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feat(FieldTheory/IntermediateField): generalize `eq_of_le_of_finrank_…
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…{le|eq}` (#8873)

- generalize `IntermediateField.eq_of_le_of_finrank_{le|eq}`: the condition `FiniteDimensional K L` is generalized to `FiniteDimensional K E` (credits: @riccardobrasca)
- generalize `IntermediateField.eq_of_le_of_finrank_{le|eq}'`: the condition `FiniteDimensional K L` is generalized to `FiniteDimensional F L` (original proof credits: @riccardobrasca)
- add `Subalgebra.eq_of_le_of_finrank_{le|eq}`
- add `IntermediateField.extendScalars` and its basic properties
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acmepjz committed Dec 13, 2023
1 parent 8a22187 commit 39229b7
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Showing 2 changed files with 94 additions and 7 deletions.
79 changes: 73 additions & 6 deletions Mathlib/FieldTheory/IntermediateField.lean
Expand Up @@ -675,6 +675,55 @@ end RestrictScalars
/-- This was formerly an instance called `lift2_alg`, but an instance above already provides it. -/
example {F : IntermediateField K L} {E : IntermediateField F L} : Algebra K E := by infer_instance

section ExtendScalars

variable {F E E' : IntermediateField K L} (h : F ≤ E) (h' : F ≤ E') {x : L}

/-- If `F ≤ E` are two intermediate fields of `L / K`, then `E` is also an intermediate field of
`L / F`. It can be viewed as an inverse to `IntermediateField.restrictScalars`. -/
def extendScalars : IntermediateField F L := E.toSubfield.toIntermediateField fun ⟨_, hf⟩ ↦ h hf

theorem coe_extendScalars : (extendScalars h : Set L) = (E : Set L) := rfl

theorem extendScalars_toSubfield : (extendScalars h).toSubfield = E.toSubfield :=
SetLike.coe_injective rfl

theorem mem_extendScalars : x ∈ extendScalars h ↔ x ∈ E := Iff.rfl

theorem extendScalars_restrictScalars : (extendScalars h).restrictScalars K = E := rfl

theorem extendScalars_le_extendScalars_iff : extendScalars h ≤ extendScalars h' ↔ E ≤ E' := Iff.rfl

theorem extendScalars_le_iff (E' : IntermediateField F L) :
extendScalars h ≤ E' ↔ E ≤ E'.restrictScalars K := Iff.rfl

theorem le_extendScalars_iff (E' : IntermediateField F L) :
E' ≤ extendScalars h ↔ E'.restrictScalars K ≤ E := Iff.rfl

variable (F)

/-- `IntermediateField.extendScalars` is an order isomorphism from
`{ E : IntermediateField K L // F ≤ E }` to `IntermediateField F L`. Its inverse is
`IntermediateField.restrictScalars`. -/
def extendScalars.orderIso : { E : IntermediateField K L // F ≤ E } ≃o IntermediateField F L where
toFun E := extendScalars E.2
invFun E := ⟨E.restrictScalars K, fun x hx ↦ E.algebraMap_mem ⟨x, hx⟩⟩
left_inv E := rfl
right_inv E := rfl
map_rel_iff' {E E'} := by
simp only [Equiv.coe_fn_mk]
exact extendScalars_le_extendScalars_iff _ _

theorem extendScalars_injective :
Function.Injective fun E : { E : IntermediateField K L // F ≤ E } ↦ extendScalars E.2 :=
(extendScalars.orderIso F).injective

end ExtendScalars

end Tower

section FiniteDimensional
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -707,27 +756,45 @@ theorem toSubalgebra_eq_iff : F.toSubalgebra = E.toSubalgebra ↔ F = E := by
#align intermediate_field.to_subalgebra_eq_iff IntermediateField.toSubalgebra_eq_iff

nonrec theorem eq_of_le_of_finrank_le [FiniteDimensional K L] (h_le : F ≤ E)
/-- If `F ≤ E` are two intermediate fields of `L / K` such that `[E : K] ≤ [F : K]` are finite,
then `F = E`. -/
theorem eq_of_le_of_finrank_le [hfin : FiniteDimensional K E] (h_le : F ≤ E)
(h_finrank : finrank K E ≤ finrank K F) : F = E :=
toSubalgebra_injective <|
Subalgebra.toSubmodule.injective <| eq_of_le_of_finrank_le h_le h_finrank
haveI : Module.Finite K E.toSubalgebra := hfin
toSubalgebra_injective <| Subalgebra.eq_of_le_of_finrank_le h_le h_finrank
#align intermediate_field.eq_of_le_of_finrank_le IntermediateField.eq_of_le_of_finrank_le

theorem eq_of_le_of_finrank_eq [FiniteDimensional K L] (h_le : F ≤ E)
/-- If `F ≤ E` are two intermediate fields of `L / K` such that `[F : K] = [E : K]` are finite,
then `F = E`. -/
theorem eq_of_le_of_finrank_eq [FiniteDimensional K E] (h_le : F ≤ E)
(h_finrank : finrank K F = finrank K E) : F = E :=
eq_of_le_of_finrank_le h_le
#align intermediate_field.eq_of_le_of_finrank_eq IntermediateField.eq_of_le_of_finrank_eq

