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feat: port ModelTheory.Ultraproducts (#3976)
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Co-authored-by: Chris Hughes <>
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Komyyy and ChrisHughes24 committed May 24, 2023
1 parent 3fab056 commit 716aea7
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Showing 2 changed files with 179 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1781,6 +1781,7 @@ import Mathlib.ModelTheory.Semantics
import Mathlib.ModelTheory.Skolem
import Mathlib.ModelTheory.Substructures
import Mathlib.ModelTheory.Syntax
import Mathlib.ModelTheory.Ultraproducts
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.ADEInequality
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Basic
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.ClassNumber.AdmissibleAbs
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178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/ModelTheory/Ultraproducts.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Aaron Anderson. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Aaron Anderson
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module model_theory.ultraproducts
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit f1ae620609496a37534c2ab3640b641d5be8b6f0
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.ModelTheory.Quotients
import Mathlib.Order.Filter.Germ
import Mathlib.Order.Filter.Ultrafilter

/-! # Ultraproducts and Łoś's Theorem
## Main Definitions
* `FirstOrder.Language.Ultraproduct.Structure` is the ultraproduct structure on `Filter.Product`.
## Main Results
* Łoś's Theorem: `FirstOrder.Language.Ultraproduct.sentence_realize`. An ultraproduct models a
sentence `φ` if and only if the set of structures in the product that model `φ` is in the
## Tags
ultraproduct, Los's theorem

universe u v

variable {α : Type _} (M : α → Type _) (u : Ultrafilter α)

open FirstOrder Filter

open Filter

namespace FirstOrder

namespace Language

open Structure

variable {L : Language.{u, v}} [∀ a, L.Structure (M a)]

namespace Ultraproduct

instance setoidPrestructure : L.Prestructure ((u : Filter α).productSetoid M) :=
{ (u : Filter α).productSetoid M with
toStructure :=
{ funMap := fun {n} f x a => funMap f fun i => x i a
RelMap := fun {n} r x => ∀ᶠ a : α in u, RelMap r fun i => x i a }
fun_equiv := fun {n} f x y xy => by
refine' mem_of_superset (iInter_mem.2 xy) fun a ha => _
simp only [Set.mem_iInter, Set.mem_setOf_eq] at ha
simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq, ha]
rel_equiv := fun {n} r x y xy => by
rw [← iff_eq_eq]
refine' ⟨fun hx => _, fun hy => _⟩
· refine' mem_of_superset (inter_mem hx (iInter_mem.2 xy)) _
rintro a ⟨ha1, ha2⟩
simp only [Set.mem_iInter, Set.mem_setOf_eq] at *
rw [← funext ha2]
exact ha1
· refine' mem_of_superset (inter_mem hy (iInter_mem.2 xy)) _
rintro a ⟨ha1, ha2⟩
simp only [Set.mem_iInter, Set.mem_setOf_eq] at *
rw [funext ha2]
exact ha1 }
#align first_order.language.ultraproduct.setoid_prestructure FirstOrder.Language.Ultraproduct.setoidPrestructure

variable {M} {u}

instance «structure» : L.Structure ((u : Filter α).Product M) :=
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align first_order.language.ultraproduct.Structure FirstOrder.Language.Ultraproduct.structure

theorem funMap_cast {n : ℕ} (f : L.Functions n) (x : Fin n → ∀ a, M a) :
(funMap f fun i => (x i : (u : Filter α).Product M)) =
(fun a => funMap f fun i => x i a : (u : Filter α).Product M) := by
apply funMap_quotient_mk'
#align first_order.language.ultraproduct.fun_map_cast FirstOrder.Language.Ultraproduct.funMap_cast

theorem term_realize_cast {β : Type _} (x : β → ∀ a, M a) (t : L.Term β) :
(t.realize fun i => (x i : (u : Filter α).Product M)) =
(fun a => t.realize fun i => x i a : (u : Filter α).Product M) := by
convert @Term.realize_quotient_mk' L _ ((u : Filter α).productSetoid M)
(Ultraproduct.setoidPrestructure M u) _ t x using 2
ext a
induction t
case var =>
case func _ _ _ t_ih =>
simp only [Term.realize, t_ih]
#align first_order.language.ultraproduct.term_realize_cast FirstOrder.Language.Ultraproduct.term_realize_cast

variable [∀ a : α, Nonempty (M a)]

