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feat: port Geometry.Manifold.BumpFunction (#5437)
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urkud committed Jun 24, 2023
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Showing 2 changed files with 351 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -1812,6 +1812,7 @@ import Mathlib.Geometry.Euclidean.Sphere.Power
import Mathlib.Geometry.Euclidean.Sphere.Ptolemy
import Mathlib.Geometry.Euclidean.Sphere.SecondInter
import Mathlib.Geometry.Euclidean.Triangle
import Mathlib.Geometry.Manifold.BumpFunction
import Mathlib.Geometry.Manifold.ChartedSpace
import Mathlib.Geometry.Manifold.ConformalGroupoid
import Mathlib.Geometry.Manifold.ContMDiff
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350 changes: 350 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Geometry/Manifold/BumpFunction.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Yury Kudryashov. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yury Kudryashov
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module geometry.manifold.bump_function
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit b018406ad2f2a73223a3a9e198ccae61e6f05318
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.BumpFunctionFindim
import Mathlib.Geometry.Manifold.ContMDiff

# Smooth bump functions on a smooth manifold
In this file we define `SmoothBumpFunction I c` to be a bundled smooth "bump" function centered at
`c`. It is a structure that consists of two real numbers `0 < r < R` with small enough `R`. We
define a coercion to function for this type, and for `f : SmoothBumpFunction I c`, the function
`⇑f` written in the extended chart at `c` has the following properties:
* `f x = 1` in the closed ball of radius `f.r` centered at `c`;
* `f x = 0` outside of the ball of radius `f.R` centered at `c`;
* `0 ≤ f x ≤ 1` for all `x`.
The actual statements involve (pre)images under `extChartAt I f` and are given as lemmas in the
`SmoothBumpFunction` namespace.
## Tags
manifold, smooth bump function

universe uE uF uH uM

variable {E : Type uE} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace ℝ E] [FiniteDimensional ℝ E]
{H : Type uH} [TopologicalSpace H] (I : ModelWithCorners ℝ E H) {M : Type uM} [TopologicalSpace M]
[ChartedSpace H M] [SmoothManifoldWithCorners I M]

open Function Filter FiniteDimensional Set Metric

open scoped Topology Manifold Classical Filter BigOperators

noncomputable section

### Smooth bump function
In this section we define a structure for a bundled smooth bump function and prove its properties.

/-- Given a smooth manifold modelled on a finite dimensional space `E`,
`f : SmoothBumpFunction I M` is a smooth function on `M` such that in the extended chart `e` at
* `f x = 1` in the closed ball of radius `f.r` centered at `f.c`;
* `f x = 0` outside of the ball of radius `f.R` centered at `f.c`;
* `0 ≤ f x ≤ 1` for all `x`.
The structure contains data required to construct a function with these properties. The function is
available as `⇑f` or `f x`. Formal statements of the properties listed above involve some
(pre)images under `extChartAt I f.c` and are given as lemmas in the `SmoothBumpFunction`
namespace. -/
structure SmoothBumpFunction (c : M) extends ContDiffBump (extChartAt I c c) where
closedBall_subset : closedBall (extChartAt I c c) rOut ∩ range I ⊆ (extChartAt I c).target
#align smooth_bump_function SmoothBumpFunction

namespace SmoothBumpFunction

variable {c : M} (f : SmoothBumpFunction I c) {x : M} {I}

/-- The function defined by `f : SmoothBumpFunction c`. Use automatic coercion to function
instead. -/
@[coe] def toFun : M → ℝ :=
indicator (chartAt H c).source (f.toContDiffBump ∘ extChartAt I c)
#align smooth_bump_function.to_fun SmoothBumpFunction.toFun

instance : CoeFun (SmoothBumpFunction I c) fun _ => M → ℝ :=

theorem coe_def : ⇑f = indicator (chartAt H c).source (f.toContDiffBump ∘ extChartAt I c) :=
#align smooth_bump_function.coe_def SmoothBumpFunction.coe_def

theorem rOut_pos : 0 < f.rOut :=
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align smooth_bump_function.R_pos SmoothBumpFunction.rOut_pos

theorem ball_subset : ball (extChartAt I c c) f.rOut ∩ range I ⊆ (extChartAt I c).target :=
Subset.trans (inter_subset_inter_left _ ball_subset_closedBall) f.closedBall_subset
#align smooth_bump_function.ball_subset SmoothBumpFunction.ball_subset

