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feat: port CategoryTheory.Limits.KanExtension (#2601)
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Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
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adamtopaz and jcommelin committed Mar 8, 2023
1 parent a223779 commit 6df2c84
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Showing 2 changed files with 373 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.FullSubcategory
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.FunctorCategory
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.HasLimits
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.IsLimit
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.KanExtension
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Preserves.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Preserves.Finite
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Preserves.Limits
Expand Down
372 changes: 372 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Limits/KanExtension.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Adam Topaz. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Bhavik Mehta, Adam Topaz
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module category_theory.limits.kan_extension
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit c9c9fa15fec7ca18e9ec97306fb8764bfe988a7e
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Terminal
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.PUnit
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.StructuredArrow

# Kan extensions
This file defines the right and left Kan extensions of a functor.
They exist under the assumption that the target category has enough limits
resp. colimits.
The main definitions are `Ran ι` and `Lan ι`, where `ι : S ⥤ L` is a functor.
Namely, `Ran ι` is the right Kan extension, while `Lan ι` is the left Kan extension,
both as functors `(S ⥤ D) ⥤ (L ⥤ D)`.
To access the right resp. left adjunction associated to these, use `Ran.adjunction`
resp. `Lan.adjunction`.
# Projects
A lot of boilerplate could be generalized by defining and working with pseudofunctors.

noncomputable section

namespace CategoryTheory

open Limits

universe v v₁ v₂ v₃ u₁ u₂ u₃

variable {S : Type u₁} {L : Type u₂} {D : Type u₃}

variable [Category.{v₁} S] [Category.{v₂} L] [Category.{v₃} D]

variable (ι : S ⥤ L)

namespace Ran

attribute [local simp] StructuredArrow.proj

/-- The diagram indexed by `Ran.index ι x` used to define `Ran`. -/
abbrev diagram (F : S ⥤ D) (x : L) : StructuredArrow x ι ⥤ D :=
StructuredArrow.proj x ι ⋙ F
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.Ran.diagram CategoryTheory.Ran.diagram

variable {ι}

/-- A cone over `Ran.diagram ι F x` used to define `Ran`. -/
def cone {F : S ⥤ D} {G : L ⥤ D} (x : L) (f : ι ⋙ G ⟶ F) : Cone (diagram ι F x)
pt := G.obj x
π :=
{ app := fun i => i.hom ≫ i.right
naturality := by
rintro ⟨⟨il⟩, ir, i⟩ ⟨⟨jl⟩, jr, j⟩ ⟨⟨⟨fl⟩⟩, fr, ff⟩
dsimp at *
dsimp at ff
simp only [Category.id_comp, Category.assoc] at *
rw [ff]
have := f.naturality
aesop_cat }
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.Ran.cone CategoryTheory.Ran.cone

variable (ι)

/-- An auxiliary definition used to define `Ran`. -/
def loc (F : S ⥤ D) [h : ∀ x, HasLimit (diagram ι F x)] : L ⥤ D
obj x := limit (diagram ι F x)
map {X Y} f :=
haveI : HasLimit <| f ⋙ diagram ι F X := h Y
limit.pre (diagram ι F X) ( f)
map_id := by
intro l
haveI : HasLimit ( (𝟙 _) ⋙ diagram ι F l) := h _
ext j
simp only [Category.id_comp, limit.pre_π]
congr 1
map_comp := by
intro x y z f g
apply limit.hom_ext
intro j
-- Porting note: The fact that we need to add these instances all over the place
-- is certainly not ideal.
haveI : HasLimit ( f ⋙ diagram ι F _) := h _
haveI : HasLimit ( g ⋙ diagram ι F _) := h _
haveI : HasLimit ( (f ≫ g) ⋙ diagram ι F _) := h _
haveI : HasLimit ( g ⋙ f ⋙ diagram ι F _) := h _
haveI : HasLimit (( g ⋙ f) ⋙ diagram ι F _) := h _
erw [limit.pre_pre, limit.pre_π, limit.pre_π]
congr 1
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.Ran.loc CategoryTheory.Ran.loc

