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feat: port Analysis.BoxIntegral.Partition.Measure (#4611)
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Co-authored-by: Yury G. Kudryashov <>
Co-authored-by: Jeremy Tan Jie Rui <>
Co-authored-by: Parcly Taxel <>
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3 people committed Jun 5, 2023
1 parent 20cb2f3 commit 84b0637
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Showing 2 changed files with 159 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -431,6 +431,7 @@ import Mathlib.Analysis.BoxIntegral.Box.SubboxInduction
import Mathlib.Analysis.BoxIntegral.Partition.Additive
import Mathlib.Analysis.BoxIntegral.Partition.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.BoxIntegral.Partition.Filter
import Mathlib.Analysis.BoxIntegral.Partition.Measure
import Mathlib.Analysis.BoxIntegral.Partition.Split
import Mathlib.Analysis.BoxIntegral.Partition.SubboxInduction
import Mathlib.Analysis.BoxIntegral.Partition.Tagged
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158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/BoxIntegral/Partition/Measure.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Yury Kudryashov. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yury Kudryashov
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module analysis.box_integral.partition.measure
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit fd5edc43dc4f10b85abfe544b88f82cf13c5f844
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Analysis.BoxIntegral.Partition.Additive
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Measure.Lebesgue.Basic

# Box-additive functions defined by measures
In this file we prove a few simple facts about rectangular boxes, partitions, and measures:
- given a box `I : Box ι`, its coercion to `Set (ι → ℝ)` and `I.Icc` are measurable sets;
- if `μ` is a locally finite measure, then `(I : Set (ι → ℝ))` and `I.Icc` have finite measure;
- if `μ` is a locally finite measure, then `fun J ↦ (μ J).toReal` is a box additive function.
For the last statement, we both prove it as a proposition and define a bundled
`BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap` function.
### Tags
rectangular box, measure

open Set

noncomputable section

open scoped ENNReal BigOperators Classical BoxIntegral

variable {ι : Type _}

namespace BoxIntegral

open MeasureTheory

namespace Box

variable (I : Box ι)

theorem measure_Icc_lt_top (μ : Measure (ι → ℝ)) [IsLocallyFiniteMeasure μ] : μ (Box.Icc I) < ∞ :=
show μ (Icc I.lower I.upper) < ∞ from I.isCompact_Icc.measure_lt_top
#align BoxIntegral.Box.measure_Icc_lt_top

theorem measure_coe_lt_top (μ : Measure (ι → ℝ)) [IsLocallyFiniteMeasure μ] : μ I < ∞ :=
(measure_mono <| coe_subset_Icc).trans_lt (I.measure_Icc_lt_top μ)
#align BoxIntegral.Box.measure_coe_lt_top

section Countable

variable [Countable ι]

theorem measurableSet_coe : MeasurableSet (I : Set (ι → ℝ)) := by
rw [coe_eq_pi]
exact MeasurableSet.univ_pi fun i => measurableSet_Ioc
#align BoxIntegral.Box.measurableSet_coe

theorem measurableSet_Icc : MeasurableSet (Box.Icc I) :=
#align BoxIntegral.Box.measurableSet_Icc

theorem measurableSet_Ioo : MeasurableSet (Box.Ioo I) :=
MeasurableSet.univ_pi fun _ => _root_.measurableSet_Ioo
#align BoxIntegral.Box.measurableSet_Ioo

end Countable

variable [Fintype ι]

theorem coe_ae_eq_Icc : (I : Set (ι → ℝ)) =ᵐ[volume] Box.Icc I := by
rw [coe_eq_pi]
exact Measure.univ_pi_Ioc_ae_eq_Icc
#align BoxIntegral.Box.coe_ae_eq_Icc

theorem Ioo_ae_eq_Icc : Box.Ioo I =ᵐ[volume] Box.Icc I :=
#align BoxIntegral.Box.Ioo_ae_eq_Icc

end Box

theorem Prepartition.measure_iUnion_toReal [Finite ι] {I : Box ι} (π : Prepartition I)
(μ : Measure (ι → ℝ)) [IsLocallyFiniteMeasure μ] :
(μ π.iUnion).toReal = ∑ J in π.boxes, (μ J).toReal := by
erw [← ENNReal.toReal_sum, π.iUnion_def, measure_biUnion_finset π.PairwiseDisjoint]
exacts [fun J _ => J.measurableSet_coe, fun J _ => (J.measure_coe_lt_top μ).ne]
#align box_integral.prepartition.measure_Union_to_real BoxIntegral.Prepartition.measure_iUnion_toReal

end BoxIntegral

open BoxIntegral BoxIntegral.Box

variable [Fintype ι]

namespace MeasureTheory

namespace Measure

/-- If `μ` is a locally finite measure on `ℝⁿ`, then `fun J ↦ (μ J).toReal` is a box-additive
function. -/
def toBoxAdditive (μ : Measure (ι → ℝ)) [IsLocallyFiniteMeasure μ] : ι →ᵇᵃ[⊤] ℝ where
toFun J := (μ J).toReal
sum_partition_boxes' J _ π hπ := by rw [← π.measure_iUnion_toReal, hπ.iUnion_eq]
#align measure_theory.measure.to_box_additive MeasureTheory.Measure.toBoxAdditive

end Measure

end MeasureTheory

namespace BoxIntegral

open MeasureTheory

namespace Box

-- @[simp] -- Porting note: simp normal form is `volume_apply'`
theorem volume_apply (I : Box ι) :
(volume : Measure (ι → ℝ)).toBoxAdditive I = ∏ i, (I.upper i - I.lower i) := by
rw [Measure.toBoxAdditive_apply, coe_eq_pi, Real.volume_pi_Ioc_toReal I.lower_le_upper]
#align BoxIntegral.Box.volume_apply

theorem volume_apply' (I : Box ι) :
((volume : Measure (ι → ℝ)) I).toReal = ∏ i, (I.upper i - I.lower i) := by
rw [coe_eq_pi, Real.volume_pi_Ioc_toReal I.lower_le_upper]

theorem volume_face_mul {n} (i : Fin (n + 1)) (I : Box (Fin (n + 1))) :
(∏ j, ((I.face i).upper j - (I.face i).lower j)) * (I.upper i - I.lower i) =
∏ j, (I.upper j - I.lower j) := by
simp only [face_lower, face_upper, (· ∘ ·), Fin.prod_univ_succAbove _ i, mul_comm]
#align BoxIntegral.Box.volume_face_mul

end Box

namespace BoxAdditiveMap

/-- Box-additive map sending each box `I` to the continuous linear endomorphism
`x ↦ (volume I).toReal • x`. -/
protected def volume {E : Type _} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace ℝ E] : ι →ᵇᵃ E →L[ℝ] E :=
(volume : Measure (ι → ℝ)).toBoxAdditive.toSMul
#align box_integral.box_additive_map.volume BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap.volume

theorem volume_apply {E : Type _} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace ℝ E] (I : Box ι) (x : E) :
BoxAdditiveMap.volume I x = (∏ j, (I.upper j - I.lower j)) • x := by
rw [BoxAdditiveMap.volume, toSMul_apply]
exact congr_arg₂ (· • ·) I.volume_apply rfl
#align box_integral.box_additive_map.volume_apply BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap.volume_apply

end BoxAdditiveMap

end BoxIntegral

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