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feat: port Analysis.NormedSpace.ContinuousAffineMap (#4867)
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Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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Ruben-VandeVelde and Scott Morrison committed Jun 9, 2023
1 parent 5b95861 commit 697b395
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Showing 2 changed files with 289 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -610,6 +610,7 @@ import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.CompactOperator
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.Complemented
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.Completion
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.ConformalLinearMap
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.ContinuousAffineMap
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.ContinuousLinearMap
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.Dual
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.DualNumber
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288 changes: 288 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/NormedSpace/ContinuousAffineMap.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Oliver Nash. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Oliver Nash
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module analysis.normed_space.continuous_affine_map
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 17ef379e997badd73e5eabb4d38f11919ab3c4b3
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.ContinuousAffineMap
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.AffineIsometry
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.OperatorNorm

# Continuous affine maps between normed spaces.
This file develops the theory of continuous affine maps between affine spaces modelled on normed
In the particular case that the affine spaces are just normed vector spaces `V`, `W`, we define a
norm on the space of continuous affine maps by defining the norm of `f : V →A[𝕜] W` to be
`‖f‖ = max ‖f 0‖ ‖f.cont_linear‖`. This is chosen so that we have a linear isometry:
`(V →A[𝕜] W) ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] W × (V →L[𝕜] W)`.
The abstract picture is that for an affine space `P` modelled on a vector space `V`, together with
a vector space `W`, there is an exact sequence of `𝕜`-modules: `0 → C → A → L → 0` where `C`, `A`
are the spaces of constant and affine maps `P → W` and `L` is the space of linear maps `V → W`.
Any choice of a base point in `P` corresponds to a splitting of this sequence so in particular if we
take `P = V`, using `0 : V` as the base point provides a splitting, and we prove this is an
isometric decomposition.
On the other hand, choosing a base point breaks the affine invariance so the norm fails to be
submultiplicative: for a composition of maps, we have only `‖f.comp g‖ ≤ ‖f‖ * ‖g‖ + ‖f 0‖`.
## Main definitions:
* `ContinuousAffineMap.contLinear`
* `ContinuousAffineMap.hasNorm`
* `ContinuousAffineMap.norm_comp_le`
* `ContinuousAffineMap.toConstProdContinuousLinearMap`

namespace ContinuousAffineMap

variable {𝕜 R V W W₂ P Q Q₂ : Type _}

variable [NormedAddCommGroup V] [MetricSpace P] [NormedAddTorsor V P]

variable [NormedAddCommGroup W] [MetricSpace Q] [NormedAddTorsor W Q]

variable [NormedAddCommGroup W₂] [MetricSpace Q₂] [NormedAddTorsor W₂ Q₂]

variable [NormedField R] [NormedSpace R V] [NormedSpace R W] [NormedSpace R W₂]

variable [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] [NormedSpace 𝕜 V] [NormedSpace 𝕜 W] [NormedSpace 𝕜 W₂]

/-- The linear map underlying a continuous affine map is continuous. -/
def contLinear (f : P →A[R] Q) : V →L[R] W :=
{ f.linear with
toFun := f.linear
cont := by rw [AffineMap.continuous_linear_iff]; exact f.cont }
#align continuous_affine_map.cont_linear ContinuousAffineMap.contLinear

theorem coe_contLinear (f : P →A[R] Q) : (f.contLinear : V → W) = f.linear :=
#align continuous_affine_map.coe_cont_linear ContinuousAffineMap.coe_contLinear

theorem coe_contLinear_eq_linear (f : P →A[R] Q) :
(f.contLinear : V →ₗ[R] W) = (f : P →ᵃ[R] Q).linear := by ext; rfl
#align continuous_affine_map.coe_cont_linear_eq_linear ContinuousAffineMap.coe_contLinear_eq_linear

theorem coe_mk_const_linear_eq_linear (f : P →ᵃ[R] Q) (h) :
((⟨f, h⟩ : P →A[R] Q).contLinear : V → W) = f.linear :=
#align continuous_affine_map.coe_mk_const_linear_eq_linear ContinuousAffineMap.coe_mk_const_linear_eq_linear

theorem coe_linear_eq_coe_contLinear (f : P →A[R] Q) :
((f : P →ᵃ[R] Q).linear : V → W) = (⇑f.contLinear : V → W) :=
#align continuous_affine_map.coe_linear_eq_coe_cont_linear ContinuousAffineMap.coe_linear_eq_coe_contLinear

theorem comp_contLinear (f : P →A[R] Q) (g : Q →A[R] Q₂) :
(g.comp f).contLinear = g.contLinear.comp f.contLinear :=
#align continuous_affine_map.comp_cont_linear ContinuousAffineMap.comp_contLinear

theorem map_vadd (f : P →A[R] Q) (p : P) (v : V) : f (v +ᵥ p) = f.contLinear v +ᵥ f p :=
f.map_vadd' p v
#align continuous_affine_map.map_vadd ContinuousAffineMap.map_vadd

