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chore: split IntermediateField.Lifts out of FieldTheory/Adjoin (#9647)
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Co-authored-by: Junyan Xu <>
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alreadydone and alreadydone committed Jan 11, 2024
1 parent 9992fd6 commit 3e1faeb
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Showing 4 changed files with 219 additions and 205 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -2078,6 +2078,7 @@ import Mathlib.FieldTheory.Adjoin
import Mathlib.FieldTheory.AxGrothendieck
import Mathlib.FieldTheory.Cardinality
import Mathlib.FieldTheory.ChevalleyWarning
import Mathlib.FieldTheory.Extension
import Mathlib.FieldTheory.Finite.Basic
import Mathlib.FieldTheory.Finite.GaloisField
import Mathlib.FieldTheory.Finite.Polynomial
Expand Down
205 changes: 1 addition & 204 deletions Mathlib/FieldTheory/Adjoin.lean
Expand Up @@ -1265,213 +1265,12 @@ theorem induction_on_adjoin [FiniteDimensional F E] (P : IntermediateField F E

end Induction

section AlgHomMkAdjoinSplits

variable (F E K : Type*) [Field F] [Field E] [Field K] [Algebra F E] [Algebra F K] {S : Set E}

/-- Lifts `L → K` of `F → K` -/
structure Lifts where
/-- The domain of a lift. -/
carrier : IntermediateField F E
/-- The lifted RingHom, expressed as an AlgHom. -/
emb : carrier →ₐ[F] K
#align intermediate_field.lifts IntermediateField.Lifts

variable {F E K}

instance : PartialOrder (Lifts F E K) where
le L₁ L₂ := ∃ h : L₁.carrier ≤ L₂.carrier, ∀ x, L₂.emb (inclusion h x) = L₁.emb x
le_refl L := ⟨le_rfl, by simp⟩
le_trans L₁ L₂ L₃ := by
rintro ⟨h₁₂, h₁₂'⟩ ⟨h₂₃, h₂₃'⟩
refine ⟨h₁₂.trans h₂₃, fun _ ↦ ?_⟩
rw [← inclusion_inclusion h₁₂ h₂₃, h₂₃', h₁₂']
le_antisymm := by
rintro ⟨L₁, e₁⟩ ⟨L₂, e₂⟩ ⟨h₁₂, h₁₂'⟩ ⟨h₂₁, h₂₁'⟩
obtain rfl : L₁ = L₂ := h₁₂.antisymm h₂₁
exact AlgHom.ext h₂₁'

noncomputable instance : OrderBot (Lifts F E K) where
bot := ⟨⊥, (Algebra.ofId F K).comp (botEquiv F E)⟩
bot_le L := ⟨bot_le, fun x ↦ by
obtain ⟨x, rfl⟩ := (botEquiv F E).symm.surjective x
simp_rw [AlgHom.comp_apply, AlgHom.coe_coe, AlgEquiv.apply_symm_apply]
exact L.emb.commutes x⟩

noncomputable instance : Inhabited (Lifts F E K) :=

/-- A chain of lifts has an upper bound. -/
theorem Lifts.exists_upper_bound (c : Set (Lifts F E K)) (hc : IsChain (· ≤ ·) c) :
∃ ub, ∀ a ∈ c, a ≤ ub := by
let t (i : ↑(insert ⊥ c)) := i.val.carrier
let t' (i) := (t i).toSubalgebra
have hc := hc.insert fun _ _ _ ↦ .inl bot_le
have dir : Directed (· ≤ ·) t := hc.directedOn.directed_val.mono_comp _ fun _ _ h ↦ h.1
refine ⟨⟨iSup t, (Subalgebra.iSupLift t' dir (fun i ↦ i.val.emb) (fun i j h ↦ ?_) _ rfl).comp
(Subalgebra.equivOfEq _ _ <| toSubalgebra_iSup_of_directed dir)⟩,
fun L hL ↦ have hL := Set.mem_insert_of_mem ⊥ hL; ⟨le_iSup t ⟨L, hL⟩, fun x ↦ ?_⟩⟩
· refine AlgHom.ext fun x ↦ ( i.2 j.2).elim (fun hij ↦ (hij.snd x).symm) fun hji ↦ ?_
erw [AlgHom.comp_apply, ← hji.snd (Subalgebra.inclusion h x),
inclusion_inclusion, inclusion_self, AlgHom.id_apply x]
· dsimp only [AlgHom.comp_apply]
exact Subalgebra.iSupLift_inclusion (K := t') (i := ⟨L, hL⟩) x (le_iSup t' ⟨L, hL⟩)
#align intermediate_field.lifts.exists_upper_bound IntermediateField.Lifts.exists_upper_bound

