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feat: port Topology.ExtendFrom (#2055)
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int-y1 committed Feb 4, 2023
1 parent acdd22b commit 3016c86
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Showing 2 changed files with 94 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -975,6 +975,7 @@ import Mathlib.Topology.Connected
import Mathlib.Topology.Constructions
import Mathlib.Topology.ContinuousOn
import Mathlib.Topology.DenseEmbedding
import Mathlib.Topology.ExtendFrom
import Mathlib.Topology.Homeomorph
import Mathlib.Topology.Inseparable
import Mathlib.Topology.LocalExtr
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93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Topology/ExtendFrom.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Anatole Dedecker. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Patrick Massot, Anatole Dedecker
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module topology.extend_from
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit b363547b3113d350d053abdf2884e9850a56b205
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Topology.Separation

# Extending a function from a subset
The main definition of this file is `extendFrom A f` where `f : X → Y`
and `A : Set X`. This defines a new function `g : X → Y` which maps any
`x₀ : X` to the limit of `f` as `x` tends to `x₀`, if such a limit exists.
This is analoguous to the way `DenseInducing.extend` "extends" a function
`f : X → Z` to a function `g : Y → Z` along a dense inducing `i : X → Y`.
The main theorem we prove about this definition is `continuousOn_extendFrom`
which states that, for `extendFrom A f` to be continuous on a set `B ⊆ closure A`,
it suffices that `f` converges within `A` at any point of `B`, provided that
`f` is a function to a T₃ space.

noncomputable section

open Topology

open Filter Set

variable {X Y : Type _} [TopologicalSpace X] [TopologicalSpace Y]

/-- Extend a function from a set `A`. The resulting function `g` is such that
at any `x₀`, if `f` converges to some `y` as `x` tends to `x₀` within `A`,
then `g x₀` is defined to be one of these `y`. Else, `g x₀` could be anything. -/
def extendFrom (A : Set X) (f : X → Y) : X → Y :=
fun x ↦ @limUnder _ _ _ ⟨f x⟩ (𝓝[A] x) f
#align extend_from extendFrom

/-- If `f` converges to some `y` as `x` tends to `x₀` within `A`,
then `f` tends to `extendFrom A f x` as `x` tends to `x₀`. -/
theorem tendsto_extendFrom {A : Set X} {f : X → Y} {x : X} (h : ∃ y, Tendsto f (𝓝[A] x) (𝓝 y)) :
Tendsto f (𝓝[A] x) (𝓝 <| extendFrom A f x) :=
tendsto_nhds_limUnder h
#align tendsto_extend_from tendsto_extendFrom

theorem extendFrom_eq [T2Space Y] {A : Set X} {f : X → Y} {x : X} {y : Y} (hx : x ∈ closure A)
(hf : Tendsto f (𝓝[A] x) (𝓝 y)) : extendFrom A f x = y :=
haveI := hx
tendsto_nhds_unique (tendsto_nhds_limUnder ⟨y, hf⟩) hf
#align extend_from_eq extendFrom_eq

theorem extendFrom_extends [T2Space Y] {f : X → Y} {A : Set X} (hf : ContinuousOn f A) :
∀ x ∈ A, extendFrom A f x = f x :=
fun x x_in ↦ extendFrom_eq (subset_closure x_in) (hf x x_in)
#align extend_from_extends extendFrom_extends

/-- If `f` is a function to a T₃ space `Y` which has a limit within `A` at any
point of a set `B ⊆ closure A`, then `extendFrom A f` is continuous on `B`. -/
theorem continuousOn_extendFrom [RegularSpace Y] {f : X → Y} {A B : Set X} (hB : B ⊆ closure A)
(hf : ∀ x ∈ B, ∃ y, Tendsto f (𝓝[A] x) (𝓝 y)) : ContinuousOn (extendFrom A f) B := by
set φ := extendFrom A f
intro x x_in
suffices ∀ V' ∈ 𝓝 (φ x), IsClosed V' → φ ⁻¹' V' ∈ 𝓝[B] x by
simpa [ContinuousWithinAt, (closed_nhds_basis (φ x)).tendsto_right_iff]
intro V' V'_in V'_closed
obtain ⟨V, V_in, V_op, hV⟩ : ∃ V ∈ 𝓝 x, IsOpen V ∧ V ∩ A ⊆ f ⁻¹' V' := by
have := tendsto_extendFrom (hf x x_in)
rcases (nhdsWithin_basis_open x A) this V' V'_in with ⟨V, ⟨hxV, V_op⟩, hV⟩
exact ⟨V, IsOpen.mem_nhds V_op hxV, V_op, hV⟩
suffices : ∀ y ∈ V ∩ B, φ y ∈ V'
exact mem_of_superset (inter_mem_inf V_in <| mem_principal_self B) this
rintro y ⟨hyV, hyB⟩
haveI := (hB hyB)
have limy : Tendsto f (𝓝[A] y) (𝓝 <| φ y) := tendsto_extendFrom (hf y hyB)
have hVy : V ∈ 𝓝 y := IsOpen.mem_nhds V_op hyV
have : V ∩ A ∈ 𝓝[A] y := by simpa only [inter_comm] using inter_mem_nhdsWithin A hVy
exact V'_closed.mem_of_tendsto limy (mem_of_superset this hV)
#align continuous_on_extend_from continuousOn_extendFrom

/-- If a function `f` to a T₃ space `Y` has a limit within a
dense set `A` for any `x`, then `extendFrom A f` is continuous. -/
theorem continuous_extendFrom [RegularSpace Y] {f : X → Y} {A : Set X} (hA : Dense A)
(hf : ∀ x, ∃ y, Tendsto f (𝓝[A] x) (𝓝 y)) : Continuous (extendFrom A f) := by
rw [continuous_iff_continuousOn_univ]
exact continuousOn_extendFrom (fun x _ ↦ hA x) (by simpa using hf)
#align continuous_extend_from continuous_extendFrom

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