theorem eq_of_le_of_finrank_le' [FiniteDimensional K L] (h_le : F ≤ E)
-- If `F ≤ E` are two intermediate fields of a finite extension `L / K` such that
-- `[L : F] ≤ [L : E]`, then `F = E`. Marked as private since it's a direct corollary of
-- `eq_of_le_of_finrank_le'` (the `FiniteDimensional K L` implies `FiniteDimensional F L`
-- automatically by typeclass resolution).
private theorem eq_of_le_of_finrank_le'' [FiniteDimensional K L] (h_le : F ≤ E)
(h_finrank : finrank F L ≤ finrank E L) : F = E := by
apply eq_of_le_of_finrank_le h_le
have h1 := finrank_mul_finrank K F L
have h2 := finrank_mul_finrank K E L
have h3 : 0 < finrank E L := finrank_pos

/-- If `F ≤ E` are two intermediate fields of `L / K` such that `[L : F] ≤ [L : E]` are finite,
then `F = E`. -/
theorem eq_of_le_of_finrank_le' [FiniteDimensional F L] (h_le : F ≤ E)
(h_finrank : finrank F L ≤ finrank E L) : F = E := by
refine le_antisymm h_le (fun l hl ↦ ?_)
rwa [← mem_extendScalars (le_refl F), eq_of_le_of_finrank_le''
((extendScalars_le_extendScalars_iff (le_refl F) h_le).2 h_le) h_finrank, mem_extendScalars]
#align intermediate_field.eq_of_le_of_finrank_le' IntermediateField.eq_of_le_of_finrank_le'

theorem eq_of_le_of_finrank_eq' [FiniteDimensional K L] (h_le : F ≤ E)
/-- If `F ≤ E` are two intermediate fields of `L / K` such that `[L : F] = [L : E]` are finite,
then `F = E`. -/
theorem eq_of_le_of_finrank_eq' [FiniteDimensional F L] (h_le : F ≤ E)
(h_finrank : finrank F L = finrank E L) : F = E :=
eq_of_le_of_finrank_le' h_le h_finrank.le
#align intermediate_field.eq_of_le_of_finrank_eq' IntermediateField.eq_of_le_of_finrank_eq'
Expand Down
22 changes: 21 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/FiniteDimensional.lean
Expand Up @@ -838,20 +838,40 @@ section DivisionRing
variable [DivisionRing K] [AddCommGroup V] [Module K V] {V₂ : Type v'} [AddCommGroup V₂]
[Module K V₂]

/-- If a submodule is contained in a finite-dimensional
submodule with the same or smaller dimension, they are equal. -/
theorem eq_of_le_of_finrank_le {S₁ S₂ : Submodule K V} [FiniteDimensional K S₂] (hle : S₁ ≤ S₂)
(hd : finrank K S₂ ≤ finrank K S₁) : S₁ = S₂ := by
rw [← LinearEquiv.finrank_eq (Submodule.comapSubtypeEquivOfLe hle)] at hd
exact le_antisymm hle (Submodule.comap_subtype_eq_top.1
(eq_top_of_finrank_eq (le_antisymm (comap (Submodule.subtype S₂) S₁).finrank_le hd)))
#align finite_dimensional.eq_of_le_of_finrank_le FiniteDimensional.eq_of_le_of_finrank_le

/-- If a submodule is less than or equal to a finite-dimensional
/-- If a submodule is contained in a finite-dimensional
submodule with the same dimension, they are equal. -/
theorem eq_of_le_of_finrank_eq {S₁ S₂ : Submodule K V} [FiniteDimensional K S₂] (hle : S₁ ≤ S₂)
(hd : finrank K S₁ = finrank K S₂) : S₁ = S₂ :=
eq_of_le_of_finrank_le hle
#align finite_dimensional.eq_of_le_of_finrank_eq FiniteDimensional.eq_of_le_of_finrank_eq

section Subalgebra

variable {K L : Type*} [Field K] [Ring L] [Algebra K L] {F E : Subalgebra K L}
[hfin : FiniteDimensional K E] (h_le : F ≤ E)

/-- If a subalgebra is contained in a finite-dimensional
subalgebra with the same or smaller dimension, they are equal. -/
theorem _root_.Subalgebra.eq_of_le_of_finrank_le (h_finrank : finrank K E ≤ finrank K F) : F = E :=
haveI : Module.Finite K (Subalgebra.toSubmodule E) := hfin
Subalgebra.toSubmodule_injective <| FiniteDimensional.eq_of_le_of_finrank_le h_le h_finrank

/-- If a subalgebra is contained in a finite-dimensional
subalgebra with the same dimension, they are equal. -/
theorem _root_.Subalgebra.eq_of_le_of_finrank_eq (h_finrank : finrank K F = finrank K E) : F = E :=
Subalgebra.eq_of_le_of_finrank_le h_le

end Subalgebra

variable [FiniteDimensional K V] [FiniteDimensional K V₂]

/-- Given isomorphic subspaces `p q` of vector spaces `V` and `V₁` respectively,
Expand Down

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