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feat: profunctor optics
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EdAyers committed Jun 22, 2022
1 parent 1ac9dea commit 53f2acf
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Showing 7 changed files with 459 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,11 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Defs
import Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Defs
import Mathlib.Algebra.Ring.Basic
import Mathlib.Control.Basic
import Mathlib.Control.Optics
import Mathlib.Control.Profunctor
import Mathlib.Control.Random
import Mathlib.Control.Traversable
import Mathlib.Control.Writer
import Mathlib.Data.Array.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Array.Defs
Expand All @@ -24,6 +28,7 @@ import Mathlib.Data.Prod
import Mathlib.Data.String.Defs
import Mathlib.Data.String.Lemmas
import Mathlib.Data.Subtype
import Mathlib.Data.Sum
import Mathlib.Data.UInt
import Mathlib.Data.UnionFind
import Mathlib.Init.Algebra.Functions
Expand Down
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Control/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 E.W.Ayers. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: E.W.Ayers

/-- `Const κ α = κ`. The constant functor with value `κ`. -/
def Const (κ : Type u) (_α : Type v) : Type u := κ

namespace Const

instance : Functor (Const κ) where
map _ k := k

# Using const as a writer.
If we think of `κ` as a monoid then there is a nice applicative structure that
we can add to it. You can interpret the applicative structure as returning the
product of all of the `κ`s.
As with `WriterT`, `∅, ++` is preferred to `1, *` as the monoid.

instance [EmptyCollection κ] : Pure (Const κ) where
pure _ := (∅ : κ)

instance [EmptyCollection κ] [Append κ] : Applicative (Const κ) where
seq (f : κ) (x : Unit → κ) := f ++ x ()

end Const

/-- AKA `Copure`. -/
class Extract (F : Type u → Type v) where
extract {α} : F α → α

export Extract (extract)

/-- AKA `Cobind`. -/
class Extend (F : Type u → Type v) where
extend {α β} : (F α → β) → F α → F β

class Comonad (F : Type u → Type v) extends Extract F, Extend F
182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Control/Optics.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 E.W.Ayers. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: E.W.Ayers
import Mathlib.Control.Profunctor
import Mathlib.Data.Prod
import Mathlib.Control.Traversable
# Profunctor optics
Definitions of profunctor optics.
One way to think about profunctor optics is to look at traversal:
traverse : (f : α → M β) → (l : List α) → M (List β)
`traverse` selects all the objects in `l` and performs `f` to them under
the monad `M`, then wraps all these up back in to a list.
Optics generalise this notion of unpacking a datastructure, performing some arbitrary action and then repackaging the datastructure.
Let's define `P α β := α → M β`, then we have `traverse : P α β → P (List α) (List β)`.
### References:

namespace Control

open Profunctor

set_option checkBinderAnnotations false in
/-- A general profunctor optic. -/
def Optic (π : (Type u → Type u → Type v) → Type w) (α β σ τ : Type u) :=
∀ ⦃P⦄ [π P], P α β → P σ τ

namespace Optic

def Iso := Optic Profunctor

def Lens := Optic Strong
def Lens' (α β) := Lens α α β β

def Prism := Optic Choice
def Prism' (α β) := Prism α α β β

/-- Also known as an affine traversal or a traversal0.
I am going off-book here and calling it "modification" because that is what it is doing.
You can also think of it as a `Traversal` where the inner profunctor is 'called' at most once.
def Modification := Optic Affine
def Modification' (α β) := Modification α α β β

def Traversal := Optic Traversing

def Setter := Optic Mapping

def Grate := Optic Closed

variable {α β σ τ χ : Type u}

namespace Iso
def mk (g : σ → α) (f : β → τ) : Iso α β σ τ
| _, _, p => Profunctor.dimap g f p
end Iso

namespace Lens
def mk (g : σ → α) (s : β → σ → τ) : Lens α β σ τ
| _, _, f => dimap (Prod.intro g id) (Prod.elim s) $ first σ $ f

def view (l : Lens α β σ τ) : σ → α :=
let p : Star (Const α) α β := id
l p

def update (l : Lens α β σ τ) (b : β) (s : σ) : τ :=
let p : Star (Reader β) α β := fun _ b => b
l p s b

def matching (sca : σ → γ × α) (cbt : γ × β → τ) : Lens α β σ τ :=
mk (Prod.snd ∘ sca) (fun b s => cbt (Prod.fst $ sca s,b))

protected def id : Lens α β α β := mk (λ a => a) (λ b _ => b)

end Lens

namespace Prism

def view (p : Prism α β σ τ) : σ → τ ⊕ α :=
let f : Star (Sum α) α β := Sum.inl
Sum.swap ∘ p f

