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refactor(Algebra/DualNumber): generalize the universal property to no…
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…n-commutative rings (#7934)

The current universal properties of `TrivSqZeroExt` and `DualNumber` work only when the underlying ring is commutative.
This is not the case for things like the dual quaternions.

This generalizes both sets of results to the non-commutative case.
Unfortunately the new `TrivSqZeroExt` version is rather involved, so this keeps the old statement as a special case.

The new `DualNumber` version is less bad, so I just discarded the commutative special case.

For dual numbers, the generalization is from `R[ε] →ₐ[R] B` to `A[ε] →ₐ[R] B`, where `R` is commutative but `A` may not be.
Some variable names had to be shuffled to make the new statement look nice.
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eric-wieser committed Nov 17, 2023
1 parent b70c910 commit 3cc786f
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114 changes: 84 additions & 30 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/DualNumber.lean
Expand Up @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.TrivSqZeroExt
# Dual numbers
The dual numbers over `R` are of the form `a + bε`, where `a` and `b` are typically elements of a
commutative ring `R`, and `ε` is a symbol satisfying `ε^2 = 0`. They are a special case of
`TrivSqZeroExt R M` with `M = R`.
commutative ring `R`, and `ε` is a symbol satisfying `ε^2 = 0` that commutes with every other
element. They are a special case of `TrivSqZeroExt R M` with `M = R`.
## Notation
Expand All @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Rather than duplicating the API of `TrivSqZeroExt`, this file reuses the functio

variable {R : Type*}
variable {R A B : Type*}

/-- The type of dual numbers, numbers of the form $a + bε$ where $ε^2 = 0$.
`R[ε]` is notation for `DualNumber R`. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,40 +95,94 @@ theorem commute_eps_left [Semiring R] (x : DualNumber R) : Commute ε x := by
/-- `ε` commutes with every element of the algebra. -/
theorem commute_eps_right [Semiring R] (x : DualNumber R) : Commute x ε := (commute_eps_left x).symm

/-- For two algebra morphisms out of `R[ε]` to agree, it suffices for them to agree on `ε`. -/
theorem algHom_ext {A} [CommSemiring R] [Semiring A] [Algebra R A] ⦃f g : R[ε] →ₐ[R] A⦄
(h : f ε = g ε) : f = g :=
algHom_ext' <| LinearMap.ext_ring <| h
variable {A : Type*} [CommSemiring R] [Semiring A] [Semiring B] [Algebra R A] [Algebra R B]

/-- For two `R`-algebra morphisms out of `A[ε]` to agree, it suffices for them to agree on the
elements of `A` and the `A`-multiples of `ε`. -/
@[ext 1100]
nonrec theorem algHom_ext' ⦃f g : A[ε] →ₐ[R] B⦄
(hinl : f.comp (inlAlgHom _ _ _) = g.comp (inlAlgHom _ _ _))
(hinr : f.toLinearMap ∘ₗ (LinearMap.toSpanSingleton A A[ε] ε).restrictScalars R =
g.toLinearMap ∘ₗ (LinearMap.toSpanSingleton A A[ε] ε).restrictScalars R) :
f = g :=
algHom_ext' hinl (by
ext a
show f (inr a) = g (inr a)
simpa only [inr_eq_smul_eps] using FunLike.congr_fun hinr a)

/-- For two `R`-algebra morphisms out of `R[ε]` to agree, it suffices for them to agree on `ε`. -/
@[ext 1200]
nonrec theorem algHom_ext ⦃f g : R[ε] →ₐ[R] A⦄ (hε : f ε = g ε) : f = g := by
simp only [one_smul, hε]
#align dual_number.alg_hom_ext DualNumber.algHom_ext

variable {A : Type*} [CommSemiring R] [Semiring A] [Algebra R A]

