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feat:port GroupTheory.SemidirectProduct (#1878)
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Co-authored-by: Chris Hughes <>
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xroblot and ChrisHughes24 committed Jan 28, 2023
1 parent 0985cf5 commit 35c97af
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Showing 2 changed files with 314 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -586,6 +586,7 @@ import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Perm.Basic
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Perm.List
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Perm.Support
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Perm.ViaEmbedding
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.SemidirectProduct
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Subgroup.Actions
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Subgroup.Basic
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Subgroup.MulOpposite
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313 changes: 313 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/GroupTheory/SemidirectProduct.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Chris Hughes. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Chris Hughes
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module group_theory.semidirect_product
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit f7fc89d5d5ff1db2d1242c7bb0e9062ce47ef47c
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Algebra.Hom.Aut
import Mathlib.Logic.Function.Basic
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Subgroup.Basic

# Semidirect product
This file defines semidirect products of groups, and the canonical maps in and out of the
semidirect product. The semidirect product of `N` and `G` given a hom `φ` from
`G` to the automorphism group of `N` is the product of sets with the group
`⟨n₁, g₁⟩ * ⟨n₂, g₂⟩ = ⟨n₁ * φ g₁ n₂, g₁ * g₂⟩`
## Key definitions
There are two homs into the semidirect product `inl : N →* N ⋊[φ] G` and
`inr : G →* N ⋊[φ] G`, and `lift` can be used to define maps `N ⋊[φ] G →* H`
out of the semidirect product given maps `f₁ : N →* H` and `f₂ : G →* H` that satisfy the
condition `∀ n g, f₁ (φ g n) = f₂ g * f₁ n * f₂ g⁻¹`
## Notation
This file introduces the global notation `N ⋊[φ] G` for `semidirect_product N G φ`
## Tags
group, semidirect product

variable (N : Type _) (G : Type _) {H : Type _} [Group N] [Group G] [Group H]

/-- The semidirect product of groups `N` and `G`, given a map `φ` from `G` to the automorphism
group of `N`. It the product of sets with the group operation
`⟨n₁, g₁⟩ * ⟨n₂, g₂⟩ = ⟨n₁ * φ g₁ n₂, g₁ * g₂⟩` -/
structure SemidirectProduct (φ : G →* MulAut N) where
/-- The element of N -/
left : N
/-- The element of G -/
right : G
deriving DecidableEq
#align semidirect_product SemidirectProduct

-- Porting note: these lemmas are autogenerated by the inductive definition and are not
-- in simple form due to the existence of mk_eq_inl_mul_inr
attribute [nolint simpNF]
attribute [nolint simpNF]

-- Porting note: unknown attribute
-- attribute [pp_using_anonymous_constructor] SemidirectProduct

notation:35 N " ⋊[" φ:35 "] " G:35 => SemidirectProduct N G φ

namespace SemidirectProduct

variable {N G}
variable {φ : G →* MulAut N}

instance : Mul (SemidirectProduct N G φ) where
mul a b := ⟨a.1 * φ a.2 b.1, a.2 * b.2

lemma mul_def (a b : SemidirectProduct N G φ) :
a * b = ⟨a.1 * φ a.2 b.1, a.2 * b.2⟩ := rfl

theorem mul_left (a b : N ⋊[φ] G) : (a * b).left = a.left * φ a.right b.left := rfl
#align semidirect_product.mul_left SemidirectProduct.mul_left

theorem mul_right (a b : N ⋊[φ] G) : (a * b).right = a.right * b.right := rfl
#align semidirect_product.mul_right SemidirectProduct.mul_right

instance : One (SemidirectProduct N G φ) where one := ⟨1, 1

theorem one_left : (1 : N ⋊[φ] G).left = 1 := rfl
#align semidirect_product.one_left SemidirectProduct.one_left

theorem one_right : (1 : N ⋊[φ] G).right = 1 := rfl
#align semidirect_product.one_right SemidirectProduct.one_right

