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feat: port Data.Multiset.Pi (#1551)
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Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
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ChrisHughes24 and jcommelin committed Jan 13, 2023
1 parent 2b90693 commit 5f6ad92
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Showing 2 changed files with 173 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -290,6 +290,7 @@ import Mathlib.Data.Multiset.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Multiset.Bind
import Mathlib.Data.Multiset.Dedup
import Mathlib.Data.Multiset.Nodup
import Mathlib.Data.Multiset.Pi
import Mathlib.Data.Multiset.Powerset
import Mathlib.Data.Multiset.Range
import Mathlib.Data.Multiset.Sum
Expand Down
172 changes: 172 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Data/Multiset/Pi.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
Copyright (c) 2018 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module data.multiset.pi
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 9003f28797c0664a49e4179487267c494477d853
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Data.Multiset.Nodup

# The cartesian product of multisets

namespace Multiset

section Pi

variable {α : Type _}

open Function

/-- Given `δ : α → Type*`, `pi.empty δ` is the trivial dependent function out of the empty
multiset. -/
def Pi.empty (δ : α → Type _) : ∀ a ∈ (0 : Multiset α), δ a :=
#align multiset.pi.empty Multiset.Pi.empty

variable [DecidableEq α] {δ : α → Type _}

/-- Given `δ : α → Type*`, a multiset `m` and a term `a`, as well as a term `b : δ a` and a
function `f` such that `f a' : δ a'` for all `a'` in `m`, `Pi.cons m a b f` is a function `g` such
that `g a'' : δ a''` for all `a''` in `a ::ₘ m`. -/
def Pi.cons (m : Multiset α) (a : α) (b : δ a) (f : ∀ a ∈ m, δ a) : ∀ a' ∈ a ::ₘ m, δ a' :=
fun a' ha' => if h : a' = a then Eq.ndrec b h.symm else f a' <| (mem_cons.1 ha').resolve_left h
#align multiset.pi.cons Multiset.Pi.cons

theorem Pi.cons_same {m : Multiset α} {a : α} {b : δ a} {f : ∀ a ∈ m, δ a} (h : a ∈ a ::ₘ m) :
Pi.cons m a b f a h = b :=
dif_pos rfl
#align multiset.pi.cons_same Multiset.Pi.cons_same

theorem Pi.cons_ne {m : Multiset α} {a a' : α} {b : δ a} {f : ∀ a ∈ m, δ a} (h' : a' ∈ a ::ₘ m)
(h : a' ≠ a) : Pi.cons m a b f a' h' = f a' ((mem_cons.1 h').resolve_left h) :=
dif_neg h
#align multiset.pi.cons_ne Multiset.Pi.cons_ne

theorem Pi.cons_swap {a a' : α} {b : δ a} {b' : δ a'} {m : Multiset α} {f : ∀ a ∈ m, δ a}
(h : a ≠ a') :
HEq (Pi.cons (a' ::ₘ m) a b (Pi.cons m a' b' f)) (Pi.cons (a ::ₘ m) a' b' (Pi.cons m a b f)) :=
apply hfunext rfl
simp only [heq_iff_eq]
rintro a'' _ rfl
refine' hfunext (by rw [Multiset.cons_swap]) fun ha₁ ha₂ _ => _
rcases ne_or_eq a'' a with (h₁ | rfl)
rcases eq_or_ne a'' a' with (rfl | h₂)
all_goals simp [*, Pi.cons_same, Pi.cons_ne]
#align multiset.pi.cons_swap Multiset.Pi.cons_swap

--Porting note: Added noncomputable
/-- `pi m t` constructs the Cartesian product over `t` indexed by `m`. -/
def pi (m : Multiset α) (t : ∀ a, Multiset (δ a)) : Multiset (∀ a ∈ m, δ a) :=
m.recOn {Pi.empty δ}
(fun a m (p : Multiset (∀ a ∈ m, δ a)) => (t a).bind fun b => <| Pi.cons m a b)
intro a a' m n
by_cases eq : a = a'
· subst eq; rfl
· simp [map_bind, bind_bind (t a') (t a)]
apply bind_hcongr
· rw [cons_swap a a']
intro b _
apply bind_hcongr
· rw [cons_swap a a']
intro b' _
apply map_hcongr
· rw [cons_swap a a']
intro f _
exact Pi.cons_swap eq)
#align multiset.pi Multiset.pi

