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feat(RingTheory/MvPolynomial/NewtonIdentities): Add proof of Newton's…
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… identities (#6139)

Co-authored-by: michaellee94 <>
Co-authored-by: Oliver Nash <>
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3 people authored and semorrison committed Aug 15, 2023
1 parent f2767f2 commit 7165b32
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Showing 7 changed files with 347 additions and 2 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
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Expand Up @@ -2830,6 +2830,7 @@ import Mathlib.RingTheory.Multiplicity
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Homogeneous
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Ideal
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.NewtonIdentities
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Symmetric
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Tower
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.WeightedHomogeneous
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib/Data/Fintype/Powerset.lean
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Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ theorem Finset.powerset_eq_univ [Fintype α] {s : Finset α} : s.powerset = univ
rw [← Finset.powerset_univ, powerset_inj]
#align finset.powerset_eq_univ Finset.powerset_eq_univ

theorem Finset.mem_powerset_len_univ_iff [Fintype α] {s : Finset α} {k : ℕ} :
s ∈ powersetLen k (univ : Finset α) ↔ card s = k :=
mem_powersetLen.trans <| and_iff_right <| subset_univ _
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/MvPolynomial/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Johannes Hölzl
import Mathlib.Algebra.CharP.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Polynomial.AlgebraMap
import Mathlib.Data.MvPolynomial.CommRing
import Mathlib.Data.MvPolynomial.Variables
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.FinsuppVectorSpace

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,6 +56,12 @@ instance [CharP R p] : CharP (MvPolynomial σ R) p where

end CharP

section CharZero

instance [CharZero R] : CharZero (MvPolynomial σ R) := CharP.charP_to_charZero (MvPolynomial σ R)

end CharZero

section Homomorphism

theorem mapRange_eq_map {R S : Type*} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] (p : MvPolynomial σ R)
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288 changes: 288 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/MvPolynomial/NewtonIdentities.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Michael Lee. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Michael Lee
import Mathlib.Algebra.Algebra.Subalgebra.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Card
import Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.MvPolynomial.CommRing
import Mathlib.Data.MvPolynomial.Rename
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Parity
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Symmetric
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Basic

# Newton's Identities
This file defines `MvPolynomial` power sums as a means of implementing Newton's identities. The
combinatorial proof, due to Zeilberger, defines for `k : ℕ` a subset `pairs` of
`(range k).powerset × range k` and a map `pairMap` such that `pairMap` is an involution on `pairs`,
and a map `weight` which identifies elements of `pairs` with the terms of the summation in Newton's
identities and which satisfies `weight ∘ pairMap = -weight`. The result therefore follows neatly
from an identity implemented in mathlib as `Finset.sum_involution`. Namely, we use
`Finset.sum_involution` to show that `∑ t in pairs σ k, weight σ R k t = 0`. We then identify
`(-1) ^ k * k * esymm σ R k` with the terms of the weight sum for which `t.fst` has
cardinality `k`, and `(-1) ^ i * esymm σ R i * psum σ R (k - i)` with the terms of the weight sum
for which `t.fst` has cardinality `i` for `i < k` , and we thereby derive the main result
`(-1) ^ k * k * esymm σ R k + ∑ i in range k, (-1) ^ i * esymm σ R i * psum σ R (k - i) = 0` (or
rather, two equivalent forms which provide direct definitions for `esymm` and `psum` in lower-degree
## Main declarations
* `MvPolynomial.mul_esymm_eq_sum`: a recurrence relation for the `k`th elementary
symmetric polynomial in terms of lower-degree elementary symmetric polynomials and power sums.
* `MvPolynomial.psum_eq_mul_esymm_sub_sum`: a recurrence relation for the degree-`k` power sum
in terms of lower-degree elementary symmetric polynomials and power sums.
## References
See [zeilberger1984] for the combinatorial proof of Newton's identities.

open Equiv (Perm)

open BigOperators MvPolynomial

noncomputable section

namespace MvPolynomial

open Finset Nat

variable (σ : Type*) [Fintype σ] [DecidableEq σ] (R : Type*) [CommRing R]

namespace NewtonIdentities

private def pairs (k : ℕ) : Finset (Finset σ × σ) :=
univ.filter (fun t ↦ card t.fst ≤ k ∧ (card t.fst = k → t.snd ∈ t.fst))

private lemma mem_pairs (k : ℕ) (t : Finset σ × σ) :
t ∈ pairs σ k ↔ card t.fst ≤ k ∧ (card t.fst = k → t.snd ∈ t.fst) := by
simp [pairs]

