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feat: properties of the conductor (#7352)
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Co-authored-by: Moritz Firsching <>
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mo271 and mo271 committed Oct 23, 2023
1 parent 16ab7dd commit 4a242ae
Showing 1 changed file with 86 additions and 1 deletion.
87 changes: 86 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/NumberTheory/DirichletCharacter/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,10 +20,24 @@ Main definitions:
- `DirichletCharacter`: The type representing a Dirichlet character.
- `changeLevel`: Extend the Dirichlet character χ of level `n` to level `m`, where `n` divides `m`.
- `conductor`: The conductor of a Dirichlet character.
- `isPrimitive`: If the level is equal to the conductor.
- properties of the conductor
- reduction, even, odd
- add
`lemma unitsMap_surjective {n m : ℕ} (h : n ∣ m) (hm : m ≠ 0) : Function.Surjective (unitsMap h)`
and then
lemma changeLevel_injective {d : ℕ} (h : d ∣ n) (hn : n ≠ 0) :
Function.Injective (changeLevel (R := R) h)
lemma changeLevel_one_iff {d : ℕ} {χ : DirichletCharacter R n} {χ' : DirichletCharacter R d}
(hdn : d ∣ n) (hn : n ≠ 0) (h : χ = changeLevel hdn χ') : χ = 1 ↔ χ' = 1
## Tags
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,6 +115,31 @@ lemma same_level : FactorsThrough χ n := ⟨dvd_refl n, χ, (changeLevel_self

end FactorsThrough

lemma level_one (χ : DirichletCharacter R 1) : χ = 1 := by
simp [units_eq_one]

lemma level_one' (hn : n = 1) : χ = 1 := by
subst hn
exact level_one _

instance : Subsingleton (DirichletCharacter R 1) := by
refine subsingleton_iff.mpr (fun χ χ' ↦ ?_)
simp [level_one]

noncomputable instance : Inhabited (DirichletCharacter R n) := ⟨1

noncomputable instance : Unique (DirichletCharacter R 1) :=' (DirichletCharacter R 1)

lemma changeLevel_one {d : ℕ} (h : d ∣ n) :
changeLevel h (1 : DirichletCharacter R d) = 1 := by
simp [changeLevel]

lemma factorsThrough_one_iff : FactorsThrough χ 1 ↔ χ = 1 := by
refine ⟨fun ⟨_, χ₀, hχ₀⟩ ↦ ?_,
fun h ↦ ⟨one_dvd n, 1, by rw [h, changeLevel_one]⟩⟩
rwa [level_one χ₀, changeLevel_one] at hχ₀

/-- The set of natural numbers for which a Dirichlet character is periodic. -/
def conductorSet : Set ℕ := {x : ℕ | FactorsThrough χ x}

Expand All @@ -114,4 +153,50 @@ lemma mem_conductorSet_dvd {x : ℕ} (hx : x ∈ conductorSet χ) : x ∣ n := h
The Dirichlet character `χ` can then alternatively be reformulated on `ℤ/nℤ`. -/
noncomputable def conductor : ℕ := sInf (conductorSet χ)

lemma conductor_mem_conductorSet : conductor χ ∈ conductorSet χ :=
Nat.sInf_mem (Set.nonempty_of_mem (level_mem_conductorSet χ))

lemma conductor_dvd_level : conductor χ ∣ n := (conductor_mem_conductorSet χ).dvd

lemma factorsThrough_conductor : FactorsThrough χ (conductor χ) := conductor_mem_conductorSet χ

lemma conductor_ne_zero (hn : n ≠ 0) : conductor χ ≠ 0 :=
fun h ↦ hn <| Nat.eq_zero_of_zero_dvd <| h ▸ conductor_dvd_level _

lemma conductor_one (hn : n ≠ 0) : conductor (1 : DirichletCharacter R n) = 1 := by
suffices : FactorsThrough (1 : DirichletCharacter R n) 1
· have h : conductor (1 : DirichletCharacter R n) ≤ 1 :=
Nat.sInf_le <| (mem_conductorSet_iff _).mpr this
exact Nat.le_antisymm h (Nat.pos_of_ne_zero <| conductor_ne_zero _ hn)
· exact (factorsThrough_one_iff _).mpr rfl

variable {χ}

lemma eq_one_iff_conductor_eq_one (hn : n ≠ 0) : χ = 1 ↔ conductor χ = 1 := by
refine ⟨fun h ↦ h ▸ conductor_one hn, fun hχ ↦ ?_⟩
obtain ⟨h', χ₀, h⟩ := factorsThrough_conductor χ
exact (level_one' χ₀ hχ ▸ h).trans <| changeLevel_one h'

lemma conductor_eq_zero_iff_level_eq_zero : conductor χ = 0 ↔ n = 0 := by
refine ⟨(conductor_ne_zero χ).mtr, ?_⟩
rintro rfl
exact Nat.sInf_eq_zero.mpr <| Or.inl <| level_mem_conductorSet χ

variable (χ)

/-- A character is primitive if its level is equal to its conductor. -/
def isPrimitive : Prop := conductor χ = n

lemma isPrimitive_def : isPrimitive χ ↔ conductor χ = n := Iff.rfl

lemma isPrimitive_one_level_one : isPrimitive (1 : DirichletCharacter R 1) := (conductor_dvd_level _)

lemma isPritive_one_level_zero : isPrimitive (1 : DirichletCharacter R 0) :=
conductor_eq_zero_iff_level_eq_zero.mpr rfl

lemma conductor_one_dvd (n : ℕ) : conductor (1 : DirichletCharacter R 1) ∣ n := by
rw [(isPrimitive_def _).mp isPrimitive_one_level_one]
apply one_dvd _

end DirichletCharacter

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