-- [todo] there will be a more general form but not sure what it is.
private instance : Choice (Costar (Const β)) := {
left := fun _ fab b => Sum.inl <| fab b,
right := fun _ fab b => Sum.inr <| fab b,

def update (p : Prism α β σ τ) : β → τ :=
let f : Costar (Const β) α β := id
p f

def mk (g : σ → τ ⊕ α) (s : β → τ) : Prism α β σ τ
| _, _, f => dimap g (Sum.elim id s) $ right _ $ f

end Prism

namespace Modification

def mk (f : σ → τ ⊕ α) (g : σ → β → τ) : Modification α β σ τ
| _, _, p => dimap (Prod.intro id f) (Function.uncurry $ Sum.elim id ∘ g) $ second σ $ right τ p

end Modification

namespace Grate

def Concrete (α β σ τ : Type u) := ((σ → α) → β) → τ
instance : Closed (Concrete α β) where
dimap := fun yx st g yab => st $ g $ fun xa => yab $ xa ∘ yx
close := fun _ g f s => g <| fun i => f <| fun j => i <| j s

protected def mk (f : ((σ → α) → β) → τ) : Grate α β σ τ
| _, _, p => dimap (fun a s => s a) f (close (σ → α) p)

def run (g : Grate α β σ τ) : ((σ → α) → β) → τ :=
let o : Concrete α β α β := fun x => x id
g o

def zipWith {F : Type u → Type u} [Functor F] : Grate α β σ τ → (F α → β) → (F σ → τ)
| g, c => show Costar F σ τ by exact g c

def zip2: Grate α β σ τ → (α → α → β) → σ → σ → τ
| g, p =>
let p : Costar Prod.Square α β := Function.uncurry p
Function.curry $ g $ p

def distributed [Functor F] [Distributive F] : Grate α β (F α) (F β) := fun k => k <$> Distributive.distReader id

def endomorphed (χ : Type u) : Grate α α (χ → α) (χ → α)
| _, _, p => close _ p

end Grate

def traversing (F) [Traversable F] : Traversal σ τ (F σ) (F τ)
| _, t => Representable.lift (@traverse _ _ _ t.a _ _)

def arrays (t : Traversal α β σ τ) : σ → Array α :=
let f : Star (Const (Array α)) α β := fun a => #[a]
t f

def united : Lens PUnit PUnit α α := (fun _ => PUnit.unit) (fun _ a => a)

def voided : Lens α α PEmpty PEmpty := (fun e => by cases e) (fun _ e => e)

def fst : Lens α β (α × χ) (β × χ) := Prod.fst (fun b (_,x) => (b,x))

def snd : Lens α β (χ × α) (χ × β) := Prod.snd (fun b (x,_) => (x,b))

def the : Prism α β (Option α) (Option β) := (fun | none => Sum.inl none | some a => Sum.inr a) some

def both : Traversal α β (α × α) (β × β) :=
traversing Prod.Square

def never : Prism PEmpty PEmpty α α := Sum.inl (fun x => by cases x)

end Optic

end Control
152 changes: 152 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Control/Profunctor.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 E.W.Ayers. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: E.W.Ayers
import Mathlib.Data.Sum
import Mathlib.Data.Equiv.Basic
import Mathlib.Control.Basic
import Mathlib.Control.Traversable

# Profunctors
Definitions for (non-lawful) profunctors.

/-- A profunctor `P` is a function `Type u → Type u → Type v` that is a functor
on the second argument and a contravariant functor on the first.
class Profunctor (P : Type u → Type v → Type w) where
dimap {α α' β β'} : (α' → α) → (β → β') → P α β → P α' β'

export Profunctor (dimap)

namespace Profunctor

class StrongCore (P : Type u → Type u → Type v) where
first {α β : Type u} (χ : Type u) : P α β → P (α × χ) (β × χ)
second {α β : Type u} (χ : Type u) : P α β → P (χ × α) (χ × β)

export StrongCore (first second)

class ChoiceCore (P : Type u → Type u → Type v) where
left {α β} (χ : Type u) : P α β → P (α ⊕ χ) (β ⊕ χ)
right {α β} (χ : Type u) : P α β → P (χ ⊕ α) (χ ⊕ β)

export ChoiceCore (left right)

class ClosedCore (P : Type u → Type u → Type v) where
close {α β} : ∀ (X : Type u), P α β → P (X → α) (X → β)