/-- A universal property of the dual numbers, providing a unique `R[ε] →ₐ[R] A` for every element
of `A` which squares to `0`.
This isomorphism is named to match the very similar `Complex.lift`. -/
def lift : { e : A // e * e = 0 } ≃ (R[ε] →ₐ[R] A) :=
(show { e : A // e * e = 0 } ≃ { f : R →ₗ[R] A // ∀ x y, f x * f y = 0 } from
(LinearMap.ringLmapEquivSelf R ℕ A).symm.toEquiv.subtypeEquiv fun a => by
simp_rw [smul_mul_smul]
refine' ⟨fun h x y => h.symm ▸ smul_zero _, fun h => by simpa using h 1 1⟩)
/-- A universal property of the dual numbers, providing a unique `A[ε] →ₐ[R] B` for every map
`f : A →ₐ[R] B` and a choice of element `e : B` which squares to `0` and commutes with the range of
This isomorphism is named to match the similar `Complex.lift`.
Note that when `f : R →ₐ[R] B := Algebra.ofId R B`, the commutativity assumption is automatic, and
we are free to choose any element `e : B`. -/
def lift :
{fe : (A →ₐ[R] B) × B // fe.2 * fe.2 = 0 ∧ ∀ a, Commute fe.2 (fe.1 a)} ≃ (A[ε] →ₐ[R] B) := by
refine Equiv.trans ?_ TrivSqZeroExt.liftEquiv
exact {
toFun := fun fe => ⟨
(fe.val.1, MulOpposite.op fe.val.2 • fe.val.1.toLinearMap),
fun x y => show (fe.val.1 x * fe.val.2) * (fe.val.1 y * fe.val.2) = 0 by
rw [(fe.prop.2 _).mul_mul_mul_comm, fe.prop.1, mul_zero],
fun r x => show fe.val.1 (r * x) * fe.val.2 = fe.val.1 r * (fe.val.1 x * fe.val.2) by
rw [map_mul, mul_assoc],
fun r x => show fe.val.1 (x * r) * fe.val.2 = (fe.val.1 x * fe.val.2) * fe.val.1 r by
rw [map_mul, (fe.prop.2 _).right_comm]⟩
invFun := fun fg => ⟨
(fg.val.1, fg.val.2 1),
fg.prop.1 _ _,
fun a => show fg.val.2 1 * fg.val.1 a = fg.val.1 a * fg.val.2 1 by
rw [←fg.prop.2.1, ←fg.prop.2.2, smul_eq_mul, op_smul_eq_mul, mul_one, one_mul]⟩
left_inv := fun fe => Subtype.ext <| Prod.ext rfl <|
show fe.val.1 1 * fe.val.2 = fe.val.2 by
rw [map_one, one_mul]
right_inv := fun fg => Subtype.ext <| Prod.ext rfl <| LinearMap.ext fun x =>
show fg.val.1 x * fg.val.2 1 = fg.val.2 x by
rw [← fg.prop.2.1, smul_eq_mul, mul_one] }
#align dual_number.lift DualNumber.lift

/-- When applied to `ε`, `DualNumber.lift` produces the element of `A` that squares to 0. -/
-- @[simp] -- Porting note: simp can prove this
theorem lift_apply_eps (e : { e : A // e * e = 0 }) : @lift R _ _ _ _ e (ε : R[ε]) = e := by
simp only [lift_apply_apply, fst_eps, map_zero, snd_eps, one_smul, zero_add]
theorem lift_apply_apply (fe : {_fe : (A →ₐ[R] B) × B // _}) (a : A[ε]) :
lift fe a = fe.val.1 a.fst + fe.val.1 a.snd * fe.val.2 := rfl

@[simp] theorem coe_lift_symm_apply (F : A[ε] →ₐ[R] B) :
(lift.symm F).val = (F.comp (inlAlgHom _ _ _), F ε) := rfl

/-- When applied to `inl`, `DualNumber.lift` applies the map `f : A →ₐ[R] B`. -/
@[simp] theorem lift_apply_inl (fe : {fe : (A →ₐ[R] B) × B // _}) (a : A) :
lift fe (inl a : A[ε]) = fe.val.1 a := by
rw [lift_apply_apply, fst_inl, snd_inl, map_zero, zero_mul, add_zero]

/-- Scaling on the left is sent by `DualNumber.lift` to multiplication on the left -/
@[simp] theorem lift_smul (fe : {fe : (A →ₐ[R] B) × B // _}) (a : A) (ad : A[ε]) :
lift fe (a • ad) = fe.val.1 a * lift fe ad := by
rw [←inl_mul_eq_smul, map_mul, lift_apply_inl]