theorem ball_inter_range_eq_ball_inter_target :
ball (extChartAt I c c) f.rOut ∩ range I =
ball (extChartAt I c c) f.rOut ∩ (extChartAt I c).target :=
(subset_inter (inter_subset_left _ _) f.ball_subset).antisymm <| inter_subset_inter_right _ <|
extChartAt_target_subset_range _ _

theorem eqOn_source : EqOn f (f.toContDiffBump ∘ extChartAt I c) (chartAt H c).source :=
#align smooth_bump_function.eq_on_source SmoothBumpFunction.eqOn_source

theorem eventuallyEq_of_mem_source (hx : x ∈ (chartAt H c).source) :
f =ᶠ[𝓝 x] f.toContDiffBump ∘ extChartAt I c :=
f.eqOn_source.eventuallyEq_of_mem <| IsOpen.mem_nhds (chartAt H c).open_source hx
#align smooth_bump_function.eventually_eq_of_mem_source SmoothBumpFunction.eventuallyEq_of_mem_source

theorem one_of_dist_le (hs : x ∈ (chartAt H c).source)
(hd : dist (extChartAt I c x) (extChartAt I c c) ≤ f.rIn) : f x = 1 := by
simp only [f.eqOn_source hs, (· ∘ ·), f.one_of_mem_closedBall hd]
#align smooth_bump_function.one_of_dist_le SmoothBumpFunction.one_of_dist_le

theorem support_eq_inter_preimage :
support f = (chartAt H c).source ∩ extChartAt I c ⁻¹' ball (extChartAt I c c) f.rOut := by
rw [coe_def, support_indicator, support_comp_eq_preimage, ← extChartAt_source I,
← (extChartAt I c).symm_image_target_inter_eq', ← (extChartAt I c).symm_image_target_inter_eq',
#align smooth_bump_function.support_eq_inter_preimage SmoothBumpFunction.support_eq_inter_preimage

theorem isOpen_support : IsOpen (support f) := by
rw [support_eq_inter_preimage]
exact isOpen_extChartAt_preimage I c isOpen_ball
#align smooth_bump_function.is_open_support SmoothBumpFunction.isOpen_support

theorem support_eq_symm_image :
support f = (extChartAt I c).symm '' (ball (extChartAt I c c) f.rOut ∩ range I) := by
rw [f.support_eq_inter_preimage, ← extChartAt_source I,
← (extChartAt I c).symm_image_target_inter_eq', inter_comm,
#align smooth_bump_function.support_eq_symm_image SmoothBumpFunction.support_eq_symm_image

theorem support_subset_source : support f ⊆ (chartAt H c).source := by
rw [f.support_eq_inter_preimage, ← extChartAt_source I]; exact inter_subset_left _ _
#align smooth_bump_function.support_subset_source SmoothBumpFunction.support_subset_source

theorem image_eq_inter_preimage_of_subset_support {s : Set M} (hs : s ⊆ support f) :
extChartAt I c '' s =
closedBall (extChartAt I c c) f.rOut ∩ range I ∩ (extChartAt I c).symm ⁻¹' s := by
rw [support_eq_inter_preimage, subset_inter_iff, ← extChartAt_source I, ← image_subset_iff] at hs
cases' hs with hse hsf
apply Subset.antisymm
· refine' subset_inter (subset_inter (hsf.trans ball_subset_closedBall) _) _
· rintro _ ⟨x, -, rfl⟩; exact mem_range_self _
· rw [(extChartAt I c).image_eq_target_inter_inv_preimage hse]
exact inter_subset_right _ _
· refine' Subset.trans (inter_subset_inter_left _ f.closedBall_subset) _
rw [(extChartAt I c).image_eq_target_inter_inv_preimage hse]
#align smooth_bump_function.image_eq_inter_preimage_of_subset_support SmoothBumpFunction.image_eq_inter_preimage_of_subset_support

theorem mem_Icc : f x ∈ Icc (0 : ℝ) 1 := by
have : f x = 0 ∨ f x = _ := indicator_eq_zero_or_self _ _ _
cases' this with h h <;> rw [h]
exacts [left_mem_Icc.2 zero_le_one, ⟨f.nonneg, f.le_one⟩]
#align smooth_bump_function.mem_Icc SmoothBumpFunction.mem_Icc

