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feat: port Topology.Algebra.ValuedField (#3511)
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Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
Co-authored-by: int-y1 <>
Co-authored-by: Jujian Zhang <>
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4 people committed Jun 1, 2023
1 parent c34b1e7 commit 7e0afc1
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Showing 2 changed files with 375 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -2433,6 +2433,7 @@ import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.UniformGroup
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.UniformMulAction
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.UniformRing
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.Valuation
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.ValuedField
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.WithZeroTopology
import Mathlib.Topology.Bases
import Mathlib.Topology.Basic
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374 changes: 374 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Topology/Algebra/ValuedField.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Patrick Massot. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Patrick Massot
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module topology.algebra.valued_field
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 3e0c4d76b6ebe9dfafb67d16f7286d2731ed6064
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.Valuation
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.WithZeroTopology
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.UniformField

# Valued fields and their completions
In this file we study the topology of a field `K` endowed with a valuation (in our application
to adic spaces, `K` will be the valuation field associated to some valuation on a ring, defined in
We already know from valuation.topology that one can build a topology on `K` which
makes it a topological ring.
The first goal is to show `K` is a topological *field*, ie inversion is continuous
at every non-zero element.
The next goal is to prove `K` is a *completable* topological field. This gives us
a completion `hat K` which is a topological field. We also prove that `K` is automatically
separated, so the map from `K` to `hat K` is injective.
Then we extend the valuation given on `K` to a valuation on `hat K`.

open Filter Set

open Topology

section DivisionRing

variable {K : Type _} [DivisionRing K] {Γ₀ : Type _} [LinearOrderedCommGroupWithZero Γ₀]

section ValuationTopologicalDivisionRing

section InversionEstimate

variable (v : Valuation K Γ₀)

-- The following is the main technical lemma ensuring that inversion is continuous
-- in the topology induced by a valuation on a division ring (ie the next instance)
-- and the fact that a valued field is completable
-- [BouAC, VI.5.1 Lemme 1]
theorem Valuation.inversion_estimate {x y : K} {γ : Γ₀ˣ} (y_ne : y ≠ 0)
(h : v (x - y) < min (γ * (v y * v y)) (v y)) : v (x⁻¹ - y⁻¹) < γ := by
have hyp1 : v (x - y) < γ * (v y * v y) := lt_of_lt_of_le h (min_le_left _ _)
have hyp1' : v (x - y) * (v y * v y)⁻¹ < γ := mul_inv_lt_of_lt_mul₀ hyp1
have hyp2 : v (x - y) < v y := lt_of_lt_of_le h (min_le_right _ _)
have key : v x = v y := Valuation.map_eq_of_sub_lt v hyp2
have x_ne : x ≠ 0 := by
intro h
apply y_ne
rw [h, v.map_zero] at key
exact v.zero_iff.1 key.symm
have decomp : x⁻¹ - y⁻¹ = x⁻¹ * (y - x) * y⁻¹ := by
rw [mul_sub_left_distrib, sub_mul, mul_assoc, show y * y⁻¹ = 1 from mul_inv_cancel y_ne,
show x⁻¹ * x = 1 from inv_mul_cancel x_ne, mul_one, one_mul]
v (x⁻¹ - y⁻¹) = v (x⁻¹ * (y - x) * y⁻¹) := by rw [decomp]
_ = v x⁻¹ * (v <| y - x) * v y⁻¹ := by repeat' rw [Valuation.map_mul]
_ = (v x)⁻¹ * (v <| y - x) * (v y)⁻¹ := by rw [map_inv₀, map_inv₀]
_ = (v <| y - x) * (v y * v y)⁻¹ := by rw [mul_assoc, mul_comm, key, mul_assoc, mul_inv_rev]
_ = (v <| y - x) * (v y * v y)⁻¹ := rfl
_ = (v <| x - y) * (v y * v y)⁻¹ := by rw [Valuation.map_sub_swap]
_ < γ := hyp1'
#align valuation.inversion_estimate Valuation.inversion_estimate

