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chore(CategoryTheory/Limits/Concrete): generalize universe assumptions (
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Generalizes universe assumptions for various statements on colimits in concrete categories. Also simplifies some proofs.
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chrisflav committed Feb 11, 2024
1 parent b08d71d commit 76c1f6e
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Showing 3 changed files with 30 additions and 80 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/Category/GroupCat/Abelian.lean
Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ instance {J : Type u} [SmallCategory J] [IsFiltered J] :
rcases Concrete.colimit_exists_rep G x with ⟨j, y, rfl⟩
erw [← comp_apply, colimit.ι_map, comp_apply,
← map_zero (by exact colimit.ι H j : H.obj j →+ ↑(colimit H))] at hx
rcases Concrete.colimit_exists_of_rep_eq H _ _ hx with ⟨k, e₁, e₂, hk : _ = e₂ 0
rcases Concrete.colimit_exists_of_rep_eq.{u} H _ _ hx with
⟨k, e₁, e₂, hk : _ = e₂ 0
rw [map_zero, ← comp_apply, ← NatTrans.naturality, comp_apply] at hk
rcases ((exact_iff _ _).mp <| h k).ge hk with ⟨t, ht⟩
use colimit.ι F k t
Expand Down
105 changes: 27 additions & 78 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Limits/ConcreteCategory.lean
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Mathlib.Tactic.ApplyFun

universe w v u
universe t w v u r

open CategoryTheory

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,33 +58,19 @@ end Limits

section Colimits

variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C] [ConcreteCategory.{v} C] {J : Type v} [SmallCategory J]

variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C] [ConcreteCategory.{t} C] {J : Type w} [Category.{r} J]
(F : J ⥤ C) [PreservesColimit F (forget C)]

theorem Concrete.from_union_surjective_of_isColimit {D : Cocone F} (hD : IsColimit D) :
let ff : (Σj : J, F.obj j) → := fun a => D.ι.app a.1 a.2
Function.Surjective ff := by
intro ff
let E := (forget C).mapCocone D
let hE : IsColimit E := isColimitOfPreserves _ hD
let G := Types.colimitCocone.{v, v} (F ⋙ forget C)
let hG := Types.colimitCoconeIsColimit.{v, v} (F ⋙ forget C)
let T : E ≅ G := hE.uniqueUpToIso hG
let TX : ≅ := (Cocones.forget _).mapIso T
suffices Function.Surjective (TX.hom ∘ ff) by
intro a
obtain ⟨b, hb⟩ := this (TX.hom a)
refine' ⟨b, _⟩
apply_fun TX.inv at hb
change (TX.hom ≫ TX.inv) (ff b) = (TX.hom ≫ TX.inv) _ at hb
simpa only [TX.hom_inv_id] using hb
have : TX.hom ∘ ff = fun a => G.ι.app a.1 a.2 := by
ext a
change (E.ι.app a.1 ≫ hE.desc G) a.2 = _
rw [hE.fac]
rw [this]
rintro ⟨⟨j, a⟩⟩
exact ⟨⟨j, a⟩, rfl⟩
intro ff x
let E : Cocone (F ⋙ forget C) := (forget C).mapCocone D
let hE : IsColimit E := isColimitOfPreserves (forget C) hD
obtain ⟨j, y, hy⟩ := Types.jointly_surjective_of_isColimit hE x
exact ⟨⟨j, y⟩, hy⟩
#align category_theory.limits.concrete.from_union_surjective_of_is_colimit CategoryTheory.Limits.Concrete.from_union_surjective_of_isColimit

theorem Concrete.isColimit_exists_rep {D : Cocone F} (hD : IsColimit D) (x : :
Expand All @@ -98,92 +84,55 @@ theorem Concrete.colimit_exists_rep [HasColimit F] (x : ↑(colimit F)) :
Concrete.isColimit_exists_rep F (colimit.isColimit _) x
#align category_theory.limits.concrete.colimit_exists_rep CategoryTheory.Limits.Concrete.colimit_exists_rep

