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feat: add support for shared field deriving
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EdAyers committed Jun 20, 2022
1 parent bcc0b55 commit 3013345
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Showing 3 changed files with 262 additions and 111 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Data/String/Defs.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,4 +20,12 @@ then reassembles the string by intercalating the separator token `c` over the ma
def mapTokens (c : Char) (f : String → String) : String → String :=
intercalate (singleton c) ∘ f ∘ (·.split (· = c))

/-- Make a human-readable string from the given list which is comma-separated but the final comma is
replaced with `conj`. So if `conj := "and"` we get `"A, B, C and D"`.-/
def andList (conj : String) : List String → String
| [] => ""
| [x] => x
| [x,y] => s!"{x} {conj} {y}"
| head :: tail => s!"{head}, {andList conj tail}"

end String
349 changes: 241 additions & 108 deletions Mathlib/Lean/Deriving/Optics.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: E.W.Ayers
import Lean
import Lean.Parser
import Mathlib.Data.String.Defs
open Lean Elab Command Term Tactic
open Lean.Parser.Term
open Lean.Parser.Command
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,19 +38,244 @@ For each constructor `𝑐` of `T` and each field `𝑎 : α` of `𝑐`, this wi

initialize registerTraceClass `derive_optics
namespace Lean.Elab.Deriving.Optics

-- [todo] this must already exist.
initialize registerTraceClass `derive_optics

-- [todo] this must already exist?
def Name.mapHead (f : String →String) : Name →Name
| Name.str p s _ => Name.mkStr p (f s)
| n => n

def NameMap.modifyCol [EmptyCollection α] (visit: α → α) (n : NameMap α) (k : Name) : NameMap α :=
n.find? k |>.getD ∅ |> visit |> n.insert k

def mkDocComment (s : String) : Syntax :=
mkNode ``Lean.Parser.Command.docComment #[mkAtom "/--", mkAtom (s ++ "-/")]

variable {M} [MonadControlT MetaM M] [MonadLiftT MetaM M] [Monad M] [MonadEnv M] [MonadError M]

structure IndField :=
(ctor : Name)
(name : Name)
(index : Nat)
/-- Abstracted on params. Use `type.instantiateRev params` to reinstantiate. -/
(type : Expr)

/-- Maps a field name to the constructors which include that field name and the type.
It's none if the field exists on constructors but the types are incompatible.-/
abbrev FieldCollections := NameMap (Option (NameMap Nat × Expr))

def getAllFields (decl : Name) : TermElabM (Array IndField) := do
let indVal ← getConstInfoInduct decl
indVal.ctors.foldlM (fun acc ctor => do
let ctorInfo ← Lean.getConstInfoCtor ctor
Lean.Meta.forallTelescopeReducing ctorInfo.type fun xs type => do
let xsdecls ← liftM $ xs.mapM Lean.Meta.getFVarLocalDecl
let params := xs[:ctorInfo.numParams].toArray
let fields := xsdecls[ctorInfo.numParams:].toArray
let field_idxs : Array (Nat × _) := fields.mapIdx fun i x => (i,x)
field_idxs.foldlM (fun acc (fieldIdx, field) => do
let fieldName := field.userName
if fieldName.isNum then
return acc
let type := Expr.abstract field.type params
return acc.push ⟨ctor, fieldName, fieldIdx, type⟩
) acc
) #[]

/-- Given inductive datatype `decl`, makes a map from field names to a
map from constructor names to field index and type. -/
def getFieldCollections
(decl : Name) : TermElabM FieldCollections := do
let fields ← getAllFields decl
return fields.foldl add ∅
add (n : FieldCollections) (f : IndField) : FieldCollections :=
match n.find? with
| some x => x.bind (fun (ctors, t) => if t == f.type && not (ctors.contains f.ctor) then some (ctors.insert f.ctor f.index, t) else none) |> n.insert
| none => n.insert (some (NameMap.insert ∅ f.ctor f.index, f.type))

