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feat: port Order.Pfilter (#2351)
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I replaced `Coe` and `Membership` with `SetLike` since the order is not reversed (as it is for `Filter`s).
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urkud committed Feb 18, 2023
1 parent bafc9b0 commit 5efa544
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Showing 2 changed files with 197 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -927,6 +927,7 @@ import Mathlib.Order.Monotone.Union
import Mathlib.Order.OmegaCompletePartialOrder
import Mathlib.Order.OrdContinuous
import Mathlib.Order.OrderIsoNat
import Mathlib.Order.PFilter
import Mathlib.Order.PartialSups
import Mathlib.Order.Partition.Equipartition
import Mathlib.Order.Partition.Finpartition
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196 changes: 196 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Order/PFilter.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Mathieu Guay-Paquet. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Mathieu Guay-Paquet
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module order.pfilter
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 740acc0e6f9adf4423f92a485d0456fc271482da
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Order.Ideal

# Order filters
## Main definitions
Throughout this file, `P` is at least a preorder, but some sections
require more structure, such as a bottom element, a top element, or
a join-semilattice structure.
- `Order.PFilter P`: The type of nonempty, downward directed, upward closed
subsets of `P`. This is dual to `Order.Ideal`, so it
simply wraps `Order.Ideal Pᵒᵈ`.
- `Order.IsPFilter P`: a predicate for when a `Set P` is a filter.
Note the relation between `order/Filter` and `order/pfilter`: for any
type `α`, `Filter α` represents the same mathematical object as
`pfilter (Set α)`.
## References
- <>
## Tags
pfilter, filter, ideal, dual

open OrderDual

namespace Order

variable {P : Type _}

/-- A filter on a preorder `P` is a subset of `P` that is
- nonempty
- downward directed
- upward closed. -/
structure PFilter (P) [Preorder P] where
dual : Ideal Pᵒᵈ
#align order.pfilter Order.PFilter

/-- A predicate for when a subset of `P` is a filter. -/
def IsPFilter [Preorder P] (F : Set P) : Prop :=
IsIdeal (OrderDual.ofDual ⁻¹' F)
#align order.is_pfilter Order.IsPFilter

theorem IsPFilter.of_def [Preorder P] {F : Set P} (nonempty : F.Nonempty)
(directed : DirectedOn (· ≥ ·) F) (mem_of_le : ∀ {x y : P}, x ≤ y → x ∈ F → y ∈ F) :
IsPFilter F :=
fun _ _ _ _ => mem_of_le ‹_› ‹_›, nonempty, directed⟩
#align order.is_pfilter.of_def Order.IsPFilter.of_def

/-- Create an element of type `Order.PFilter` from a set satisfying the predicate
`Order.IsPFilter`. -/
def IsPFilter.toPFilter [Preorder P] {F : Set P} (h : IsPFilter F) : PFilter P :=
#align order.is_pfilter.to_pfilter Order.IsPFilter.toPFilter

namespace PFilter

section Preorder

variable [Preorder P] {x y : P} (F s t : PFilter P)

instance [Inhabited P] : Inhabited (PFilter P) := ⟨⟨default⟩⟩

/-- A filter on `P` is a subset of `P`. -/
instance : SetLike (PFilter P) P where
coe F := toDual ⁻¹' F.dual.carrier
coe_injective' := fun ⟨_⟩ ⟨_⟩ h => congr_arg mk <| Ideal.ext h

#align order.pfilter.mem_coe SetLike.mem_coeₓ

theorem isPFilter : IsPFilter (F : Set P) := F.dual.isIdeal
#align order.pfilter.is_pfilter Order.PFilter.isPFilter

protected theorem nonempty : (F : Set P).Nonempty := F.dual.nonempty
#align order.pfilter.nonempty Order.PFilter.nonempty

theorem directed : DirectedOn (· ≥ ·) (F : Set P) := F.dual.directed
#align order.pfilter.directed Order.PFilter.directed

theorem mem_of_le {F : PFilter P} : x ≤ y → x ∈ F → y ∈ F := fun h => F.dual.lower h
#align order.pfilter.mem_of_le Order.PFilter.mem_of_le