private def weight (k : ℕ) (t : Finset σ × σ) : MvPolynomial σ R :=
(-1) ^ card t.fst * ((∏ a in t.fst, X a) * X t.snd ^ (k - card t.fst))

private def pairMap (t : Finset σ × σ) : Finset σ × σ :=
if h : t.snd ∈ t.fst then (t.fst.erase t.snd, t.snd) else (t.fst.cons t.snd h, t.snd)

private lemma pairMap_ne_self (t : Finset σ × σ) : pairMap σ t ≠ t := by
rw [pairMap]
split_ifs with h1
all_goals by_contra ht; rw [← ht] at h1; simp_all

private lemma pairMap_of_snd_mem_fst {t : Finset σ × σ} (h : t.snd ∈ t.fst) :
pairMap σ t = (t.fst.erase t.snd, t.snd) := by
simp [pairMap, h]

private lemma pairMap_of_snd_nmem_fst {t : Finset σ × σ} (h : t.snd ∉ t.fst) :
pairMap σ t = (t.fst.cons t.snd h, t.snd) := by
simp [pairMap, h]

private theorem pairMap_mem_pairs {k : ℕ} (t : Finset σ × σ) (h : t ∈ pairs σ k) :
pairMap σ t ∈ pairs σ k := by
rw [mem_pairs] at h ⊢
rcases (em (t.snd ∈ t.fst)) with h1 | h1
· rw [pairMap_of_snd_mem_fst σ h1]
simp only [h1, implies_true, and_true] at h
simp only [card_erase_of_mem h1, tsub_le_iff_right, mem_erase, ne_eq, h1]
refine ⟨le_step h, ?_⟩
by_contra h2
rw [← h2] at h
exact not_le_of_lt (sub_lt (card_pos.mpr ⟨t.snd, h1⟩) zero_lt_one) h
· rw [pairMap_of_snd_nmem_fst σ h1]
simp only [h1] at h
simp only [card_cons, mem_cons, true_or, implies_true, and_true]
exact ( h.left).resolve_left h.right

private theorem pairMap_involutive : (pairMap σ).Involutive := by
intro t
rw [pairMap, pairMap]
split_ifs with h1 h2 h3
· simp at h2
· simp [insert_erase h1]
· simp_all
· simp at h3

private theorem weight_add_weight_pairMap {k : ℕ} (t : Finset σ × σ) (h : t ∈ pairs σ k) :
weight σ R k t + weight σ R k (pairMap σ t) = 0 := by
rw [weight, weight]
rw [mem_pairs] at h
have h2 (n : ℕ) : -(-1 : MvPolynomial σ R) ^ n = (-1) ^ (n + 1) := by
rw [← neg_one_mul ((-1 : MvPolynomial σ R) ^ n), pow_add, pow_one, mul_comm]
rcases (em (t.snd ∈ t.fst)) with h1 | h1
· rw [pairMap_of_snd_mem_fst σ h1]
simp only [← prod_erase_mul t.fst (fun j ↦ (X j : MvPolynomial σ R)) h1,
mul_assoc (∏ a in erase t.fst t.snd, X a), card_erase_of_mem h1]
nth_rewrite 1 [← pow_one (X t.snd)]
simp only [← pow_add, add_comm]
have h3 : 1 ≤ card t.fst := (card_pos.mpr ⟨t.snd, h1⟩)
rw [← tsub_tsub_assoc h.left h3, ← neg_neg ((-1 : MvPolynomial σ R) ^ (card t.fst - 1)),
h2 (card t.fst - 1), Nat.sub_add_cancel h3]
· rw [pairMap_of_snd_nmem_fst σ h1]
simp only [mul_comm, mul_assoc (∏ a in t.fst, X a), card_cons, prod_cons]
nth_rewrite 2 [← pow_one (X t.snd)]
simp only [← pow_add, ← Nat.add_sub_assoc (Nat.lt_of_le_of_ne h.left (mt h.right h1)), add_comm]
rw [← neg_neg ((-1 : MvPolynomial σ R) ^ card t.fst), h2]

private theorem weight_sum (k : ℕ) : ∑ t in pairs σ k, weight σ R k t = 0 :=
sum_involution (fun t _ ↦ pairMap σ t) (weight_add_weight_pairMap σ R)
(fun t _ ↦ (fun _ ↦ pairMap_ne_self σ t)) (pairMap_mem_pairs σ)
(fun t _ ↦ pairMap_involutive σ t)