theorem nonneg : 0 ≤ f x :=
#align smooth_bump_function.nonneg SmoothBumpFunction.nonneg

theorem le_one : f x ≤ 1 :=
#align smooth_bump_function.le_one SmoothBumpFunction.le_one

theorem eventuallyEq_one_of_dist_lt (hs : x ∈ (chartAt H c).source)
(hd : dist (extChartAt I c x) (extChartAt I c c) < f.rIn) : f =ᶠ[𝓝 x] 1 := by
filter_upwards [IsOpen.mem_nhds (isOpen_extChartAt_preimage I c isOpen_ball) ⟨hs, hd⟩]
rintro z ⟨hzs, hzd⟩
exact f.one_of_dist_le hzs <| le_of_lt hzd
#align smooth_bump_function.eventually_eq_one_of_dist_lt SmoothBumpFunction.eventuallyEq_one_of_dist_lt

theorem eventuallyEq_one : f =ᶠ[𝓝 c] 1 :=
f.eventuallyEq_one_of_dist_lt (mem_chart_source _ _) <| by rw [dist_self]; exact f.rIn_pos
#align smooth_bump_function.eventually_eq_one SmoothBumpFunction.eventuallyEq_one

theorem eq_one : f c = 1 :=
#align smooth_bump_function.eq_one SmoothBumpFunction.eq_one

theorem support_mem_nhds : support f ∈ 𝓝 c :=
f.eventuallyEq_one.mono fun x hx => by rw [hx]; exact one_ne_zero
#align smooth_bump_function.support_mem_nhds SmoothBumpFunction.support_mem_nhds

theorem tsupport_mem_nhds : tsupport f ∈ 𝓝 c :=
mem_of_superset f.support_mem_nhds subset_closure
#align smooth_bump_function.tsupport_mem_nhds SmoothBumpFunction.tsupport_mem_nhds

theorem c_mem_support : c ∈ support f :=
mem_of_mem_nhds f.support_mem_nhds
#align smooth_bump_function.c_mem_support SmoothBumpFunction.c_mem_support

theorem nonempty_support : (support f).Nonempty :=
⟨c, f.c_mem_support⟩
#align smooth_bump_function.nonempty_support SmoothBumpFunction.nonempty_support

theorem isCompact_symm_image_closedBall :
IsCompact ((extChartAt I c).symm '' (closedBall (extChartAt I c c) f.rOut ∩ range I)) :=
((isCompact_closedBall _ _).inter_right I.closed_range).image_of_continuousOn <|
(continuousOn_extChartAt_symm _ _).mono f.closedBall_subset
#align smooth_bump_function.is_compact_symm_image_closed_ball SmoothBumpFunction.isCompact_symm_image_closedBall

/-- Given a smooth bump function `f : SmoothBumpFunction I c`, the closed ball of radius `f.R` is
known to include the support of `f`. These closed balls (in the model normed space `E`) intersected
with `Set.range I` form a basis of `𝓝[range I] (extChartAt I c c)`. -/
theorem nhdsWithin_range_basis :
(𝓝[range I] extChartAt I c c).HasBasis (fun _ : SmoothBumpFunction I c => True) fun f =>
closedBall (extChartAt I c c) f.rOut ∩ range I := by
refine' ((nhdsWithin_hasBasis nhds_basis_closedBall _).restrict_subset
(extChartAt_target_mem_nhdsWithin _ _)).to_has_basis' _ _
· rintro R ⟨hR0, hsub⟩
exact ⟨⟨⟨R / 2, R, half_pos hR0, half_lt_self hR0⟩, hsub⟩, trivial, Subset.rfl⟩
· exact fun f _ => inter_mem (mem_nhdsWithin_of_mem_nhds <| closedBall_mem_nhds _ f.rOut_pos)
#align smooth_bump_function.nhds_within_range_basis SmoothBumpFunction.nhdsWithin_range_basis

theorem isClosed_image_of_isClosed {s : Set M} (hsc : IsClosed s) (hs : s ⊆ support f) :
IsClosed (extChartAt I c '' s) := by
rw [f.image_eq_inter_preimage_of_subset_support hs]
refine' ContinuousOn.preimage_closed_of_closed
((continuousOn_extChartAt_symm _ _).mono f.closedBall_subset) _ hsc
exact IsClosed.inter isClosed_ball I.closed_range
#align smooth_bump_function.is_closed_image_of_is_closed SmoothBumpFunction.isClosed_image_of_isClosed

