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feat: port LinearAlgebra.TensorPower (#4648)
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Parcly-Taxel committed Jun 4, 2023
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Showing 2 changed files with 304 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -1850,6 +1850,7 @@ import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.SesquilinearForm
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Span
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.StdBasis
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.SymplecticGroup
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorPower
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorProduct
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorProduct.Matrix
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorProductBasis
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303 changes: 303 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/TensorPower.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Eric Wieser. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Eric Wieser
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module linear_algebra.tensor_power
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit ce11c3c2a285bbe6937e26d9792fda4e51f3fe1a
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.PiTensorProduct
import Mathlib.Logic.Equiv.Fin
import Mathlib.Algebra.DirectSum.Algebra

# Tensor power of a semimodule over a commutative semiring
We define the `n`th tensor power of `M` as the n-ary tensor product indexed by `Fin n` of `M`,
`⨂[R] (i : Fin n), M`. This is a special case of `PiTensorProduct`.
This file introduces the notation `⨂[R]^n M` for `TensorPower R n M`, which in turn is an
abbreviation for `⨂[R] i : Fin n, M`.
## Main definitions:
* `TensorPower.gsemiring`: the tensor powers form a graded semiring.
* `TensorPower.galgebra`: the tensor powers form a graded algebra.
## Implementation notes
In this file we use `ₜ1` and `ₜ*` as local notation for the graded multiplicative structure on
tensor powers. Elsewhere, using `1` and `*` on `GradedMonoid` should be preferred.

open scoped TensorProduct

/-- Homogenous tensor powers $M^{\otimes n}$. `⨂[R]^n M` is a shorthand for
`⨂[R] (i : Fin n), M`. -/
def TensorPower (R : Type _) (n : ℕ) (M : Type _) [CommSemiring R] [AddCommMonoid M]
[Module R M] : Type _ :=
⨂[R] _i : Fin n, M
#align tensor_power TensorPower

variable {R : Type _} {M : Type _} [CommSemiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M]

scoped[TensorProduct] notation:100 "⨂[" R "]^" n:arg => TensorPower R n

namespace PiTensorProduct

/-- Two dependent pairs of tensor products are equal if their index is equal and the contents
are equal after a canonical reindexing. -/
theorem gradedMonoid_eq_of_reindex_cast {ιι : Type _} {ι : ιι → Type _} :
∀ {a b : GradedMonoid fun ii => ⨂[R] _i : ι ii, M} (h : a.fst = b.fst),
reindex R M (Equiv.cast <| congr_arg ι h) a.snd = b.snd → a = b
| ⟨ai, a⟩, ⟨bi, b⟩ => fun (hi : ai = bi) (h : reindex R M _ a = b) => by
subst hi
#align pi_tensor_product.graded_monoid_eq_of_reindex_cast PiTensorProduct.gradedMonoid_eq_of_reindex_cast

end PiTensorProduct

namespace TensorPower

open scoped TensorProduct DirectSum

open PiTensorProduct

/-- As a graded monoid, `⨂[R]^i M` has a `1 : ⨂[R]^0 M`. -/
instance gOne : GradedMonoid.GOne fun i => (⨂[R]^i) M where one := tprod R <| @Fin.elim0' M
#align tensor_power.ghas_one TensorPower.gOne

local notation "ₜ1" => ℕ (fun i => (⨂[R]^i) M) _ _

theorem gOne_def : ₜ1 = tprod R (@Fin.elim0' M) :=
#align tensor_power.ghas_one_def TensorPower.gOne_def

/-- A variant of `PiTensorProduct.tmulEquiv` with the result indexed by `Fin (n + m)`. -/
def mulEquiv {n m : ℕ} : (⨂[R]^n) M ⊗[R] (⨂[R]^m) M ≃ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^(n + m)) M :=
(tmulEquiv R M).trans (reindex R M finSumFinEquiv)
#align tensor_power.mul_equiv TensorPower.mulEquiv