private theorem sum_filter_pairs_eq_sum_powersetLen_sum (k : ℕ)
(f : Finset σ × σ → MvPolynomial σ R) :
(∑ t in filter (fun t ↦ card t.fst = k) (pairs σ k), f t) =
∑ A in powersetLen k univ, (∑ j in A, f (A, j)) := by
apply sum_finset_product

private theorem sum_filter_pairs_eq_sum_powersetLen_mem_filter_antidiagonal_sum (k : ℕ) (a : ℕ × ℕ)
(ha : a ∈ (antidiagonal k).filter (fun a ↦ a.fst < k)) (f : Finset σ × σ → MvPolynomial σ R) :
(∑ t in filter (fun t ↦ card t.fst = a.fst) (pairs σ k), f t) =
∑ A in powersetLen a.fst univ, (∑ j, f (A, j)) := by
apply sum_finset_product
simp only [mem_filter, mem_powerset_len_univ_iff, mem_univ, and_true, and_iff_right_iff_imp]
rintro p hp
have : card p.fst ≤ k := by apply le_of_lt; aesop

private theorem sum_filter_pairs_eq_sum_filter_antidiagonal_powersetLen_sum (k : ℕ)
(f : Finset σ × σ → MvPolynomial σ R) :
(∑ t in filter (fun t ↦ card t.fst < k) (pairs σ k), f t) =
∑ a in (antidiagonal k).filter (fun a ↦ a.fst < k),
∑ A in powersetLen a.fst univ, (∑ j, f (A, j)) := by
have equiv_i (a : ℕ × ℕ) (ha : a ∈ (antidiagonal k).filter (fun a ↦ a.fst < k)) :=
sum_filter_pairs_eq_sum_powersetLen_mem_filter_antidiagonal_sum σ R k a ha f
simp only [← sum_congr rfl equiv_i]
have pdisj : Set.PairwiseDisjoint ((antidiagonal k).filter (fun a ↦ a.fst < k))
(fun (a : ℕ × ℕ) ↦ (filter (fun t ↦ card t.fst = a.fst) (pairs σ k))) := by
simp only [Set.PairwiseDisjoint, Disjoint, pairs, filter_filter, ne_eq, le_eq_subset,
intro x hx y hy xny s hs hs' a ha
simp only [mem_univ, forall_true_left, Prod.forall] at hs hs'
rw [ne_eq, antidiagonal_congr ( hx).left ( hy).left,
← ( (hs ha)).right.right, ← ( (hs' ha)).right.right] at xny
exact (xny rfl).elim
have hdisj := @sum_disjiUnion _ _ _ f _ ((antidiagonal k).filter (fun a ↦ a.fst < k))
(fun (a : ℕ × ℕ) ↦ (filter (fun t ↦ card t.fst = a.fst) (pairs σ k))) pdisj
have disj_equiv : disjiUnion ((antidiagonal k).filter (fun a ↦ a.fst < k))
(fun a ↦ filter (fun t ↦ card t.fst = a.fst) (pairs σ k)) pdisj =
filter (fun t ↦ card t.fst < k) (pairs σ k) := by
ext a
rw [mem_disjiUnion, mem_filter]
refine' ⟨_, fun haf ↦ ⟨(card a.fst, k - card a.fst), _, _⟩⟩
· rintro ⟨n, hnk, ha⟩
have hnk' : n.fst ≤ k := by apply le_of_lt; aesop
· simp_all only [mem_antidiagonal, mem_filter, mem_pairs, disjiUnion_eq_biUnion,
· simp_all only [mem_antidiagonal, mem_filter, mem_pairs, disjiUnion_eq_biUnion, implies_true]
simp only [← hdisj, disj_equiv]

private theorem disjoint_filter_pairs_lt_filter_pairs_eq (k : ℕ) :
Disjoint (filter (fun t ↦ card t.fst < k) (pairs σ k))
(filter (fun t ↦ card t.fst = k) (pairs σ k)) := by
rw [disjoint_filter]
exact fun _ _ h1 h2 ↦ lt_irrefl _ (h2.symm.subst h1)

private theorem disjUnion_filter_pairs_eq_pairs (k : ℕ) :
disjUnion (filter (fun t ↦ card t.fst < k) (pairs σ k))
(filter (fun t ↦ card t.fst = k) (pairs σ k)) (disjoint_filter_pairs_lt_filter_pairs_eq σ k) =
pairs σ k := by
simp only [disjUnion_eq_union, Finset.ext_iff, pairs, filter_filter, mem_filter]
intro a
rw [← filter_or, mem_filter]
refine' ⟨fun ha ↦ by tauto, fun ha ↦ _⟩
have hacard := ha.2.1

