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chore(Perm/List): golf, review API (#12302)
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- add `mem_or_mem_of_zipWith_swap_prod_ne`, a version of `zipWith_swap_prod_support'` without any `Finset`s;
- move it and related lemmas up, use them to golf lemmas about `	formPerm`;
- convert explicit -> implicit arguments here and there;
- `formPerm_reverse` doesn't need `Nodup`
  • Loading branch information
urkud committed Apr 24, 2024
1 parent 60b4825 commit 8656fa6
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Showing 4 changed files with 69 additions and 105 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/GroupTheory/Perm/Cycle/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ variable [DecidableEq α] [Fintype α]
theorem exists_cycleOn (s : Finset α) :
∃ f : Perm α, f.IsCycleOn s ∧ ⊆ s := by
refine ⟨s.toList.formPerm, ?_, fun x hx => by
simpa using List.mem_of_formPerm_apply_ne _ _ (Perm.mem_support.1 hx)⟩
simpa using List.mem_of_formPerm_apply_ne (Perm.mem_support.1 hx)⟩
convert s.nodup_toList.isCycleOn_formPerm
#align finset.exists_cycle_on Finset.exists_cycleOn
Expand All @@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ theorem Countable.exists_cycleOn (hs : s.Countable) :
obtain hs' | hs' := s.finite_or_infinite
· refine ⟨hs'.toFinset.toList.formPerm, ?_, fun x hx => by
simpa using List.mem_of_formPerm_apply_ne _ _ hx⟩
simpa using List.mem_of_formPerm_apply_ne hx⟩
convert hs'.toFinset.nodup_toList.isCycleOn_formPerm
· haveI := hs.to_subtype
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/GroupTheory/Perm/Cycle/Concrete.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ theorem formPerm_apply_mem_eq_next (s : Cycle α) (h : Nodup s) (x : α) (hx : x
nonrec theorem formPerm_reverse (s : Cycle α) (h : Nodup s) :
formPerm s.reverse (nodup_reverse_iff.mpr h) = (formPerm s h)⁻¹ := by
induction s using Quot.inductionOn
simpa using formPerm_reverse _ h
simpa using formPerm_reverse _
#align cycle.form_perm_reverse Cycle.formPerm_reverse

nonrec theorem formPerm_eq_formPerm_iff {α : Type*} [DecidableEq α] {s s' : Cycle α} {hs : s.Nodup}
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164 changes: 62 additions & 102 deletions Mathlib/GroupTheory/Perm/List.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,55 +68,73 @@ theorem formPerm_pair (x y : α) : formPerm [x, y] = swap x y :=
#align list.form_perm_pair List.formPerm_pair

variable {l} {x : α}
theorem mem_or_mem_of_zipWith_swap_prod_ne : ∀ {l l' : List α} {x : α},
(zipWith swap l l').prod x ≠ x → x ∈ l ∨ x ∈ l'
| [], _, _ => by simp
| _, [], _ => by simp
| a::l, b::l', x => fun hx ↦
if h : (zipWith swap l l').prod x = x then
(eq_or_eq_of_swap_apply_ne_self (by simpa [h] using hx)).imp
(by rintro rfl; exact .head _) (by rintro rfl; exact .head _)
(mem_or_mem_of_zipWith_swap_prod_ne h).imp (.tail _) (.tail _)

theorem formPerm_apply_of_not_mem (x : α) (l : List α) (h : x ∉ l) : formPerm l x = x := by
cases' l with y l
· simp
induction' l with z l IH generalizing x y
· simp
· specialize IH x z (mt (mem_cons_of_mem y) h)
simp only [not_or, mem_cons] at h
simp [IH, swap_apply_of_ne_of_ne, h]
#align list.form_perm_apply_of_not_mem List.formPerm_apply_of_not_mem
theorem zipWith_swap_prod_support' (l l' : List α) :
{ x | (zipWith swap l l').prod x ≠ x } ≤ l.toFinset ⊔ l'.toFinset := fun _ h ↦ by
simpa using mem_or_mem_of_zipWith_swap_prod_ne h
#align list.zip_with_swap_prod_support' List.zipWith_swap_prod_support'

theorem mem_of_formPerm_apply_ne (x : α) (l : List α) : l.formPerm x ≠ x → x ∈ l :=
not_imp_comm.2 <| List.formPerm_apply_of_not_mem _ _
theorem zipWith_swap_prod_support [Fintype α] (l l' : List α) :
(zipWith swap l l') ≤ l.toFinset ⊔ l'.toFinset := by
intro x hx
have hx' : x ∈ { x | (zipWith swap l l').prod x ≠ x } := by simpa using hx
simpa using zipWith_swap_prod_support' _ _ hx'
#align list.zip_with_swap_prod_support List.zipWith_swap_prod_support

theorem support_formPerm_le' : { x | formPerm l x ≠ x } ≤ l.toFinset := by
refine' (zipWith_swap_prod_support' l l.tail).trans _
simpa [Finset.subset_iff] using tail_subset l
#align list.support_form_perm_le' List.support_formPerm_le'

theorem support_formPerm_le [Fintype α] : support (formPerm l) ≤ l.toFinset := by
intro x hx
have hx' : x ∈ { x | formPerm l x ≠ x } := by simpa using hx
simpa using support_formPerm_le' _ hx'
#align list.support_form_perm_le List.support_formPerm_le

variable {l} {x : α}

theorem mem_of_formPerm_apply_ne (h : l.formPerm x ≠ x) : x ∈ l := by
simpa [or_iff_left_of_imp mem_of_mem_tail] using mem_or_mem_of_zipWith_swap_prod_ne h
#align list.mem_of_form_perm_apply_ne List.mem_of_formPerm_apply_ne

