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feat: port Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Bernstein (#4697)
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Ruben-VandeVelde committed Jun 5, 2023
1 parent 1b2a311 commit 2db7650
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Showing 2 changed files with 304 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -620,6 +620,7 @@ import Mathlib.Analysis.PSeries
import Mathlib.Analysis.Quaternion
import Mathlib.Analysis.Seminorm
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Arsinh
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Bernstein
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.CompareExp
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Complex.Arg
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Complex.Circle
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303 changes: 303 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/SpecialFunctions/Bernstein.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module analysis.special_functions.bernstein
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 2c1d8ca2812b64f88992a5294ea3dba144755cd1
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecificLimits.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Bernstein
import Mathlib.Topology.ContinuousFunction.Polynomial
import Mathlib.Topology.ContinuousFunction.Compact

# Bernstein approximations and Weierstrass' theorem
We prove that the Bernstein approximations
∑ k : Fin (n+1), f (k/n : ℝ) * n.choose k * x^k * (1-x)^(n-k)
for a continuous function `f : C([0,1], ℝ)` converge uniformly to `f` as `n` tends to infinity.
Our proof follows [Richard Beals' *Analysis, an introduction*][beals-analysis], §7D.
The original proof, due to [Bernstein](bernstein1912) in 1912, is probabilistic,
and relies on Bernoulli's theorem,
which gives bounds for how quickly the observed frequencies in a
Bernoulli trial approach the underlying probability.
The proof here does not directly rely on Bernoulli's theorem,
but can also be given a probabilistic account.
* Consider a weighted coin which with probability `x` produces heads,
and with probability `1-x` produces tails.
* The value of `bernstein n k x` is the probability that
such a coin gives exactly `k` heads in a sequence of `n` tosses.
* If such an appearance of `k` heads results in a payoff of `f(k / n)`,
the `n`-th Bernstein approximation for `f` evaluated at `x` is the expected payoff.
* The main estimate in the proof bounds the probability that
the observed frequency of heads differs from `x` by more than some `δ`,
obtaining a bound of `(4 * n * δ^2)⁻¹`, irrespective of `x`.
* This ensures that for `n` large, the Bernstein approximation is (uniformly) close to the
payoff function `f`.
(You don't need to think in these terms to follow the proof below: it's a giant `calc` block!)
This result proves Weierstrass' theorem that polynomials are dense in `C([0,1], ℝ)`,
although we defer an abstract statement of this until later.

set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false -- S

noncomputable section

open scoped Classical BigOperators BoundedContinuousFunction unitInterval

/-- The Bernstein polynomials, as continuous functions on `[0,1]`.
def bernstein (n ν : ℕ) : C(I, ℝ) :=
(bernsteinPolynomial ℝ n ν).toContinuousMapOn I
#align bernstein bernstein

theorem bernstein_apply (n ν : ℕ) (x : I) :
bernstein n ν x = (n.choose ν : ℝ) * (x : ℝ) ^ ν * (1 - (x : ℝ)) ^ (n - ν) := by
dsimp [bernstein, Polynomial.toContinuousMapOn, Polynomial.toContinuousMap, bernsteinPolynomial]
#align bernstein_apply bernstein_apply

theorem bernstein_nonneg {n ν : ℕ} {x : I} : 0 ≤ bernstein n ν x := by
simp only [bernstein_apply]
mul_nonneg (mul_nonneg (Nat.cast_nonneg _) (pow_nonneg (by unit_interval) _))
(pow_nonneg (by unit_interval) _)
#align bernstein_nonneg bernstein_nonneg

We now give a slight reformulation of `bernsteinPolynomial.variance`.