export ClosedCore (close)

class CostrongCore (P : Type u → Type u → Type v) where
unfirst {α β : Type u} (χ : Type u) : P (α × χ) (β × χ) → P α β
unsecond {α β : Type u} (χ : Type u) : P (χ × α) (χ × β) → P α β

class Affine (P : Type u → Type u → Type v) extends Profunctor P, StrongCore P, ChoiceCore P
/-- A strong profunctor is one that 'plays nice' with products.-/
class Strong (P : Type u → Type u → Type v) extends Profunctor P, StrongCore P
class Costrong (P : Type u → Type u → Type v) extends Profunctor P, CostrongCore P
/-- A strong profunctor is one that 'plays nice' with sums.-/
class Choice (P : Type u → Type u → Type v) extends Profunctor P, ChoiceCore P
class Closed (P : Type u → Type u → Type v) extends Profunctor P, ClosedCore P

/-- `Star F α β = α → F β`-/
def Star (F : Type u → Type v) (α : Type w) (β : Type u) :=
α → F β

/-- `Costar F α β = F α → β`. -/
def Costar (F : Type u → Type v) (α : Type u) (β :Type w) :=
F α → β

/-- `Comma F G α β := F α → G β`. -/
def Comma (F : Type u → Type v) (G : Type w → Type v) (α : Type u) (β : Type w) :=
F α → G β

/-- A profunctor is representable when there is a functor `Rep` such there is a
natural isomorphism between `P α β` and `α → Rep β`.
Contrast this with the definition of a representable functor `F`, where there is a `R : Type` such that `F α ≃ R → α`
class Representable (P : Type u → Type u → Type v) where
Rep : Type u → Type v
eqv {α β} : P α β ≃ Star Rep α β

export Representable (Rep)

/-- Sends an element of `P α β` to its representative `α → Rep P β`. Inverse of `Representable.tabulate` -/
def Representable.sieve [Representable P] : P α β → (α → Rep P β) := Representable.eqv.toFun
/-- Inverse of `Representable.sieve`.-/
def Representable.tabulate [Representable P] : (α → Rep P β) → P α β := Representable.eqv.invFun

/-- Lists a transform `f : Star Rep ⇒ Star Rep` to `P ⇒ P`-/
def Representable.lift [Representable P] {α β σ τ}
(f : (α → Rep P β) → σ → Rep P τ) : P α β → P σ τ :=
tabulate ∘ f ∘ sieve

/-- A traversing profunctor is a representable functor where `Rep` is applicative. -/
class Traversing (P) extends (Representable P) where
[a : Applicative Rep]

class Mapping (P) extends (Traversing P) where
[d : Distributive Rep]

namespace Comma
variable {F : Type u → Type v} {G : Type w → Type v}

instance [Functor F] [Functor G] : Profunctor (Comma F G) where
dimap f g h a := g <$> h (f <$> a)
end Comma

-- [todo] generalise to Comma
namespace Star

variable {F : Type u → Type v}

instance [Functor F] : Profunctor (Star F) :=
fun f g h a => g <$> (h $ f a)⟩
-- (show Profunctor (Comma Id F) by infer_instance) -- [todo] why doesn't this work?

instance [Pure F] [Functor F] : Choice (Star F) where
left := fun _ afb => Sum.elim ( Sum.inl ∘ afb) ( Sum.inr ∘ pure)
right := fun _ afb => Sum.elim ( Sum.inl ∘ pure) ( Sum.inr ∘ afb)

instance [Functor F] : Strong (Star F) where
first := fun _ f (a,c) => (fun a => (a, c)) <$> f a
second := fun _ f (c,a) => (fun a => (c, a)) <$> f a

instance {F : Type u → Type u} : Representable (Star F) where
Rep := F
eqv := Equiv.refl _

instance [EmptyCollection ω] [Append ω] : Traversing (Star (Const ω)) :=
have a : Applicative (Const ω) := inferInstance
{ a := a }

end Star

namespace Costar
variable {F : Type u → Type v}

instance [Functor F] : Closed (Costar F) where
dimap f g h a := g $ h $ f <$> a
close _ fab fxa x := fab $ (· x) <$> fxa

end Costar

def Yoneda (P : Type u → Type u → Type v) (α β : Type u) :=
⦃φ χ : Type u⦄ → (φ → α) → (β → χ) → P φ χ

namespace Yoneda

def extract : Yoneda P α β → P α β
| y => y id id

end Yoneda

end Profunctor

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