end InversionEstimate

open Valued

/-- The topology coming from a valuation on a division ring makes it a topological division ring
[BouAC, VI.5.1 middle of Proposition 1] -/
instance (priority := 100) Valued.topologicalDivisionRing [Valued K Γ₀] :
TopologicalDivisionRing K :=
{ (by infer_instance : TopologicalRing K) with
continuousAt_inv₀ := by
intro x x_ne s s_in
cases' s_in with γ hs; clear s_in
rw [mem_map, Valued.mem_nhds]
change ∃ γ : Γ₀ˣ, { y : K | (v (y - x) : Γ₀) < γ } ⊆ { x : K | x⁻¹ ∈ s }
have vx_ne := (Valuation.ne_zero_iff <| v).mpr x_ne
let γ' := Units.mk0 _ vx_ne
use min (γ * (γ' * γ')) γ'
intro y y_in
apply hs
simp only [mem_setOf_eq] at y_in
rw [Units.min_val, Units.val_mul, Units.val_mul] at y_in
exact Valuation.inversion_estimate _ x_ne y_in }
#align valued.topological_division_ring Valued.topologicalDivisionRing

/-- A valued division ring is separated. -/
instance (priority := 100) ValuedRing.separated [Valued K Γ₀] : SeparatedSpace K := by
rw [separated_iff_t2]
apply TopologicalAddGroup.t2Space_of_zero_sep
intro x x_ne
refine' ⟨{ k | v k < v x }, _, fun h => lt_irrefl _ h⟩
rw [Valued.mem_nhds]
have vx_ne := (Valuation.ne_zero_iff <| v).mpr x_ne
let γ' := Units.mk0 _ vx_ne
exact ⟨γ', fun y hy => by simpa using hy⟩
#align valued_ring.separated ValuedRing.separated


open WithZeroTopology

open Valued

theorem Valued.continuous_valuation [Valued K Γ₀] : Continuous (v : K → Γ₀) := by
rw [continuous_iff_continuousAt]
intro x
rcases eq_or_ne x 0 with (rfl | h)
· rw [ContinuousAt, map_zero, WithZeroTopology.tendsto_zero]
intro γ hγ
rw [Filter.Eventually, Valued.mem_nhds_zero]
use Units.mk0 γ hγ; rfl
· have v_ne : (v x : Γ₀) ≠ 0 := (Valuation.ne_zero_iff _).mpr h
rw [ContinuousAt, WithZeroTopology.tendsto_of_ne_zero v_ne]
apply Valued.loc_const v_ne
#align valued.continuous_valuation Valued.continuous_valuation


end ValuationTopologicalDivisionRing

end DivisionRing

namespace Valued

open UniformSpace

variable {K : Type _} [Field K] {Γ₀ : Type _} [LinearOrderedCommGroupWithZero Γ₀] [hv : Valued K Γ₀]