theorem Concrete.isColimit_rep_eq_of_exists {D : Cocone F} {i j : J} (hD : IsColimit D)
(x : F.obj i) (y : F.obj j) (h : ∃ (k : _) (f : i ⟶ k) (g : j ⟶ k), f x = g y) :
theorem Concrete.isColimit_rep_eq_of_exists {D : Cocone F} {i j : J} (x : F.obj i) (y : F.obj j)
(h : ∃ (k : _) (f : i ⟶ k) (g : j ⟶ k), f x = g y) :
D.ι.app i x = D.ι.app j y := by
let E := (forget C).mapCocone D
let hE : IsColimit E := isColimitOfPreserves _ hD
let G := Types.colimitCocone.{v, v} (F ⋙ forget C)
let hG := Types.colimitCoconeIsColimit.{v, v} (F ⋙ forget C)
let T : E ≅ G := hE.uniqueUpToIso hG
let TX : ≅ := (Cocones.forget _).mapIso T
apply_fun TX.hom using injective_of_mono TX.hom
change (E.ι.app i ≫ TX.hom) x = (E.ι.app j ≫ TX.hom) y
erw [T.hom.w, T.hom.w]
obtain ⟨k, f, g, h⟩ := h
have : G.ι.app i x = (G.ι.app k ( f x) : := Quot.sound ⟨f, rfl⟩
rw [this, h]
exact Quot.sound ⟨g, rfl⟩
obtain ⟨k, f, g, (hfg : (F ⋙ forget C).map f x = g y)⟩ := h
let h1 : (F ⋙ forget C).map f ≫ E.ι.app k = E.ι.app i := E.ι.naturality f
let h2 : (F ⋙ forget C).map g ≫ E.ι.app k = E.ι.app j := E.ι.naturality g
show E.ι.app i x = E.ι.app j y
rw [← h1, types_comp_apply, hfg]
exact congrFun h2 y
#align category_theory.limits.concrete.is_colimit_rep_eq_of_exists CategoryTheory.Limits.Concrete.isColimit_rep_eq_of_exists

theorem Concrete.colimit_rep_eq_of_exists [HasColimit F] {i j : J} (x : F.obj i) (y : F.obj j)
(h : ∃ (k : _) (f : i ⟶ k) (g : j ⟶ k), f x = g y) :
colimit.ι F i x = colimit.ι F j y :=
Concrete.isColimit_rep_eq_of_exists F (colimit.isColimit _) x y h
Concrete.isColimit_rep_eq_of_exists F x y h
#align category_theory.limits.concrete.colimit_rep_eq_of_exists CategoryTheory.Limits.Concrete.colimit_rep_eq_of_exists


section FilteredColimits

variable [IsFiltered J]
variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C] [ConcreteCategory.{max t w} C] {J : Type w} [Category.{r} J]
(F : J ⥤ C) [PreservesColimit F (forget C)] [IsFiltered J]

theorem Concrete.isColimit_exists_of_rep_eq {D : Cocone F} {i j : J} (hD : IsColimit D)
(x : F.obj i) (y : F.obj j) (h : D.ι.app _ x = D.ι.app _ y) :
∃ (k : _) (f : i ⟶ k) (g : j ⟶ k), f x = g y := by
let E := (forget C).mapCocone D
let hE : IsColimit E := isColimitOfPreserves _ hD
let G := Types.colimitCocone.{v, v} (F ⋙ forget C)
let hG := Types.colimitCoconeIsColimit.{v, v} (F ⋙ forget C)
let T : E ≅ G := hE.uniqueUpToIso hG
let TX : ≅ := (Cocones.forget _).mapIso T
apply_fun TX.hom at h
change (E.ι.app i ≫ TX.hom) x = (E.ι.app j ≫ TX.hom) y at h
erw [T.hom.w, T.hom.w] at h
replace h := Quot.exact _ h
∀ (a b : Σj, F.obj j) (_ : EqvGen (Limits.Types.Quot.Rel.{v, v} (F ⋙ forget C)) a b),
∃ (k : _) (f : a.1 ⟶ k) (g : b.1 ⟶ k), f a.2 = g b.2
by exact this ⟨i, x⟩ ⟨j, y⟩ h
intro a b h
induction h with
| rel x y hh =>
obtain ⟨e, he⟩ := hh
use y.1, e, 𝟙 _
simpa using he.symm
| refl x =>
exact ⟨x.1, 𝟙 _, 𝟙 _, rfl⟩
| symm x y _ hh =>
obtain ⟨k, f, g, hh⟩ := hh
exact ⟨k, g, f, hh.symm⟩
| trans x y z _ _ hh1 hh2 =>
obtain ⟨k1, f1, g1, h1⟩ := hh1
obtain ⟨k2, f2, g2, h2⟩ := hh2
let k0 : J := IsFiltered.max k1 k2
let e1 : k1 ⟶ k0 := IsFiltered.leftToMax _ _
let e2 : k2 ⟶ k0 := IsFiltered.rightToMax _ _
let k : J := IsFiltered.coeq (g1 ≫ e1) (f2 ≫ e2)
let e : k0 ⟶ k := IsFiltered.coeqHom _ _
use k, f1 ≫ e1 ≫ e, g2 ≫ e2 ≫ e
simp only [F.map_comp, comp_apply, h1, ← h2]
simp only [← comp_apply, ← F.map_comp]
rw [IsFiltered.coeq_condition]
exact (Types.FilteredColimit.isColimit_eq_iff.{w, t, r} (F ⋙ forget C) hE).mp h
#align category_theory.limits.concrete.is_colimit_exists_of_rep_eq CategoryTheory.Limits.Concrete.isColimit_exists_of_rep_eq

