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feat: port Topology.VectorBundle.Constructions (#4207)
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urkud committed May 22, 2023
1 parent 7d99d4a commit 314e4d6
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Showing 2 changed files with 203 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -2360,6 +2360,7 @@ import Mathlib.Topology.UnitInterval
import Mathlib.Topology.UrysohnsBounded
import Mathlib.Topology.UrysohnsLemma
import Mathlib.Topology.VectorBundle.Basic
import Mathlib.Topology.VectorBundle.Constructions
import Mathlib.Util.AddRelatedDecl
import Mathlib.Util.AssertNoSorry
import Mathlib.Util.AtomM
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202 changes: 202 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Topology/VectorBundle/Constructions.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
Copyright © 2022 Nicolò Cavalleri. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Nicolò Cavalleri, Sébastien Gouëzel, Heather Macbeth, Floris van Doorn
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module topology.vector_bundle.constructions
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit be2c24f56783935652cefffb4bfca7e4b25d167e
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Topology.FiberBundle.Constructions
import Mathlib.Topology.VectorBundle.Basic

# Standard constructions on vector bundles
This file contains several standard constructions on vector bundles:
* `Bundle.Trivial.vectorBundle 𝕜 B F`: the trivial vector bundle with scalar field `𝕜` and model
fiber `F` over the base `B`
* ``: for vector bundles `E₁` and `E₂` with scalar field `𝕜` over a common base,
a vector bundle structure on their direct sum `E₁ ×ᵇ E₂` (the notation stands for
`λ x, E₁ x × E₂ x`).
* `VectorBundle.pullback`: for a vector bundle `E` over `B`, a vector bundle structure on its
pullback `f *ᵖ E` by a map `f : B' → B` (the notation is a type synonym for `E ∘ f`).
## Tags
Vector bundle, direct sum, pullback

noncomputable section

open Bundle Set FiberBundle Classical

/-! ### The trivial vector bundle -/

namespace Bundle.Trivial

variable (𝕜 : Type _) (B : Type _) (F : Type _) [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup F]
[NormedSpace 𝕜 F] [TopologicalSpace B]

instance trivialization.isLinear : (trivialization B F).IsLinear 𝕜 where
linear _ _ := ⟨fun _ _ => rfl, fun _ _ => rfl⟩
#align bundle.trivial.trivialization.is_linear Bundle.Trivial.trivialization.isLinear

variable {𝕜}

theorem trivialization.coordChangeL (b : B) :
(trivialization B F).coordChangeL 𝕜 (trivialization B F) b =
ContinuousLinearEquiv.refl 𝕜 F := by
ext v
rw [Trivialization.coordChangeL_apply']
exacts [rfl, ⟨mem_univ _, mem_univ _⟩]
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align bundle.trivial.trivialization.coord_changeL Bundle.Trivial.trivialization.coordChangeL

variable (𝕜)

instance vectorBundle : VectorBundle 𝕜 F (Bundle.Trivial B F) where
trivialization_linear' e he := by
rw [eq_trivialization B F e]
continuousOn_coordChange' e e' he he' := by
obtain rfl := eq_trivialization B F e
obtain rfl := eq_trivialization B F e'
simp only [trivialization.coordChangeL]
exact continuous_const.continuousOn
#align bundle.trivial.vector_bundle Bundle.Trivial.vectorBundle

end Bundle.Trivial

/-! ### Direct sum of two vector bundles -/


variable (𝕜 : Type _) {B : Type _} [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] [TopologicalSpace B] (F₁ : Type _)
[NormedAddCommGroup F₁] [NormedSpace 𝕜 F₁] (E₁ : B → Type _) [TopologicalSpace (TotalSpace E₁)]
(F₂ : Type _) [NormedAddCommGroup F₂] [NormedSpace 𝕜 F₂] (E₂ : B → Type _)
[TopologicalSpace (TotalSpace E₂)]