--include hv

-- mathport name: exprhat
local notation "hat " => Completion

/-- A valued field is completable. -/
instance (priority := 100) completable : CompletableTopField K :=
{ ValuedRing.separated with
nice := by
rintro F hF h0
have : ∃ γ₀ : Γ₀ˣ, ∃ M ∈ F, ∀ x ∈ M, (γ₀ : Γ₀) ≤ v x := by
rcases h0 with ⟨U, U_in, M, M_in, H⟩
rcases U_in with ⟨γ₀, hU⟩
exists γ₀, M, M_in
intro x xM
apply le_of_not_lt _
intro hyp
have : x ∈ U ∩ M := ⟨hU hyp, xM⟩
rwa [H] at this
rcases this with ⟨γ₀, M₀, M₀_in, H₀⟩
rw [Valued.cauchy_iff] at hF⊢
refine' ⟨ _, _⟩
replace hF := hF.2
intro γ
rcases hF (min (γ * γ₀ * γ₀) γ₀) with ⟨M₁, M₁_in, H₁⟩
clear hF
use (fun x : K => x⁻¹) '' (M₀ ∩ M₁)
· rw [mem_map]
apply mem_of_superset (Filter.inter_mem M₀_in M₁_in)
exact subset_preimage_image _ _
· rintro _ ⟨x, ⟨x_in₀, x_in₁⟩, rfl⟩ _ ⟨y, ⟨y_in₀, y_in₁⟩, rfl⟩
simp only [mem_setOf_eq]
specialize H₁ x x_in₁ y y_in₁
replace x_in₀ := H₀ x x_in₀
replace := H₀ y y_in₀
clear H₀
apply Valuation.inversion_estimate
· have : (v x : Γ₀) ≠ 0 := by
intro h
rw [h] at x_in₀
simp at x_in₀
exact (Valuation.ne_zero_iff _).mp this
· refine' lt_of_lt_of_le H₁ _
rw [Units.min_val]
apply min_le_min _ x_in₀
rw [mul_assoc]
have : ((γ₀ * γ₀ : Γ₀ˣ) : Γ₀) ≤ v x * v x :=
↑γ₀ * ↑γ₀ ≤ ↑γ₀ * v x := mul_le_mul_left' x_in₀ ↑γ₀
_ ≤ _ := mul_le_mul_right' x_in₀ (v x)
rw [Units.val_mul]
exact mul_le_mul_left' this γ }
#align valued.completable Valued.completable

open WithZeroTopology

/-- The extension of the valuation of a valued field to the completion of the field. -/
noncomputable def extension : hat K → Γ₀ :=
Completion.denseInducing_coe.extend (v : K → Γ₀)
#align valued.extension Valued.extension