/-- An auxiliary definition used to define `Ran` and `Ran.adjunction`. -/
def equiv (F : S ⥤ D) [h : ∀ x, HasLimit (diagram ι F x)] (G : L ⥤ D) :
(G ⟶ loc ι F) ≃ (((whiskeringLeft _ _ _).obj ι).obj G ⟶ F)
toFun f :=
{ app := fun x => _ ≫ limit.π (diagram ι F (ι.obj x)) ( (𝟙 _))
naturality := by
intro x y ff
dsimp only [whiskeringLeft]
simp only [Functor.comp_map, NatTrans.naturality_assoc, loc_map, Category.assoc]
congr 1
haveI : HasLimit ( (ι.map ff) ⋙ diagram ι F (ι.obj x)) := h _
erw [limit.pre_π]
let t : (𝟙 (ι.obj x)) ⟶
( (ι.map ff)).obj ( (𝟙 (ι.obj y))) :=
StructuredArrow.homMk ff ?_
convert (limit.w (diagram ι F (ι.obj x)) t).symm using 1
simp }
invFun f :=
{ app := fun x => limit.lift (diagram ι F x) (cone _ f)
naturality := by
intro x y ff
apply limit.hom_ext
intros j
haveI : HasLimit ( ff ⋙ diagram ι F x) := h _
erw [limit.lift_pre, limit.lift_π, Category.assoc, limit.lift_π (cone _ f) j]
simp }
left_inv := by
intro x
ext k
apply limit.hom_ext
intros j
dsimp only [cone]
rw [limit.lift_π]
simp only [NatTrans.naturality_assoc, loc_map]
haveI : HasLimit ( j.hom ⋙ diagram ι F k) := h _
erw [limit.pre_π]
rcases j with ⟨⟨⟩, _, _⟩
right_inv := by aesop_cat
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.Ran.equiv CategoryTheory.Ran.equiv

end Ran

/-- The right Kan extension of a functor. -/
def ran [∀ X, HasLimitsOfShape (StructuredArrow X ι) D] : (S ⥤ D) ⥤ L ⥤ D :=
Adjunction.rightAdjointOfEquiv (fun F G => (Ran.equiv ι G F).symm) (by {
-- Porting note: was `tidy`
intros X' X Y f g
ext t
apply limit.hom_ext
intros j
dsimp [Ran.equiv]
simp })
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.Ran CategoryTheory.ran

namespace Ran

variable (D)

/-- The adjunction associated to `Ran`. -/
def adjunction [∀ X, HasLimitsOfShape (StructuredArrow X ι) D] :
(whiskeringLeft _ _ D).obj ι ⊣ ran ι :=
Adjunction.adjunctionOfEquivRight _ _
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.Ran.adjunction CategoryTheory.Ran.adjunction

theorem reflective [Full ι] [Faithful ι] [∀ X, HasLimitsOfShape (StructuredArrow X ι) D] :
IsIso (adjunction D ι).counit := by
suffices : ∀ (X : S ⥤ D), IsIso ( (adjunction D ι).counit X)
· apply NatIso.isIso_of_isIso_app
intro F
suffices : ∀ (X : S), IsIso ( ( (adjunction D ι).counit F) X)
· apply NatIso.isIso_of_isIso_app
intro X
dsimp [adjunction, equiv]
simp only [Category.id_comp]
((limit.isLimit _).conePointUniqueUpToIso
(limitOfDiagramInitial StructuredArrow.mkIdInitial _))
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.Ran.reflective CategoryTheory.Ran.reflective

end Ran

namespace Lan

attribute [local simp] CostructuredArrow.proj

/-- The diagram indexed by `Lan.index ι x` used to define `Lan`. -/
abbrev diagram (F : S ⥤ D) (x : L) : CostructuredArrow ι x ⥤ D :=
CostructuredArrow.proj ι x ⋙ F
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.Lan.diagram CategoryTheory.Lan.diagram

variable {ι}

/-- A cocone over `Lan.diagram ι F x` used to define `Lan`. -/
def cocone {F : S ⥤ D} {G : L ⥤ D} (x : L) (f : F ⟶ ι ⋙ G) : Cocone (diagram ι F x)
pt := G.obj x
ι :=
{ app := fun i => i.left ≫ i.hom
naturality := by
rintro ⟨ir, ⟨il⟩, i⟩ ⟨jl, ⟨jr⟩, j⟩ ⟨fl, ⟨⟨fl⟩⟩, ff⟩
dsimp at *
simp only [Functor.comp_map, Category.comp_id, NatTrans.naturality_assoc]
rw [← G.map_comp, ff]
aesop_cat }
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.Lan.cocone CategoryTheory.Lan.cocone

variable (ι)

/-- An auxiliary definition used to define `Lan`. -/
def loc (F : S ⥤ D) [I : ∀ x, HasColimit (diagram ι F x)] : L ⥤ D
obj x := colimit (diagram ι F x)
map {x y} f :=
haveI : HasColimit ( f ⋙ diagram ι F y) := I _
colimit.pre (diagram ι F y) ( f)
map_id := by
intro l
haveI : HasColimit ( (𝟙 l) ⋙ diagram ι F l) := I _
ext j
erw [colimit.ι_pre, Category.comp_id]
congr 1
map_comp := by
intro x y z f g
haveI : HasColimit ( (f ≫ g) ⋙ diagram ι F z) := I _
ext j
let ff : CostructuredArrow ι _ ⥤ _ := f
let gg : CostructuredArrow ι _ ⥤ _ := g
let dd := diagram ι F z
-- Porting note: It seems that even Lean3 had some trouble with instances in this case.
-- I don't know why lean can't deduce the following three instances...
haveI : HasColimit (ff ⋙ gg ⋙ dd) := I _
haveI : HasColimit ((ff ⋙ gg) ⋙ dd) := I _
haveI : HasColimit (gg ⋙ dd) := I _
change _ = colimit.ι ((ff ⋙ gg) ⋙ dd) j ≫ _ ≫ _
erw [colimit.pre_pre dd gg ff, colimit.ι_pre, colimit.ι_pre]
congr 1
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.Lan.loc CategoryTheory.Lan.loc