theorem boundedFormula_realize_cast {β : Type _} {n : ℕ} (φ : L.BoundedFormula β n)
(x : β → ∀ a, M a) (v : Fin n → ∀ a, M a) :
(φ.Realize (fun i : β => (x i : (u : Filter α).Product M))
(fun i => (v i : (u : Filter α).Product M))) ↔
∀ᶠ a : α in u, φ.Realize (fun i : β => x i a) fun i => v i a := by
letI := (u : Filter α).productSetoid M
induction' φ with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m _ _ ih ih' k φ ih
· simp only [BoundedFormula.Realize, eventually_const]
· have h2 : ∀ a : α, (Sum.elim (fun i : β => x i a) fun i => v i a) = fun i => Sum.elim x v i a :=
fun a => funext fun i => Sum.casesOn i (fun i => rfl) fun i => rfl
simp only [BoundedFormula.Realize, h2, term_realize_cast]
erw [(Sum.comp_elim ((↑) : (∀ a, M a) → (u : Filter α).Product M) x v).symm,
term_realize_cast, term_realize_cast]
exact Quotient.eq''
· have h2 : ∀ a : α, (Sum.elim (fun i : β => x i a) fun i => v i a) = fun i => Sum.elim x v i a :=
fun a => funext fun i => Sum.casesOn i (fun i => rfl) fun i => rfl
simp only [BoundedFormula.Realize, h2]
erw [(Sum.comp_elim ((↑) : (∀ a, M a) → (u : Filter α).Product M) x v).symm]
conv_lhs => enter [2, i]; erw [term_realize_cast]
apply relMap_quotient_mk'
· simp only [BoundedFormula.Realize, ih v, ih' v]
rw [Ultrafilter.eventually_imp]
· simp only [BoundedFormula.Realize]
apply Iff.trans (b := ∀ m : ∀ a : α, M a,
φ.Realize (fun i : β => (x i : (u : Filter α).Product M))
(Fin.snoc (((↑) : (∀ a, M a) → (u : Filter α).Product M) ∘ v)
(m : (u : Filter α).Product M)))
· exact forall_quotient_iff
have h' :
∀ (m : ∀ a, M a) (a : α),
(fun i : Fin (k + 1) => (Fin.snoc v m : _ → ∀ a, M a) i a) =
Fin.snoc (fun i : Fin k => v i a) (m a) := by
refine' fun m a => funext (Fin.reverseInduction _ fun i _ => _)
· simp only [Fin.snoc_last]
· simp only [Fin.snoc_castSucc]
simp only [← Fin.comp_snoc]
simp only [Function.comp, ih, h']
refine' ⟨fun h => _, fun h m => _⟩
· contrapose! h
simp_rw [← Ultrafilter.eventually_not, not_forall] at h
fun a : α =>
Classical.epsilon fun m : M a =>
¬φ.Realize (fun i => x i a) (Fin.snoc (fun i => v i a) m),
rw [← Ultrafilter.eventually_not]
exact Filter.mem_of_superset h fun a ha => Classical.epsilon_spec ha
· rw [Filter.eventually_iff] at *
exact Filter.mem_of_superset h fun a ha => ha (m a)
#align first_order.language.ultraproduct.bounded_formula_realize_cast FirstOrder.Language.Ultraproduct.boundedFormula_realize_cast

theorem realize_formula_cast {β : Type _} (φ : L.Formula β) (x : β → ∀ a, M a) :
(φ.Realize fun i => (x i : (u : Filter α).Product M)) ↔
∀ᶠ a : α in u, φ.Realize fun i => x i a := by
simp_rw [Formula.Realize, ← boundedFormula_realize_cast φ x, iff_eq_eq]
exact congr rfl (Subsingleton.elim _ _)
#align first_order.language.ultraproduct.realize_formula_cast FirstOrder.Language.Ultraproduct.realize_formula_cast

/-- Łoś's Theorem : A sentence is true in an ultraproduct if and only if the set of structures it is
true in is in the ultrafilter. -/
theorem sentence_realize (φ : L.Sentence) :
(u : Filter α).Product M ⊨ φ ↔ ∀ᶠ a : α in u, M a ⊨ φ := by
simp_rw [Sentence.Realize]
erw [← realize_formula_cast φ, iff_eq_eq]
exact congr rfl (Subsingleton.elim _ _)
#align first_order.language.ultraproduct.sentence_realize FirstOrder.Language.Ultraproduct.sentence_realize

nonrec instance Product.instNonempty : Nonempty ((u : Filter α).Product M) :=
letI : ∀ a, Inhabited (M a) := fun _ => Classical.inhabited_of_nonempty'
#align first_order.language.ultraproduct.product.nonempty FirstOrder.Language.Ultraproduct.Product.instNonempty

end Ultraproduct

end Language

end FirstOrder

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