theorem continuous_extension : Continuous (Valued.extension : hat K → Γ₀) := by
refine' Completion.denseInducing_coe.continuous_extend _
intro x₀
rcases eq_or_ne x₀ 0 with (rfl | h)
· refine' ⟨0, _⟩
erw [← Completion.denseInducing_coe.toInducing.nhds_eq_comap]
exact Valued.continuous_valuation.tendsto' 0 0 (map_zero v)
· have preimage_one : v ⁻¹' {(1 : Γ₀)} ∈ 𝓝 (1 : K) := by
have : (v (1 : K) : Γ₀) ≠ 0 := by
rw [Valuation.map_one]
exact zero_ne_one.symm
convert Valued.loc_const this
ext x
rw [Valuation.map_one, mem_preimage, mem_singleton_iff, mem_setOf_eq]
obtain ⟨V, V_in, hV⟩ : ∃ V ∈ 𝓝 (1 : hat K), ∀ x : K, (x : hat K) ∈ V → (v x : Γ₀) = 1 := by
rwa [Completion.denseInducing_coe.nhds_eq_comap, mem_comap] at preimage_one
have : ∃ V' ∈ 𝓝 (1 : hat K), (0 : hat K) ∉ V' ∧ ∀ (x) (_ : x ∈ V') (y) (_ : y ∈ V'),
x * y⁻¹ ∈ V := by
have : Tendsto (fun p : hat K × hat K => p.1 * p.2⁻¹) ((𝓝 1) ×ˢ (𝓝 1)) (𝓝 1) := by
rw [← nhds_prod_eq]
conv =>
rw [← one_mul (1 : hat K)]
Tendsto.mul continuous_fst.continuousAt (Tendsto.comp _ continuous_snd.continuousAt)
convert continuousAt_inv₀ (zero_ne_one.symm : 1 ≠ (0 : hat K))
-- Porting note: Added `ContinuousAt._eq_1`
rw [ContinuousAt._eq_1, inv_one]
rcases this V V_in with ⟨U, U_in, hU⟩
let hatKstar := ({0}ᶜ : Set <| hat K)
have : hatKstar ∈ 𝓝 (1 : hat K) := compl_singleton_mem_nhds zero_ne_one.symm
use U ∩ hatKstar, Filter.inter_mem U_in this
· rintro ⟨_, h'⟩
rw [mem_compl_singleton_iff] at h'
exact h' rfl
· rintro x ⟨hx, _⟩ y ⟨hy, _⟩
apply hU <;> assumption
rcases this with ⟨V', V'_in, zeroV', hV'⟩
have nhds_right : (fun x => x * x₀) '' V' ∈ 𝓝 x₀ := by
have l : Function.LeftInverse (fun x : hat K => x * x₀⁻¹) fun x : hat K => x * x₀ := by
intro x
simp only [mul_assoc, mul_inv_cancel h, mul_one]
have r : Function.RightInverse (fun x : hat K => x * x₀⁻¹) fun x : hat K => x * x₀ := by
intro x
simp only [mul_assoc, inv_mul_cancel h, mul_one]
have c : Continuous fun x : hat K => x * x₀⁻¹ := continuous_id.mul continuous_const
rw [image_eq_preimage_of_inverse l r]
rw [← mul_inv_cancel h] at V'_in
exact c.continuousAt V'_in
have : ∃ z₀ : K, ∃ y₀ ∈ V', ↑z₀ = y₀ * x₀ ∧ z₀ ≠ 0 := by
rcases Completion.denseRange_coe.mem_nhds nhds_right with ⟨z₀, y₀, y₀_in, H : y₀ * x₀ = z₀⟩
refine' ⟨z₀, y₀, y₀_in, ⟨H.symm, _⟩⟩
rintro rfl
exact mul_ne_zero (ne_of_mem_of_not_mem y₀_in zeroV') h H
rcases this with ⟨z₀, y₀, y₀_in, hz₀, z₀_ne⟩
have vz₀_ne : (v z₀ : Γ₀) ≠ 0 := by rwa [Valuation.ne_zero_iff]
refine' ⟨v z₀, _⟩
rw [WithZeroTopology.tendsto_of_ne_zero vz₀_ne, eventually_comap]
filter_upwards [nhds_right]with x x_in a ha
rcases x_in with ⟨y, y_in, rfl⟩
have : (v (a * z₀⁻¹) : Γ₀) = 1 := by
apply hV
have : (z₀⁻¹ : K) = (z₀ : hat K)⁻¹ := map_inv₀ (Completion.coeRingHom : K →+* hat K) z₀
rw [Completion.coe_mul, this, ha, hz₀, mul_inv, mul_comm y₀⁻¹, ← mul_assoc, mul_assoc y,
mul_inv_cancel h, mul_one]
v a = v (a * z₀⁻¹ * z₀) := by rw [mul_assoc, inv_mul_cancel z₀_ne, mul_one]
_ = v (a * z₀⁻¹) * v z₀ := (Valuation.map_mul _ _ _)
_ = v z₀ := by rw [this, one_mul]
#align valued.continuous_extension Valued.continuous_extension

@[simp, norm_cast]
theorem extension_extends (x : K) : extension (x : hat K) = v x := by
refine' Completion.denseInducing_coe.extend_eq_of_tendsto _
rw [← Completion.denseInducing_coe.nhds_eq_comap]
exact Valued.continuous_valuation.continuousAt
#align valued.extension_extends Valued.extension_extends

