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urkud committed Jan 23, 2024
1 parent a7e95e3 commit 7d47bfc
Showing 1 changed file with 6 additions and 76 deletions.
82 changes: 6 additions & 76 deletions Mathlib/Data/List/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2491,83 +2491,13 @@ theorem foldlRecOn_nil {C : β → Sort*} (op : β → α → β) (b) (hb : C b)
#align list.foldl_rec_on_nil List.foldlRecOn_nil

private lemma append_singleton_append_mem_left_of_length_lt {x₁ x₂ z₁ z₂ : List α} {a₁ a₂ : α}
(together : x₁ ++ [a₁] ++ z₁ = x₂ ++ [a₂] ++ z₂) (longer : x₂.length < x₁.length) :
a₂ ∈ x₁ := by
have middle := congr_fun (congr_arg get? together) x₂.length
rw [
append_assoc x₂,
get?_append_right x₂.length.le_refl,
append_assoc x₁,
get?_append longer,
] at middle
exact get?_mem middle

private lemma lt_iff_gt_of_add_eq_add

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eric-wieser Jan 24, 2024


This lemma looks possibly useful; do you think it's worth having in another PR @urkud?

{M : Type*} [LinearOrderedAddCommMonoid M] [CovariantClass M M (· + ·) (· < ·)]
{a b c d : M} (total : a + b = c + d) :
a < c ↔ d < b := by
lemma append_cons_inj_of_nmem {x₁ x₂ z₁ z₂ : List α} {a b : α}
(notin_x : b ∉ x₁) (notin_z : b ∉ z₁) :
x₁ ++ a::z₁ = x₂ ++ b::z₂ ↔ x₁ = x₂ ∧ a = b ∧ z₁ = z₂ := by
· intro hac
by_contra contr
rw [not_lt] at contr
exact (add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le hac contr).ne total
· intro hbd
by_contra contr
rw [not_lt] at contr
rw [add_comm a b, add_comm c d] at total
exact (add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le hbd contr).ne total.symm

/- Also works:
private lemma lt_iff_gt_of_add_eq_add' {M : Type*} [LinearOrderedSemiring M]
{a b c d : M} (total : a + b = c + d) :
a < c ↔ d < b :=
lt_iff_gt_of_add_eq_add total-/

lemma append_singleton_append_inj_of_nmem {x₁ x₂ z₁ z₂ : List α} {a₁ a₂ : α}
(notin_x : a₂ ∉ x₁) (notin_z : a₂ ∉ z₁) :
x₁ ++ [a₁] ++ z₁ = x₂ ++ [a₂] ++ z₂ ↔ x₁ = x₂ ∧ a₁ = a₂ ∧ z₁ = z₂ := by
· intro together
have xlens : x₁.length = x₂.length
· have not_gt : ¬ x₁.length > x₂.length
· intro contra_gt
apply notin_x
exact append_singleton_append_mem_left_of_length_lt together contra_gt
have not_lt : ¬ x₁.length < x₂.length
· intro contra_lt
apply notin_z
have reversed := congr_arg reverse together
rw [reverse_append, reverse_append, reverse_append, reverse_append,
reverse_singleton, reverse_singleton, ← append_assoc, ← append_assoc] at reversed
rw [← mem_reverse]
apply append_singleton_append_mem_left_of_length_lt reversed
rw [length_reverse, length_reverse]
have total := congr_arg length together
rw [length_append, length_append, length_append, length_append,
length_singleton, length_singleton] at total
rw [← lt_iff_gt_of_add_eq_add total]
exact Nat.add_lt_add_right contra_lt 1
rw [Nat.not_lt] at not_gt not_lt
exact Nat.le_antisymm not_gt not_lt
· rw [append_assoc, append_assoc] at together
convert congr_arg (take x₁.length) together
· rw [take_left]
· rw [xlens, take_left]
· have chopped := congr_arg (drop x₁.length) together
rw [append_assoc, append_assoc, drop_left, xlens, drop_left] at chopped
convert congr_arg head? chopped
· convert congr_arg (drop x₁.length.succ) together
· rw [drop_left']
rw [length_append, length_singleton]
· rw [xlens, drop_left']
rw [length_append, length_singleton]
· simp only [append_eq_append_iff, cons_eq_append, cons_eq_cons]
rintro (⟨c, rfl, ⟨rfl, rfl, rfl⟩ | ⟨d, rfl, rfl⟩⟩ |
⟨c, rfl, ⟨rfl, rfl, rfl⟩ | ⟨d, rfl, rfl⟩⟩) <;> simp_all
· rintro ⟨rfl, rfl, rfl⟩

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