theorem Concrete.isColimit_rep_eq_iff_exists {D : Cocone F} {i j : J} (hD : IsColimit D)
(x : F.obj i) (y : F.obj j) :
D.ι.app i x = D.ι.app j y ↔ ∃ (k : _) (f : i ⟶ k) (g : j ⟶ k), f x = g y :=
⟨Concrete.isColimit_exists_of_rep_eq _ hD _ _, Concrete.isColimit_rep_eq_of_exists _ hD _ _⟩
⟨Concrete.isColimit_exists_of_rep_eq.{t} _ hD _ _,
Concrete.isColimit_rep_eq_of_exists _ _ _⟩
#align category_theory.limits.concrete.is_colimit_rep_eq_iff_exists CategoryTheory.Limits.Concrete.isColimit_rep_eq_iff_exists

theorem Concrete.colimit_exists_of_rep_eq [HasColimit F] {i j : J} (x : F.obj i) (y : F.obj j)
(h : colimit.ι F _ x = colimit.ι F _ y) :
∃ (k : _) (f : i ⟶ k) (g : j ⟶ k), f x = g y :=
Concrete.isColimit_exists_of_rep_eq F (colimit.isColimit _) x y h
Concrete.isColimit_exists_of_rep_eq.{t} F (colimit.isColimit _) x y h
#align category_theory.limits.concrete.colimit_exists_of_rep_eq CategoryTheory.Limits.Concrete.colimit_exists_of_rep_eq

theorem Concrete.colimit_rep_eq_iff_exists [HasColimit F] {i j : J} (x : F.obj i) (y : F.obj j) :
colimit.ι F i x = colimit.ι F j y ↔ ∃ (k : _) (f : i ⟶ k) (g : j ⟶ k), f x = g y :=
⟨Concrete.colimit_exists_of_rep_eq _ _ _, Concrete.colimit_rep_eq_of_exists _ _ _⟩
⟨Concrete.colimit_exists_of_rep_eq.{t} _ _ _, Concrete.colimit_rep_eq_of_exists _ _ _⟩
#align category_theory.limits.concrete.colimit_rep_eq_iff_exists CategoryTheory.Limits.Concrete.colimit_rep_eq_iff_exists

end FilteredColimits
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/ConcreteSheafification.lean
Expand Up @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ theorem eq_mk_iff_exists {X : C} {P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D} {S T : J.Cover X} (x : Meq
mk x = mk y ↔ ∃ (W : J.Cover X) (h1 : W ⟶ S) (h2 : W ⟶ T), x.refine h1 = y.refine h2 := by
· intro h
obtain ⟨W, h1, h2, hh⟩ := Concrete.colimit_exists_of_rep_eq _ _ _ h
obtain ⟨W, h1, h2, hh⟩ := Concrete.colimit_exists_of_rep_eq.{u} _ _ _ h
use W.unop, h1.unop, h2.unop
ext I
apply_fun Multiequalizer.ι (W.unop.index P) I at hh
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