private theorem esymm_summand_to_weight (k : ℕ) (A : Finset σ) (h : A ∈ powersetLen k univ) :
∑ j in A, weight σ R k (A, j) = k * (-1) ^ k * (∏ i in A, X i : MvPolynomial σ R) := by
simp [weight, h, mul_assoc]

private theorem esymm_to_weight (k : ℕ) : k * esymm σ R k =
(-1) ^ k * ∑ t in filter (fun t ↦ card t.fst = k) (pairs σ k), weight σ R k t := by
rw [esymm, sum_filter_pairs_eq_sum_powersetLen_sum σ R k (fun t ↦ weight σ R k t),
sum_congr rfl (esymm_summand_to_weight σ R k), mul_comm (k : MvPolynomial σ R) ((-1) ^ k),
← mul_sum, ← mul_assoc, ← mul_assoc, ← pow_add, Even.neg_one_pow ⟨k, rfl⟩, one_mul]

private theorem esymm_mul_psum_summand_to_weight (k : ℕ) (a : ℕ × ℕ) (ha : a ∈ antidiagonal k) :
∑ A in powersetLen a.fst univ, ∑ j, weight σ R k (A, j) =
(-1) ^ a.fst * esymm σ R a.fst * psum σ R a.snd := by
simp only [esymm, psum_def, weight, ← mul_assoc, mul_sum]
rw [sum_comm]
refine' sum_congr rfl fun x _ ↦ _
rw [sum_mul]
refine' sum_congr rfl fun s hs ↦ _
rw [ hs, ← ha, add_sub_self_left]

private theorem esymm_mul_psum_to_weight (k : ℕ) :
∑ a in (antidiagonal k).filter (fun a ↦ a.fst < k),
(-1) ^ a.fst * esymm σ R a.fst * psum σ R a.snd =
∑ t in filter (fun t ↦ card t.fst < k) (pairs σ k), weight σ R k t := by
rw [← sum_congr rfl (fun a ha ↦ esymm_mul_psum_summand_to_weight σ R k a ( ha).left),
sum_filter_pairs_eq_sum_filter_antidiagonal_powersetLen_sum σ R k]

end NewtonIdentities

/-- **Newton's identities** give a recurrence relation for the kth elementary symmetric polynomial
in terms of lower degree elementary symmetric polynomials and power sums. -/
theorem mul_esymm_eq_sum (k : ℕ) : k * esymm σ R k =
(-1) ^ (k + 1) * ∑ a in (antidiagonal k).filter (fun a ↦ a.fst < k),
(-1) ^ a.fst * esymm σ R a.fst * psum σ R a.snd := by
rw [NewtonIdentities.esymm_to_weight σ R k, NewtonIdentities.esymm_mul_psum_to_weight σ R k,
eq_comm, ← sub_eq_zero, sub_eq_add_neg, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul,
neg_eq_neg_one_mul ((-1 : MvPolynomial σ R) ^ k)]
nth_rw 2 [← pow_one (-1 : MvPolynomial σ R)]
rw [← pow_add, add_comm 1 k, ← left_distrib,
← sum_disjUnion (NewtonIdentities.disjoint_filter_pairs_lt_filter_pairs_eq σ k),
NewtonIdentities.disjUnion_filter_pairs_eq_pairs σ k, NewtonIdentities.weight_sum σ R k,
neg_one_pow_mul_eq_zero_iff.mpr rfl]

theorem sum_antidiagonal_card_esymm_psum_eq_zero :
∑ a in antidiagonal (Fintype.card σ), (-1) ^ a.fst * esymm σ R a.fst * psum σ R a.snd = 0 := by
let k := Fintype.card σ
suffices : (-1 : MvPolynomial σ R) ^ (k + 1) *
∑ a in antidiagonal k, (-1) ^ a.fst * esymm σ R a.fst * psum σ R a.snd = 0
· simpa using this
simp [← sum_filter_add_sum_filter_not (antidiagonal k) (fun a ↦ a.fst < k), ← mul_esymm_eq_sum,
mul_add, ← mul_assoc, ← pow_add, mul_comm ↑k (esymm σ R k)]

