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urkud committed Feb 27, 2023
1 parent 53b5082 commit 2e4dc33
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Showing 3 changed files with 23 additions and 21 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Mathlib/Topology/MetricSpace/EMetricSpace.lean
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Expand Up @@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ export EDist (edist)
def uniformSpaceOfEDist (edist : α → α → ℝ≥0∞) (edist_self : ∀ x : α, edist x x = 0)
(edist_comm : ∀ x y : α, edist x y = edist y x)
(edist_triangle : ∀ x y z : α, edist x z ≤ edist x y + edist y z) : UniformSpace α :=
.ofCore <| .ofFun edist edist_self edist_comm <| fun ε ε0 =>
⟨ε / 2, ENNReal.half_pos ε', fun x y z h₁ h₂ =>
(edist_triangle x y z).trans_lt <| ENNReal.add_halves ε ▸ ENNReal.add_lt_add h₁ h₂⟩
.ofCore <| .ofFun edist edist_self edist_comm edist_triangle <| fun ε ε0 =>
⟨ε / 2, ENNReal.half_pos ε', fun _ h₁ _ h₂ =>
(ENNReal.add_lt_add h₁ h₂).trans_eq (ENNReal.add_halves _)
#align uniform_space_of_edist uniformSpaceOfEDist

-- the uniform structure is embedded in the emetric space structure
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ theorem uniformSpace_edist : ‹PseudoEMetricSpace α›.toUniformSpace =

theorem uniformity_basis_edist :
(𝓤 α).HasBasis (fun ε : ℝ≥0∞ => 0 < ε) fun ε => { p : α × α | edist p.1 p.2 < ε } :=
(@uniformSpace_edist α _).symm ▸ UniformSpace.Core.hasBasis_ofFun ⟨1, one_pos⟩ _ _ _ _
(@uniformSpace_edist α _).symm ▸ UniformSpace.Core.hasBasis_ofFun ⟨1, one_pos⟩ _ _ _ _ _
#align uniformity_basis_edist uniformity_basis_edist

/-- Characterization of the elements of the uniformity in terms of the extended distance -/
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13 changes: 6 additions & 7 deletions Mathlib/Topology/UniformSpace/AbsoluteValue.lean
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Expand Up @@ -41,12 +41,11 @@ variable {R : Type _} [CommRing R] (abv : R → 𝕜) [IsAbsoluteValue abv]

/-- The uniformity coming from an absolute value. -/
def uniformSpaceCore : UniformSpace.Core R :=
.ofFun (fun x y => abv (y - x)) (by simp [abv_zero]) (fun x y => abv_sub abv y x) fun ε ε0 =>
⟨ε / 2, half_pos ε0, fun x y z h₁ h₂ =>
calc abv (z - x) = abv ((z - y) + (y - x)) := by rw [sub_add_sub_cancel]
_ ≤ abv (z - y) + abv (y - x) := abv_add abv _ _
_ < ε / 2 + ε / 2 := add_lt_add h₂ h₁
_ = ε := add_halves ε⟩
.ofFun (fun x y => abv (y - x)) (by simp [abv_zero]) (fun x y => abv_sub abv y x)
(fun x y z =>
calc abv (z - x) = abv ((y - x) + (z - y)) := by rw [add_comm, sub_add_sub_cancel]
_ ≤ abv (y - x) + abv (z - y) := abv_add _ _ _)
fun ε ε0 => ⟨ε / 2, half_pos ε0, fun _ h₁ _ h₂ => (add_lt_add h₁ h₂).trans_eq (add_halves ε)⟩
#align is_absolute_value.uniform_space_core IsAbsoluteValue.uniformSpaceCore

/-- The uniform structure coming from an absolute value. -/
Expand All @@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ def uniformSpace : UniformSpace R :=

theorem mem_uniformity {s : Set (R × R)} :
s ∈ (uniformSpaceCore abv).uniformity ↔ ∃ ε > 0, ∀ {a b : R}, abv (b - a) < ε → (a, b) ∈ s :=
((UniformSpace.Core.hasBasis_ofFun (exists_gt _) _ _ _ _).1 s).trans <| by
((UniformSpace.Core.hasBasis_ofFun (exists_gt _) _ _ _ _ _).1 s).trans <| by
simp only [subset_def, Prod.forall]; rfl
#align is_absolute_value.mem_uniformity IsAbsoluteValue.mem_uniformity