/-- As a graded monoid, `⨂[R]^i M` has a `(*) : ⨂[R]^i M → ⨂[R]^j M → ⨂[R]^(i + j) M`. -/
instance gMul : GradedMonoid.GMul fun i => (⨂[R]^i) M where
mul {i j} a b :=
( R _ _).compr₂ (↑(mulEquiv : _ ≃ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^(i + j)) M)) a b
#align tensor_power.ghas_mul TensorPower.gMul

local infixl:70 " ₜ* " => @GradedMonoid.GMul.mul ℕ (fun i => (⨂[R]^i) M) _ _ _ _

theorem gMul_def {i j} (a : (⨂[R]^i) M) (b : (⨂[R]^j) M) :
a ₜ* b = @mulEquiv R M _ _ _ i j (a ⊗ₜ b) :=
#align tensor_power.ghas_mul_def TensorPower.gMul_def

theorem gMul_eq_coe_linearMap {i j} (a : (⨂[R]^i) M) (b : (⨂[R]^j) M) :
a ₜ* b = (( R _ _).compr₂ ↑(mulEquiv : _ ≃ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^(i + j)) M) :
(⨂[R]^i) M →ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^j) M →ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^(i + j)) M) a b :=
#align tensor_power.ghas_mul_eq_coe_linear_map TensorPower.gMul_eq_coe_linearMap

variable (R M)

/-- Cast between "equal" tensor powers. -/
def cast {i j} (h : i = j) : (⨂[R]^i) M ≃ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^j) M :=
reindex R M (Fin.cast h).toEquiv
#align tensor_power.cast TensorPower.cast

theorem cast_tprod {i j} (h : i = j) (a : Fin i → M) :
cast R M h (tprod R a) = tprod R (a ∘ Fin.cast h.symm) :=
reindex_tprod _ _
#align tensor_power.cast_tprod TensorPower.cast_tprod

theorem cast_refl {i} (h : i = i) : cast R M h = LinearEquiv.refl _ _ :=
((congr_arg fun f => reindex R M (RelIso.toEquiv f)) <| Fin.cast_refl h).trans reindex_refl
#align tensor_power.cast_refl TensorPower.cast_refl

theorem cast_symm {i j} (h : i = j) : (cast R M h).symm = cast R M h.symm :=
reindex_symm _
#align tensor_power.cast_symm TensorPower.cast_symm

theorem cast_trans {i j k} (h : i = j) (h' : j = k) :
(cast R M h).trans (cast R M h') = cast R M (h.trans h') :=
reindex_trans _ _
#align tensor_power.cast_trans TensorPower.cast_trans

variable {R M}

theorem cast_cast {i j k} (h : i = j) (h' : j = k) (a : (⨂[R]^i) M) :
cast R M h' (cast R M h a) = cast R M (h.trans h') a :=
reindex_reindex _ _ _
#align tensor_power.cast_cast TensorPower.cast_cast

theorem gradedMonoid_eq_of_cast {a b : GradedMonoid fun n => ⨂[R] _i : Fin n, M} (h : a.fst = b.fst)
(h2 : cast R M h a.snd = b.snd) : a = b := by
refine' gradedMonoid_eq_of_reindex_cast h _
rw [cast] at h2
rw [← Fin.cast_to_equiv, ← h2]
#align tensor_power.graded_monoid_eq_of_cast TensorPower.gradedMonoid_eq_of_cast

-- named to match `Fin.cast_eq_cast`
theorem cast_eq_cast {i j} (h : i = j) :
⇑(cast R M h) = _root_.cast (congrArg (fun i => (⨂[R]^i) M) h) := by
subst h
rw [cast_refl]
#align tensor_power.cast_eq_cast TensorPower.cast_eq_cast

variable (R)

theorem tprod_mul_tprod {na nb} (a : Fin na → M) (b : Fin nb → M) :
tprod R a ₜ* tprod R b = tprod R (Fin.append a b) := by
dsimp [gMul_def, mulEquiv]
rw [tmulEquiv_apply R M a b]
refine' (reindex_tprod _ _).trans _
congr 1
dsimp only [Fin.append, finSumFinEquiv, Equiv.coe_fn_symm_mk]
apply funext
apply Fin.addCases <;> simp
#align tensor_power.tprod_mul_tprod TensorPower.tprod_mul_tprod

variable {R}

theorem one_mul {n} (a : (⨂[R]^n) M) : cast R M (zero_add n) (ₜ1 ₜ* a) = a := by
rw [gMul_def, gOne_def]
induction' a using PiTensorProduct.induction_on with r a x y hx hy
· dsimp only at a
rw [TensorProduct.tmul_smul, LinearEquiv.map_smul, LinearEquiv.map_smul, ← gMul_def,
tprod_mul_tprod, cast_tprod]
congr 2 with i
rw [Fin.elim0'_append]
refine' congr_arg a (Fin.ext _)
· rw [TensorProduct.tmul_add, map_add, map_add, hx, hy]
#align tensor_power.one_mul TensorPower.one_mul

