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feat(CompactOpen): unify 2 continuous_eval lemmas (#9264)
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Introduce a typeclass `LocallyCompactPair` that allows us to unify different versions of `ContinuousMap.continuous_eval` and similar lemmas.
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urkud committed Dec 26, 2023
1 parent 1b3fc93 commit 6f7d92d
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97 changes: 46 additions & 51 deletions Mathlib/Topology/CompactOpen.lean
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Expand Up @@ -32,9 +32,8 @@ compact-open, curry, function space

open Set

open Topology
open Set Filter TopologicalSpace
open scoped Topology

namespace ContinuousMap

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,6 +90,23 @@ protected theorem isOpen_gen {s : Set α} (hs : IsCompact s) {u : Set β} (hu :
TopologicalSpace.GenerateOpen.basic _ (by dsimp [mem_setOf_eq]; tauto)
#align continuous_map.is_open_gen ContinuousMap.isOpen_gen

lemma isOpen_setOf_mapsTo {K : Set α} (hK : IsCompact K) {U : Set β} (hU : IsOpen U) :
IsOpen {f : C(α, β) | MapsTo f K U} := by
simpa only [mapsTo'] using ContinuousMap.isOpen_gen hK hU

lemma eventually_mapsTo {f : C(α, β)} {K U} (hK : IsCompact K) (hU : IsOpen U) (h : MapsTo f K U) :
∀ᶠ g : C(α, β) in 𝓝 f, MapsTo g K U :=
(isOpen_setOf_mapsTo hK hU).mem_nhds h

lemma tendsto_nhds_compactOpen {α : Type*} {l : Filter α} {f : α → C(β, γ)} {g : C(β, γ)} :
Tendsto f l (𝓝 g) ↔
∀ K, IsCompact K → ∀ U, IsOpen U → MapsTo g K U → ∀ᶠ a in l, MapsTo (f a) K U := by
simp_rw [compactOpen_eq, tendsto_nhds_generateFrom_iff, forall_image2_iff, mapsTo']; rfl

lemma continuous_compactOpen {f : α → C(β, γ)} :
Continuous f ↔ ∀ K, IsCompact K → ∀ U, IsOpen U → IsOpen {x | MapsTo (f x) K U} := by
simp_rw [compactOpen_eq, continuous_generateFrom_iff, forall_image2_iff, mapsTo']; rfl

section Functorial

variable (g : C(β, γ))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,29 +152,20 @@ theorem continuous_comp_left : Continuous (fun g => g.comp f : C(β, γ) → C(

/-- Composition is a continuous map from `C(α, β) × C(β, γ)` to `C(α, γ)`, provided that `β` is
locally compact. This is Prop. 9 of Chap. X, §3, №. 4 of Bourbaki's *Topologie Générale*. -/
theorem continuous_comp' [LocallyCompactSpace β] :
Continuous fun x : C(α, β) × C(β, γ) => x.2.comp x.1 :=
rintro M ⟨K, hK, U, hU, rfl⟩
conv =>
rw [CompactOpen.gen, preimage_setOf_eq]
ext; dsimp [setOf]
rw [image_comp, image_subset_iff]
rw [isOpen_iff_forall_mem_open]
rintro ⟨φ₀, ψ₀⟩ H
obtain ⟨L, hL, hKL, hLU⟩ := exists_compact_between (hK.image φ₀.2) (hU.preimage ψ₀.2) H
use { φ : C(α, β) | φ '' K ⊆ interior L } ×ˢ { ψ : C(β, γ) | ψ '' L ⊆ U }
-- porting note: typing hint `: φ '' K ⊆ interior L` wasn't previously required
use fun ⟨φ, ψ⟩ ⟨(hφ : φ '' K ⊆ interior L), hψ⟩ =>
subset_trans hφ (interior_subset.trans <| hψ)
use (ContinuousMap.isOpen_gen hK isOpen_interior).prod (ContinuousMap.isOpen_gen hL hU)
exact mem_prod.mpr ⟨hKL, image_subset_iff.mpr hLU⟩)
theorem continuous_comp' [LocallyCompactPair β γ] :
Continuous fun x : C(α, β) × C(β, γ) => x.2.comp x.1 := by
simp_rw [continuous_iff_continuousAt, ContinuousAt, tendsto_nhds_compactOpen]
intro ⟨f, g⟩ K hK U hU (hKU : MapsTo (g ∘ f) K U)
obtain ⟨L, hKL, hLc, hLU⟩ : ∃ L ∈ 𝓝ˢ (f '' K), IsCompact L ∧ MapsTo g L U :=
exists_mem_nhdsSet_isCompact_mapsTo g.continuous (hK.image f.continuous) hU
(mapsTo_image_iff.2 hKU)
rw [← subset_interior_iff_mem_nhdsSet, ← mapsTo'] at hKL
exact ((eventually_mapsTo hK isOpen_interior hKL).prod_nhds
(eventually_mapsTo hLc hU hLU)).mono fun ⟨f', g'⟩ ⟨hf', hg'⟩ ↦
hg'.comp <| hf'.mono_right interior_subset
#align continuous_map.continuous_comp' ContinuousMap.continuous_comp'

