintro (a | a) (b | b) (x | x) <;> simp
finset_mem_Ioo := by rintro (a | a) (b | b) (x | x) <;> simp

variable (a₁ a₂ : α) (b₁ b₂ : β) (a b : Sum α β)

theorem Icc_inl_inl : Icc (inl a₁ : Sum α β) (inl a₂) = (Icc a₁ a₂).map Embedding.inl :=
#align sum.Icc_inl_inl Sum.Icc_inl_inl

theorem Ico_inl_inl : Ico (inl a₁ : Sum α β) (inl a₂) = (Ico a₁ a₂).map Embedding.inl :=
#align sum.Ico_inl_inl Sum.Ico_inl_inl

theorem Ioc_inl_inl : Ioc (inl a₁ : Sum α β) (inl a₂) = (Ioc a₁ a₂).map Embedding.inl :=
#align sum.Ioc_inl_inl Sum.Ioc_inl_inl

theorem Ioo_inl_inl : Ioo (inl a₁ : Sum α β) (inl a₂) = (Ioo a₁ a₂).map Embedding.inl :=
#align sum.Ioo_inl_inl Sum.Ioo_inl_inl

theorem Icc_inl_inr : Icc (inl a₁) (inr b₂) = ∅ :=
#align sum.Icc_inl_inr Sum.Icc_inl_inr

theorem Ico_inl_inr : Ico (inl a₁) (inr b₂) = ∅ :=
#align sum.Ico_inl_inr Sum.Ico_inl_inr

theorem Ioc_inl_inr : Ioc (inl a₁) (inr b₂) = ∅ :=
#align sum.Ioc_inl_inr Sum.Ioc_inl_inr

@[simp, nolint simpNF] -- Porting note: dsimp can not prove this
theorem Ioo_inl_inr : Ioo (inl a₁) (inr b₂) = ∅ := by
#align sum.Ioo_inl_inr Sum.Ioo_inl_inr

theorem Icc_inr_inl : Icc (inr b₁) (inl a₂) = ∅ :=
#align sum.Icc_inr_inl Sum.Icc_inr_inl

theorem Ico_inr_inl : Ico (inr b₁) (inl a₂) = ∅ :=
#align sum.Ico_inr_inl Sum.Ico_inr_inl

theorem Ioc_inr_inl : Ioc (inr b₁) (inl a₂) = ∅ :=
#align sum.Ioc_inr_inl Sum.Ioc_inr_inl

@[simp, nolint simpNF] -- Porting note: dsimp can not prove this
theorem Ioo_inr_inl : Ioo (inr b₁) (inl a₂) = ∅ := by
#align sum.Ioo_inr_inl Sum.Ioo_inr_inl

theorem Icc_inr_inr : Icc (inr b₁ : Sum α β) (inr b₂) = (Icc b₁ b₂).map Embedding.inr :=
#align sum.Icc_inr_inr Sum.Icc_inr_inr

theorem Ico_inr_inr : Ico (inr b₁ : Sum α β) (inr b₂) = (Ico b₁ b₂).map Embedding.inr :=
#align sum.Ico_inr_inr Sum.Ico_inr_inr

theorem Ioc_inr_inr : Ioc (inr b₁ : Sum α β) (inr b₂) = (Ioc b₁ b₂).map Embedding.inr :=
#align sum.Ioc_inr_inr Sum.Ioc_inr_inr

theorem Ioo_inr_inr : Ioo (inr b₁ : Sum α β) (inr b₂) = (Ioo b₁ b₂).map Embedding.inr :=
#align sum.Ioo_inr_inr Sum.Ioo_inr_inr

end Disjoint

end Sum

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