theorem mul_one {n} (a : (⨂[R]^n) M) : cast R M (add_zero _) (a ₜ* ₜ1) = a := by
rw [gMul_def, gOne_def]
induction' a using PiTensorProduct.induction_on with r a x y hx hy
· dsimp only at a
rw [← TensorProduct.smul_tmul', LinearEquiv.map_smul, LinearEquiv.map_smul, ← gMul_def,
tprod_mul_tprod R a _, cast_tprod]
congr 2 with i
rw [Fin.append_elim0']
refine' congr_arg a (Fin.ext _)
· rw [TensorProduct.add_tmul, map_add, map_add, hx, hy]
#align tensor_power.mul_one TensorPower.mul_one

theorem mul_assoc {na nb nc} (a : (⨂[R]^na) M) (b : (⨂[R]^nb) M) (c : (⨂[R]^nc) M) :
cast R M (add_assoc _ _ _) (a ₜ* b ₜ* c) = a ₜ* (b ₜ* c) := by
let mul : ∀ n m : ℕ, (⨂[R]^n) M →ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^m) M →ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^(n + m)) M := fun n m =>
( R _ _).compr₂ ↑(mulEquiv : _ ≃ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^(n + m)) M)
-- replace `a`, `b`, `c` with `tprod R a`, `tprod R b`, `tprod R c`
let e : (⨂[R]^(na + nb + nc)) M ≃ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^(na + (nb + nc))) M := cast R M (add_assoc _ _ _)
let lhs : (⨂[R]^na) M →ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^nb) M →ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^nc) M →ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^(na + (nb + nc))) M :=
(LinearMap.llcomp R _ _ _ ((mul _ nc).compr₂ e.toLinearMap)).comp (mul na nb)
have lhs_eq : ∀ a b c, lhs a b c = e (a ₜ* b ₜ* c) := fun _ _ _ => rfl
let rhs : (⨂[R]^na) M →ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^nb) M →ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^nc) M →ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^(na + (nb + nc))) M :=
(LinearMap.llcomp R _ _ _ (LinearMap.lflip (R := R)) <|
(LinearMap.llcomp R _ _ _ (mul na _).flip).comp (mul nb nc)).flip
have rhs_eq : ∀ a b c, rhs a b c = a ₜ* (b ₜ* c) := fun _ _ _ => rfl
suffices : lhs = rhs
exact LinearMap.congr_fun (LinearMap.congr_fun (LinearMap.congr_fun this a) b) c
ext (a b c)
-- clean up
simp only [LinearMap.compMultilinearMap_apply, lhs_eq, rhs_eq, tprod_mul_tprod, cast_tprod]
congr with j
rw [Fin.append_assoc]
refine' congr_arg (Fin.append a (Fin.append b c)) (Fin.ext _)
rw [Fin.coe_cast, Fin.coe_cast]
#align tensor_power.mul_assoc TensorPower.mul_assoc

-- for now we just use the default for the `gnpow` field as it's easier.
instance gmonoid : GradedMonoid.GMonoid fun i => (⨂[R]^i) M :=
{ TensorPower.gMul, TensorPower.gOne with
one_mul := fun a => gradedMonoid_eq_of_cast (zero_add _) (one_mul _)
mul_one := fun a => gradedMonoid_eq_of_cast (add_zero _) (mul_one _)
mul_assoc := fun a b c => gradedMonoid_eq_of_cast (add_assoc _ _ _) (mul_assoc _ _ _) }
#align tensor_power.gmonoid TensorPower.gmonoid

