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feat: add simp linter
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gebner committed Nov 19, 2021
1 parent f739029 commit 4bef202
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Showing 9 changed files with 526 additions and 10 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/build.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,5 +33,8 @@ jobs:
- name: test mathlib
run: make test

- name: lint mathlib
run: env LEAN_PATH=build/lib lean scripts/runLinter.lean || true

- name: check that all files are imported
run: git diff --exit-code
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ import Mathlib.Tactic.Core
import Mathlib.Tactic.Ext
import Mathlib.Tactic.Find
import Mathlib.Tactic.LibrarySearch
import Mathlib.Tactic.Lint
import Mathlib.Tactic.Lint.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic.Lint.Frontend
import Mathlib.Tactic.Lint.Simp
import Mathlib.Tactic.NoMatch
import Mathlib.Tactic.NormNum
import Mathlib.Tactic.OpenPrivate
Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions Mathlib/Mathport/Attributes.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,8 +12,5 @@ initialize symmAttr : TagAttribute ← registerTagAttribute `symm "symmetric rel
initialize transAttr : TagAttribute ← registerTagAttribute `trans "transitive relation"
initialize substAttr : TagAttribute ← registerTagAttribute `subst "substitution"

initialize linterAttr : TagAttribute ←
registerTagAttribute `linter "Use this declaration as a linting test in #lint"

initialize hintTacticAttr : TagAttribute ←
registerTagAttribute `hintTactic "A tactic that should be tried by `hint`."
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions Mathlib/Mathport/Syntax.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -641,8 +641,6 @@ namespace Attr
syntax (name := intro) "intro" : attr
syntax (name := intro!) "intro!" : attr

syntax (name := nolint) "nolint" (ppSpace ident)* : attr

syntax (name := ext) "ext" (ppSpace ident)? : attr

syntax (name := higherOrder) "higherOrder" (ppSpace ident)? : attr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -686,11 +684,6 @@ syntax args := opts " only"? ident*

end Lint

syntax (name := lint) "#lint" Lint.args : command
syntax (name := lintMathlib) "#lint_mathlib" Lint.args : command
syntax (name := lintAll) "#lint_all" Lint.args : command
syntax (name := listLinters) "#list_linters" : command

syntax (name := copyDocString) "copy_doc_string " ident " → " ident* : command
syntax (name := libraryNote) docComment "library_note " str : command
syntax (name := addTacticDoc) (docComment)? "add_tactic_doc " term : command
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Tactic/Lint.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import Mathlib.Tactic.Lint.Simp
import Mathlib.Tactic.Lint.Frontend
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Tactic/Lint/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Robert Y. Lewis, Gabriel Ebner

import Lean
open Lean Meta

namespace Mathlib.Tactic.Lint

# Basic linter types and attributes
This file defines the basic types and attributes used by the linting
framework. A linter essentially consists of a function
`declaration → tactic (option string)`, this function together with some
metadata is stored in the `linter` structure. We define two attributes:
* `@[linter]` applies to a declaration of type `linter` and adds it to the default linter set.
* `@[nolint linter_name]` omits the tagged declaration from being checked by
the linter with name `linter_name`.

syntax (name := nolint) "nolint" (ppSpace ident)+ : attr

-- Defines the user attribute `nolint` for skipping `#lint`
initialize nolintAttr : ParametricAttribute (Array Name) ←
registerParametricAttribute {
name := `nolint
descr := "Do not report this declaration in any of the tests of `#lint`"
getParam := fun decl stx =>
match stx with
-- TODO: validate linter names
| `(attr|nolint $[$ids]*) => ids.mapM (·.getId.eraseMacroScopes)
| _ => throwError "unexpected nolint syntax {stx}"