/-- Given a lift `x` and an integral element `s : E` over `x.carrier` whose conjugates over
`x.carrier` are all in `K`, we can extend the lift to a lift whose carrier contains `s`. -/
theorem Lifts.exists_lift_of_splits' (x : Lifts F E K) {s : E} (h1 : IsIntegral x.carrier s)
(h2 : (minpoly x.carrier s).Splits x.emb.toRingHom) : ∃ y, x ≤ y ∧ s ∈ y.carrier :=
have I2 := (minpoly.degree_pos h1).ne'
letI : Algebra x.carrier K := x.emb.toRingHom.toAlgebra
let carrier := x.carrier⟮s⟯.restrictScalars F
letI : Algebra x.carrier carrier := x.carrier⟮s⟯.toSubalgebra.algebra
let φ : carrier →ₐ[x.carrier] K := ((algHomAdjoinIntegralEquiv x.carrier h1).symm
⟨rootOfSplits x.emb.toRingHom h2 I2, by
rw [mem_aroots, and_iff_right (minpoly.ne_zero h1)]
exact map_rootOfSplits x.emb.toRingHom h2 I2⟩)
⟨⟨carrier, (@algHomEquivSigma F x.carrier carrier K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(IsScalarTower.of_algebraMap_eq fun _ ↦ rfl)).symm ⟨x.emb, φ⟩⟩,
fun z hz ↦ algebraMap_mem x.carrier⟮s⟯ ⟨z, hz⟩, φ.commutes⟩,
mem_adjoin_simple_self x.carrier s⟩

/-- Given an integral element `s : E` over `F` whose `F`-conjugates are all in `K`,
any lift can be extended to one whose carrier contains `s`. -/
theorem Lifts.exists_lift_of_splits (x : Lifts F E K) {s : E} (h1 : IsIntegral F s)
(h2 : (minpoly F s).Splits (algebraMap F K)) : ∃ y, x ≤ y ∧ s ∈ y.carrier :=
Lifts.exists_lift_of_splits' x h1.tower_top <| h1.minpoly_splits_tower_top' <| by
rwa [← x.emb.comp_algebraMap] at h2
#align intermediate_field.lifts.exists_lift_of_splits IntermediateField.Lifts.exists_lift_of_splits


private theorem exists_algHom_adjoin_of_splits'' {L : IntermediateField F E}
(f : L →ₐ[F] K) (hK : ∀ s ∈ S, IsIntegral L s ∧ (minpoly L s).Splits f.toRingHom) :
∃ φ : adjoin L S →ₐ[F] K, φ.comp (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom F L _) = f := by
obtain ⟨φ, hfφ, hφ⟩ := zorn_nonempty_Ici₀ _
(fun c _ hc _ _ ↦ Lifts.exists_upper_bound c hc) ⟨L, f⟩ le_rfl
refine ⟨φ.emb.comp (inclusion <| (le_extendScalars_iff hfφ.1 <| adjoin L S).mp <|
adjoin_le_iff.mpr fun s h ↦ ?_), AlgHom.ext hfφ.2
letI := (inclusion hfφ.1).toAlgebra
letI : SMul L φ.carrier := Algebra.toSMul
have : IsScalarTower L φ.carrier E := ⟨(smul_assoc · (· : E))⟩
have := φ.exists_lift_of_splits' (hK s h).1.tower_top ((hK s h).1.minpoly_splits_tower_top' ?_)
· obtain ⟨y, h1, h2⟩ := this; exact (hφ y h1).1 h2
· convert (hK s h).2; ext; apply hfφ.2

variable {L : Type*} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E]
(f : L →ₐ[F] K) (hK : ∀ s ∈ S, IsIntegral L s ∧ (minpoly L s).Splits f.toRingHom)