/-- The canonical map from `R` to `⨂[R]^0 M` corresponding to the `algebraMap` of the tensor
algebra. -/
def algebraMap₀ : R ≃ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^0) M :=
LinearEquiv.symm <| isEmptyEquiv (Fin 0)
#align tensor_power.algebra_map₀ TensorPower.algebraMap₀

theorem algebraMap₀_eq_smul_one (r : R) : (algebraMap₀ r : (⨂[R]^0) M) = r • ₜ1 := by
simp [algebraMap₀]; congr
#align tensor_power.algebra_map₀_eq_smul_one TensorPower.algebraMap₀_eq_smul_one

theorem algebraMap₀_one : (algebraMap₀ 1 : (⨂[R]^0) M) = ₜ1 :=
(algebraMap₀_eq_smul_one 1).trans (one_smul _ _)
#align tensor_power.algebra_map₀_one TensorPower.algebraMap₀_one

theorem algebraMap₀_mul {n} (r : R) (a : (⨂[R]^n) M) :
cast R M (zero_add _) (algebraMap₀ r ₜ* a) = r • a := by
rw [gMul_eq_coe_linearMap, algebraMap₀_eq_smul_one, LinearMap.map_smul₂,
LinearEquiv.map_smul, ← gMul_eq_coe_linearMap, one_mul]
#align tensor_power.algebra_map₀_mul TensorPower.algebraMap₀_mul

theorem mul_algebraMap₀ {n} (r : R) (a : (⨂[R]^n) M) :
cast R M (add_zero _) (a ₜ* algebraMap₀ r) = r • a := by
rw [gMul_eq_coe_linearMap, algebraMap₀_eq_smul_one, LinearMap.map_smul,
LinearEquiv.map_smul, ← gMul_eq_coe_linearMap, mul_one]
#align tensor_power.mul_algebra_map₀ TensorPower.mul_algebraMap₀

theorem algebraMap₀_mul_algebraMap₀ (r s : R) :
cast R M (add_zero _) (algebraMap₀ r ₜ* algebraMap₀ s) = algebraMap₀ (r * s) := by
rw [← smul_eq_mul, LinearEquiv.map_smul]
exact algebraMap₀_mul r (@algebraMap₀ R M _ _ _ s)
#align tensor_power.algebra_map₀_mul_algebra_map₀ TensorPower.algebraMap₀_mul_algebraMap₀

set_option maxHeartbeats 250000 in
instance gsemiring : DirectSum.GSemiring fun i => (⨂[R]^i) M :=
{ TensorPower.gmonoid with
mul_zero := fun a => LinearMap.map_zero _
zero_mul := fun b => LinearMap.map_zero₂ _ _
mul_add := fun a b₁ b₂ => LinearMap.map_add _ _ _
add_mul := fun a₁ a₂ b => LinearMap.map_add₂ _ _ _ _
natCast := fun n => algebraMap₀ (n : R)
natCast_zero := by simp only [Nat.cast_zero, map_zero]
natCast_succ := fun n => by simp only [Nat.cast_succ, map_add, algebraMap₀_one] }
#align tensor_power.gsemiring TensorPower.gsemiring

example : Semiring (⨁ n : ℕ, (⨂[R]^n) M) := by infer_instance

/-- The tensor powers form a graded algebra.
Note that this instance implies `Algebra R (⨁ n : ℕ, ⨂[R]^n M)` via `DirectSum.Algebra`. -/
instance galgebra : DirectSum.GAlgebra R fun i => (⨂[R]^i) M where
toFun := (algebraMap₀ : R ≃ₗ[R] (⨂[R]^0) M).toLinearMap.toAddMonoidHom
map_one := algebraMap₀_one
map_mul r s := gradedMonoid_eq_of_cast rfl (by
rw [← LinearEquiv.eq_symm_apply]
have := algebraMap₀_mul_algebraMap₀ (M := M) r s
exact this.symm)
commutes r x := gradedMonoid_eq_of_cast (add_comm _ _) (by
have := (algebraMap₀_mul r x.snd).trans (mul_algebraMap₀ r x.snd).symm
rw [← LinearEquiv.eq_symm_apply, cast_symm]
rw [← LinearEquiv.eq_symm_apply, cast_symm, cast_cast] at this
exact this)
smul_def r x := gradedMonoid_eq_of_cast (zero_add x.fst).symm (by
rw [← LinearEquiv.eq_symm_apply, cast_symm]
exact (algebraMap₀_mul r x.snd).symm)
#align tensor_power.galgebra TensorPower.galgebra

theorem galgebra_toFun_def (r : R) :
@DirectSum.GAlgebra.toFun ℕ R (fun i => (⨂[R]^i) M) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r = algebraMap₀ r :=
#align tensor_power.galgebra_to_fun_def TensorPower.galgebra_toFun_def

example : Algebra R (⨁ n : ℕ, (⨂[R]^n) M) := by infer_instance

end TensorPower

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