namespace bernstein

/-- Send `k : Fin (n+1)` to the equally spaced points `k/n` in the unit interval.
def z {n : ℕ} (k : Fin (n + 1)) : I :=
⟨(k : ℝ) / n, by
cases' n with n
· norm_num
· have h₁ : 0 < (n.succ : ℝ) := by exact_mod_cast Nat.succ_pos _
have h₂ : ↑k ≤ n.succ := by exact_mod_cast Fin.le_last k
rw [Set.mem_Icc, le_div_iff h₁, div_le_iff h₁]
simp [h₂]⟩
#align bernstein.z bernstein.z

local postfix:90 "/ₙ" => z

theorem probability (n : ℕ) (x : I) : (∑ k : Fin (n + 1), bernstein n k x) = 1 := by
have := bernsteinPolynomial.sum ℝ n
apply_fun fun p => Polynomial.aeval (x : ℝ) p at this
simp [AlgHom.map_sum, Finset.sum_range] at this
exact this
#align bernstein.probability bernstein.probability

theorem variance {n : ℕ} (h : 0 < (n : ℝ)) (x : I) :
(∑ k : Fin (n + 1), (x - k/ₙ : ℝ) ^ 2 * bernstein n k x) = (x : ℝ) * (1 - x) / n := by
have h' : (n : ℝ) ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h
-- Porting note: fails with `unknown identifier 'h''`
-- apply_fun fun x : ℝ => x * n using GroupWithZero.mul_right_injective h'
-- apply_fun fun x : ℝ => x * n using GroupWithZero.mul_right_injective h'
have h'' := GroupWithZero.mul_right_injective h'
apply h''
apply h''
conv_lhs => simp only [Finset.sum_mul, z]
conv_rhs => rw [div_mul_cancel _ h']
have := bernsteinPolynomial.variance ℝ n
apply_fun fun p => Polynomial.aeval (x : ℝ) p at this
simp [AlgHom.map_sum, Finset.sum_range, ← Polynomial.nat_cast_mul] at this
convert this using 1
· congr 1; funext k
rw [mul_comm _ (n : ℝ), mul_comm _ (n : ℝ), ← mul_assoc, ← mul_assoc]
congr 1
field_simp [h]
· ring
#align bernstein.variance bernstein.variance

end bernstein

open bernstein

local postfix:1024 "/ₙ" => z

/-- The `n`-th approximation of a continuous function on `[0,1]` by Bernstein polynomials,
given by `∑ k, f (k/n) * bernstein n k x`.
def bernsteinApproximation (n : ℕ) (f : C(I, ℝ)) : C(I, ℝ) :=
∑ k : Fin (n + 1), f k/ₙ • bernstein n k
#align bernstein_approximation bernsteinApproximation

We now set up some of the basic machinery of the proof that the Bernstein approximations
converge uniformly.
A key player is the set `S f ε h n x`,
for some function `f : C(I, ℝ)`, `h : 0 < ε`, `n : ℕ` and `x : I`.
This is the set of points `k` in `Fin (n+1)` such that
`k/n` is within `δ` of `x`, where `δ` is the modulus of uniform continuity for `f`,
chosen so `|f x - f y| < ε/2` when `|x - y| < δ`.
We show that if `k ∉ S`, then `1 ≤ δ^-2 * (x - k/n)^2`.

namespace bernsteinApproximation

theorem apply (n : ℕ) (f : C(I, ℝ)) (x : I) :
bernsteinApproximation n f x = ∑ k : Fin (n + 1), f k/ₙ * bernstein n k x := by
simp [bernsteinApproximation]
#align bernstein_approximation.apply bernsteinApproximation.apply

/-- The modulus of (uniform) continuity for `f`, chosen so `|f x - f y| < ε/2` when `|x - y| < δ`.
def δ (f : C(I, ℝ)) (ε : ℝ) (h : 0 < ε) : ℝ :=
f.modulus (ε / 2) (half_pos h)
#align bernstein_approximation.δ bernsteinApproximation.δ

theorem δ_pos {f : C(I, ℝ)} {ε : ℝ} {h : 0 < ε} : 0 < δ f ε h :=
#align bernstein_approximation.δ_pos bernsteinApproximation.δ_pos

/-- The set of points `k` so `k/n` is within `δ` of `x`.
def S (f : C(I, ℝ)) (ε : ℝ) (h : 0 < ε) (n : ℕ) (x : I) : Finset (Fin (n + 1)) :=
{k : Fin (n + 1) | dist k/ₙ x < δ f ε h}.toFinset
#align bernstein_approximation.S bernsteinApproximation.S