instance : Inv (SemidirectProduct N G φ) where
inv x := ⟨φ x.2⁻¹ x.1⁻¹, x.2⁻¹⟩

theorem inv_left (a : N ⋊[φ] G) : a⁻¹.left = φ a.right⁻¹ a.left⁻¹ := rfl
#align semidirect_product.inv_left SemidirectProduct.inv_left

theorem inv_right (a : N ⋊[φ] G) : a⁻¹.right = a.right⁻¹ := rfl
#align semidirect_product.inv_right SemidirectProduct.inv_right

instance : Group (N ⋊[φ] G) where
mul_assoc a b c := SemidirectProduct.ext _ _ (by simp [mul_assoc]) (by simp [mul_assoc])
one_mul a := SemidirectProduct.ext _ _ (by simp) (one_mul a.2)
mul_one a := SemidirectProduct.ext _ _ (by simp) (mul_one _)
mul_left_inv a := SemidirectProduct.ext _ _ (by simp) (by simp)

instance : Inhabited (N ⋊[φ] G) := ⟨1

/-- The canonical map `N →* N ⋊[φ] G` sending `n` to `⟨n, 1⟩` -/
def inl : N →* N ⋊[φ] G where
toFun n := ⟨n, 1
map_one' := rfl
map_mul' := by intros ; ext <;>
simp only [mul_left, map_one, MulAut.one_apply, mul_right, mul_one]
#align semidirect_product.inl SemidirectProduct.inl

theorem left_inl (n : N) : (inl n : N ⋊[φ] G).left = n := rfl
#align semidirect_product.left_inl SemidirectProduct.left_inl

theorem right_inl (n : N) : (inl n : N ⋊[φ] G).right = 1 := rfl
#align semidirect_product.right_inl SemidirectProduct.right_inl

theorem inl_injective : Function.Injective (inl : N → N ⋊[φ] G) :=
Function.injective_iff_hasLeftInverse.2 ⟨left, left_inl⟩
#align semidirect_product.inl_injective SemidirectProduct.inl_injective

theorem inl_inj {n₁ n₂ : N} : (inl n₁ : N ⋊[φ] G) = inl n₂ ↔ n₁ = n₂ :=
#align semidirect_product.inl_inj SemidirectProduct.inl_inj

/-- The canonical map `G →* N ⋊[φ] G` sending `g` to `⟨1, g⟩` -/
def inr : G →* N ⋊[φ] G where
toFun g := ⟨1, g⟩
map_one' := rfl
map_mul' := by intros ; ext <;> simp
#align semidirect_product.inr SemidirectProduct.inr

theorem left_inr (g : G) : (inr g : N ⋊[φ] G).left = 1 := rfl
#align semidirect_product.left_inr SemidirectProduct.left_inr

theorem right_inr (g : G) : (inr g : N ⋊[φ] G).right = g := rfl
#align semidirect_product.right_inr SemidirectProduct.right_inr

theorem inr_injective : Function.Injective (inr : G → N ⋊[φ] G) :=
Function.injective_iff_hasLeftInverse.2 ⟨right, right_inr⟩
#align semidirect_product.inr_injective SemidirectProduct.inr_injective

theorem inr_inj {g₁ g₂ : G} : (inr g₁ : N ⋊[φ] G) = inr g₂ ↔ g₁ = g₂ :=
#align semidirect_product.inr_inj SemidirectProduct.inr_inj

theorem inl_aut (g : G) (n : N) : (inl (φ g n) : N ⋊[φ] G) = inr g * inl n * inr g⁻¹ := by
ext <;> simp
#align semidirect_product.inl_aut SemidirectProduct.inl_aut

theorem inl_aut_inv (g : G) (n : N) : (inl ((φ g)⁻¹ n) : N ⋊[φ] G) = inr g⁻¹ * inl n * inr g := by
rw [← MonoidHom.map_inv, inl_aut, inv_inv]
#align semidirect_product.inl_aut_inv SemidirectProduct.inl_aut_inv

theorem mk_eq_inl_mul_inr (g : G) (n : N) : (⟨n, g⟩ : N ⋊[φ] G) = inl n * inr g := by ext <;> simp
#align semidirect_product.mk_eq_inl_mul_inr SemidirectProduct.mk_eq_inl_mul_inr

theorem inl_left_mul_inr_right (x : N ⋊[φ] G) : inl x.left * inr x.right = x := by ext <;> simp
#align semidirect_product.inl_left_mul_inr_right SemidirectProduct.inl_left_mul_inr_right