theorem continuous.comp' {X : Type*} [TopologicalSpace X] [LocallyCompactSpace β] {f : X → C(α, β)}
theorem continuous.comp' {X : Type*} [TopologicalSpace X] [LocallyCompactPair β γ] {f : X → C(α, β)}
{g : X → C(β, γ)} (hf : Continuous f) (hg : Continuous g) :
Continuous fun x => (g x).comp (f x) :=
continuous_comp'.comp (hf.prod_mk hg : Continuous fun x => (f x, g x))
Expand All @@ -168,30 +175,18 @@ end Functorial

section Ev

/-- The evaluation map `C(α, β) × α → β` is continuous if `α` is locally compact.
See also `ContinuousMap.continuous_eval` -/
theorem continuous_eval' [LocallyCompactSpace α] : Continuous fun p : C(α, β) × α => p.1 p.2 :=
continuous_iff_continuousAt.mpr fun ⟨f, x⟩ n hn =>
let ⟨v, vn, vo, fxv⟩ := hn
have : v ∈ 𝓝 (f x) := IsOpen.mem_nhds vo fxv
let ⟨s, hs, sv, sc⟩ :=
LocallyCompactSpace.local_compact_nhds x (f ⁻¹' v) (f.continuous.tendsto x this)
let ⟨u, us, uo, xu⟩ := hs
show (fun p : C(α, β) × α => p.1 p.2) ⁻¹' n ∈ 𝓝 (f, x) from
let w := CompactOpen.gen s v ×ˢ u
have : w ⊆ (fun p : C(α, β) × α => p.1 p.2) ⁻¹' n := fun ⟨f', x'⟩ ⟨hf', hx'⟩ =>
vn <| hf' <| mem_image_of_mem f' (us hx')
--Porting note: The following `calc` block fails here.
-- f' x' ∈ f' '' s := mem_image_of_mem f' (us hx')
-- _ ⊆ v := hf'
-- _ ⊆ n := vn

have : IsOpen w := (ContinuousMap.isOpen_gen sc vo).prod uo
have : (f, x) ∈ w := ⟨image_subset_iff.mpr sv, xu⟩
mem_nhds_iff.mpr ⟨w, by assumption, by assumption, by assumption⟩
#align continuous_map.continuous_eval' ContinuousMap.continuous_eval'
/-- The evaluation map `C(α, β) × α → β` is continuous
if `α, β` is a locally compact pair of spaces. -/
theorem continuous_eval [LocallyCompactPair α β] : Continuous fun p : C(α, β) × α => p.1 p.2 := by
simp_rw [continuous_iff_continuousAt, ContinuousAt, (nhds_basis_opens _).tendsto_right_iff]
rintro ⟨f, x⟩ U ⟨hx : f x ∈ U, hU : IsOpen U⟩
rcases exists_mem_nhds_isCompact_mapsTo f.continuous (hU.mem_nhds hx) with ⟨K, hxK, hK, hKU⟩
filter_upwards [prod_mem_nhds (eventually_mapsTo hK hU hKU) hxK] using fun _ h ↦ h.1 h.2
#align continuous_map.continuous_eval' ContinuousMap.continuous_eval
#align continuous_map.continuous_eval ContinuousMap.continuous_eval