/-- If `k ∈ S`, then `f(k/n)` is close to `f x`.
theorem lt_of_mem_S {f : C(I, ℝ)} {ε : ℝ} {h : 0 < ε} {n : ℕ} {x : I} {k : Fin (n + 1)}
(m : k ∈ S f ε h n x) : |f k/ₙ - f x| < ε / 2 := by
apply f.dist_lt_of_dist_lt_modulus (ε / 2) (half_pos h)
-- Porting note: `simp` fails to apply `Set.mem_toFinset` on its own
simpa [S, (Set.mem_toFinset)] using m
#align bernstein_approximation.lt_of_mem_S bernsteinApproximation.lt_of_mem_S

/-- If `k ∉ S`, then as `δ ≤ |x - k/n|`, we have the inequality `1 ≤ δ^-2 * (x - k/n)^2`.
This particular formulation will be helpful later.
theorem le_of_mem_S_compl {f : C(I, ℝ)} {ε : ℝ} {h : 0 < ε} {n : ℕ} {x : I} {k : Fin (n + 1)}
(m : k ∈ S f ε h n xᶜ) : (1 : ℝ) ≤ δ f ε h ^ (-2 : ℤ) * ((x : ℝ) - k/ₙ) ^ 2 := by
-- Porting note: added parentheses to help `simp`
simp only [Finset.mem_compl, not_lt, (Set.mem_toFinset), Set.mem_setOf_eq, S] at m
rw [zpow_neg, ← div_eq_inv_mul, zpow_two, ← pow_two, one_le_div (pow_pos δ_pos 2), sq_le_sq,
abs_of_pos δ_pos]
rwa [dist_comm] at m
#align bernstein_approximation.le_of_mem_S_compl bernsteinApproximation.le_of_mem_S_compl