/-- The canonical projection map `N ⋊[φ] G →* G`, as a group hom. -/
def rightHom : N ⋊[φ] G →* G where
toFun := SemidirectProduct.right
map_one' := rfl
map_mul' _ _ := rfl
#align semidirect_product.right_hom SemidirectProduct.rightHom

theorem rightHom_eq_right : (rightHom : N ⋊[φ] G → G) = right := rfl
#align semidirect_product.right_hom_eq_right SemidirectProduct.rightHom_eq_right

theorem rightHom_comp_inl : (rightHom : N ⋊[φ] G →* G).comp inl = 1 := by ext ; simp [rightHom]
#align semidirect_product.right_hom_comp_inl SemidirectProduct.rightHom_comp_inl

theorem rightHom_comp_inr : (rightHom : N ⋊[φ] G →* G).comp inr = _ := by
ext ; simp [rightHom]
#align semidirect_product.right_hom_comp_inr SemidirectProduct.rightHom_comp_inr

theorem rightHom_inl (n : N) : rightHom (inl n : N ⋊[φ] G) = 1 := by simp [rightHom]
#align semidirect_product.right_hom_inl SemidirectProduct.rightHom_inl

theorem rightHom_inr (g : G) : rightHom (inr g : N ⋊[φ] G) = g := by simp [rightHom]
#align semidirect_product.right_hom_inr SemidirectProduct.rightHom_inr

theorem rightHom_surjective : Function.Surjective (rightHom : N ⋊[φ] G → G) :=
Function.surjective_iff_hasRightInverse.2 ⟨inr, rightHom_inr⟩
#align semidirect_product.right_hom_surjective SemidirectProduct.rightHom_surjective

theorem range_inl_eq_ker_rightHom : (inl : N →* N ⋊[φ] G).range = rightHom.ker :=
le_antisymm (fun _ ↦ by simp (config := { contextual := true }) [MonoidHom.mem_ker, eq_comm])
fun x hx ↦ ⟨x.left, by ext <;> simp_all [MonoidHom.mem_ker]⟩
#align semidirect_product.range_inl_eq_ker_right_hom SemidirectProduct.range_inl_eq_ker_rightHom

section lift

variable (f₁ : N →* H) (f₂ : G →* H)
(h : ∀ g, f₁.comp (φ g).toMonoidHom = (MulAut.conj (f₂ g)).toMonoidHom.comp f₁)

/-- Define a group hom `N ⋊[φ] G →* H`, by defining maps `N →* H` and `G →* H` -/
def lift (f₁ : N →* H) (f₂ : G →* H)
(h : ∀ g, f₁.comp (φ g).toMonoidHom = (MulAut.conj (f₂ g)).toMonoidHom.comp f₁) : N ⋊[φ] G →* H
toFun a := f₁ a.1 * f₂ a.2
map_one' := by simp
map_mul' a b := by
have := fun n g ↦ FunLike.ext_iff.1 (h n) g
simp only [MulAut.conj_apply, MonoidHom.comp_apply, MulEquiv.coe_toMonoidHom] at this
simp only [mul_left, mul_right, map_mul, this, mul_assoc, inv_mul_cancel_left]
#align semidirect_product.lift SemidirectProduct.lift

theorem lift_inl (n : N) : lift f₁ f₂ h (inl n) = f₁ n := by simp [lift]
#align semidirect_product.lift_inl SemidirectProduct.lift_inl