/-- If `f` is a smooth bump function and `s` closed subset of the support of `f` (i.e., of the open
ball of radius `f.R`), then there exists `0 < r < f.R` such that `s` is a subset of the open ball of
radius `r`. Formally, `s ⊆ e.source ∩ e ⁻¹' (ball (e c) r)`, where `e = extChartAt I c`. -/
theorem exists_r_pos_lt_subset_ball {s : Set M} (hsc : IsClosed s) (hs : s ⊆ support f) :
∃ r ∈ Ioo 0 f.rOut,
s ⊆ (chartAt H c).source ∩ extChartAt I c ⁻¹' ball (extChartAt I c c) r := by
set e := extChartAt I c
have : IsClosed (e '' s) := f.isClosed_image_of_isClosed hsc hs
rw [support_eq_inter_preimage, subset_inter_iff, ← image_subset_iff] at hs
rcases exists_pos_lt_subset_ball f.rOut_pos this hs.2 with ⟨r, hrR, hr⟩
exact ⟨r, hrR, subset_inter hs.1 (image_subset_iff.1 hr)⟩
#align smooth_bump_function.exists_r_pos_lt_subset_ball SmoothBumpFunction.exists_r_pos_lt_subset_ball

/-- Replace `rIn` with another value in the interval `(0, f.rOut)`. -/
@[simps rOut rIn]
def updateRIn (r : ℝ) (hr : r ∈ Ioo 0 f.rOut) : SmoothBumpFunction I c :=
⟨⟨r, f.rOut, hr.1, hr.2⟩, f.closedBall_subset⟩
#align smooth_bump_function.update_r SmoothBumpFunction.updateRIn
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align smooth_bump_function.update_r_R SmoothBumpFunction.updateRIn_rOut
#align smooth_bump_function.update_r_r SmoothBumpFunction.updateRIn_rIn

theorem support_updateRIn {r : ℝ} (hr : r ∈ Ioo 0 f.rOut) :
support (f.updateRIn r hr) = support f := by
simp only [support_eq_inter_preimage, updateRIn_rOut]
#align smooth_bump_function.support_update_r SmoothBumpFunction.support_updateRIn

-- porting note: was an `Inhabited` instance
instance : Nonempty (SmoothBumpFunction I c) := nhdsWithin_range_basis.nonempty

variable [T2Space M]

theorem isClosed_symm_image_closedBall :
IsClosed ((extChartAt I c).symm '' (closedBall (extChartAt I c c) f.rOut ∩ range I)) :=
#align smooth_bump_function.is_closed_symm_image_closed_ball SmoothBumpFunction.isClosed_symm_image_closedBall

theorem tsupport_subset_symm_image_closedBall :
tsupport f ⊆ (extChartAt I c).symm '' (closedBall (extChartAt I c c) f.rOut ∩ range I) := by
rw [tsupport, support_eq_symm_image]
exact closure_minimal (image_subset _ <| inter_subset_inter_left _ ball_subset_closedBall)
#align smooth_bump_function.tsupport_subset_symm_image_closed_ball SmoothBumpFunction.tsupport_subset_symm_image_closedBall

theorem tsupport_subset_extChartAt_source : tsupport f ⊆ (extChartAt I c).source :=
tsupport f ⊆ (extChartAt I c).symm '' (closedBall (extChartAt I c c) f.rOut ∩ range I) :=
_ ⊆ (extChartAt I c).symm '' (extChartAt I c).target := (image_subset _ f.closedBall_subset)
_ = (extChartAt I c).source := (extChartAt I c).symm_image_target_eq_source
#align smooth_bump_function.tsupport_subset_ext_chart_at_source SmoothBumpFunction.tsupport_subset_extChartAt_source

theorem tsupport_subset_chartAt_source : tsupport f ⊆ (chartAt H c).source := by
simpa only [extChartAt_source] using f.tsupport_subset_extChartAt_source
#align smooth_bump_function.tsupport_subset_chart_at_source SmoothBumpFunction.tsupport_subset_chartAt_source

protected theorem hasCompactSupport : HasCompactSupport f :=
isCompact_of_isClosed_subset f.isCompact_symm_image_closedBall isClosed_closure
#align smooth_bump_function.has_compact_support SmoothBumpFunction.hasCompactSupport

variable (I c)