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23 changes: 13 additions & 10 deletions Mathlib/Topology/UniformSpace/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -277,24 +277,27 @@ def UniformSpace.Core.mkOfBasis {α : Type u} (B : FilterBasis (α × α))
#align uniform_space.core.mk_of_basis UniformSpace.Core.mkOfBasis

-- porting note: rfc: use `UniformSpace.Core.mkOfBasis`? This will change defeq here and there
/-- Define a `UniformSpace.Core` using a "distance" function. The function can be, e.g., the distance
in a (usual or extended) metric space or an absolute value on a ring. -/
def UniformSpace.Core.ofFun {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [Zero β] [PartialOrder β] (d : α → α → β)
(refl : ∀ x, d x x = 0) (symm : ∀ x y, d x y = d y x)
(comp : ∀ ε > (0 : β), ∃ δ > (0 : β), ∀ x y z, d x y < δ → d y z < δ → d x z < ε) :
/-- Define a `UniformSpace.Core` using a "distance" function. The function can be, e.g., the
distance in a (usual or extended) metric space or an absolute value on a ring. -/
def UniformSpace.Core.ofFun {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [OrderedAddCommMonoid β]
(d : α → α → β) (refl : ∀ x, d x x = 0) (symm : ∀ x y, d x y = d y x)
(triangle : ∀ x y z, d x z ≤ d x y + d y z)
(half : ∀ ε > (0 : β), ∃ δ > (0 : β), ∀ x < δ, ∀ y < δ, x + y < ε) :
UniformSpace.Core α where
uniformity := ⨅ r > 0, 𝓟 { x | d x.1 x.2 < r }
refl := le_infᵢ₂ fun r hr => principal_mono.2 <| idRel_subset.2 fun x => by simpa [refl]
symm := tendsto_infᵢ_infᵢ fun r => tendsto_infᵢ_infᵢ fun _ => tendsto_principal_principal.2
fun x hx => by rwa [mem_setOf, symm]
comp := le_infᵢ₂ fun r hr => let ⟨δ, h0, hδr⟩ := comp r hr; le_principal_iff.2 <| mem_of_superset
comp := le_infᵢ₂ fun r hr => let ⟨δ, h0, hδr⟩ := half r hr; le_principal_iff.2 <| mem_of_superset
(mem_lift' <| mem_infᵢ_of_mem δ <| mem_infᵢ_of_mem h0 <| mem_principal_self _)
fun _ ⟨_, h₁, h₂⟩ => hδr _ _ _ h₁ h₂
fun (x, z) ⟨y, h₁, h₂⟩ => (triangle _ _ _).trans_lt (hδr _ h₁ _ h₂)

lemma UniformSpace.Core.hasBasis_ofFun {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [Zero β] [LinearOrder β]
lemma UniformSpace.Core.hasBasis_ofFun {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [LinearOrderedAddCommMonoid β]
(h₀ : ∃ x : β, 0 < x) (d : α → α → β) (refl : ∀ x, d x x = 0) (symm : ∀ x y, d x y = d y x)
(comp : ∀ ε > (0 : β), ∃ δ > (0 : β), ∀ x y z, d x y < δ → d y z < δ → d x z < ε) :
(ofFun d refl symm comp).uniformity.HasBasis ((0 : β) < ·) (fun ε => { x | d x.1 x.2 < ε }) :=
(triangle : ∀ x y z, d x z ≤ d x y + d y z)
(half : ∀ ε > (0 : β), ∃ δ > (0 : β), ∀ x < δ, ∀ y < δ, x + y < ε) :
(ofFun d refl symm triangle half).uniformity.HasBasis ((0 : β) < ·)
(fun ε => { x | d x.1 x.2 < ε }) :=
(fun ε₁ h₁ ε₂ h₂ => ⟨min ε₁ ε₂, lt_min h₁ h₂, fun _x hx => lt_of_lt_of_le hx (min_le_left _ _),
fun _x hx => lt_of_lt_of_le hx (min_le_right _ _)⟩) h₀
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