@[deprecated] alias continuous_eval' := continuous_eval

/-- Evaluation of a continuous map `f` at a point `a` is continuous in `f`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -395,13 +390,13 @@ theorem continuous_curry [LocallyCompactSpace (α × β)] :
apply continuous_of_continuous_uncurry
apply continuous_of_continuous_uncurry
rw [← (Homeomorph.prodAssoc _ _ _).symm.comp_continuous_iff']
exact continuous_eval'
exact continuous_eval
#align continuous_map.continuous_curry ContinuousMap.continuous_curry

/-- The uncurried form of a continuous map `α → C(β, γ)` is a continuous map `α × β → γ`. -/
theorem continuous_uncurry_of_continuous [LocallyCompactSpace β] (f : C(α, C(β, γ))) :
Continuous (Function.uncurry fun x y => f x y) :=
continuous_eval'.comp <| f.continuous.prod_map continuous_id
continuous_eval.comp <| f.continuous.prod_map continuous_id
#align continuous_map.continuous_uncurry_of_continuous ContinuousMap.continuous_uncurry_of_continuous

/-- The uncurried form of a continuous map `α → C(β, γ)` as a continuous map `α × β → γ` (if `β` is
Expand All @@ -417,7 +412,7 @@ theorem continuous_uncurry [LocallyCompactSpace α] [LocallyCompactSpace β] :
Continuous (uncurry : C(α, C(β, γ)) → C(α × β, γ)) := by
apply continuous_of_continuous_uncurry
rw [← (Homeomorph.prodAssoc _ _ _).comp_continuous_iff']
apply continuous_eval'.comp (continuous_eval'.prod_map continuous_id)
apply continuous_eval.comp (continuous_eval.prod_map continuous_id)
#align continuous_map.continuous_uncurry ContinuousMap.continuous_uncurry

/-- The family of constant maps: `β → C(α, β)` as a continuous map. -/
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27 changes: 19 additions & 8 deletions Mathlib/Topology/Compactness/Compact.lean
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Expand Up @@ -191,20 +191,31 @@ theorem IsCompact.elim_finite_subcover {ι : Type v} (hs : IsCompact s) (U : ι
(directed_of_isDirected_le fun _ _ h => biUnion_subset_biUnion_left h)
#align is_compact.elim_finite_subcover IsCompact.elim_finite_subcover

lemma IsCompact.elim_nhds_subcover_nhdsSet' (hs : IsCompact s) (U : ∀ x ∈ s, Set X)
(hU : ∀ x hx, U x hx ∈ 𝓝 x) : ∃ t : Finset s, (⋃ x ∈ t, U x.1 x.2) ∈ 𝓝ˢ s := by
rcases hs.elim_finite_subcover (fun x : s ↦ interior (U x x.2)) (fun _ ↦ isOpen_interior)
fun x hx ↦ mem_iUnion.2 ⟨⟨x, hx⟩, mem_interior_iff_mem_nhds.2 <| hU _ _⟩ with ⟨t, hst⟩
refine ⟨t, mem_nhdsSet_iff_forall.2 fun x hx ↦ ?_⟩
rcases mem_iUnion₂.1 (hst hx) with ⟨y, hyt, hy⟩
refine mem_of_superset ?_ (subset_biUnion_of_mem hyt)
exact mem_interior_iff_mem_nhds.1 hy

lemma IsCompact.elim_nhds_subcover_nhdsSet (hs : IsCompact s) {U : X → Set X}
(hU : ∀ x ∈ s, U x ∈ 𝓝 x) : ∃ t : Finset X, (∀ x ∈ t, x ∈ s) ∧ (⋃ x ∈ t, U x) ∈ 𝓝ˢ s :=
let ⟨t, ht⟩ := hs.elim_nhds_subcover_nhdsSet' (fun x _ => U x) hU
⟨t.image (↑), fun x hx =>
let ⟨y, _, hyx⟩ := Finset.mem_image.1 hx
hyx ▸ y.2,
by rwa [Finset.set_biUnion_finset_image]⟩