private def mkAlt (mkRhs : (fieldVars: Array Syntax) → TermElabM Syntax) (ctor : Name) : TermElabM (Syntax × Syntax) := do
let ctorInfo ← Lean.getConstInfoCtor ctor
let fieldVars ←
List.range ctorInfo.numFields
|>.mapM (fun _ => mkIdent <$> mkFreshUserName `a)
let fieldVars := fieldVars.toArray
let lhs ← `($(mkIdent $fieldVars:term*)
let rhs ← mkRhs fieldVars
return (lhs, rhs)

private def mkAlts (ctors : NameMap Nat) (mkRhs : (ctorName : Name) → (fieldIdx : Nat) → (fieldVars : Array Syntax) → TermElabM Syntax) : TermElabM ((Array Syntax) × (Array Syntax)) := do
let cs ← ctors.toList.toArray.mapM (fun (n,i) => mkAlt (mkRhs n i) n)
return Array.unzip cs

private def ctorNameOrList (ctors : NameMap α) : String :=
ctors.toList |>.map Prod.fst |>.map (fun | Name.str _ x _ => s!"`{x}`" | _ => "????") |> String.andList "or"

private def isExhaustive (ctors : NameMap α) (indName : Name) : M Bool := do
let indVal ← getConstInfoInduct indName
return indVal.ctors.all (fun a => ctors.contains a)

def mkGetOptional (baseName indName fieldName : Name) (indType : Syntax) (implicitBinders : Array Syntax) (fieldType : Syntax) (ctors : NameMap Nat) : TermElabM Syntax := do
if (← isExhaustive ctors indName) then
throwError "expected non-exhautive ctor list"
let defname := mkIdent <| baseName ++ Name.mapHead (· ++ "?") fieldName
let (lhs, rhs) ← mkAlts ctors (fun _ i fvs => `(some $(fvs[i])))
let docstring := mkDocComment <| s!"If the given `{indName}` is a {ctorNameOrList ctors}; returns the value of the `{fieldName}` field, otherwise returns `none`."
def $defname:ident $implicitBinders:explicitBinder*
: $indType → Option $fieldType
$[| $lhs => $rhs]*
| _ => none

def mkGetBang (baseName indName fieldName : Name) (indType : Syntax) (implicitBinders : Array Syntax) (fieldType : Syntax) (ctors : NameMap Nat) : TermElabM Syntax := do
if (← isExhaustive ctors indName) then
throwError "expected non-exhautive ctor list"
let defname : Name := baseName ++ Name.mapHead (· ++ "!") fieldName
let docstring := mkDocComment <| s!"If the given `{indName}` is a {ctorNameOrList ctors},
returns the value of the `{fieldName}` field, otherwise panics."
let (lhs, rhs) ← mkAlts ctors (fun _ i fvs => pure fvs[i])
def $(mkIdent defname):ident $implicitBinders:explicitBinder* [Inhabited $fieldType]
: $indType → $fieldType
$[| $lhs => $rhs]*
| x =>
let n := $(quote (ctorNameOrList ctors))
panic! s!"expected constructor {n}"

def mkGet (baseName indName fieldName : Name) (indType : Syntax) (implicitBinders : Array Syntax) (fieldType : Syntax) (ctors : NameMap Nat) : TermElabM Syntax := do
if not (← isExhaustive ctors indName) then
throwError "expected exhaustive ctor list"
let defname : Name := baseName ++ fieldName
let docstring := mkDocComment <| s!"Returns the value of the `{fieldName}` field."
let (lhs, rhs) ← mkAlts ctors (fun _ i fvs => pure fvs[i])
def $(mkIdent defname):ident $implicitBinders:explicitBinder* [Inhabited $fieldType]
: $indType → $fieldType
$[| $lhs => $rhs]*

