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feat: the shift on a quotient category
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joelriou committed Aug 18, 2023
1 parent 071d4f7 commit 3febb8c
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Showing 3 changed files with 132 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1147,6 +1147,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Quotient
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Shift.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Shift.CommShift
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Shift.Induced
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Shift.Quotient
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sigma.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Simple
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SingleObj
Expand Down
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Quotient.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -218,6 +218,57 @@ theorem lift_map_functor_map {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) :
#align category_theory.quotient.lift_map_functor_map CategoryTheory.Quotient.lift_map_functor_map

variable {r}

lemma natTrans_ext {F G : Quotient r ⥤ D} (τ₁ τ₂ : F ⟶ G)
(h : whiskerLeft (Quotient.functor r) τ₁ = whiskerLeft (Quotient.functor r) τ₂) : τ₁ = τ₂ :=
NatTrans.ext _ _ (by ext1 ⟨X⟩ ; exact NatTrans.congr_app h X)

Check failure on line 225 in Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Quotient.lean

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Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Quotient.lean#L225: ERR_SEM: Line contains a space before a semicolon

Check failure on line 225 in Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Quotient.lean

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Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Quotient.lean#L225: ERR_SEM: Line contains a space before a semicolon

variable (r)

/-- In order to define a natural transformation `F ⟶ G` with `F G : Quotient r ⥤ D`, it suffices
to do so after precomposing with `Quotient.functor r`. -/
def natTransLift {F G : Quotient r ⥤ D} (τ : Quotient.functor r ⋙ F ⟶ Quotient.functor r ⋙ G) :
F ⟶ G where
app := fun ⟨X⟩ => τ.app X
naturality := fun ⟨X⟩ ⟨Y⟩ => by
rintro ⟨f⟩
exact τ.naturality f

lemma natTransLift_app (F G : Quotient r ⥤ D)
(τ : Quotient.functor r ⋙ F ⟶ Quotient.functor r ⋙ G) (X : C) :
(natTransLift r τ).app ((Quotient.functor r).obj X) = τ.app X := rfl

lemma comp_natTransLift {F G H : Quotient r ⥤ D}
(τ : Quotient.functor r ⋙ F ⟶ Quotient.functor r ⋙ G)
(τ' : Quotient.functor r ⋙ G ⟶ Quotient.functor r ⋙ H) :
natTransLift r τ ≫ natTransLift r τ' = natTransLift r (τ ≫ τ') := by aesop_cat

lemma natTransLift_id (F : Quotient r ⥤ D) :
natTransLift r (𝟙 (Quotient.functor r ⋙ F)) = 𝟙 _ := by aesop_cat

/-- In order to define a natural isomorphism `F ≅ G` with `F G : Quotient r ⥤ D`, it suffices
to do so after precomposing with `Quotient.functor r`. -/
def natIsoLift {F G : Quotient r ⥤ D} (τ : Quotient.functor r ⋙ F ≅ Quotient.functor r ⋙ G) :
F ≅ G where
hom := natTransLift _ τ.hom
inv := natTransLift _ τ.inv
hom_inv_id := by rw [comp_natTransLift, τ.hom_inv_id, natTransLift_id]
inv_hom_id := by rw [comp_natTransLift, τ.inv_hom_id, natTransLift_id]

variable (D)

instance full_whiskeringLeft_functor :
Full ((whiskeringLeft C _ D).obj (functor r)) where
preimage := natTransLift r

instance faithful_whiskeringLeft_functor :
Faithful ((whiskeringLeft C _ D).obj (functor r)) := ⟨by apply natTrans_ext⟩

end Quotient

end CategoryTheory
80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Shift/Quotient.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Joël Riou. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joël Riou
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Shift.Induced
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Quotient