theorem IsCompact.elim_nhds_subcover' (hs : IsCompact s) (U : ∀ x ∈ s, Set X)
(hU : ∀ x (hx : x ∈ s), U x ‹x ∈ s› ∈ 𝓝 x) : ∃ t : Finset s, s ⊆ ⋃ x ∈ t, U (x : s) x.2 :=
(hs.elim_finite_subcover (fun x : s => interior (U x x.2)) (fun _ => isOpen_interior) fun x hx =>
mem_iUnion.2 ⟨⟨x, hx⟩, mem_interior_iff_mem_nhds.2 <| hU _ _⟩).imp
fun _t ht => ht.trans <| iUnion₂_mono fun _ _ => interior_subset
(hs.elim_nhds_subcover_nhdsSet' U hU).imp fun _ ↦ subset_of_mem_nhdsSet
#align is_compact.elim_nhds_subcover' IsCompact.elim_nhds_subcover'

theorem IsCompact.elim_nhds_subcover (hs : IsCompact s) (U : X → Set X) (hU : ∀ x ∈ s, U x ∈ 𝓝 x) :
∃ t : Finset X, (∀ x ∈ t, x ∈ s) ∧ s ⊆ ⋃ x ∈ t, U x :=
let ⟨t, ht⟩ := hs.elim_nhds_subcover' (fun x _ => U x) hU
⟨t.image (↑), fun x hx =>
let ⟨y, _, hyx⟩ := Finset.mem_image.1 hx
hyx ▸ y.2,
by rwa [Finset.set_biUnion_finset_image]⟩
(hs.elim_nhds_subcover_nhdsSet hU).imp fun _ h ↦ h.imp_right subset_of_mem_nhdsSet
#align is_compact.elim_nhds_subcover IsCompact.elim_nhds_subcover

/-- The neighborhood filter of a compact set is disjoint with a filter `l` if and only if the
Expand Down
60 changes: 47 additions & 13 deletions Mathlib/Topology/Compactness/LocallyCompact.lean
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Expand Up @@ -149,6 +149,36 @@ instance Function.locallyCompactSpace [LocallyCompactSpace Y] [CompactSpace Y] :

end Pi

/-- We say that `X` and `Y` are a locally compact pair of topological spaces,
if for any continuous map `f : X → Y`, a point `x : X`, and a neighbourhood `s ∈ 𝓝 (f x)`,
there exists a compact neighbourhood `K ∈ 𝓝 x` such that `f` maps `K` to `s`.
This is a technical assumption that appears in several theorems,
most notably in `ContinuousMap.continuous_comp'` and `ContinuousMap.continuous_eval`.
It is satisfied in two cases:
- if `X` is a locally compact topological space, for obvious reasons;
- if `X` is a weakly locally compact topological space and `Y` is a Hausdorff space;
this fact is a simple generalization of the theorem
saying that a weakly locally compact Hausdorff topological space is locally compact.
class LocallyCompactPair (X Y : Type*) [TopologicalSpace X] [TopologicalSpace Y] : Prop where
/-- If `f : X → Y` is a continuous map in a locally compact pair of topological spaces
and `s : Set Y` is a neighbourhood of `f x`, `x : X`,
then there exists a compact neighbourhood `K` of `x` such that `f` maps `K` to `s`. -/
exists_mem_nhds_isCompact_mapsTo : ∀ {f : X → Y} {x : X} {s : Set Y},
Continuous f → s ∈ 𝓝 (f x) → ∃ K ∈ 𝓝 x, IsCompact K ∧ MapsTo f K s

export LocallyCompactPair (exists_mem_nhds_isCompact_mapsTo)

instance (priority := 900) [LocallyCompactSpace X] : LocallyCompactPair X Y where
exists_mem_nhds_isCompact_mapsTo hf hs :=
let ⟨K, hKx, hKs, hKc⟩ := local_compact_nhds (hf.continuousAt hs); ⟨K, hKx, hKc, hKs⟩

instance (priority := 100) [LocallyCompactSpace X] : WeaklyLocallyCompactSpace X where
exists_compact_mem_nhds (x : X) :=
let ⟨K, hx, _, hKc⟩ := local_compact_nhds (x := x) univ_mem; ⟨K, hKc, hx⟩

