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feat: port CategoryTheory.Preadditive.ProjectiveResolution (#3740)
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Co-authored-by: Joël Riou <>
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2 people authored and hrmacbeth committed May 10, 2023
1 parent 41634d2 commit 3ffd7a2
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Showing 2 changed files with 366 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -618,6 +618,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Preadditive.LeftExact
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Preadditive.OfBiproducts
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Preadditive.Opposite
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Preadditive.Projective
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Preadditive.ProjectiveResolution
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Preadditive.SingleObj
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Preadditive.Yoneda.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Products.Associator
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365 changes: 365 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Preadditive/ProjectiveResolution.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module category_theory.preadditive.projective_resolution
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 324a7502510e835cdbd3de1519b6c66b51fb2467
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Preadditive.Projective
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.Single
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomotopyCategory

# Projective resolutions
A projective resolution `P : ProjectiveResolution Z` of an object `Z : C` consists of
a `ℕ`-indexed chain complex `P.complex` of projective objects,
along with a chain map `P.π` from `C` to the chain complex consisting just of `Z` in degree zero,
so that the augmented chain complex is exact.
When `C` is abelian, this exactness condition is equivalent to `π` being a quasi-isomorphism.
It turns out that this formulation allows us to set up the basic theory of derived functors
without even assuming `C` is abelian.
(Typically, however, to show `HasProjectiveResolutions C`
one will assume `EnoughProjectives C` and `Abelian C`.
This construction appears in `CategoryTheory.Abelian.Projective`.)
We show that given `P : ProjectiveResolution X` and `Q : ProjectiveResolution Y`,
any morphism `X ⟶ Y` admits a lift to a chain map `P.complex ⟶ Q.complex`.
(It is a lift in the sense that
the projection maps `P.π` and `Q.π` intertwine the lift and the original morphism.)
Moreover, we show that any two such lifts are homotopic.
As a consequence, if every object admits a projective resolution,
we can construct a functor `projectiveResolutions C : C ⥤ HomotopyCategory C`.

noncomputable section

open CategoryTheory

open CategoryTheory.Limits

universe v u

namespace CategoryTheory

variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C]

open Projective


variable [HasZeroObject C] [HasZeroMorphisms C] [HasEqualizers C] [HasImages C]

-- porting note: removed @[nolint has_nonempty_instance]
A `ProjectiveResolution Z` consists of a bundled `ℕ`-indexed chain complex of projective objects,
along with a quasi-isomorphism to the complex consisting of just `Z` supported in degree `0`.
(We don't actually ask here that the chain map is a quasi-iso, just exactness everywhere:
that `π` is a quasi-iso is a lemma when the category is abelian.
Should we just ask for it here?)
Except in situations where you want to provide a particular projective resolution
(for example to compute a derived functor),
you will not typically need to use this bundled object, and will instead use
* `ProjectiveResolution Z`: the `ℕ`-indexed chain complex
(equipped with `Projective` and `Exact` instances)
* `ProjectiveResolution.π Z`: the chain map from `ProjectiveResolution Z` to
`(ChainComplex.single₀ C).obj Z` (all the components are equipped with `Epi` instances,
and when the category is `Abelian` we will show `π` is a quasi-iso).
structure ProjectiveResolution (Z : C) where
complex : ChainComplex C ℕ
π : complex ⟶ ((ChainComplex.single₀ C).obj Z)
projective : ∀ n, Projective (complex.X n) := by infer_instance
exact₀ : Exact (complex.d 1 0) (π.f 0)
exact : ∀ n, Exact (complex.d (n + 2) (n + 1)) (complex.d (n + 1) n)
epi : Epi (π.f 0) := by infer_instance
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution

attribute [instance] ProjectiveResolution.projective ProjectiveResolution.epi

/-- An object admits a projective resolution.
class HasProjectiveResolution (Z : C) : Prop where
out : Nonempty (ProjectiveResolution Z)
#align category_theory.has_projective_resolution CategoryTheory.HasProjectiveResolution


variable (C)

/-- You will rarely use this typeclass directly: it is implied by the combination
`[EnoughProjectives C]` and `[Abelian C]`.
By itself it's enough to set up the basic theory of derived functors.
class HasProjectiveResolutions : Prop where
out : ∀ Z : C, HasProjectiveResolution Z
#align category_theory.has_projective_resolutions CategoryTheory.HasProjectiveResolutions

attribute [instance 100] HasProjectiveResolutions.out


namespace ProjectiveResolution

theorem π_f_succ {Z : C} (P : ProjectiveResolution Z) (n : ℕ) : P.π.f (n + 1) = 0 := by
apply zero_of_target_iso_zero
dsimp; rfl
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.π_f_succ CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.π_f_succ

theorem complex_d_comp_π_f_zero {Z : C} (P : ProjectiveResolution Z) :
P.complex.d 1 0 ≫ P.π.f 0 = 0 :=
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.complex_d_comp_π_f_zero CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.complex_d_comp_π_f_zero