/-- Scaling on the right is sent by `DualNumber.lift` to multiplication on the right -/
@[simp] theorem lift_op_smul (fe : {fe : (A →ₐ[R] B) × B // _}) (a : A) (ad : A[ε]) :
lift fe (MulOpposite.op a • ad) = lift fe ad * fe.val.1 a := by
rw [←mul_inl_eq_op_smul, map_mul, lift_apply_inl]

/-- When applied to `ε`, `DualNumber.lift` produces the element of `B` that squares to 0. -/
@[simp] theorem lift_apply_eps
(fe : {fe : (A →ₐ[R] B) × B // fe.2 * fe.2 = 0 ∧ ∀ a, Commute fe.2 (fe.1 a)}) :
lift fe (ε : A[ε]) = fe.val.2 := by
simp only [lift_apply_apply, fst_eps, map_zero, snd_eps, map_one, one_mul, zero_add]
#align dual_number.lift_apply_eps DualNumber.lift_apply_eps

/-- Lifting `DualNumber.eps` itself gives the identity. -/
theorem lift_eps : lift ⟨ε, eps_mul_eps⟩ = R R[ε] :=
algHom_ext <| lift_apply_eps _
#align dual_number.lift_eps DualNumber.lift_eps
theorem lift_inlAlgHom_eps :
lift ⟨(inlAlgHom _ _ _, ε), eps_mul_eps, fun _ => commute_eps_left _⟩ = R A[ε] :=
lift.apply_symm_apply <| R A[ε]
#align dual_number.lift_eps DualNumber.lift_inlAlgHom_epsₓ

end DualNumber
180 changes: 134 additions & 46 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/TrivSqZeroExt.lean
Expand Up @@ -40,13 +40,18 @@ Many of the later results in this file are only stated for the commutative `R'`
* `TrivSqZeroExt.fst`, `TrivSqZeroExt.snd`: the canonical projections from
`TrivSqZeroExt R M`.
* `triv_sq_zero_ext.algebra`: the associated `R`-algebra structure.
* `TrivSqZeroExt.lift`: the universal property of the trivial square-zero extension; algebra
morphisms `TrivSqZeroExt R M →ₐ[S] A` are uniquely defined by an algebra morphism `f : R →ₐ[S] A`
on `R` and a linear map `g : M →ₗ[S] A` on `M` such that:
* `g x * g y = 0`: the elements of `M` continue to square to zero.
* `g (r • x) = f r * g x` and `g (op r • x) = g x * f r`: left and right actions are preserved by
* `TrivSqZeroExt.lift`: the universal property of the trivial square-zero extension; algebra
morphisms `TrivSqZeroExt R M →ₐ[R] A` are uniquely defined by linear maps `M →ₗ[R] A` for
which the product of any two elements in the range is zero.

universe u v w

/-- "Trivial Square-Zero Extension".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -500,6 +505,16 @@ theorem inr_mul_inl [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] [Module Rᵐᵒ
show (0 : R) • (0 : M) + op r • m = op r • m by rw [smul_zero, zero_add]
#align triv_sq_zero_ext.inr_mul_inl TrivSqZeroExt.inr_mul_inl

theorem inl_mul_eq_smul [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] [Module Rᵐᵒᵖ M]
(r : R) (x : tsze R M) :
inl r * x = r • x :=
ext rfl (by dsimp; rw [smul_zero, add_zero])

theorem mul_inl_eq_op_smul [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] [Module Rᵐᵒᵖ M]
(x : tsze R M) (r : R) :
x * inl r = op r • x :=
ext rfl (by dsimp; rw [smul_zero, zero_add])

instance mulOneClass [Monoid R] [AddMonoid M] [DistribMulAction R M] [DistribMulAction Rᵐᵒᵖ M] :
MulOneClass (tsze R M) :=
{, TrivSqZeroExt.mul with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -769,7 +784,7 @@ theorem algebraMap_eq_inl' (s : S) : algebraMap S (tsze R M) s = inl (algebraMap
#align triv_sq_zero_ext.algebra_map_eq_inl' TrivSqZeroExt.algebraMap_eq_inl'

