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chore: revert leantar #5710 for further testing
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This reverts commit 6ed1d66.
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semorrison committed Jul 13, 2023
1 parent 6ed1d66 commit 3989b67
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Showing 3 changed files with 23 additions and 91 deletions.
102 changes: 19 additions & 83 deletions Cache/IO.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Authors: Arthur Paulino
import Lean.Data.HashMap
import Lean.Data.RBMap
import Lean.Data.RBTree
import Lean.Data.Json.Printer

/-- Removes a parent path from the beginning of a path -/
def System.FilePath.withoutParent (path parent : FilePath) : FilePath :=
Expand All @@ -17,15 +16,8 @@ def System.FilePath.withoutParent (path parent : FilePath) : FilePath :=
| x, [] => x
mkFilePath $ aux path.components parent.components

def Nat.toHexDigits (n : Nat) : Nat → (res : String := "") → String
| 0, s => s
| len+1, s =>
let b := UInt8.ofNat (n >>> (len * 8))
Nat.toHexDigits n len <|
s.push (Nat.digitChar (b >>> 4).toNat) |>.push (Nat.digitChar (b &&& 15).toNat)

def UInt64.asLTar (n : UInt64) : String :=
s!"{Nat.toHexDigits n.toNat 8}.ltar"
def UInt64.asTarGz (n : UInt64) : String :=

namespace Cache.IO

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,23 +51,12 @@ def CURLBIN :=
-- change file name if we ever need a more recent version to trigger re-download

/-- leantar version at -/

-- change file name if we ever need a more recent version to trigger re-download


def getCurl : IO String := do
return if (← CURLBIN.pathExists) then CURLBIN.toString else "curl"

def getLeanTar : IO String := do
return if (← LEANTARBIN.pathExists) then LEANTARBIN.toString else "leantar"

abbrev PackageDirs := Lean.RBMap String FilePath compare

/-- Whether this is running on Mathlib repo or not -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,44 +136,6 @@ def validateCurl : IO Bool := do
| _ => throw $ IO.userError "Invalidly formatted version of `curl`"
| _ => throw $ IO.userError "Invalidly formatted response from `curl --version`"

def Version := Nat × Nat × Nat
deriving Inhabited, DecidableEq

instance : Ord Version := let _ := @lexOrd; lexOrd
instance : LE Version := leOfOrd

def parseVersion (s : String) : Option Version := do
let [maj, min, patch] := s.splitOn "." | none
some (maj.toNat!, min.toNat!, patch.toNat!)

def validateLeanTar : IO Unit := do
if (← LEANTARBIN.pathExists) then return
if let some version ← some <$> runCmd "leantar" #["--version"] <|> pure none then
let "leantar" :: v :: _ := version.splitOn " "
| throw $ IO.userError "Invalidly formatted response from `leantar --version`"
let some v := parseVersion v | throw $ IO.userError "Invalidly formatted version of `leantar`"
-- currently we need exactly one version of leantar, change this to reflect compatibility
if v = (parseVersion LEANTARVERSION).get! then return
let win := System.Platform.getIsWindows ()
let target ← if win then
pure "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"
let arch ← (·.trim) <$> runCmd "uname" #["-m"] false
unless arch ∈ ["x86_64", "aarch64"] do
throw $ IO.userError s!"unsupported architecture {arch}"
pure <|
if System.Platform.getIsOSX () then s!"{arch}-apple-darwin"
else s!"{arch}-unknown-linux-gnu"
IO.println s!"leantar is too old; downloading more recent version"
let ext := if win then "zip" else "tar.xz"
let _ ← runCmd "curl" #[
"-L", "-o", s!"{LEANTARBIN}.{ext}"]
let _ ← runCmd "tar" #["-xf", s!"{LEANTARBIN}.{ext}",
"-C", IO.CACHEDIR.toString, "--strip-components=1"]
let _ ← runCmd "mv" #[(IO.CACHEDIR / s!"leantar").toString, LEANTARBIN.toString]

/-- Recursively gets all files from a directory with a certain extension -/
partial def getFilesWithExtension
(fp : FilePath) (extension : String) (acc : Array FilePath := #[]) :
Expand All @@ -207,7 +150,7 @@ namespace HashMap

def filter (hashMap : HashMap) (set : Lean.RBTree String compare) (keep : Bool) : HashMap :=
hashMap.fold (init := default) fun acc path hash =>
let contains := set.contains hash.asLTar
let contains := set.contains hash.asTarGz
let add := if keep then contains else !contains
if add then acc.insert path hash else acc

Expand All @@ -226,9 +169,9 @@ Each build file also has a `Bool` indicating whether that file is required for c
def mkBuildPaths (path : FilePath) : IO $ Array (FilePath × Bool) := do
let packageDir ← getPackageDir path
return #[
(packageDir / LIBDIR / path.withExtension "trace", true),
(packageDir / LIBDIR / path.withExtension "olean", true),
(packageDir / LIBDIR / path.withExtension "ilean", true),
(packageDir / LIBDIR / path.withExtension "trace", true),
(packageDir / IRDIR / path.withExtension "c", true),
(packageDir / LIBDIR / path.withExtension "extra", false)]

Expand All @@ -242,25 +185,21 @@ def allExist (paths : Array (FilePath × Bool)) : IO Bool := do
def packCache (hashMap : HashMap) (overwrite : Bool) : IO $ Array String := do
IO.println "Compressing cache"
let mut acc := #[]
let mut tasks := #[]
let mut acc := default
for (path, hash) in hashMap.toList do
let zip := hash.asLTar
let zip := hash.asTarGz
let zipPath := CACHEDIR / zip
let buildPaths ← mkBuildPaths path
if ← allExist buildPaths then
if overwrite || !(← zipPath.pathExists) then
tasks := tasks.push <| ← IO.asTask do
runCmd (← getLeanTar) $ #[zipPath.toString] ++
((← buildPaths.filterM (·.1.pathExists)) |>.map (·.1.toString))
discard $ runCmd "tar" $ #["-I", "gzip -9", "-cf", zipPath.toString] ++
((← buildPaths.filterM (·.1.pathExists)) |>.map (·.1.toString))
acc := acc.push zip
for task in tasks do
_ ← IO.ofExcept task.get
return acc