/-- A reformulation of the definition of locally compact space: In a locally compact space,
every open set containing `x` has a compact subset containing `x` in its interior. -/
theorem exists_compact_subset [LocallyCompactSpace X] {x : X} {U : Set X} (hU : IsOpen U)
Expand All @@ -157,25 +187,29 @@ theorem exists_compact_subset [LocallyCompactSpace X] {x : X} {U : Set X} (hU :
exact ⟨K, h3K, mem_interior_iff_mem_nhds.2 h1K, h2K⟩
#align exists_compact_subset exists_compact_subset

instance (priority := 100) [LocallyCompactSpace X] : WeaklyLocallyCompactSpace X where
exists_compact_mem_nhds (x : X) :=
let ⟨K, hKc, hx, _⟩ := exists_compact_subset isOpen_univ (mem_univ x)
⟨K, hKc, mem_interior_iff_mem_nhds.1 hx⟩
/-- If `f : X → Y` is a continuous map in a locally compact pair of topological spaces,
`K : set X` is a compact set, and `U` is an open neighbourhood of `f '' K`,
then there exists a compact neighbourhood `L` of `K` such that `f` maps `L` to `U`.
This is a generalization of `exists_mem_nhds_isCompact_mapsTo`. -/
lemma exists_mem_nhdsSet_isCompact_mapsTo [LocallyCompactPair X Y] {f : X → Y} {K : Set X}
{U : Set Y} (hf : Continuous f) (hK : IsCompact K) (hU : IsOpen U) (hKU : MapsTo f K U) :
∃ L ∈ 𝓝ˢ K, IsCompact L ∧ MapsTo f L U := by
choose! V hxV hVc hVU using fun x (hx : x ∈ K) ↦
exists_mem_nhds_isCompact_mapsTo hf (hU.mem_nhds (hKU hx))
rcases hK.elim_nhds_subcover_nhdsSet hxV with ⟨s, hsK, hKs⟩
exact ⟨_, hKs, s.isCompact_biUnion fun x hx ↦ hVc x (hsK x hx), mapsTo_iUnion₂ fun x hx ↦
hVU x (hsK x hx)⟩

/-- In a locally compact space, for every containment `K ⊆ U` of a compact set `K` in an open
set `U`, there is a compact neighborhood `L` such that `K ⊆ L ⊆ U`: equivalently, there is a
compact `L` such that `K ⊆ interior L` and `L ⊆ U`.
See also `exists_compact_closed_between`, in which one guarantees additionally that `L` is closed
if the space is regular. -/
theorem exists_compact_between [hX : LocallyCompactSpace X] {K U : Set X} (hK : IsCompact K)
(hU : IsOpen U) (h_KU : K ⊆ U) : ∃ L, IsCompact L ∧ K ⊆ interior L ∧ L ⊆ U := by
choose V hVc hxV hKV using fun x : K => exists_compact_subset hU (h_KU x.2)
have : K ⊆ ⋃ x, interior (V x) := fun x hx => mem_iUnion.2 ⟨⟨x, hx⟩, hxV _⟩
rcases hK.elim_finite_subcover _ (fun x => @isOpen_interior X _ (V x)) this with ⟨t, ht⟩
⟨_, t.isCompact_biUnion fun x _ => hVc x, fun x hx => _, Set.iUnion₂_subset fun i _ => hKV i⟩
rcases mem_iUnion₂.1 (ht hx) with ⟨y, hyt, hy⟩
exact interior_mono (subset_iUnion₂ y hyt) hy
theorem exists_compact_between [LocallyCompactSpace X] {K U : Set X} (hK : IsCompact K)
(hU : IsOpen U) (h_KU : K ⊆ U) : ∃ L, IsCompact L ∧ K ⊆ interior L ∧ L ⊆ U :=
let ⟨L, hKL, hL, hLU⟩ := exists_mem_nhdsSet_isCompact_mapsTo continuous_id hK hU h_KU
⟨L, hL, subset_interior_iff_mem_nhdsSet.2 hKL, hLU⟩
#align exists_compact_between exists_compact_between