/-- Returns true if `decl` should be checked
using `linter`, i.e., if there is no `nolint` attribute. -/
def shouldBeLinted [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (linter : Name) (decl : Name) : m Bool := do
!((← nolintAttr.getParam (← getEnv) decl).getD {}).contains linter

def isAutoDecl (decl : Name) : CoreM Bool :=
false -- TODO

A linting test for the `#lint` command.
`test` defines a test to perform on every declaration. It should never fail. Returning `none`
signifies a passing test. Returning `some msg` reports a failing test with error `msg`.
`noErrorsFound` is the message printed when all tests are negative, and `errorsFound` is printed
when at least one test is positive.
If `isFast` is false, this test will be omitted from `#lint-`.
structure Linter where
test : Name → MetaM (Option MessageData)
noErrorsFound : MessageData
errorsFound : MessageData
isFast := true

structure NamedLinter extends Linter where
declName : Name

def (l : NamedLinter) : Name := l.declName.updatePrefix Name.anonymous

private unsafe def getLinterImpl (declName : Name) : CoreM NamedLinter :=
return { ← evalConstCheck Linter ``Linter declName with declName }

@[implementedBy getLinterImpl]
constant getLinter (declName : Name) : CoreM NamedLinter

/-- Takes a list of names that resolve to declarations of type `linter`,
and produces a list of linters. -/
def getLinters (l : List Name) : CoreM (List NamedLinter) :=
l.mapM getLinter

-- Defines the user attribute `linter` for adding a linter to the default set.
initialize mathlibLinterAttr : TagAttribute ←
(name := `mathlibLinter)
(descr := "Use this declaration as a linting test in #lint")
(validate := fun name => do
let constInfo ← getConstInfo name
unless ← (isDefEq constInfo.type (mkConst ``Linter)).run' do
throwError "must have type Linter, got {constInfo.type}")
228 changes: 228 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Tactic/Lint/Frontend.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Robert Y. Lewis, Gabriel Ebner
import Mathlib.Tactic.Lint.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic.Lint.Simp

# Linter frontend and commands
This file defines the linter commands which spot common mistakes in the code.
* `#lint`: check all declarations in the current file
* `#lint mathlib`: check all declarations in mathlib (so excluding core or other projects,
and also excluding the current file)
* `#lint all`: check all declarations in the environment (the current file and all
imported files)
For a list of default / non-default linters, see the "Linting Commands" user command doc entry.
The command `#list_linters` prints a list of the names of all available linters.
You can append a `*` to any command (e.g. `#lint mathlib*`) to omit the slow tests (4).
You can append a `-` to any command (e.g. `#lint mathlib-`) to run a silent lint
that suppresses the output if all checks pass.
A silent lint will fail if any test fails.
You can append a `+` to any command (e.g. `#lint mathlib+`) to run a verbose lint
that reports the result of each linter, including the successes.
You can append a sequence of linter names to any command to run extra tests, in addition to the
default ones. e.g. `#lint doc_blame_thm` will run all default tests and `doc_blame_thm`.
You can append `only name1 name2 ...` to any command to run a subset of linters, e.g.
`#lint only unused_arguments`
You can add custom linters by defining a term of type `Linter` in the `Mathlib.Tactic.Lint` namespace.
A linter defined with the name `Mathlib.Tactic.Lint.myNewCheck` can be run with `#lint myNewCheck`
or `lint only myNewCheck`.
If you add the attribute `@[mathlibLinter]` to `linter.myNewCheck` it will run by default.
Adding the attribute `@[nolint doc_blame unused_arguments]` to a declaration
omits it from only the specified linter checks.
## Tags
sanity check, lint, cleanup, command, tactic

def Lean.TagAttribute.getDecls (attr : TagAttribute) (env : Environment) : Array Name := do
let st := attr.ext.toEnvExtension.getState env
let mut decls := st.state.toArray
for ds in st.importedEntries do
decls := decls ++ ds

namespace Mathlib.Tactic.Lint
open Lean Std

Verbosity for the linter output.
* `low`: only print failing checks, print nothing on success.
* `medium`: only print failing checks, print confirmation on success.
* `high`: print output of every check.
inductive LintVerbosity | low | medium | high
deriving Inhabited, DecidableEq, Repr