@[simp 1100]
theorem complex_d_succ_comp {Z : C} (P : ProjectiveResolution Z) (n : ℕ) :
P.complex.d (n + 2) (n + 1) ≫ P.complex.d (n + 1) n = 0 :=
(P.exact _).w
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.complex_d_succ_comp CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.complex_d_succ_comp

instance {Z : C} (P : ProjectiveResolution Z) (n : ℕ) : CategoryTheory.Epi (P.π.f n) := by
cases n <;> dsimp <;> infer_instance

/-- A projective object admits a trivial projective resolution: itself in degree 0. -/
def self (Z : C) [CategoryTheory.Projective Z] : ProjectiveResolution Z where
complex := (ChainComplex.single₀ C).obj Z
π := 𝟙 ((ChainComplex.single₀ C).obj Z)
projective n := by
cases n
· dsimp
· dsimp
exact₀ := by
exact exact_zero_mono _
exact n := by
exact exact_of_zero _ _
epi := by
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.self CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.self

/-- Auxiliary construction for `lift`. -/
def liftZero {Y Z : C} (f : Y ⟶ Z) (P : ProjectiveResolution Y) (Q : ProjectiveResolution Z) :
P.complex.X 0 ⟶ Q.complex.X 0 :=
factorThru (P.π.f 0 ≫ f) (Q.π.f 0)
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.lift_f_zero CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.liftZero

/-- Auxiliary construction for `lift`. -/
def liftOne {Y Z : C} (f : Y ⟶ Z) (P : ProjectiveResolution Y) (Q : ProjectiveResolution Z) :
P.complex.X 1 ⟶ Q.complex.X 1 :=
Exact.lift (P.complex.d 1 0 ≫ liftZero f P Q) (Q.complex.d 1 0) (Q.π.f 0) Q.exact₀
(by simp [liftZero, P.exact₀.w_assoc])
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.lift_f_one CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.liftOne

/-- Auxiliary lemma for `lift`. -/
theorem liftOne_zero_comm {Y Z : C} (f : Y ⟶ Z) (P : ProjectiveResolution Y)
(Q : ProjectiveResolution Z) :
liftOne f P Q ≫ Q.complex.d 1 0 = P.complex.d 1 0 ≫ liftZero f P Q := by
dsimp [liftZero, liftOne]
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.lift_f_one_zero_comm CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.liftOne_zero_comm

/-- Auxiliary construction for `lift`. -/
def liftSucc {Y Z : C} (P : ProjectiveResolution Y) (Q : ProjectiveResolution Z) (n : ℕ)
(g : P.complex.X n ⟶ Q.complex.X n) (g' : P.complex.X (n + 1) ⟶ Q.complex.X (n + 1))
(w : g' ≫ Q.complex.d (n + 1) n = P.complex.d (n + 1) n ≫ g) :
Σ' g'' : P.complex.X (n + 2) ⟶ Q.complex.X (n + 2),
g'' ≫ Q.complex.d (n + 2) (n + 1) = P.complex.d (n + 2) (n + 1) ≫ g' :=
⟨Exact.lift (P.complex.d (n + 2) (n + 1) ≫ g') (Q.complex.d (n + 2) (n + 1))
(Q.complex.d (n + 1) n) (Q.exact _) (by simp [w]), by simp⟩
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.lift_f_succ CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.liftSucc

/-- A morphism in `C` lifts to a chain map between projective resolutions. -/
def lift {Y Z : C} (f : Y ⟶ Z) (P : ProjectiveResolution Y) (Q : ProjectiveResolution Z) :
P.complex ⟶ Q.complex :=
ChainComplex.mkHom _ _ (liftZero f _ _) (liftOne f _ _) (liftOne_zero_comm f _ _)
fun n ⟨g, g', w⟩ => liftSucc P Q n g g' w
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.lift CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.lift

/-- The resolution maps intertwine the lift of a morphism and that morphism. -/
@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
theorem lift_commutes {Y Z : C} (f : Y ⟶ Z) (P : ProjectiveResolution Y)
(Q : ProjectiveResolution Z) : lift f P Q ≫ Q.π = P.π ≫ (ChainComplex.single₀ C).map f := by
ext (_|_) <;> simp [lift, liftZero]
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.lift_commutes CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.lift_commutes