/-- A version of Newton's identities which may be more useful in the case that we know the values of
the elementary symmetric polynomials and would like to calculate the values of the power sums. -/
theorem psum_eq_mul_esymm_sub_sum (k : ℕ) (h : 0 < k) : psum σ R k =
(-1) ^ (k + 1) * k * esymm σ R k -
∑ a in (antidiagonal k).filter (fun a ↦ a.fst ∈ Set.Ioo 0 k),
(-1) ^ a.fst * esymm σ R a.fst * psum σ R a.snd := by
simp only [Set.Ioo, Set.mem_setOf_eq, and_comm]
have hesymm := mul_esymm_eq_sum σ R k
rw [← (sum_filter_add_sum_filter_not ((antidiagonal k).filter (fun a ↦ a.fst < k))
(fun a ↦ 0 < a.fst) (fun a ↦ (-1) ^ a.fst * esymm σ R a.fst * psum σ R a.snd))] at hesymm
have sub_both_sides := congrArg (· - (-1 : MvPolynomial σ R) ^ (k + 1) *
∑ a in ((antidiagonal k).filter (fun a ↦ a.fst < k)).filter (fun a ↦ 0 < a.fst),
(-1) ^ a.fst * esymm σ R a.fst * psum σ R a.snd) hesymm
simp only [left_distrib, add_sub_cancel'] at sub_both_sides
have sub_both_sides := congrArg ((-1 : MvPolynomial σ R) ^ (k + 1) * ·) sub_both_sides
simp only [mul_sub_left_distrib, ← mul_assoc, ← pow_add, Even.neg_one_pow ⟨k + 1, rfl⟩, one_mul,
not_le, lt_one_iff, filter_filter (fun a : ℕ × ℕ ↦ a.fst < k) (fun a ↦ ¬0 < a.fst)]
at sub_both_sides
have : filter (fun a ↦ a.fst < k ∧ ¬0 < a.fst) (antidiagonal k) = {(0, k)} := by
ext a
rw [mem_filter, mem_antidiagonal, mem_singleton]
refine' ⟨_, fun ha ↦ by aesop⟩
rintro ⟨ha, ⟨_, ha0⟩⟩
rw [← ha, Nat.eq_zero_of_nonpos a.fst ha0, zero_add, ← Nat.eq_zero_of_nonpos a.fst ha0]
rw [this, sum_singleton] at sub_both_sides
simp only [_root_.pow_zero, esymm_zero, mul_one, one_mul, filter_filter] at sub_both_sides
exact sub_both_sides.symm

end MvPolynomial
35 changes: 34 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/RingTheory/MvPolynomial/Symmetric.lean
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Expand Up @@ -23,9 +23,14 @@ We also prove some basic facts about them.
* `MvPolynomial.esymm`
* `MvPolynomial.psum`
## Notation
+ `esymm σ R n`, is the `n`th elementary symmetric polynomial in `MvPolynomial σ R`.
+ `esymm σ R n` is the `n`th elementary symmetric polynomial in `MvPolynomial σ R`.
+ `psum σ R n` is the degree-`n` power sum in `MvPolynomial σ R`, i.e. the sum of monomials
`(X i)^n` over `i ∈ σ`.
As in other polynomial files, we typically use the notation:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -277,4 +282,32 @@ theorem degrees_esymm [Nontrivial R] (n : ℕ) (hpos : 0 < n) (hn : n ≤ Fintyp

end ElementarySymmetric

section PowerSum

open Finset

variable (σ R) [CommSemiring R] [Fintype σ] [Fintype τ]

/-- The degree-`n` power sum -/
def psum (n : ℕ) : MvPolynomial σ R := ∑ i, X i ^ n

lemma psum_def (n : ℕ) : psum σ R n = ∑ i, X i ^ n := rfl

theorem psum_zero : psum σ R 0 = Fintype.card σ := by
simp only [psum, _root_.pow_zero, ← cast_card]
exact rfl

theorem psum_one : psum σ R 1 = ∑ i, X i := by
simp only [psum, _root_.pow_one]

theorem rename_psum (n : ℕ) (e : σ ≃ τ) : rename e (psum σ R n) = psum τ R n := by
simp_rw [psum, map_sum, map_pow, rename_X, e.sum_comp (X · ^ n)]

theorem psum_isSymmetric (n : ℕ) : IsSymmetric (psum σ R n) := rename_psum _ _ n

end PowerSum

end MvPolynomial
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions docs/references.bib
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Expand Up @@ -2450,6 +2450,21 @@ @Article{ zbMATH06785026
url = {}

@Article{ zeilberger1984,
author = {Zeilberger, Doron},
title = {A combinatorial proof of {N}ewton's identities},
journal = {Discrete Mathematics},
volume = {49},
number = {3},
pages = {319},
year = {1984},
publisher = {Elsevier},
issn = {0012-365X},
zbl = {0535.05010},
doi = {10.1016/0012-365X(84)90171-7},
url = {}

@Article{ zorn1937,
author = {Zorn, Max},
title = {On a theorem of {E}ngel},
Expand Down

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