namespace Trivialization

variable {F₁ E₁ F₂ E₂}
variable [∀ x, AddCommMonoid (E₁ x)] [∀ x, Module 𝕜 (E₁ x)]
[∀ x, AddCommMonoid (E₂ x)] [∀ x, Module 𝕜 (E₂ x)] (e₁ e₁' : Trivialization F₁ (π E₁))
(e₂ e₂' : Trivialization F₂ (π E₂))

instance prod.isLinear [e₁.IsLinear 𝕜] [e₂.IsLinear 𝕜] : (e₁.prod e₂).IsLinear 𝕜 where
linear := fun _ ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ =>
(((e₁.linear 𝕜 h₁).mk' _).prodMap ((e₂.linear 𝕜 h₂).mk' _)).isLinear

theorem coordChangeL_prod [e₁.IsLinear 𝕜] [e₁'.IsLinear 𝕜] [e₂.IsLinear 𝕜] [e₂'.IsLinear 𝕜] ⦃b⦄
(hb : b ∈ (e₁.prod e₂).baseSet ∩ (e₁'.prod e₂').baseSet) :
((e₁.prod e₂).coordChangeL 𝕜 (e₁'.prod e₂') b : F₁ × F₂ →L[𝕜] F₁ × F₂) =
(e₁.coordChangeL 𝕜 e₁' b : F₁ →L[𝕜] F₁).prodMap (e₂.coordChangeL 𝕜 e₂' b) := by
rw [ContinuousLinearMap.ext_iff, ContinuousLinearMap.coe_prodMap']
rintro ⟨v₁, v₂⟩
(e₁.prod e₂).coordChangeL 𝕜 (e₁'.prod e₂') b (v₁, v₂) =
(e₁.coordChangeL 𝕜 e₁' b v₁, e₂.coordChangeL 𝕜 e₂' b v₂)
rw [e₁.coordChangeL_apply e₁', e₂.coordChangeL_apply e₂', (e₁.prod e₂).coordChangeL_apply']
exacts [rfl, hb, ⟨hb.1.2, hb.2.2⟩, ⟨hb.1.1, hb.2.1⟩]
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align trivialization.coord_changeL_prod Trivialization.coordChangeL_prod

variable {e₁ e₂} [∀ x : B, TopologicalSpace (E₁ x)] [∀ x : B, TopologicalSpace (E₂ x)]
[FiberBundle F₁ E₁] [FiberBundle F₂ E₂]

theorem prod_apply [e₁.IsLinear 𝕜] [e₂.IsLinear 𝕜] {x : B} (hx₁ : x ∈ e₁.baseSet)
(hx₂ : x ∈ e₂.baseSet) (v₁ : E₁ x) (v₂ : E₂ x) :
prod e₁ e₂ ⟨x, (v₁, v₂)⟩ =
⟨x, e₁.continuousLinearEquivAt 𝕜 x hx₁ v₁, e₂.continuousLinearEquivAt 𝕜 x hx₂ v₂⟩ :=
#align trivialization.prod_apply Trivialization.prod_apply

end Trivialization

open Trivialization

variable [∀ x, AddCommMonoid (E₁ x)] [∀ x, Module 𝕜 (E₁ x)] [∀ x, AddCommMonoid (E₂ x)]
[∀ x, Module 𝕜 (E₂ x)] [∀ x : B, TopologicalSpace (E₁ x)] [∀ x : B, TopologicalSpace (E₂ x)]
[FiberBundle F₁ E₁] [FiberBundle F₂ E₂]

/-- The product of two vector bundles is a vector bundle. -/
instance [VectorBundle 𝕜 F₁ E₁] [VectorBundle 𝕜 F₂ E₂] :
VectorBundle 𝕜 (F₁ × F₂) (E₁ ×ᵇ E₂) where
trivialization_linear' := by
rintro _ ⟨e₁, e₂, he₁, he₂, rfl⟩; skip
continuousOn_coordChange' := by
rintro _ _ ⟨e₁, e₂, he₁, he₂, rfl⟩ ⟨e₁', e₂', he₁', he₂', rfl⟩; skip
refine' (((continuousOn_coordChange 𝕜 e₁ e₁').mono _).prod_mapL 𝕜
((continuousOn_coordChange 𝕜 e₂ e₂').mono _)).congr _ <;>
dsimp only [baseSet_prod, mfld_simps]
· mfld_set_tac
· mfld_set_tac
· rintro b hb
rw [ContinuousLinearMap.ext_iff]
rintro ⟨v₁, v₂⟩
show (e₁.prod e₂).coordChangeL 𝕜 (e₁'.prod e₂') b (v₁, v₂) =
(e₁.coordChangeL 𝕜 e₁' b v₁, e₂.coordChangeL 𝕜 e₂' b v₂)
rw [e₁.coordChangeL_apply e₁', e₂.coordChangeL_apply e₂', (e₁.prod e₂).coordChangeL_apply']
exacts[rfl, hb, ⟨hb.1.2, hb.2.2⟩, ⟨hb.1.1, hb.2.1⟩]