theorem contLinear_map_vsub (f : P →A[R] Q) (p₁ p₂ : P) : f.contLinear (p₁ -ᵥ p₂) = f p₁ -ᵥ f p₂ :=
f.toAffineMap.linearMap_vsub p₁ p₂
#align continuous_affine_map.cont_linear_map_vsub ContinuousAffineMap.contLinear_map_vsub

theorem const_contLinear (q : Q) : (const R P q).contLinear = 0 :=
#align continuous_affine_map.const_cont_linear ContinuousAffineMap.const_contLinear

theorem contLinear_eq_zero_iff_exists_const (f : P →A[R] Q) :
f.contLinear = 0 ↔ ∃ q, f = const R P q := by
have h₁ : f.contLinear = 0 ↔ (f : P →ᵃ[R] Q).linear = 0 := by
refine' ⟨fun h => _, fun h => _⟩ <;> ext
· rw [← coe_contLinear_eq_linear, h]; rfl
· rw [← coe_linear_eq_coe_contLinear, h]; rfl
have h₂ : ∀ q : Q, f = const R P q ↔ (f : P →ᵃ[R] Q) = AffineMap.const R P q := by
intro q
refine' ⟨fun h => _, fun h => _⟩ <;> ext
· rw [h]; rfl
· rw [← coe_to_affineMap, h]; rfl
simp_rw [h₁, h₂]
exact (f : P →ᵃ[R] Q).linear_eq_zero_iff_exists_const
#align continuous_affine_map.cont_linear_eq_zero_iff_exists_const ContinuousAffineMap.contLinear_eq_zero_iff_exists_const

theorem to_affine_map_contLinear (f : V →L[R] W) : f.toContinuousAffineMap.contLinear = f := by
#align continuous_affine_map.to_affine_map_cont_linear ContinuousAffineMap.to_affine_map_contLinear

theorem zero_contLinear : (0 : P →A[R] W).contLinear = 0 :=
#align continuous_affine_map.zero_cont_linear ContinuousAffineMap.zero_contLinear

theorem add_contLinear (f g : P →A[R] W) : (f + g).contLinear = f.contLinear + g.contLinear :=
#align continuous_affine_map.add_cont_linear ContinuousAffineMap.add_contLinear

theorem sub_contLinear (f g : P →A[R] W) : (f - g).contLinear = f.contLinear - g.contLinear :=
#align continuous_affine_map.sub_cont_linear ContinuousAffineMap.sub_contLinear

theorem neg_contLinear (f : P →A[R] W) : (-f).contLinear = -f.contLinear :=
#align continuous_affine_map.neg_cont_linear ContinuousAffineMap.neg_contLinear

theorem smul_contLinear (t : R) (f : P →A[R] W) : (t • f).contLinear = t • f.contLinear :=
#align continuous_affine_map.smul_cont_linear ContinuousAffineMap.smul_contLinear

theorem decomp (f : V →A[R] W) : (f : V → W) = f.contLinear + Function.const V (f 0) := by
rcases f with ⟨f, h⟩
rw [coe_mk_const_linear_eq_linear, coe_mk, f.decomp, Pi.add_apply, LinearMap.map_zero, zero_add,
← Function.const_def]
#align continuous_affine_map.decomp ContinuousAffineMap.decomp

section NormedSpaceStructure

variable (f : V →A[𝕜] W)

/-- Note that unlike the operator norm for linear maps, this norm is _not_ submultiplicative:
we do _not_ necessarily have `‖f.comp g‖ ≤ ‖f‖ * ‖g‖`. See `norm_comp_le` for what we can say. -/
noncomputable instance hasNorm : Norm (V →A[𝕜] W) :=
fun f => max ‖f 0‖ ‖f.contLinear‖⟩
#align continuous_affine_map.has_norm ContinuousAffineMap.hasNorm

theorem norm_def : ‖f‖ = max ‖f 0‖ ‖f.contLinear‖ :=
#align continuous_affine_map.norm_def ContinuousAffineMap.norm_def

theorem norm_contLinear_le : ‖f.contLinear‖ ≤ ‖f‖ :=
le_max_right _ _
#align continuous_affine_map.norm_cont_linear_le ContinuousAffineMap.norm_contLinear_le

theorem norm_image_zero_le : ‖f 0‖ ≤ ‖f‖ :=
le_max_left _ _
#align continuous_affine_map.norm_image_zero_le ContinuousAffineMap.norm_image_zero_le

theorem norm_eq (h : f 0 = 0) : ‖f‖ = ‖f.contLinear‖ :=
‖f‖ = max ‖f 0‖ ‖f.contLinear‖ := by rw [norm_def]
_ = max 0 ‖f.contLinear‖ := by rw [h, norm_zero]
_ = ‖f.contLinear‖ := max_eq_right (norm_nonneg _)