/-- the extension of a valuation on a division ring to its completion. -/
noncomputable def extensionValuation : Valuation (hat K) Γ₀ where
toFun := Valued.extension
map_zero' := by
rw [← v.map_zero (R := K), ← Valued.extension_extends (0 : K)]
map_one' := by
rw [← Completion.coe_one, Valued.extension_extends (1 : K)]
exact Valuation.map_one _
map_mul' x y := by
apply Completion.induction_on₂ x y
(p := fun x y => extension (x * y) = extension x * extension y)
· have c1 : Continuous fun x : hat K × hat K => Valued.extension (x.1 * x.2) :=
Valued.continuous_extension.comp (continuous_fst.mul continuous_snd)
have c2 : Continuous fun x : hat K × hat K => Valued.extension x.1 * Valued.extension x.2 :=
(Valued.continuous_extension.comp continuous_fst).mul
(Valued.continuous_extension.comp continuous_snd)
exact isClosed_eq c1 c2
· intro x y
exact Valuation.map_mul _ _ _
map_add_le_max' x y := by
rw [le_max_iff]
apply Completion.induction_on₂ x y
(p := fun x y => extension (x + y) ≤ extension x ∨ extension (x + y) ≤ extension y)
· have cont : Continuous (Valued.extension : hat K → Γ₀) := Valued.continuous_extension
(isClosed_le (cont.comp continuous_add) <| cont.comp continuous_fst).union
(isClosed_le (cont.comp continuous_add) <| cont.comp continuous_snd)
· intro x y
rw [← le_max_iff]
exact v.map_add x y
#align valued.extension_valuation Valued.extensionValuation

-- Bourbaki CA VI §5 no.3 Proposition 5 (d)
theorem closure_coe_completion_v_lt {γ : Γ₀ˣ} :
closure ((↑) '' { x : K | v x < (γ : Γ₀) }) =
{ x : hat K | extensionValuation x < (γ : Γ₀) } := by
ext x
let γ₀ := extensionValuation x
suffices γ₀ ≠ 0 → (x ∈ closure ((↑) '' { x : K | v x < (γ : Γ₀) }) ↔ γ₀ < (γ : Γ₀)) by
cases' eq_or_ne γ₀ 0 with h h
· simp only [h, (Valuation.zero_iff _).mp h, mem_setOf_eq, Valuation.map_zero, Units.zero_lt,
apply subset_closure
exact ⟨0, by simp only [mem_setOf_eq, Valuation.map_zero, Units.zero_lt, true_and_iff]; rfl ⟩
· exact this h
intro h
have hγ₀ : extension ⁻¹' {γ₀} ∈ 𝓝 x :=
(WithZeroTopology.singleton_mem_nhds_of_ne_zero h)
rw [mem_closure_iff_nhds']
refine' ⟨fun hx => _, fun hx s hs => _⟩
· obtain ⟨⟨-, y, hy₁ : v y < (γ : Γ₀), rfl⟩, hy₂⟩ := hx _ hγ₀
replace hy₂ : v y = γ₀
· simpa using hy₂
rwa [← hy₂]
· obtain ⟨y, hy₁, hy₂⟩ := Completion.denseRange_coe.mem_nhds (inter_mem hγ₀ hs)
replace hy₁ : v y = γ₀
· simpa using hy₁
rw [← hy₁] at hx
exact ⟨⟨y, ⟨y, hx, rfl⟩⟩, hy₂⟩
#align valued.closure_coe_completion_v_lt Valued.closure_coe_completion_v_lt

noncomputable instance valuedCompletion : Valued (hat K) Γ₀ where
v := extensionValuation
is_topological_valuation s := by
HasBasis (𝓝 (0 : hat K)) (fun _ => True) fun γ : Γ₀ˣ => { x | extensionValuation x < γ } by
rw [this.mem_iff]
exact exists_congr fun γ => by simp
simp_rw [← closure_coe_completion_v_lt]
exact (hasBasis_nhds_zero K Γ₀).hasBasis_of_denseInducing Completion.denseInducing_coe
#align valued.valued_completion Valued.valuedCompletion

-- Porting note: removed @[norm_cast] attribute due to error:
-- norm_cast: badly shaped lemma, rhs can't start with coe
theorem valuedCompletion_apply (x : K) : Valued.v (x : hat K) = v x :=
extension_extends x
#align valued.valued_completion_apply Valued.valuedCompletion_apply

end Valued

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