/-- The closures of supports of smooth bump functions centered at `c` form a basis of `𝓝 c`.
In other words, each of these closures is a neighborhood of `c` and each neighborhood of `c`
includes `tsupport f` for some `f : SmoothBumpFunction I c`. -/
theorem nhds_basis_tsupport :
(𝓝 c).HasBasis (fun _ : SmoothBumpFunction I c => True) fun f => tsupport f := by
have :
(𝓝 c).HasBasis (fun _ : SmoothBumpFunction I c => True) fun f =>
(extChartAt I c).symm '' (closedBall (extChartAt I c c) f.rOut ∩ range I) := by
rw [← map_extChartAt_symm_nhdsWithin_range I c]
exact _
refine' this.to_has_basis' (fun f _ => ⟨f, trivial, f.tsupport_subset_symm_image_closedBall⟩)
fun f _ => f.tsupport_mem_nhds
#align smooth_bump_function.nhds_basis_tsupport SmoothBumpFunction.nhds_basis_tsupport

variable {c}

/-- Given `s ∈ 𝓝 c`, the supports of smooth bump functions `f : SmoothBumpFunction I c` such that
`tsupport f ⊆ s` form a basis of `𝓝 c`. In other words, each of these supports is a
neighborhood of `c` and each neighborhood of `c` includes `support f` for some `f :
SmoothBumpFunction I c` such that `tsupport f ⊆ s`. -/
theorem nhds_basis_support {s : Set M} (hs : s ∈ 𝓝 c) :
(𝓝 c).HasBasis (fun f : SmoothBumpFunction I c => tsupport f ⊆ s) fun f => support f :=
((nhds_basis_tsupport I c).restrict_subset hs).to_has_basis'
(fun f hf => ⟨f, hf.2, subset_closure⟩) fun f _ => f.support_mem_nhds
#align smooth_bump_function.nhds_basis_support SmoothBumpFunction.nhds_basis_support

variable [SmoothManifoldWithCorners I M] {I}

/-- A smooth bump function is infinitely smooth. -/
protected theorem smooth : Smooth I 𝓘(ℝ) f := by
refine' contMDiff_of_support fun x hx => _
have : x ∈ (chartAt H c).source := f.tsupport_subset_chartAt_source hx
refine' ContMDiffAt.congr_of_eventuallyEq _ <| f.eqOn_source.eventuallyEq_of_mem <|
IsOpen.mem_nhds (chartAt H c).open_source this
exact f.contDiffAt.contMDiffAt.comp _ (contMDiffAt_extChartAt' this)
#align smooth_bump_function.smooth SmoothBumpFunction.smooth

protected theorem smoothAt {x} : SmoothAt I 𝓘(ℝ) f x :=
#align smooth_bump_function.smooth_at SmoothBumpFunction.smoothAt

protected theorem continuous : Continuous f :=
#align smooth_bump_function.continuous SmoothBumpFunction.continuous

/-- If `f : SmoothBumpFunction I c` is a smooth bump function and `g : M → G` is a function smooth
on the source of the chart at `c`, then `f • g` is smooth on the whole manifold. -/
theorem smooth_smul {G} [NormedAddCommGroup G] [NormedSpace ℝ G] {g : M → G}
(hg : SmoothOn I 𝓘(ℝ, G) g (chartAt H c).source) : Smooth I 𝓘(ℝ, G) fun x => f x • g x := by
refine contMDiff_of_support fun x hx => ?_
have : x ∈ (chartAt H c).source
-- porting note: was a more readable `calc`
-- calc
-- x ∈ tsupport fun x => f x • g x := hx
-- _ ⊆ tsupport f := (tsupport_smul_subset_left _ _)
-- _ ⊆ (chart_at _ c).source := f.tsupport_subset_chartAt_source
· exact f.tsupport_subset_chartAt_source <| tsupport_smul_subset_left _ _ hx
exact f.smoothAt.smul ((hg _ this).contMDiffAt <| IsOpen.mem_nhds (chartAt _ _).open_source this)
#align smooth_bump_function.smooth_smul SmoothBumpFunction.smooth_smul

end SmoothBumpFunction

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