-- Now that we've checked this property of the lift,
-- we can seal away the actual definition.
end ProjectiveResolution


namespace ProjectiveResolution

variable [HasZeroObject C] [Preadditive C] [HasEqualizers C] [HasImages C]

/-- An auxiliary definition for `liftHomotopyZero`. -/
def liftHomotopyZeroZero {Y Z : C} {P : ProjectiveResolution Y} {Q : ProjectiveResolution Z}
(f : P.complex ⟶ Q.complex) (comm : f ≫ Q.π = 0) : P.complex.X 0 ⟶ Q.complex.X 1 :=
Exact.lift (f.f 0) (Q.complex.d 1 0) (Q.π.f 0) Q.exact₀
(congr_fun (congr_arg HomologicalComplex.Hom.f comm) 0)
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.lift_homotopy_zero_zero CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.liftHomotopyZeroZero

/-- An auxiliary definition for `liftHomotopyZero`. -/
def liftHomotopyZeroOne {Y Z : C} {P : ProjectiveResolution Y} {Q : ProjectiveResolution Z}
(f : P.complex ⟶ Q.complex) (comm : f ≫ Q.π = 0) : P.complex.X 1 ⟶ Q.complex.X 2 :=
Exact.lift (f.f 1 - P.complex.d 1 0 ≫ liftHomotopyZeroZero f comm) (Q.complex.d 2 1)
(Q.complex.d 1 0) (Q.exact _) (by simp [liftHomotopyZeroZero])
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.lift_homotopy_zero_one CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.liftHomotopyZeroOne

/-- An auxiliary definition for `liftHomotopyZero`. -/
def liftHomotopyZeroSucc {Y Z : C} {P : ProjectiveResolution Y} {Q : ProjectiveResolution Z}
(f : P.complex ⟶ Q.complex) (n : ℕ) (g : P.complex.X n ⟶ Q.complex.X (n + 1))
(g' : P.complex.X (n + 1) ⟶ Q.complex.X (n + 2))
(w : f.f (n + 1) = P.complex.d (n + 1) n ≫ g + g' ≫ Q.complex.d (n + 2) (n + 1)) :
P.complex.X (n + 2) ⟶ Q.complex.X (n + 3) :=
Exact.lift (f.f (n + 2) - P.complex.d (n + 2) (n + 1) ≫ g') (Q.complex.d (n + 3) (n + 2))
(Q.complex.d (n + 2) (n + 1)) (Q.exact _) (by simp [w])
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.lift_homotopy_zero_succ CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.liftHomotopyZeroSucc

/-- Any lift of the zero morphism is homotopic to zero. -/
def liftHomotopyZero {Y Z : C} {P : ProjectiveResolution Y} {Q : ProjectiveResolution Z}
(f : P.complex ⟶ Q.complex) (comm : f ≫ Q.π = 0) : Homotopy f 0 :=
Homotopy.mkInductive _ (liftHomotopyZeroZero f comm) (by simp [liftHomotopyZeroZero])
(liftHomotopyZeroOne f comm) (by simp [liftHomotopyZeroOne]) fun n ⟨g, g', w⟩ =>
⟨liftHomotopyZeroSucc f n g g' w, by simp [liftHomotopyZeroSucc, w]⟩
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.lift_homotopy_zero CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.liftHomotopyZero

/-- Two lifts of the same morphism are homotopic. -/
def liftHomotopy {Y Z : C} (f : Y ⟶ Z) {P : ProjectiveResolution Y} {Q : ProjectiveResolution Z}
(g h : P.complex ⟶ Q.complex) (g_comm : g ≫ Q.π = P.π ≫ (ChainComplex.single₀ C).map f)
(h_comm : h ≫ Q.π = P.π ≫ (ChainComplex.single₀ C).map f) : Homotopy g h :=
Homotopy.equivSubZero.invFun (liftHomotopyZero _ (by simp [g_comm, h_comm]))
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.lift_homotopy CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.liftHomotopy

/-- The lift of the identity morphism is homotopic to the identity chain map. -/
def liftIdHomotopy (X : C) (P : ProjectiveResolution X) : Homotopy (lift (𝟙 X) P P) (𝟙 P.complex) :=
by apply liftHomotopy (𝟙 X) <;> simp
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.lift_id_homotopy CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.liftIdHomotopy