theorem lift_comp_inl : (lift f₁ f₂ h).comp inl = f₁ := by ext ; simp
#align semidirect_product.lift_comp_inl SemidirectProduct.lift_comp_inl

theorem lift_inr (g : G) : lift f₁ f₂ h (inr g) = f₂ g := by simp [lift]
#align semidirect_product.lift_inr SemidirectProduct.lift_inr

theorem lift_comp_inr : (lift f₁ f₂ h).comp inr = f₂ := by ext ; simp
#align semidirect_product.lift_comp_inr SemidirectProduct.lift_comp_inr

theorem lift_unique (F : N ⋊[φ] G →* H) :
F = lift (F.comp inl) (F.comp inr) fun _ ↦ by ext ; simp [inl_aut] := by
rw [FunLike.ext_iff]
simp only [lift, MonoidHom.comp_apply, MonoidHom.coe_mk, OneHom.coe_mk, ← map_mul,
inl_left_mul_inr_right, forall_const]
#align semidirect_product.lift_unique SemidirectProduct.lift_unique

/-- Two maps out of the semidirect product are equal if they're equal after composition
with both `inl` and `inr` -/
theorem hom_ext {f g : N ⋊[φ] G →* H} (hl : f.comp inl = g.comp inl)
(hr : f.comp inr = g.comp inr) : f = g := by
rw [lift_unique f, lift_unique g]
simp only [*]
#align semidirect_product.hom_ext SemidirectProduct.hom_ext

end lift

section Map

variable {N₁ : Type _} {G₁ : Type _} [Group N₁] [Group G₁] {φ₁ : G₁ →* MulAut N₁}

/-- Define a map from `N ⋊[φ] G` to `N₁ ⋊[φ₁] G₁` given maps `N →* N₁` and `G →* G₁` that
satisfy a commutativity condition `∀ n g, f₁ (φ g n) = φ₁ (f₂ g) (f₁ n)`. -/
def map (f₁ : N →* N₁) (f₂ : G →* G₁)
(h : ∀ g : G, f₁.comp (φ g).toMonoidHom = (φ₁ (f₂ g)).toMonoidHom.comp f₁) :
N ⋊[φ] G →* N₁ ⋊[φ₁] G₁ where
toFun x := ⟨f₁ x.1, f₂ x.2
map_one' := by simp
map_mul' x y := by
replace h := FunLike.ext_iff.1 (h x.right) y.left
ext <;> simp_all

variable (f₁ : N →* N₁) (f₂ : G →* G₁)
(h : ∀ g : G, f₁.comp (φ g).toMonoidHom = (φ₁ (f₂ g)).toMonoidHom.comp f₁)

theorem map_left (g : N ⋊[φ] G) : (map f₁ f₂ h g).left = f₁ g.left := rfl
#align semidirect_product.map_left SemidirectProduct.map_left

theorem map_right (g : N ⋊[φ] G) : (map f₁ f₂ h g).right = f₂ g.right := rfl
#align semidirect_product.map_right SemidirectProduct.map_right

theorem rightHom_comp_map : rightHom.comp (map f₁ f₂ h) = f₂.comp rightHom := rfl
#align semidirect_product.right_hom_comp_map SemidirectProduct.rightHom_comp_map

theorem map_inl (n : N) : map f₁ f₂ h (inl n) = inl (f₁ n) := by simp [map]
#align semidirect_product.map_inl SemidirectProduct.map_inl

theorem map_comp_inl : (map f₁ f₂ h).comp inl = inl.comp f₁ := by ext <;> simp
#align semidirect_product.map_comp_inl SemidirectProduct.map_comp_inl

theorem map_inr (g : G) : map f₁ f₂ h (inr g) = inr (f₂ g) := by simp [map]
#align semidirect_product.map_inr SemidirectProduct.map_inr

theorem map_comp_inr : (map f₁ f₂ h).comp inr = inr.comp f₂ := by ext <;> simp [map]
#align semidirect_product.map_comp_inr SemidirectProduct.map_comp_inr

end Map

end SemidirectProduct

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