variable {𝕜 F₁ E₁ F₂ E₂}

@[simp] -- porting note: changed arguments to make `simpNF` happy: merged `hx₁` and `hx₂` into `hx`
theorem Trivialization.continuousLinearEquivAt_prod {e₁ : Trivialization F₁ (π E₁)}
{e₂ : Trivialization F₂ (π E₂)} [e₁.IsLinear 𝕜] [e₂.IsLinear 𝕜] {x : B}
(hx : x ∈ (e₁.prod e₂).baseSet) :
(e₁.prod e₂).continuousLinearEquivAt 𝕜 x hx =
(e₁.continuousLinearEquivAt 𝕜 x hx.1).prod (e₂.continuousLinearEquivAt 𝕜 x hx.2) := by
ext v : 2
obtain ⟨v₁, v₂⟩ := v
rw [(e₁.prod e₂).continuousLinearEquivAt_apply 𝕜,]
exact (congr_arg Prod.snd (prod_apply 𝕜 hx.1 hx.2 v₁ v₂) : _)
#align trivialization.continuous_linear_equiv_at_prod Trivialization.continuousLinearEquivAt_prodₓ


/-! ### Pullbacks of vector bundles -/


variable (R 𝕜 : Type _) {B : Type _} (F : Type _) (E : B → Type _) {B' : Type _} (f : B' → B)

instance [i : ∀ x : B, AddCommMonoid (E x)] (x : B') : AddCommMonoid ((f *ᵖ E) x) := i _

instance [Semiring R] [∀ x : B, AddCommMonoid (E x)] [i : ∀ x, Module R (E x)] (x : B') :
Module R ((f *ᵖ E) x) := i _

variable {E F} [TopologicalSpace B'] [TopologicalSpace (TotalSpace E)] [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜]
[NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace 𝕜 F] [TopologicalSpace B] [∀ x, AddCommMonoid (E x)]
[∀ x, Module 𝕜 (E x)] {K : Type _} [ContinuousMapClass K B' B]

instance Trivialization.pullback_linear (e : Trivialization F (π E)) [e.IsLinear 𝕜] (f : K) :
(@Trivialization.pullback _ _ _ B' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e f).IsLinear 𝕜 where
linear _ h := e.linear 𝕜 h
#align trivialization.pullback_linear Trivialization.pullback_linear

instance VectorBundle.pullback [∀ x, TopologicalSpace (E x)] [FiberBundle F E] [VectorBundle 𝕜 F E]
(f : K) : VectorBundle 𝕜 F ((f : B' → B) *ᵖ E) where
trivialization_linear' := by
rintro _ ⟨e, he, rfl⟩
continuousOn_coordChange' := by
rintro _ _ ⟨e, he, rfl⟩ ⟨e', he', rfl⟩
refine' ((continuousOn_coordChange 𝕜 e e').comp
(map_continuous f).continuousOn fun b hb => hb).congr _
rintro b (hb : f b ∈ e.baseSet ∩ e'.baseSet); ext v
show ((e.pullback f).coordChangeL 𝕜 (e'.pullback f) b) v = (e.coordChangeL 𝕜 e' (f b)) v
rw [e.coordChangeL_apply e' hb, (e.pullback f).coordChangeL_apply' _]
exacts [rfl, hb]
#align vector_bundle.pullback VectorBundle.pullback


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