theorem exists_algHom_adjoin_of_splits' :
∃ φ : adjoin L S →ₐ[F] K, φ.comp (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom F L _) = f := by
let L' := (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom F L E).fieldRange
let f' : L' →ₐ[F] K := f.comp (AlgEquiv.ofInjectiveField _).symm.toAlgHom
have := exists_algHom_adjoin_of_splits'' f' (S := S) fun s hs ↦ ?_
· obtain ⟨φ, hφ⟩ := this; refine ⟨φ.comp <|
inclusion (?_ : (adjoin L S).restrictScalars F ≤ (adjoin L' S).restrictScalars F), ?_⟩
· simp_rw [← SetLike.coe_subset_coe, coe_restrictScalars, adjoin_subset_adjoin_iff]
refine ⟨subset_adjoin_of_subset_left S (F := L'.toSubfield) le_rfl, subset_adjoin _ _⟩
· ext x; exact congr($hφ _).trans (congr_arg f <| AlgEquiv.symm_apply_apply _ _)
letI : Algebra L L' := (AlgEquiv.ofInjectiveField _).toRingEquiv.toRingHom.toAlgebra
have : IsScalarTower L L' E := IsScalarTower.of_algebraMap_eq' rfl
refine ⟨(hK s hs).1.tower_top, (hK s hs).1.minpoly_splits_tower_top' ?_⟩
convert (hK s hs).2; ext; exact congr_arg f (AlgEquiv.symm_apply_apply _ _)

theorem exists_algHom_of_adjoin_splits' (hS : adjoin L S = ⊤) :
∃ φ : E →ₐ[F] K, φ.comp (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom F L E) = f :=
have ⟨φ, hφ⟩ := exists_algHom_adjoin_of_splits' f hK
⟨φ.comp (((equivOfEq hS).trans topEquiv).symm.toAlgHom.restrictScalars F), hφ⟩

theorem exists_algHom_of_splits' (hK : ∀ s : E, IsIntegral L s ∧ (minpoly L s).Splits f.toRingHom) :
∃ φ : E →ₐ[F] K, φ.comp (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom F L E) = f :=
exists_algHom_of_adjoin_splits' f (fun x _ ↦ hK x) (adjoin_univ L E)


variable (hK : ∀ s ∈ S, IsIntegral F s ∧ (minpoly F s).Splits (algebraMap F K))
(hK' : ∀ s : E, IsIntegral F s ∧ (minpoly F s).Splits (algebraMap F K))
{L : IntermediateField F E} (f : L →ₐ[F] K) (hL : L ≤ adjoin F S)

-- The following uses the hypothesis `hK`.

theorem exists_algHom_adjoin_of_splits : ∃ φ : adjoin F S →ₐ[F] K, φ.comp (inclusion hL) = f := by
obtain ⟨φ, hfφ, hφ⟩ := zorn_nonempty_Ici₀ _
(fun c _ hc _ _ ↦ Lifts.exists_upper_bound c hc) ⟨L, f⟩ le_rfl
refine ⟨φ.emb.comp (inclusion <| adjoin_le_iff.mpr fun s hs ↦ ?_), ?_⟩
· rcases φ.exists_lift_of_splits (hK s hs).1 (hK s hs).2 with ⟨y, h1, h2⟩
exact (hφ y h1).1 h2
· ext; apply hfφ.2

theorem nonempty_algHom_adjoin_of_splits : Nonempty (adjoin F S →ₐ[F] K) :=
have ⟨φ, _⟩ := exists_algHom_adjoin_of_splits hK (⊥ : Lifts F E K).emb bot_le; ⟨φ⟩
#align intermediate_field.alg_hom_mk_adjoin_splits IntermediateField.nonempty_algHom_adjoin_of_splits

variable (hS : adjoin F S = ⊤)

theorem exists_algHom_of_adjoin_splits : ∃ φ : E →ₐ[F] K, φ.comp L.val = f :=
have ⟨φ, hφ⟩ := exists_algHom_adjoin_of_splits hK f (hS.symm ▸ le_top)
⟨φ.comp ((equivOfEq hS).trans topEquiv).symm.toAlgHom, hφ⟩

theorem nonempty_algHom_of_adjoin_splits : Nonempty (E →ₐ[F] K) :=
have ⟨φ, _⟩ := exists_algHom_of_adjoin_splits hK (⊥ : Lifts F E K).emb hS; ⟨φ⟩
#align intermediate_field.alg_hom_mk_adjoin_splits' IntermediateField.nonempty_algHom_of_adjoin_splits