protected theorem ClosedEmbedding.locallyCompactSpace [LocallyCompactSpace Y] {f : X → Y}
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Topology/Connected/PathConnected.lean
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Expand Up @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ instance topologicalSpace : TopologicalSpace (Path x y) :=
TopologicalSpace.induced ((↑) : _ → C(I, X)) ContinuousMap.compactOpen

theorem continuous_eval : Continuous fun p : Path x y × I => p.1 p.2 :=
continuous_eval'.comp <| (continuous_induced_dom (α := Path x y)).prod_map continuous_id
continuous_eval.comp <| (continuous_induced_dom (α := Path x y)).prod_map continuous_id
#align path.continuous_eval Path.continuous_eval

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Mathlib/Topology/ContinuousFunction/Algebra.lean
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Expand Up @@ -336,9 +336,9 @@ instance [LocallyCompactSpace α] [Mul β] [ContinuousMul β] : ContinuousMul C(
refine' continuous_of_continuous_uncurry _ _
have h1 : Continuous fun x : (C(α, β) × C(α, β)) × α => x.fst.fst x.snd :=
continuous_eval'.comp (continuous_fst.prod_map continuous_id)
continuous_eval.comp (continuous_fst.prod_map continuous_id)
have h2 : Continuous fun x : (C(α, β) × C(α, β)) × α => x.fst.snd x.snd :=
continuous_eval'.comp (continuous_snd.prod_map continuous_id)
continuous_eval.comp (continuous_snd.prod_map continuous_id)
exact h1.mul h2⟩

/-- Coercion to a function as a `MonoidHom`. Similar to `MonoidHom.coeFn`. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -603,15 +603,15 @@ instance instSMul [SMul R M] [ContinuousConstSMul R M] : SMul R C(α, M) :=
instance [LocallyCompactSpace α] [SMul R M] [ContinuousConstSMul R M] :
ContinuousConstSMul R C(α, M) :=
fun γ => continuous_of_continuous_uncurry _ (continuous_eval'.const_smul γ)⟩
fun γ => continuous_of_continuous_uncurry _ (continuous_eval.const_smul γ)⟩

instance [LocallyCompactSpace α] [TopologicalSpace R] [SMul R M] [ContinuousSMul R M] :
ContinuousSMul R C(α, M) :=
refine' continuous_of_continuous_uncurry _ _
have h : Continuous fun x : (R × C(α, M)) × α => x.fst.snd x.snd :=
continuous_eval'.comp (continuous_snd.prod_map continuous_id)
continuous_eval.comp (continuous_snd.prod_map continuous_id)
exact (continuous_fst.comp continuous_fst).smul h⟩

@[to_additive (attr := simp, norm_cast)]
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6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions Mathlib/Topology/ContinuousFunction/Compact.lean
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Expand Up @@ -159,12 +159,6 @@ end
instance [CompleteSpace β] : CompleteSpace C(α, β) :=
(isometryEquivBoundedOfCompact α β).completeSpace

/-- See also `ContinuousMap.continuous_eval'`. -/
theorem continuous_eval : Continuous fun p : C(α, β) × α => p.1 p.2 :=
continuous_eval.comp ((isometryEquivBoundedOfCompact α β).continuous.prod_map continuous_id)
#align continuous_map.continuous_eval ContinuousMap.continuous_eval

-- TODO at some point we will need lemmas characterising this norm!
-- At the moment the only way to reason about it is to transfer `f : C(α,E)` back to `α →ᵇ E`.
instance : Norm C(α, E) where norm x := dist x 0
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Topology/Homotopy/HomotopyGroup.lean
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Expand Up @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ def toLoop (i : N) (p : Ω^ N X x) : Ω (Ω^ { j // j ≠ i } X x) const
theorem continuous_toLoop (i : N) : Continuous (@toLoop N X _ x _ i) :=
Path.continuous_uncurry_iff.1 <|
(ContinuousMap.continuous_eval'.comp <|
(ContinuousMap.continuous_eval.comp <|
(ContinuousMap.continuous_curry.comp <|
(ContinuousMap.continuous_comp_left _).comp continuous_subtype_val)
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