/-- Gets the set of all cached files -/
def getLocalCacheSet : IO $ Lean.RBTree String compare := do
let paths ← getFilesWithExtension CACHEDIR "ltar"
let paths ← getFilesWithExtension CACHEDIR "gz"
return .fromList ( (·.withoutParent CACHEDIR |>.toString)) _

def isPathFromMathlib (path : FilePath) : Bool :=
Expand All @@ -276,22 +215,19 @@ def unpackCache (hashMap : HashMap) : IO Unit := do
let hashMap := hashMap.filter (← getLocalCacheSet) true
let size := hashMap.size
if size > 0 then
let now ← IO.monoMsNow
IO.println s!"Decompressing {size} file(s)"
let isMathlibRoot ← isMathlibRoot
let child ← IO.Process.spawn
{ cmd := ← getLeanTar, args := #["-x", "-j", "-"], stdin := .piped }
let (stdin, child) ← child.takeStdin
let config : Array Lean.Json := hashMap.fold (init := #[]) fun config path hash =>
let pathStr := s!"{CACHEDIR / hash.asLTar}"
hashMap.forM fun path hash => do
let _ ← IO.asTask do
match path.parent with
| none | some path => do
let packageDir ← getPackageDir path
mkDir $ packageDir / LIBDIR / path
mkDir $ packageDir / IRDIR / path
if isMathlibRoot || !isPathFromMathlib path then
config.push <| .str pathStr
runCmd "tar" #["-xzf", s!"{CACHEDIR / hash.asTarGz}"]
else -- only mathlib files, when not in the mathlib4 repo, need to be redirected
config.push <| .mkObj [("file", pathStr), ("base", mathlibDepPath.toString)]
stdin.putStr <| Lean.Json.compress <| .arr config
let exitCode ← child.wait
if exitCode != 0 then throw $ IO.userError s!"leantar failed with error code {exitCode}"
IO.println s!"unpacked in {(← IO.monoMsNow) - now} ms"
runCmd "tar" #["-xzf", s!"{CACHEDIR / hash.asTarGz}", "-C", mathlibDepPath.toString]
else IO.println "No cache files to decompress"

/-- Retrieves the azure token from the environment -/
Expand All @@ -305,7 +241,7 @@ instance : Ord FilePath where

/-- Removes all cache files except for what's in the `keep` set -/
def cleanCache (keep : Lean.RBTree FilePath compare := default) : IO Unit := do
for path in ← getFilesWithExtension CACHEDIR "ltar" do
for path in ← getFilesWithExtension CACHEDIR "gz" do
if !keep.contains path then IO.FS.removeFile path

end Cache.IO
8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions Cache/Main.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,15 +53,11 @@ def toPaths (args : List String) : List FilePath :=
def curlArgs : List String :=
["get", "get!", "get-", "put", "put!", "commit", "commit!"]

def leanTarArgs : List String :=
["get", "get!", "pack", "pack!", "unpack"]

open Cache IO Hashing Requests in
def main (args : List String) : IO Unit := do
let hashMemo ← getHashMemo
let hashMap := hashMemo.hashMap
let goodCurl ← pure !curlArgs.contains (args.headD "") <||> validateCurl
if leanTarArgs.contains (args.headD "") then validateLeanTar
let goodCurl := !(curlArgs.contains (args.headD "") && !(← validateCurl))
match args with
| ["get"] => getFiles hashMap false goodCurl true
| ["get!"] => getFiles hashMap true goodCurl true
Expand All @@ -73,7 +69,7 @@ def main (args : List String) : IO Unit := do
| ["pack!"] => discard $ packCache hashMap true
| ["unpack"] => unpackCache hashMap
| ["clean"] =>
cleanCache $ hashMap.fold (fun acc _ hash => acc.insert $ CACHEDIR / hash.asLTar) .empty
cleanCache $ hashMap.fold (fun acc _ hash => acc.insert $ CACHEDIR / hash.asTarGz) .empty
| ["clean!"] => cleanCache
| ["put"] => putFiles (← packCache hashMap false) false (← getToken)
| ["put!"] => putFiles (← packCache hashMap false) true (← getToken)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Cache/Requests.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def mkGetConfigContent (hashMap : IO.HashMap) : IO String := do
-- We sort the list so that the large files in `MathlibExtras` are requested first.
hashMap.toArray.qsort (fun ⟨p₁, _⟩ ⟨_, _⟩ => p₁.components.head? = "MathlibExtras")
|>.foldlM (init := "") fun acc ⟨_, hash⟩ => do
let fileName := hash.asLTar
let fileName := hash.asTarGz
-- Below we use `String.quote`, which is intended for quoting for use in Lean code
-- this does not exactly match the requirements for quoting for curl:
-- ```
Expand All @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def mkGetConfigContent (hashMap : IO.HashMap) : IO String := do

/-- Calls `curl` to download a single file from the server to `CACHEDIR` (`.cache`) -/
def downloadFile (hash : UInt64) : IO Bool := do
let fileName := hash.asLTar
let fileName := hash.asTarGz
let url ← mkFileURL fileName none
let path := IO.CACHEDIR / fileName
let out ← IO.Process.output
Expand Down

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