end bernsteinApproximation

open bernsteinApproximation

open BoundedContinuousFunction

open Filter

open scoped Topology

/-- The Bernstein approximations
∑ k : Fin (n+1), f (k/n : ℝ) * n.choose k * x^k * (1-x)^(n-k)
for a continuous function `f : C([0,1], ℝ)` converge uniformly to `f` as `n` tends to infinity.
This is the proof given in [Richard Beals' *Analysis, an introduction*][beals-analysis], §7D,
and reproduced on wikipedia.
theorem bernsteinApproximation_uniform (f : C(I, ℝ)) :
Tendsto (fun n : ℕ => bernsteinApproximation n f) atTop (𝓝 f) := by
simp only [Metric.nhds_basis_ball.tendsto_right_iff, Metric.mem_ball, dist_eq_norm]
intro ε h
let δ := δ f ε h
have nhds_zero := tendsto_const_div_atTop_nhds_0_nat (2 * ‖f‖ * δ ^ (-2 : ℤ))
filter_upwards [nhds_zero.eventually (gt_mem_nhds (half_pos h)), eventually_gt_atTop 0] with n nh
have npos : 0 < (n : ℝ) := by exact_mod_cast npos'
-- Two easy inequalities we'll need later:
have w₁ : 02 * ‖f‖ := mul_nonneg (by norm_num) (norm_nonneg f)
have w₂ : 02 * ‖f‖ * δ ^ (-2 : ℤ) := mul_nonneg w₁ (zpow_neg_two_nonneg _)
-- As `[0,1]` is compact, it suffices to check the inequality pointwise.
rw [ContinuousMap.norm_lt_iff _ h]
intro x
-- The idea is to split up the sum over `k` into two sets,
-- `S`, where `x - k/n < δ`, and its complement.
let S := S f ε h n x
|(bernsteinApproximation n f - f) x| = |bernsteinApproximation n f x - f x| := rfl
_ = |bernsteinApproximation n f x - f x * 1| := by rw [mul_one]
_ = |bernsteinApproximation n f x - f x * ∑ k : Fin (n + 1), bernstein n k x| := by
rw [bernstein.probability]
_ = |∑ k : Fin (n + 1), (f k/ₙ - f x) * bernstein n k x| := by
simp [bernsteinApproximation, Finset.mul_sum, sub_mul]
_ ≤ ∑ k : Fin (n + 1), |(f k/ₙ - f x) * bernstein n k x| := (Finset.abs_sum_le_sum_abs _ _)
_ = ∑ k : Fin (n + 1), |f k/ₙ - f x| * bernstein n k x := by
simp_rw [abs_mul, abs_eq_self.mpr bernstein_nonneg]
_ = (∑ k in S, |f k/ₙ - f x| * bernstein n k x) + ∑ k in Sᶜ, |f k/ₙ - f x| * bernstein n k x :=
(S.sum_add_sum_compl _).symm
-- We'll now deal with the terms in `S` and the terms in `Sᶜ` in separate calc blocks.
_ < ε / 2 + ε / 2 :=
(add_lt_add_of_le_of_lt ?_ ?_)
_ = ε := add_halves ε
· -- We now work on the terms in `S`: uniform continuity and `bernstein.probability`
-- quickly give us a bound.
(∑ k in S, |f k/ₙ - f x| * bernstein n k x) ≤ ∑ k in S, ε / 2 * bernstein n k x :=
Finset.sum_le_sum fun k m =>
mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (le_of_lt (lt_of_mem_S m)) bernstein_nonneg
_ = ε / 2 * ∑ k in S, bernstein n k x := by rw [Finset.mul_sum]
-- In this step we increase the sum over `S` back to a sum over all of `Fin (n+1)`,
-- so that we can use `bernstein.probability`.
_ ≤
ε / 2 * ∑ k : Fin (n + 1), bernstein n k x :=
(mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (Finset.sum_le_univ_sum_of_nonneg fun k => bernstein_nonneg)
(le_of_lt (half_pos h)))
_ = ε / 2 := by rw [bernstein.probability, mul_one]
· -- We now turn to working on `Sᶜ`: we control the difference term just using `‖f‖`,
-- and then insert a `δ^(-2) * (x - k/n)^2` factor
-- (which is at least one because we are not in `S`).
(∑ k in Sᶜ, |f k/ₙ - f x| * bernstein n k x) ≤ ∑ k in Sᶜ, 2 * ‖f‖ * bernstein n k x :=
Finset.sum_le_sum fun k _ =>
mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (f.dist_le_two_norm _ _) bernstein_nonneg
_ = 2 * ‖f‖ * ∑ k in Sᶜ, bernstein n k x := by rw [Finset.mul_sum]
_ ≤ 2 * ‖f‖ * ∑ k in Sᶜ, δ ^ (-2 : ℤ) * ((x : ℝ) - k/ₙ) ^ 2 * bernstein n k x :=
(Finset.sum_le_sum fun k m => by
conv_lhs => rw [← one_mul (bernstein _ _ _)]
exact mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (le_of_mem_S_compl m) bernstein_nonneg)
-- Again enlarging the sum from `Sᶜ` to all of `Fin (n+1)`
_ ≤
2 * ‖f‖ * ∑ k : Fin (n + 1), δ ^ (-2 : ℤ) * ((x : ℝ) - k/ₙ) ^ 2 * bernstein n k x :=
(Finset.sum_le_univ_sum_of_nonneg fun k =>
mul_nonneg (mul_nonneg (zpow_neg_two_nonneg _) (sq_nonneg _)) bernstein_nonneg)
_ = 2 * ‖f‖ * δ ^ (-2 : ℤ) * ∑ k : Fin (n + 1), ((x : ℝ) - k/ₙ) ^ 2 * bernstein n k x := by
conv_rhs =>
rw [mul_assoc, Finset.mul_sum]
simp only [← mul_assoc]
-- `bernstein.variance` and `x ∈ [0,1]` gives the uniform bound
_ =
2 * ‖f‖ * δ ^ (-2 : ℤ) * x * (1 - x) / n :=
by rw [variance npos]; ring
_ ≤ 2 * ‖f‖ * δ ^ (-2 : ℤ) / n :=
((div_le_div_right npos).mpr <| by
refine' mul_le_of_le_of_le_one' (mul_le_of_le_one_right w₂ _) _ _ w₂ <;> unit_interval)
_ < ε / 2 := nh
#align bernstein_approximation_uniform bernsteinApproximation_uniform

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