/-- The lift of a composition is homotopic to the composition of the lifts. -/
def liftCompHomotopy {X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (P : ProjectiveResolution X)
(Q : ProjectiveResolution Y) (R : ProjectiveResolution Z) :
Homotopy (lift (f ≫ g) P R) (lift f P Q ≫ lift g Q R) := by
apply liftHomotopy (f ≫ g) <;> simp
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.lift_comp_homotopy CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.liftCompHomotopy

-- We don't care about the actual definitions of these homotopies.
/-- Any two projective resolutions are homotopy equivalent. -/
def homotopyEquiv {X : C} (P Q : ProjectiveResolution X) : HomotopyEquiv P.complex Q.complex where
hom := lift (𝟙 X) P Q
inv := lift (𝟙 X) Q P
homotopyHomInvId := by
refine' (liftCompHomotopy (𝟙 X) (𝟙 X) P Q P).symm.trans _
simp only [Category.id_comp]
apply liftIdHomotopy
homotopyInvHomId := by
refine' (liftCompHomotopy (𝟙 X) (𝟙 X) Q P Q).symm.trans _
simp only [Category.id_comp]
apply liftIdHomotopy
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.homotopy_equiv CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.homotopyEquiv

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
theorem homotopyEquiv_hom_π {X : C} (P Q : ProjectiveResolution X) :
(homotopyEquiv P Q).hom ≫ Q.π = P.π := by simp [homotopyEquiv]
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.homotopy_equiv_hom_π CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.homotopyEquiv_hom_π

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
theorem homotopyEquiv_inv_π {X : C} (P Q : ProjectiveResolution X) :
(homotopyEquiv P Q).inv ≫ P.π = Q.π := by simp [homotopyEquiv]
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.homotopy_equiv_inv_π CategoryTheory.ProjectiveResolution.homotopyEquiv_inv_π

end ProjectiveResolution


variable [HasZeroMorphisms C] [HasZeroObject C] [HasEqualizers C] [HasImages C]

def projectiveResolution (Z : C) [HasProjectiveResolution Z] : ProjectiveResolution Z :=

-- porting note: this was named `projective_resolution` in mathlib 3. As there was also a need
-- for a definition of `ProjectiveResolution Z` given `(Z : projectiveResolution Z)`, it
-- seemed more consistent to have `projectiveResolution Z : ProjectiveResolution Z`
-- and `projectiveResolution.complex Z : ChainComplex C ℕ`
/-- An arbitrarily chosen projective resolution of an object. -/
abbrev projectiveResolution.complex (Z : C) [HasProjectiveResolution Z] : ChainComplex C ℕ :=
(projectiveResolution Z).complex
#align category_theory.projective_resolution CategoryTheory.projectiveResolution.complex

/-- The chain map from the arbitrarily chosen projective resolution
`projectiveResolution.complex Z` back to the chain complex consisting
of `Z` supported in degree `0`. -/
abbrev projectiveResolution.π (Z : C) [HasProjectiveResolution Z] :
projectiveResolution.complex Z ⟶ (ChainComplex.single₀ C).obj Z :=
(projectiveResolution Z).π
#align category_theory.projective_resolution.π CategoryTheory.projectiveResolution.π

/-- The lift of a morphism to a chain map between the arbitrarily chosen projective resolutions. -/
abbrev projectiveResolution.lift {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) [HasProjectiveResolution X]
[HasProjectiveResolution Y] :
projectiveResolution.complex X ⟶ projectiveResolution.complex Y :=
ProjectiveResolution.lift f _ _
#align category_theory.projective_resolution.lift CategoryTheory.projectiveResolution.lift


variable (C)
variable [Preadditive C] [HasZeroObject C] [HasEqualizers C] [HasImages C]
[HasProjectiveResolutions C]

/-- Taking projective resolutions is functorial,
if considered with target the homotopy category
(`ℕ`-indexed chain complexes and chain maps up to homotopy).
def projectiveResolutions : C ⥤ HomotopyCategory C (ComplexShape.down ℕ) where
obj X := (HomotopyCategory.quotient _ _).obj (projectiveResolution.complex X)
map f := (HomotopyCategory.quotient _ _).map (projectiveResolution.lift f)
map_id X := by
rw [← (HomotopyCategory.quotient _ _).map_id]
apply HomotopyCategory.eq_of_homotopy
apply ProjectiveResolution.liftIdHomotopy
map_comp f g := by
rw [← (HomotopyCategory.quotient _ _).map_comp]
apply HomotopyCategory.eq_of_homotopy
apply ProjectiveResolution.liftCompHomotopy
#align category_theory.projective_resolutions CategoryTheory.projectiveResolutions

end CategoryTheory

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