/-- An auxiliary definition used to define `Lan` and `Lan.adjunction`. -/
def equiv (F : S ⥤ D) [I : ∀ x, HasColimit (diagram ι F x)] (G : L ⥤ D) :
(loc ι F ⟶ G) ≃ (F ⟶ ((whiskeringLeft _ _ _).obj ι).obj G)
toFun f :=
{ app := fun x => colimit.ι (diagram ι F (ι.obj x)) ( (𝟙 _)) ≫ _
naturality := by
intro x y ff
dsimp only [whiskeringLeft]
simp only [Functor.comp_map, Category.assoc]
rw [← f.naturality (ι.map ff), ← Category.assoc, ← Category.assoc]
let fff : CostructuredArrow ι _ ⥤ _ := (ι.map ff)
-- same issue :-(
haveI : HasColimit (fff ⋙ diagram ι F (ι.obj y)) := I _
erw [colimit.ι_pre (diagram ι F (ι.obj y)) fff ( (𝟙 _))]
let xx : CostructuredArrow ι (ι.obj y) := (ι.map ff)
let yy : CostructuredArrow ι (ι.obj y) := (𝟙 _)
let fff : xx ⟶ yy :=
CostructuredArrow.homMk ff
simp only [CostructuredArrow.mk_hom_eq_self]
erw [Category.comp_id])
erw [colimit.w (diagram ι F (ι.obj y)) fff]
simp }
invFun f :=
{ app := fun x => colimit.desc (diagram ι F x) (cocone _ f)
naturality := by
intro x y ff
apply colimit.hom_ext
intros j
haveI : HasColimit ( ff ⋙ diagram ι F y) := I _
erw [colimit.pre_desc, ← Category.assoc, colimit.ι_desc, colimit.ι_desc]
simp }
left_inv := by
intros x
ext k
apply colimit.hom_ext
intros j
rw [colimit.ι_desc]
dsimp only [cocone]
rw [Category.assoc, ← x.naturality j.hom, ← Category.assoc]
congr 1
dsimp [loc]
haveI : HasColimit ( j.hom ⋙ diagram ι F k) := I _
erw [colimit.ι_pre (diagram ι F k) ( j.hom)]
rcases j with ⟨_, ⟨⟩, _⟩
simp only [CostructuredArrow.map_mk, Category.id_comp]
right_inv := by aesop_cat
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.Lan.equiv CategoryTheory.Lan.equiv

end Lan

/-- The left Kan extension of a functor. -/
def lan [∀ X, HasColimitsOfShape (CostructuredArrow ι X) D] : (S ⥤ D) ⥤ L ⥤ D :=
Adjunction.leftAdjointOfEquiv (fun F G => Lan.equiv ι F G) (by {
intros X' X Y f g
simp [Lan.equiv] })
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.Lan CategoryTheory.lan

namespace Lan

variable (D)

/-- The adjunction associated to `Lan`. -/
def adjunction [∀ X, HasColimitsOfShape (CostructuredArrow ι X) D] :
lan ι ⊣ (whiskeringLeft _ _ D).obj ι :=
Adjunction.adjunctionOfEquivLeft _ _
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.Lan.adjunction CategoryTheory.Lan.adjunction

theorem coreflective [Full ι] [Faithful ι] [∀ X, HasColimitsOfShape (CostructuredArrow ι X) D] :
IsIso (adjunction D ι).unit := by
suffices : ∀ (X : S ⥤ D), IsIso ( (adjunction D ι).unit X)
· apply NatIso.isIso_of_isIso_app
intro F
suffices : ∀ (X : S), IsIso ( ( (adjunction D ι).unit F) X)
· apply NatIso.isIso_of_isIso_app
intro X
dsimp [adjunction, equiv]
simp only [Category.comp_id]
((colimit.isColimit _).coconePointUniqueUpToIso
(colimitOfDiagramTerminal CostructuredArrow.mkIdTerminal _)).symm
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align category_theory.Lan.coreflective CategoryTheory.Lan.coreflective

end Lan

end CategoryTheory

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