/-- The canonical `R`-algebra projection `TrivSqZeroExt R M → R`. -/
/-- The canonical `S`-algebra projection `TrivSqZeroExt R M → R`. -/
def fstHom : tsze R M →ₐ[S] R where
toFun := fst
Expand All @@ -780,6 +795,16 @@ def fstHom : tsze R M →ₐ[S] R where
commutes' _r := fst_inl M _
#align triv_sq_zero_ext.fst_hom TrivSqZeroExt.fstHom

/-- The canonical `S`-algebra inclusion `R → TrivSqZeroExt R M`. -/
def inlAlgHom : R →ₐ[S] tsze R M where
toFun := inl
map_one' := inl_one _
map_mul' := inl_mul _
map_zero' := inl_zero (M := M)
map_add' := inl_add _
commutes' _r := (algebraMap_eq_inl' _ _ _ _).symm

variable {R R' S M}

theorem algHom_ext {A} [Semiring A] [Algebra R' A] ⦃f g : tsze R' M →ₐ[R'] A⦄
Expand All @@ -789,64 +814,127 @@ theorem algHom_ext {A} [Semiring A] [Algebra R' A] ⦃f g : tsze R' M →ₐ[R']
#align triv_sq_zero_ext.alg_hom_ext TrivSqZeroExt.algHom_ext

theorem algHom_ext' {A} [Semiring A] [Algebra R' A] ⦃f g : tsze R' M →ₐ[R'] A⦄
(h : f.toLinearMap.comp (inrHom R' M) = g.toLinearMap.comp (inrHom R' M)) : f = g :=
algHom_ext <| LinearMap.congr_fun h
theorem algHom_ext' {A} [Semiring A] [Algebra S A] ⦃f g : tsze R M →ₐ[S] A⦄
(hinl : f.comp (inlAlgHom S R M) = g.comp (inlAlgHom S R M))
(hinr : f.toLinearMap.comp (inrHom R M |>.restrictScalars S) =
g.toLinearMap.comp (inrHom R M |>.restrictScalars S)) : f = g :=
AlgHom.toLinearMap_injective <|
linearMap_ext (AlgHom.congr_fun hinl) (LinearMap.congr_fun hinr)
#align triv_sq_zero_ext.alg_hom_ext' TrivSqZeroExt.algHom_ext'

variable {A : Type*} [Semiring A] [Algebra R' A]
variable {A : Type*} [Semiring A] [Algebra S A] [Algebra R' A]

Assemble an algebra morphism `TrivSqZeroExt R M →ₐ[S] A` from separate morphisms on `R` and `M`.
Namely, we require that for an algebra morphism `f : R →ₐ[S] A` and a linear map `g : M →ₗ[S] A`,
we have:
/-- There is an alg_hom from the trivial square zero extension to any `R`-algebra with a submodule
whose products are all zero.
* `g x * g y = 0`: the elements of `M` continue to square to zero.
* `g (r • x) = f r * g x` and `g (op r • x) = g x * f r`: scalar multiplication on the left and
right is sent to left- and right- multiplication by the image under `f`.
See `TrivSqZeroExt.lift` for this as an equiv. -/
def liftAux (f : M →ₗ[R'] A) (hf : ∀ x y, f x * f y = 0) : tsze R' M →ₐ[R'] A :=
See `TrivSqZeroExt.liftEquiv` for this as an equiv; namely that any such algebra morphism can be
factored in this way.
When `R` is commutative, this can be invoked with `f = Algebra.ofId R A`, which satisfies `hfg` and
`hgf`. This version is captured as an equiv by `TrivSqZeroExt.liftEquivOfComm`. -/
def lift (f : R →ₐ[S] A) (g : M →ₗ[S] A)
(hg : ∀ x y, g x * g y = 0)
(hfg : ∀ r x, g (r • x) = f r * g x)
(hgf : ∀ r x, g (op r • x) = g x * f r) : tsze R M →ₐ[S] A :=
((Algebra.linearMap R' A).comp (fstHom R' R' M).toLinearMap + f.comp (sndHom R' M))
(show algebraMap R' A 1 + f (0 : M) = 1 by rw [map_zero, map_one, add_zero])
((f.comp <| fstHom S R M).toLinearMap + g ∘ₗ (sndHom R M |>.restrictScalars S))
(show f 1 + g (0 : M) = 1 by rw [map_zero, map_one, add_zero])
(TrivSqZeroExt.ind fun r₁ m₁ =>
TrivSqZeroExt.ind fun r₂ m₂ => by
simp only [add_zero, zero_add, add_mul, mul_add, smul_mul_smul, hf, smul_zero,
simp only [add_zero, zero_add, add_mul, mul_add, smul_mul_smul, hg, smul_zero,
rw [← RingHom.map_mul, LinearMap.map_add, ← Algebra.commutes _ (f _), ← Algebra.smul_def, ←
Algebra.smul_def, add_right_comm, add_assoc, LinearMap.map_smul, LinearMap.map_smul])
#align triv_sq_zero_ext.lift_aux TrivSqZeroExt.liftAux