def mkWith (baseName indName fieldName : Name) (indType : Syntax) (implicitBinders : Array Syntax) (fieldType : Syntax) (ctors : NameMap Nat) : TermElabM Syntax := do
let defname : Name := baseName ++ Name.mapHead (fun n => s!"with{n.capitalize}") fieldName
let x ← mkIdent <$> mkFreshUserName `x
let (lhs, rhs) ← mkAlts ctors (fun ctorName i fvs => `($(mkIdent ctorName) $(fvs.modify i (fun _ => x)):term*))
if ← isExhaustive ctors indName then
$(mkDocComment <| s!"Replaces the value of the `{fieldName}` field with the given value."):docComment
def $(mkIdent defname):ident $implicitBinders:explicitBinder*
($x : $fieldType)
: $indType → $indType
$[| $lhs => $rhs]*
$(mkDocComment <| s!"If the given `{indName}` is a {ctorNameOrList ctors},
replaces the value of the `{fieldName}` field with the given value.
Otherwise acts as the identity function."):docComment
def $(mkIdent defname):ident $implicitBinders:explicitBinder*
($x : $fieldType)
: $indType → $indType
$[| $lhs => $rhs]*
| y => y

def mkModify (baseName indName fieldName : Name) (indType : Syntax) (implicitBinders : Array Syntax) (fieldType : Syntax) (ctors : NameMap Nat) : TermElabM Syntax := do
let defname : Name := baseName ++ Name.mapHead (fun n => s!"modify{n.capitalize}") fieldName
let x ← mkIdent <$> mkFreshUserName `visit
let (lhs, rhs) ← mkAlts ctors (fun ctorName i fvs => do
let outFields ← fvs.modifyM i (fun q => `(($x <| $q)))
`($(mkIdent ctorName) $outFields:term*))
if ← isExhaustive ctors indName then
$(mkDocComment <| s!"Modifies the value of the `{fieldName}` field with the given `visit` function."):docComment
def $(mkIdent defname):ident $implicitBinders:explicitBinder*
($x :$fieldType → $fieldType )
: $indType → $indType
$[| $lhs => $rhs]*
$(mkDocComment <| s!"If the given `{indName}` is a {ctorNameOrList ctors};
modifies the value of the `{fieldName}` field with the given `visit` function."):docComment
def $(mkIdent defname):ident $implicitBinders:explicitBinder*
($x :$fieldType → $fieldType )
: $indType → $indType
$[| $lhs => $rhs]*
| y => y

def mkModifyM (baseName indName fieldName : Name) (indType : Syntax) (implicitBinders : Array Syntax) (fieldType : Syntax) (ctors : NameMap Nat) : TermElabM Syntax := do
let visit ← mkIdent <$> mkFreshUserName `visit
let x ← mkIdent <$> mkFreshUserName `x
let (lhs, rhs) ← mkAlts ctors (fun ctorName i fvs => do
let outFields := fvs.modify i (fun q => x)
`((fun $x => $(mkIdent ctorName) $outFields:term*) <$> $visit $(fvs[i])))
let defname : Name := baseName ++ Name.mapHead (fun n => s!"modifyM{n.capitalize}") fieldName
if ← (isExhaustive ctors indName) then
let docstring := mkDocComment <| s!"Runs the given `visit` function on the `{fieldName}` field."
def $(mkIdent defname):ident
{M} [Functor M]
($visit : $fieldType → M $fieldType)
: $indType → M $indType
$[| $lhs => $rhs]*
let docstring := mkDocComment <| s!"Runs the given `visit` function on the `{fieldName}` field if present.
Performing the pure op if the given `{indName}` is not a {ctorNameOrList ctors}."
def $(mkIdent defname):ident
{M} [Pure M] [Functor M]
($visit : $fieldType → M $fieldType)
: $indType → M $indType
$[| $lhs => $rhs]*
| y => pure y

def opticMakers := [mkGet, mkGetOptional, mkGetBang, mkWith, mkModify, mkModifyM]