#align continuous_affine_map.norm_eq ContinuousAffineMap.norm_eq

noncomputable instance : NormedAddCommGroup (V →A[𝕜] W) :=
{ toFun := fun f => max ‖f 0‖ ‖f.contLinear‖
map_zero' := by simp [(ContinuousAffineMap.zero_apply)]
neg' := fun f => by
simp [(ContinuousAffineMap.neg_apply)]
add_le' := fun f g => by
simp only [coe_add, max_le_iff]
-- Porting note: previously `Pi.add_apply, add_contLinear, ` in the previous `simp only`
-- suffices, but now they don't fire.
rw [ContinuousAffineMap.add_apply, add_contLinear]
⟨(norm_add_le _ _).trans (add_le_add (le_max_left _ _) (le_max_left _ _)),
(norm_add_le _ _).trans (add_le_add (le_max_right _ _) (le_max_right _ _))⟩
eq_zero_of_map_eq_zero' := fun f h₀ => by
rcases h₀ with (⟨h₁, h₂⟩ | ⟨h₁, h₂⟩) <;> rw [h₁] at h₂
· rw [norm_le_zero_iff, contLinear_eq_zero_iff_exists_const] at h₂
obtain ⟨q, rfl⟩ := h₂
simp only [norm_eq_zero] at h₁
-- Porting note: prevously `coe_const, Function.const_apply` were in the previous
-- `simp only`, but now they don't fire.
rw [coe_const, Function.const_apply] at h₁
rw [h₁]
· rw [norm_eq_zero', contLinear_eq_zero_iff_exists_const] at h₁
obtain ⟨q, rfl⟩ := h₁
simp only [norm_le_zero_iff] at h₂
-- Porting note: prevously `coe_const, Function.const_apply` were in the previous
-- `simp only`, but now they don't fire.
rw [coe_const, Function.const_apply] at h₂
rw [h₂]
rfl }

instance : NormedSpace 𝕜 (V →A[𝕜] W) where
norm_smul_le t f := by
simp only [norm_def, (smul_contLinear), norm_smul]
-- Porting note: previously all these rewrites were in the `simp only`,
-- but now they don't fire.
-- (in fact, `norm_smul` fires, but only once rather than twice!)
rw [coe_smul, Pi.smul_apply, norm_smul, ← mul_max_of_nonneg _ _ (norm_nonneg t)]

theorem norm_comp_le (g : W₂ →A[𝕜] V) : ‖f.comp g‖ ≤ ‖f‖ * ‖g‖ + ‖f 0‖ := by
rw [norm_def, max_le_iff]
· calc
‖f.comp g 0‖ = ‖f (g 0)‖ := by simp
_ = ‖f.contLinear (g 0) + f 0‖ := by rw [f.decomp]; simp
_ ≤ ‖f.contLinear‖ * ‖g 0‖ + ‖f 0‖ :=
((norm_add_le _ _).trans (add_le_add_right (f.contLinear.le_op_norm _) _))
_ ≤ ‖f‖ * ‖g‖ + ‖f 0‖ :=
(mul_le_mul f.norm_contLinear_le g.norm_image_zero_le (norm_nonneg _) (norm_nonneg _)) _
· calc
‖(f.comp g).contLinear‖ ≤ ‖f.contLinear‖ * ‖g.contLinear‖ :=
(g.comp_contLinear f).symm ▸ f.contLinear.op_norm_comp_le _
_ ≤ ‖f‖ * ‖g‖ :=
(mul_le_mul f.norm_contLinear_le g.norm_contLinear_le (norm_nonneg _) (norm_nonneg _))
_ ≤ ‖f‖ * ‖g‖ + ‖f 0‖ := by rw [le_add_iff_nonneg_right]; apply norm_nonneg

#align continuous_affine_map.norm_comp_le ContinuousAffineMap.norm_comp_le

variable (𝕜 V W)

/-- The space of affine maps between two normed spaces is linearly isometric to the product of the
codomain with the space of linear maps, by taking the value of the affine map at `(0 : V)` and the
linear part. -/
def toConstProdContinuousLinearMap : (V →A[𝕜] W) ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] W × (V →L[𝕜] W) where
toFun f := ⟨f 0, f.contLinear⟩
invFun p := p.2.toContinuousAffineMap + const 𝕜 V p.1
left_inv f := by
rw [f.decomp]
-- Porting note: previously `simp` closed the goal, but now we need to rewrite:
simp only [coe_add, ContinuousLinearMap.coe_toContinuousAffineMap, Pi.add_apply]
rw [ContinuousAffineMap.coe_const, Function.const_apply]
right_inv := by rintro ⟨v, f⟩; ext <;> simp
map_add' _ _ := rfl
map_smul' _ _ := rfl
norm_map' f := rfl
#align continuous_affine_map.to_const_prod_continuous_linear_map ContinuousAffineMap.toConstProdContinuousLinearMap

theorem toConstProdContinuousLinearMap_fst (f : V →A[𝕜] W) :
(toConstProdContinuousLinearMap 𝕜 V W f).fst = f 0 :=
#align continuous_affine_map.to_const_prod_continuous_linear_map_fst ContinuousAffineMap.toConstProdContinuousLinearMap_fst

theorem toConstProdContinuousLinearMap_snd (f : V →A[𝕜] W) :
(toConstProdContinuousLinearMap 𝕜 V W f).snd = f.contLinear :=
#align continuous_affine_map.to_const_prod_continuous_linear_map_snd ContinuousAffineMap.toConstProdContinuousLinearMap_snd

end NormedSpaceStructure

end ContinuousAffineMap

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