/-- `getChecks slow extra use_only` produces a list of linters.
`extras` is a list of names that should resolve to declarations with type `linter`.
If `useOnly` is true, it only uses the linters in `extra`.
Otherwise, it uses all linters in the environment tagged with `@[linter]`.
If `slow` is false, it only uses the fast default tests. -/
def getChecks (slow : Bool) (extra : List Name) (useOnly : Bool) : CoreM (List NamedLinter) := do
let default ← if useOnly then [] else
getLinters (← mathlibLinterAttr.getDecls (← getEnv)).toList
let default := if slow then default else default.filter (·.isFast)
default ++ (← getLinters extra)

def lintCore (decls : Array Name) (linters : Array NamedLinter) :
CoreM (Array (NamedLinter × HashMap Name MessageData)) := do
let env ← getEnv
let options ← getOptions -- TODO: sanitize options?

let tasks : Array (NamedLinter × Array (Name × Task (Option MessageData))) ←
linters.mapM fun linter => do
let decls ← decls.filterM (shouldBeLinted
(linter, ·) <|<- decls.mapM fun decl => do (decl, ·) <|<- do
BaseIO.asTask do
match ← (linter.test decl).run'.run' {options} {env} |>.toBaseIO with
| Except.ok msg? => msg?
| Except.error err => m!"LINTER FAILED:\n{err.toMessageData}"

tasks.mapM fun (linter, decls) => do
let mut msgs : HashMap Name MessageData := {}
for (declName, msg?) in decls do
if let some msg := msg?.get then
msgs := msgs.insert declName msg
(linter, msgs)

def findDeclarationRanges? (e : Environment) (n : Name) : Option DeclarationRanges :=
have : MonadEnv Id := { getEnv := e, modifyEnv := fun _ => () } do Lean.findDeclarationRanges? n

/-- Sorts a map with declaration keys as names by line number. -/
def sortResults {α} [Inhabited α] (e : Environment) (results : HashMap Name α) : Array (Name × α) :=
let key (n : Name) :=
match findDeclarationRanges? e n with
| some range => range.range.pos.line
| none => 0
results.toArray.qsort fun (a, _) (b, _) => key a < key b

/-- Formats a linter warning as `#check` command with comment. -/
def printWarning (declName : Name) (warning : MessageData) : MessageData :=
m!"#check @{declName} /- {warning} -/"

/-- Formats a map of linter warnings using `print_warning`, sorted by line number. -/
def printWarnings (env : Environment) (results : HashMap Name MessageData) : MessageData :=
(MessageData.joinSep ·.toList Format.line) <|
(sortResults env results).map fun (declName, warning) => printWarning declName warning

Formats a map of linter warnings grouped by filename with `-- filename` comments.
The first `drop_fn_chars` characters are stripped from the filename.
def groupedByFilename (results : HashMap Name MessageData) : CoreM MessageData := do
let mut grouped : HashMap Name (HashMap Name MessageData) := {}
for (declName, msg) in results.toArray do
let mod ← findModuleOf? declName
let mod := mod.getD (← getEnv).mainModule
grouped := grouped.insert mod <| grouped.findD mod {} |>.insert declName msg
let grouped' := grouped.toArray.qsort fun (a, _) (b, _) => toString a < toString b
let env ← getEnv
(MessageData.joinSep · (Format.line ++ Format.line)) <|
grouped' fun (mod, msgs) =>
m!"-- {mod}\n{printWarnings env msgs}"