theorem liftAux_apply_inr (f : M →ₗ[R'] A) (hf : ∀ x y, f x * f y = 0) (m : M) :
liftAux f hf (inr m) = f m :=
show algebraMap R' A 0 + f m = f m by rw [RingHom.map_zero, zero_add]
#align triv_sq_zero_ext.lift_aux_apply_inr TrivSqZeroExt.liftAux_apply_inr

theorem liftAux_comp_inrHom (f : M →ₗ[R'] A) (hf : ∀ x y, f x * f y = 0) :
(liftAux f hf).toLinearMap.comp (inrHom R' M) = f :=
LinearMap.ext <| liftAux_apply_inr f hf
#align triv_sq_zero_ext.lift_aux_comp_inr_hom TrivSqZeroExt.liftAux_comp_inrHom

/-- When applied to `inr` itself, `liftAux` is the identity. -/
theorem liftAux_inrHom : liftAux (inrHom R' M) (inr_mul_inr R') = R' (tsze R' M) :=
algHom_ext' <| liftAux_comp_inrHom _ _
#align triv_sq_zero_ext.lift_aux_inr_hom TrivSqZeroExt.liftAux_inrHom
rw [← AlgHom.map_mul, LinearMap.map_add, add_comm (g _), add_assoc, hfg, hgf])
#align triv_sq_zero_ext.lift_aux TrivSqZeroExt.lift

theorem lift_apply_inl (f : R →ₐ[S] A) (g : M →ₗ[S] A)
(hg : ∀ x y, g x * g y = 0)
(hfg : ∀ r x, g (r • x) = f r * g x)
(hgf : ∀ r x, g (op r • x) = g x * f r)
(r : R) :
lift f g hg hfg hgf (inl r) = f r :=
show f r + g 0 = f r by rw [map_zero, add_zero]

theorem lift_apply_inr (f : R →ₐ[S] A) (g : M →ₗ[S] A)
(hg : ∀ x y, g x * g y = 0)
(hfg : ∀ r x, g (r • x) = f r * g x)
(hgf : ∀ r x, g (op r • x) = g x * f r)
(m : M) :
lift f g hg hfg hgf (inr m) = g m :=
show f 0 + g m = g m by rw [map_zero, zero_add]
#align triv_sq_zero_ext.lift_aux_apply_inr TrivSqZeroExt.lift_apply_inr

theorem lift_comp_inlHom (f : R →ₐ[S] A) (g : M →ₗ[S] A)
(hg : ∀ x y, g x * g y = 0)
(hfg : ∀ r x, g (r • x) = f r * g x)
(hgf : ∀ r x, g (op r • x) = g x * f r) :
(lift f g hg hfg hgf).comp (inlAlgHom S R M) = f :=
AlgHom.ext <| lift_apply_inl f g hg hfg hgf

theorem lift_comp_inrHom (f : R →ₐ[S] A) (g : M →ₗ[S] A)
(hg : ∀ x y, g x * g y = 0)
(hfg : ∀ r x, g (r • x) = f r * g x)
(hgf : ∀ r x, g (op r • x) = g x * f r) :
(lift f g hg hfg hgf).toLinearMap.comp (inrHom R M |>.restrictScalars S) = g :=
LinearMap.ext <| lift_apply_inr f g hg hfg hgf
#align triv_sq_zero_ext.lift_aux_comp_inr_hom TrivSqZeroExt.lift_comp_inrHom