/-- Two filters are equal when their underlying sets are equal. -/
theorem ext (h : (s : Set P) = t) : s = t := SetLike.ext' h
#align order.pfilter.ext Order.PFilter.ext

theorem mem_of_mem_of_le {F G : PFilter P} (hx : x ∈ F) (hle : F ≤ G) : x ∈ G :=
hle hx
#align order.pfilter.mem_of_mem_of_le Order.PFilter.mem_of_mem_of_le

/-- The smallest filter containing a given element. -/
def principal (p : P) : PFilter P :=
⟨Ideal.principal (toDual p)⟩
#align order.pfilter.principal Order.PFilter.principal

theorem mem_mk (x : P) (I : Ideal Pᵒᵈ) : x ∈ (⟨I⟩ : PFilter P) ↔ toDual x ∈ I :=
#align order.pfilter.mem_def Order.PFilter.mem_mk

theorem principal_le_iff {F : PFilter P} : principal x ≤ F ↔ x ∈ F :=
Ideal.principal_le_iff (x := toDual x)
#align order.pfilter.principal_le_iff Order.PFilter.principal_le_iff

@[simp] theorem mem_principal : x ∈ principal y ↔ y ≤ x := Iff.rfl
#align order.pfilter.mem_principal Order.PFilter.mem_principal

theorem principal_le_principal_iff {p q : P} : principal q ≤ principal p ↔ p ≤ q := by simp
#align order.pfilter.principal_le_principal_iff Order.PFilter.principal_le_principal_iff

-- defeq abuse
theorem antitone_principal : Antitone (principal : P → PFilter P) := fun _ _ =>
#align order.pfilter.antitone_principal Order.PFilter.antitone_principal

end Preorder

section OrderTop

variable [Preorder P] [OrderTop P] {F : PFilter P}

/-- A specific witness of `pfilter.nonempty` when `P` has a top element. -/
@[simp] theorem top_mem : ⊤ ∈ F := Ideal.bot_mem _
#align order.pfilter.top_mem Order.PFilter.top_mem

/-- There is a bottom filter when `P` has a top element. -/
instance : OrderBot (PFilter P) where
bot := ⟨⊥⟩
bot_le F := (bot_le : ⊥ ≤ F.dual)

end OrderTop

/-- There is a top filter when `P` has a bottom element. -/
instance {P} [Preorder P] [OrderBot P] : OrderTop (PFilter P) where
top := ⟨⊤⟩
le_top F := (le_top : F.dual ≤ ⊤)

section SemilatticeInf

variable [SemilatticeInf P] {x y : P} {F : PFilter P}

/-- A specific witness of `pfilter.directed` when `P` has meets. -/
theorem inf_mem (hx : x ∈ F) (hy : y ∈ F) : x ⊓ y ∈ F :=
Ideal.sup_mem hx hy
#align order.pfilter.inf_mem Order.PFilter.inf_mem

theorem inf_mem_iff : x ⊓ y ∈ F ↔ x ∈ F ∧ y ∈ F :=
#align order.pfilter.inf_mem_iff Order.PFilter.inf_mem_iff

end SemilatticeInf

section CompleteSemilatticeInf

variable [CompleteSemilatticeInf P] {F : PFilter P}

theorem infₛ_gc :
GaloisConnection (fun x => toDual (principal x)) fun F => infₛ (ofDual F : PFilter P) :=
fun x F => by
#align order.pfilter.Inf_gc Order.PFilter.infₛ_gc

/-- If a poset `P` admits arbitrary `Inf`s, then `principal` and `Inf` form a Galois coinsertion. -/
def infGi :
GaloisCoinsertion (fun x => toDual (principal x)) fun F => infₛ (ofDual F : PFilter P) :=
infₛ_gc.toGaloisCoinsertion fun _ => infₛ_le <| mem_principal.2 le_rfl
#align order.pfilter.Inf_gi Order.PFilter.infGi

end CompleteSemilatticeInf

end PFilter

end Order

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