Formats the linter results as Lean code with comments and `#print` commands.
def formatLinterResults
(results : Array (NamedLinter × HashMap Name MessageData))
(decls : Array Name)
(groupByFilename : Bool)
(whereDesc : String) (runSlowLinters : Bool)
(verbose : LintVerbosity) (numLinters : Nat) :
CoreM MessageData := do
let formattedResults ← results.filterMapM fun (linter, results) => do
if !results.isEmpty then
let warnings ←
if groupByFilename then
groupedByFilename results
printWarnings (← getEnv) results
some m!"/- The `{}` linter reports:\n{linter.errorsFound} -/\n{warnings}\n"
else if verbose = LintVerbosity.high then
some m!"/- OK: {linter.noErrorsFound} -/"
let mut s := MessageData.joinSep formattedResults.toList Format.line
let numAutoDecls := (← decls.filterM isAutoDecl).size
unless verbose matches LintVerbosity.low do
s := m!"-- Checking {decls.size - numAutoDecls} declarations (plus {
numAutoDecls} automatically generated ones) {whereDesc
} with {numLinters} linters\n\n{s}"
unless runSlowLinters do s := m!"{s}-- (slow linters skipped)\n"

def getDeclsInCurrModule : CoreM (Array Name) := do
(← getEnv).constants.map₂ (·.1)

def getAllDecls : CoreM (Array Name) := do
(← getDeclsInCurrModule) ++
(← getEnv).constants.map₁ (·.1)

def getDeclsInMathlib : CoreM (Array Name) := do
let mut decls ← getDeclsInCurrModule
let mathlibModules := (← getEnv) ((`Mathlib).isPrefixOf ·)
for (declName, moduleIdx) in (← getEnv).const2ModIdx.toArray do
if mathlibModules[moduleIdx] then
decls := decls.push declName

open Elab Command in
elab "#lint"
project:(&"mathlib" <|> &"all")?
verbosity:("+" <|> "-")?
only:(&"only")? linters:(ident)*
: command => do
let (decls, whereDesc, groupByFilename) ← match project.getOptional? with
| none => do (← liftCoreM getDeclsInCurrModule, "in the current file", false)
| some (Syntax.atom _ "mathlib") => do (← liftCoreM getDeclsInMathlib, "in mathlib", true)
| some (Syntax.atom _ "all") => do (← liftCoreM getAllDecls, "in all files", true)
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
let verbosity : LintVerbosity ← match verbosity.getOptional? with
| none => LintVerbosity.medium
| some (Syntax.atom _ "+") => LintVerbosity.high
| some (Syntax.atom _ "-") => LintVerbosity.low
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
let fast := fast.getOptional?.isSome
let only := only.getOptional?.isSome
let extraLinters ← linters.getArgs.mapM fun id =>
withScope ({ · with currNamespace := `Mathlib.Tactic.Lint }) <|
resolveGlobalConstNoOverload id
let linters ← liftCoreM <| getChecks (slow := !fast) extraLinters.toList only
let results ← liftCoreM <| lintCore decls linters.toArray
let failed := results.any (!·.2.isEmpty)
let mut fmtResults ← liftCoreM <|
formatLinterResults results decls (groupByFilename := groupByFilename)
whereDesc (runSlowLinters := !fast) verbosity linters.length
if failed then
logError fmtResults
else if verbosity != LintVerbosity.low then
logInfo m!"{fmtResults}\n-- All linting checks passed!"

open Elab Command in
/-- The command `#list_linters` prints a list of all available linters. -/
elab "#list_linters" : command => do
let env ← getEnv
let ns : Array Name := env.constants.fold (init := #[]) fun ns n ci =>
if n.getPrefix == `Mathlib.Tactic.Lint && ci.type == mkConst ``Mathlib.Tactic.Lint.Linter
then ns.push n else ns
let linters ← ns.mapM fun n => do
let b := mathlibLinterAttr.hasTag (← getEnv) n
toString (n.updatePrefix Name.anonymous) ++ if b then " (*)" else ""
logInfo m!"Available linters (linters marked with (*) are in the default lint set):\n{Format.joinSep linters.toList Format.line}"

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