def mkOpticsCore (indVal : InductiveVal) : TermElabM (Array Syntax) :=
Lean.Meta.forallTelescopeReducing indVal.type fun params indType => do
let paramDecls ← liftM $ params.mapM Lean.Meta.getFVarLocalDecl
let paramStx := paramDecls |>.map (fun x => mkIdent x.userName)
let indType ← `($(mkIdent $paramStx:term*)
let implicitBinders ← paramDecls |>.mapM (fun x => `(implicitBinderF| { $(mkIdent x.userName) }))
let mut cmds := #[]
let fcs ← getFieldCollections
have : ForIn TermElabM FieldCollections (_ × _) := Std.RBMap.instForInRBMapProd
have : ForIn TermElabM (NameMap Nat) (_ × _) := Std.RBMap.instForInRBMapProd
for (field, cne?) in fcs do
if let some (ctors, fieldType) := cne? then
let isEx := if ← isExhaustive ctors then "exhaustive" else "non-exhaustive"
trace[derive_optics] "Deriving optic functions for {isEx} field {field} with constructors {ctors.toList}. "
let fieldType ← PrettyPrinter.delab <| fieldType.instantiateRev params
for mk in opticMakers do
let cmd ← mk field indType implicitBinders fieldType ctors
cmds := cmds.push cmd
| x => continue
let fields ← getAllFields
for field in fields do
let fieldType ← PrettyPrinter.delab <| field.type.instantiateRev params
let ctors := mkNameMap Nat |>.insert field.ctor field.index
for mk in opticMakers do
let cmd ← mk field.ctor indType implicitBinders fieldType ctors
cmds := cmds.push cmd
| e => continue
return cmds

def mkOptics (decl : Name) : CommandElabM Unit := do
if not (← isInductive decl) then
throwError "{decl} must be an inductive datatype."
Expand All @@ -63,109 +289,16 @@ def mkOptics (decl : Name) : CommandElabM Unit := do
throwError "getters and setters derivation not supported for indexed inductive datatype {decl}."
if indVal.ctors.length <= 1 then
-- [todo] add lens def here.
throwError "single constructor inductive types are not supported yet."
for ctor in indVal.ctors do
let ctorInfo ← Lean.getConstInfoCtor ctor
let cmds ← liftTermElabM none <| Lean.Meta.forallTelescopeReducing ctorInfo.type fun xs type => do
let mut cmds := #[]
-- [todo] I think you have to do some macro hygeine here with eraseMacroScopes and mkFreshUserName but idk
let xsdecls ← liftM <| xs.mapM Lean.Meta.getFVarLocalDecl
let params := xsdecls[:ctorInfo.numParams].toArray
let fields := xsdecls[ctorInfo.numParams:].toArray
let fieldPatterns ← fields.mapM (fun f => mkIdent <$> mkFreshUserName f.userName)
let implicitBinders ← params |>.mapM (fun x => `(implicitBinderF| { $(mkIdent x.userName) }))
let ctorPattern ← `($(mkIdent $fieldPatterns:term*)
for fieldIdx in List.range ctorInfo.numFields do
let field := fields[fieldIdx]
if field.userName.isNum then
-- In this case, the field name is anonymous (ie the user didn't provide an
-- explicit field name). So skip. [todo] more canonical way of determining
-- whether user gave the field an explicit name?
let fieldPat := fieldPatterns[fieldIdx]
let outType ← PrettyPrinter.delab type
let fieldType ← PrettyPrinter.delab field.type
-- [todo] check that field has friendly userName. If it doesn't then don't derive the optics.
-- [todo] if there are no clashes, then you can drop the constructor name.
-- [todo] if the same field name appears on multiple ctors, we can make a multi-ctor version of the optics where we drop the ctor name prefix.
-- additionally, if the field name appears on all constructors we can produce a Lens version and drop the `?`.