variable {x : E} (hx : x ∈ adjoin F S) {y : K} (hy : aeval y (minpoly F x) = 0)

theorem exists_algHom_adjoin_of_splits_of_aeval : ∃ φ : adjoin F S →ₐ[F] K, φ ⟨x, hx⟩ = y := by
have ix := isAlgebraic_adjoin (fun s hs ↦ (hK s hs).1) ⟨x, hx⟩
rw [isAlgebraic_iff_isIntegral, isIntegral_iff] at ix
obtain ⟨φ, hφ⟩ := exists_algHom_adjoin_of_splits hK ((algHomAdjoinIntegralEquiv F ix).symm
⟨y, mem_aroots.mpr ⟨minpoly.ne_zero ix, hy⟩⟩) (adjoin_simple_le_iff.mpr hx)
exact ⟨φ, (FunLike.congr_fun hφ <| AdjoinSimple.gen F x).trans <|
algHomAdjoinIntegralEquiv_symm_apply_gen F ix _⟩

theorem exists_algHom_of_adjoin_splits_of_aeval : ∃ φ : E →ₐ[F] K, φ x = y :=
have ⟨φ, hφ⟩ := exists_algHom_adjoin_of_splits_of_aeval hK (hS ▸ mem_top) hy
⟨φ.comp ((equivOfEq hS).trans topEquiv).symm.toAlgHom, hφ⟩

/- The following uses the hypothesis
(hK' : ∀ s : E, IsIntegral F s ∧ (minpoly F s).Splits (algebraMap F K)) -/

theorem exists_algHom_of_splits : ∃ φ : E →ₐ[F] K, φ.comp L.val = f :=
exists_algHom_of_adjoin_splits (fun x _ ↦ hK' x) f (adjoin_univ F E)

theorem nonempty_algHom_of_splits : Nonempty (E →ₐ[F] K) :=
nonempty_algHom_of_adjoin_splits (fun x _ ↦ hK' x) (adjoin_univ F E)

theorem exists_algHom_of_splits_of_aeval : ∃ φ : E →ₐ[F] K, φ x = y :=
exists_algHom_of_adjoin_splits_of_aeval (fun x _ ↦ hK' x) (adjoin_univ F E) hy

end AlgHomMkAdjoinSplits

end IntermediateField

section Algebra.IsAlgebraic

/-- Let `K/F` be an algebraic extension of fields and `L` a field in which all the minimal
polynomial over `F` of elements of `K` splits. Then, for `x ∈ K`, the images of `x` by the
`F`-algebra morphisms from `K` to `L` are exactly the roots in `L` of the minimal polynomial
of `x` over `F`. -/
theorem Algebra.IsAlgebraic.range_eval_eq_rootSet_minpoly_of_splits {F K : Type*} (L : Type*)
[Field F] [Field K] [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra F K]
(hA : ∀ x : K, (minpoly F x).Splits (algebraMap F L))
(hK : Algebra.IsAlgebraic F K) (x : K) :
(Set.range fun (ψ : K →ₐ[F] L) => ψ x) = (minpoly F x).rootSet L := by
ext a
rw [mem_rootSet_of_ne (minpoly.ne_zero (hK.isIntegral x))]
refine ⟨fun ⟨ψ, hψ⟩ ↦ ?_, fun ha ↦ IntermediateField.exists_algHom_of_splits_of_aeval
(fun x ↦ ⟨hK.isIntegral x, hA x⟩) ha⟩
rw [← hψ, Polynomial.aeval_algHom_apply ψ x, minpoly.aeval, map_zero]

end Algebra.IsAlgebraic

section PowerBasis
namespace PowerBasis

variable {K L : Type*} [Field K] [Field L] [Algebra K L]

namespace PowerBasis

open IntermediateField

/-- `pb.equivAdjoinSimple` is the equivalence between `K⟮pb.gen⟯` and `L` itself. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1505,5 +1304,3 @@ theorem equivAdjoinSimple_symm_gen (pb : PowerBasis K L) :
#align power_basis.equiv_adjoin_simple_symm_gen PowerBasis.equivAdjoinSimple_symm_gen

end PowerBasis

end PowerBasis

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