theorem pi_zero (t : ∀ a, Multiset (δ a)) : pi 0 t = {Pi.empty δ} :=
#align multiset.pi_zero Multiset.pi_zero

theorem pi_cons (m : Multiset α) (t : ∀ a, Multiset (δ a)) (a : α) :
pi (a ::ₘ m) t = (t a).bind fun b => (pi m t).map <| Pi.cons m a b :=
recOn_cons a m
#align multiset.pi_cons Multiset.pi_cons

theorem pi_cons_injective {a : α} {b : δ a} {s : Multiset α} (hs : a ∉ s) :
Function.Injective (Pi.cons s a b) := fun f₁ f₂ eq =>
funext fun a' =>
funext fun h' =>
have ne : a ≠ a' := fun h => hs <| h.symm ▸ h'
have : a' ∈ a ::ₘ s := mem_cons_of_mem h'
f₁ a' h' = Pi.cons s a b f₁ a' this := by rw [Pi.cons_ne this ne.symm]
_ = Pi.cons s a b f₂ a' this := by rw [eq]
_ = f₂ a' h' := by rw [Pi.cons_ne this ne.symm]

#align multiset.pi_cons_injective Multiset.pi_cons_injective

theorem card_pi (m : Multiset α) (t : ∀ a, Multiset (δ a)) :
card (pi m t) = prod ( fun a => card (t a)) :=
Multiset.induction_on m (by simp) (by simp (config := { contextual := true }) [mul_comm])
#align multiset.card_pi Multiset.card_pi

protected theorem Nodup.pi {s : Multiset α} {t : ∀ a, Multiset (δ a)} :
Nodup s → (∀ a ∈ s, Nodup (t a)) → Nodup (pi s t) :=
Multiset.induction_on s (fun _ _ => nodup_singleton _)
intro a s ih hs ht
have has : a ∉ s := by simp at hs; exact hs.1
have hs : Nodup s := by simp at hs; exact hs.2
fun b _ => ((ih hs) fun a' h' => ht a' <| mem_cons_of_mem h').map (pi_cons_injective has),
refine' (ht a <| mem_cons_self _ _).pairwise _
exact fun b₁ _ b₂ _ neb =>
disjoint_map_map.2 fun f _ g _ eq =>
have : Pi.cons s a b₁ f a (mem_cons_self _ _) = Pi.cons s a b₂ g a (mem_cons_self _ _) :=
by rw [eq]
neb <| show b₁ = b₂ by rwa [Pi.cons_same, Pi.cons_same] at this)
#align multiset.nodup.pi Multiset.Nodup.pi

@[simp, nolint simpNF] --Porting note: false positive, this lemma can prove itself
theorem pi.cons_ext {m : Multiset α} {a : α} (f : ∀ a' ∈ a ::ₘ m, δ a') :
(Pi.cons m a (f _ (mem_cons_self _ _)) fun a' ha' => f a' (mem_cons_of_mem ha')) = f :=
ext (a' h')
by_cases a' = a
· subst h
rw [Pi.cons_same]
· rw [Pi.cons_ne _ h]
#align multiset.pi.cons_ext Multiset.pi.cons_ext

theorem pi.con_ext {m : Multiset α} {a : α} (f : ∀ a' ∈ a ::ₘ m, δ a') :
(Pi.cons m a (f _ (mem_cons_self _ _)) fun a' ha' => f a' (mem_cons_of_mem ha')) = f := by simp

theorem mem_pi (m : Multiset α) (t : ∀ a, Multiset (δ a)) :
∀ f : ∀ a ∈ m, δ a, f ∈ pi m t ↔ ∀ (a) (h : a ∈ m), f a h ∈ t a :=
intro f
induction' m using Multiset.induction_on with a m ih
. have : f = Pi.empty δ := funext (fun _ => funext fun h => (not_mem_zero _ h).elim)
simp only [this, pi_zero, mem_singleton, true_iff]
intro _ h; exact (not_mem_zero _ h).elim
simp_rw [pi_cons, mem_bind, mem_map, ih]
· rintro ⟨b, hb, f', hf', rfl⟩ a' ha'
by_cases a' = a
· subst h
rwa [Pi.cons_same]
· rw [Pi.cons_ne _ h]
apply hf'
· intro hf
refine' ⟨_, hf a (mem_cons_self _ _), _, fun a ha => hf a (mem_cons_of_mem ha), _⟩
rw [pi.cons_ext]
#align multiset.mem_pi Multiset.mem_pi

end Pi

end Multiset

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