/-- When applied to `inr` and `inl` themselves, `lift` is the identity. -/
theorem lift_inlAlgHom_inrHom :
lift (inlAlgHom _ _ _) (inrHom R M |>.restrictScalars S)
(inr_mul_inr R) (fun _ _ => (inl_mul_inr _ _).symm) (fun _ _ => (inr_mul_inl _ _).symm) = S (tsze R M) :=
algHom_ext' (lift_comp_inlHom _ _ _ _ _) (lift_comp_inrHom _ _ _ _ _)
#align triv_sq_zero_ext.lift_aux_inr_hom TrivSqZeroExt.lift_inlAlgHom_inrHomₓ

/-- A universal property of the trivial square-zero extension, providing a unique
`TrivSqZeroExt R M →ₐ[R] A` for every linear map `M →ₗ[R] A` whose range has no non-zero
`TrivSqZeroExt R M →ₐ[R] A` for every pair of maps `f : R →ₐ[S] A` and `g : M →ₗ[S] A`,
where the range of `g` has no non-zero products, and scaling the input to `g` on the left or right
amounts to a corresponding multiplication by `f` in the output.
This isomorphism is named to match the very similar `Complex.lift`. -/
def lift : { f : M →ₗ[R'] A // ∀ x y, f x * f y = 0 } ≃ (tsze R' M →ₐ[R'] A) where
toFun f := liftAux f f.prop
def liftEquiv :
{fg : (R →ₐ[S] A) × (M →ₗ[S] A) //
(∀ x y, fg.2 x * fg.2 y = 0) ∧
(∀ r x, fg.2 (r • x) = fg.1 r * fg.2 x) ∧
(∀ r x, fg.2 (op r • x) = fg.2 x * fg.1 r)} ≃ (tsze R M →ₐ[S] A) where
toFun fg := lift fg.val.1 fg.val.2 fg.prop.1 fg.prop.2.1 fg.prop.2.2
invFun F :=
⟨F.toLinearMap.comp (inrHom R' M), fun _x _y =>
(F.map_mul _ _).symm.trans <| (F.congr_arg <| inr_mul_inr _ _ _).trans F.map_zero⟩
left_inv f := Subtype.ext <| liftAux_comp_inrHom _ f.prop
right_inv _F := algHom_ext' <| liftAux_comp_inrHom _ _
#align triv_sq_zero_ext.lift TrivSqZeroExt.lift

attribute [nolint simpNF] lift_symm_apply_coe
⟨(F.comp (inlAlgHom _ _ _), F.toLinearMap ∘ₗ (inrHom _ _ |>.restrictScalars _)),
(fun _x _y =>
(F.map_mul _ _).symm.trans <| (F.congr_arg <| inr_mul_inr _ _ _).trans F.map_zero),
(fun _r _x => (F.congr_arg (inl_mul_inr _ _).symm).trans (F.map_mul _ _)),
(fun _r _x => (F.congr_arg (inr_mul_inl _ _).symm).trans (F.map_mul _ _))⟩
left_inv _f := Subtype.ext <| Prod.ext (lift_comp_inlHom _ _ _ _ _) (lift_comp_inrHom _ _ _ _ _)
right_inv _F := algHom_ext' (lift_comp_inlHom _ _ _ _ _) (lift_comp_inrHom _ _ _ _ _)

/-- A simplified version of `TrivSqZeroExt.liftEquiv` for the commutative case. -/
def liftEquivOfComm :
{ f : M →ₗ[R'] A // ∀ x y, f x * f y = 0 } ≃ (tsze R' M →ₐ[R'] A) := by
refine Equiv.trans ?_ liftEquiv
exact {
toFun := fun f => ⟨(Algebra.ofId _ _, f.val), f.prop,
fun r x => by simp [Algebra.smul_def, Algebra.ofId_apply],
fun r x => by simp [Algebra.smul_def, Algebra.ofId_apply, Algebra.commutes]⟩
invFun := fun fg => ⟨fg.val.2, fg.prop.1
left_inv := fun f => rfl
right_inv := fun fg => Subtype.ext <|
Prod.ext (AlgHom.toLinearMap_injective <| LinearMap.ext_ring <| by simp)
rfl }
#align triv_sq_zero_ext.lift TrivSqZeroExt.liftEquiv

end Algebra

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