# Shift on a quotient category
Let `C` be a category equipped a shift by a monoid `A`. If we have a relation
on morphisms `r : HomRel C` that is compatible with the shift (i.e. if two
morphisms `f` and `g` are related, then `f⟦a⟧'` and `g⟦a⟧'` are also related
for all `a : A`), then the quotient category `Quotient r` is equipped with
a shift.
The condition `r.IsCompatibleWithShift A` on the relation `r` is a class so that
the shift can be automatically infered on the quotient category.

universe v u

open CategoryTheory

variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C]
(r : HomRel C) (A : Type _) [AddMonoid A] [HasShift C A]

namespace HomRel

class IsCompatibleWithShift : Prop :=

Check failure on line 32 in Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Shift/Quotient.lean

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HomRel.IsCompatibleWithShift.{v, u, u_1} inductive missing documentation string
translate : ∀ (a : A) ⦃X Y : C⦄ (f g : X ⟶ Y) (_ : r f g), r (f⟦a⟧') (g⟦a⟧')

Check failure on line 33 in Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Shift/Quotient.lean

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HomRel.IsCompatibleWithShift.translate.{v, u, u_1} definition missing documentation string

end HomRel

namespace CategoryTheory

variable (s : A → Quotient r ⥤ Quotient r)
(i : ∀ a, Quotient.functor r ⋙ s a ≅ shiftFunctor C a ⋙ Quotient.functor r)

lemma HasShift.quotient'_aux :
Nonempty (Full ((whiskeringLeft C _ (Quotient r)).obj (Quotient.functor r))) ∧
Faithful ((whiskeringLeft C _ (Quotient r)).obj (Quotient.functor r)) :=
⟨⟨inferInstance⟩, inferInstance⟩

noncomputable def HasShift.quotient' :

Check failure on line 47 in Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Shift/Quotient.lean

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CategoryTheory.HasShift.quotient'.{v, u, u_1} definition missing documentation string
HasShift (Quotient r) A :=
HasShift.induced (Quotient.functor r) A s i (HasShift.quotient'_aux r)

noncomputable def Functor.CommShift.quotient' :

Check failure on line 51 in Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Shift/Quotient.lean

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CategoryTheory.Functor.CommShift.quotient'.{v, u, u_1} definition missing documentation string
letI : HasShift (Quotient r) A := HasShift.quotient' r A s i
(Quotient.functor r).CommShift A :=
Functor.CommShift.ofInduced _ _ _ _ _

variable {A}

def Quotient.shiftFunctor' [r.IsCompatibleWithShift A] (a : A) : Quotient r ⥤ Quotient r :=

Check failure on line 58 in Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Shift/Quotient.lean

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CategoryTheory.Quotient.shiftFunctor'.{v, u, u_1} definition missing documentation string
Quotient.lift r (CategoryTheory.shiftFunctor C a ⋙ Quotient.functor r)
(fun _ _ _ _ hfg => Quotient.sound r (HomRel.IsCompatibleWithShift.translate _ _ _ hfg))

def Quotient.shiftFunctor'Factors [r.IsCompatibleWithShift A] (a : A) :

Check failure on line 62 in Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Shift/Quotient.lean

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CategoryTheory.Quotient.shiftFunctor'Factors.{v, u, u_1} definition missing documentation string
Quotient.functor r ⋙ Quotient.shiftFunctor' r a ≅
CategoryTheory.shiftFunctor C a ⋙ Quotient.functor r :=
Quotient.lift.isLift _ _ _

variable (A)

noncomputable instance HasShift.quotient [r.IsCompatibleWithShift A] :
HasShift (Quotient r) A :=
HasShift.quotient' r A (Quotient.shiftFunctor' r) (Quotient.shiftFunctor'Factors r)

noncomputable instance Quotient.functor_commShift [r.IsCompatibleWithShift A] :
(Quotient.functor r).CommShift A :=
Functor.CommShift.quotient' _ _ _ _

-- the construction is made irreducible in order to prevent timeouts and abuse of defeq
attribute [irreducible] HasShift.quotient Quotient.functor_commShift

end CategoryTheory

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