-- ①: T.𝑐.𝑎? : T → Option α
let defname := mkIdent <| ++ Name.mapHead (· ++ "?") field.userName
let docstring := mkDocComment <| s!"If the given `{}` is a `{}`,
returns the value of the `{field.userName}` field, otherwise returns `none`."
cmds := cmds.push <|← `(
def $defname:ident $implicitBinders:explicitBinder*
: $outType → Option $fieldType
| $ctorPattern => some $fieldPat
| x => none

-- ②: T.𝑐.𝑎! : T → α
let defname : Name := ++ Name.mapHead (· ++ "!") field.userName
let docstring := mkDocComment <| s!"If the given `{}` is a `{}`,
returns the value of the `{field.userName}` field, otherwise panics."
cmds := cmds.push <|← `(
def $(mkIdent defname):ident $implicitBinders:explicitBinder* [Inhabited $fieldType]
: $outType → $fieldType
| $ctorPattern => $fieldPat
| x =>
let n := $(quote ctor)
panic! s!"expected constructor {n}")

-- ③: T.𝑐.with𝑎 : α → T → T
let defname : Name := ++ Name.mapHead (fun n => s!"with{n.capitalize}") field.userName
let docstring := mkDocComment <| s!"If the given `{}` is a `{}`,
replaces the value of the `{field.userName}` field with the given value.
Otherwise acts as the identity function."
let a ← mkIdent <$> mkFreshUserName `a
cmds := cmds.push <|← `(
def $(mkIdent defname):ident $implicitBinders:explicitBinder*
: $fieldType → $outType → $outType
| $a, $ctorPattern => $(mkIdent $(fieldPatterns.modify fieldIdx (fun _ => a)):term*
| _, x => x

-- ④: T.𝑐.modify𝑎 : (α → α) → T → T
let defname : Name := ++ Name.mapHead (fun n => s!"modify{n.capitalize}") field.userName
let docstring := mkDocComment <| s!"If the given `{}` is a `{}`,
modifies the value of the `{field.userName}` field with the given `visit` function."
let a ← mkIdent <$> mkFreshUserName `a
let outPat ← fieldPatterns.modifyM fieldIdx (fun q => `( ($a <| $q) ))
cmds := cmds.push <|← `(
def $(mkIdent defname):ident $implicitBinders:explicitBinder*
: (visit : $fieldType → $fieldType) → $outType → $outType
| $a, $ctorPattern => $(mkIdent $outPat:term*
| _, x => x

-- ⑤: T.𝑐.modifyM𝑎 : (α → M α) → T → M T
let defname : Name := ++ Name.mapHead (fun n => s!"modifyM{n.capitalize}") field.userName
let docstring := mkDocComment <| s!"Runs the given `visit` function on the `{field.userName}` argument of `{}`.
Performing the pure op if the given `{}` is not a `{}`.
This is also known as the affine traversal of the field in the van Laarhoven representation."
let visit ← mkIdent <$> mkFreshUserName `visit
let x ← mkIdent <$> mkFreshUserName `x
let outPat := fieldPatterns.modify fieldIdx (fun _ => x)
cmds := cmds.push <|← `(
def $(mkIdent defname):ident $implicitBinders:explicitBinder*
{M} [Pure M] [Functor M]
: (visit : $fieldType → M $fieldType) → $outType → M $outType
| $visit, $ctorPattern => (fun $x => $(mkIdent $outPat:term*) <$> $visit $fieldPat
| _, x => pure x

return cmds
for cmd in cmds do
let pp ← liftCoreM $ PrettyPrinter.ppCommand cmd
trace[derive_optics] "Creating definition:\n{pp}"
elabCommand cmd
throwError "single constructor inductive types should be structures."

let cmds : Array Syntax ← liftTermElabM none <| mkOpticsCore indVal
trace[derive_optics] "Created {cmds.size} definitions."
for cmd in cmds do
let pp ← liftCoreM $ PrettyPrinter.ppCommand cmd
trace[derive_optics] "Creating definition:\n{pp}"
elabCommand cmd

elab "derive_optics" decl:ident : command =>
mkOptics decl.getId

end Lean.Elab.Deriving.Optics

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