theorem formPerm_apply_mem_of_mem (x : α) (l : List α) (h : x ∈ l) : formPerm l x ∈ l := by
theorem formPerm_apply_of_not_mem (h : x ∉ l) : formPerm l x = x :=
not_imp_comm.1 mem_of_formPerm_apply_ne h
#align list.form_perm_apply_of_not_mem List.formPerm_apply_of_not_mem

theorem formPerm_apply_mem_of_mem (h : x ∈ l) : formPerm l x ∈ l := by
cases' l with y l
· simp at h
induction' l with z l IH generalizing x y
· simpa using h
· by_cases hx : x ∈ z :: l
· rw [formPerm_cons_cons, mul_apply, swap_apply_def]
· simp [IH _ _ hx]
· simp [IH _ hx]
· simp
· simp [*]
· replace h : x = y := Or.resolve_right (mem_cons.1 h) hx
simp [formPerm_apply_of_not_mem _ _ hx, ← h]
simp [formPerm_apply_of_not_mem hx, ← h]
#align list.form_perm_apply_mem_of_mem List.formPerm_apply_mem_of_mem

theorem mem_of_formPerm_apply_mem (x : α) (l : List α) (h : l.formPerm x ∈ l) : x ∈ l := by
cases' l with y l
· simp at h
induction' l with z l IH generalizing x y
· simpa using h
· by_cases hx : (z :: l).formPerm x ∈ z :: l
· rw [List.formPerm_cons_cons, mul_apply, swap_apply_def] at h
split_ifs at h <;> aesop
· replace hx :=
(Function.Injective.eq_iff (Equiv.injective _)).mp (List.formPerm_apply_of_not_mem _ _ hx)
simp only [List.formPerm_cons_cons, hx, Equiv.Perm.coe_mul, Function.comp_apply,
List.mem_cons, swap_apply_def, ite_eq_left_iff] at h
simp only [List.mem_cons]
rcases h with h | h | h <;> split_ifs at h with h1 <;> try { aesop }
theorem mem_of_formPerm_apply_mem (h : l.formPerm x ∈ l) : x ∈ l := by
contrapose h
rwa [formPerm_apply_of_not_mem h]
#align list.mem_of_form_perm_apply_mem List.mem_of_formPerm_apply_mem

theorem formPerm_mem_iff_mem : l.formPerm x ∈ l ↔ x ∈ l :=
⟨l.mem_of_formPerm_apply_mem x, l.formPerm_apply_mem_of_mem x
⟨l.mem_of_formPerm_apply_mem, l.formPerm_apply_mem_of_mem⟩
#align list.form_perm_mem_iff_mem List.formPerm_mem_iff_mem

Expand All @@ -141,7 +159,7 @@ theorem formPerm_apply_nthLe_length (x : α) (xs : List α) :
#align list.form_perm_apply_nth_le_length List.formPerm_apply_nthLe_length

theorem formPerm_apply_head (x y : α) (xs : List α) (h : Nodup (x :: y :: xs)) :
formPerm (x :: y :: xs) x = y := by simp [formPerm_apply_of_not_mem _ _ h.not_mem]
formPerm (x :: y :: xs) x = y := by simp [formPerm_apply_of_not_mem h.not_mem]
#align list.form_perm_apply_head List.formPerm_apply_head

set_option linter.deprecated false in
Expand All @@ -160,49 +178,6 @@ theorem formPerm_eq_head_iff_eq_getLast (x y : α) :
Iff.trans (by rw [formPerm_apply_getLast]) (formPerm (y :: l)).injective.eq_iff
#align list.form_perm_eq_head_iff_eq_last List.formPerm_eq_head_iff_eq_getLast

theorem zipWith_swap_prod_support' (l l' : List α) :
{ x | (zipWith swap l l').prod x ≠ x } ≤ l.toFinset ⊔ l'.toFinset := by
simp only [Set.sup_eq_union, Set.le_eq_subset]
induction' l with y l hl generalizing l'
· simp
· cases' l' with z l'
· simp
· intro x
simp only [Set.union_subset_iff, mem_cons, zipWith_cons_cons, foldr, prod_cons,
intro hx
by_cases h : x ∈ { x | (zipWith swap l l').prod x ≠ x }
· specialize hl l' h
simp only [ge_iff_le, Finset.le_eq_subset, Finset.sup_eq_union, Finset.coe_union,
coe_toFinset, Set.mem_union, Set.mem_setOf_eq] at hl
refine' Or.elim hl (fun hm => _) fun hm => _ <;>
· simp only [Finset.coe_insert, Set.mem_insert_iff, Finset.mem_coe, toFinset_cons,
mem_toFinset] at hm ⊢
simp [hm]
· simp only [not_not, Set.mem_setOf_eq] at h
simp only [h, Set.mem_setOf_eq] at hx
rw [swap_apply_ne_self_iff] at hx
rcases hx with ⟨hyz, rfl | rfl⟩ <;> simp
#align list.zip_with_swap_prod_support' List.zipWith_swap_prod_support'

theorem zipWith_swap_prod_support [Fintype α] (l l' : List α) :
(zipWith swap l l') ≤ l.toFinset ⊔ l'.toFinset := by
intro x hx
have hx' : x ∈ { x | (zipWith swap l l').prod x ≠ x } := by simpa using hx
simpa using zipWith_swap_prod_support' _ _ hx'
#align list.zip_with_swap_prod_support List.zipWith_swap_prod_support

theorem support_formPerm_le' : { x | formPerm l x ≠ x } ≤ l.toFinset := by
refine' (zipWith_swap_prod_support' l l.tail).trans _
simpa [Finset.subset_iff] using tail_subset l
#align list.support_form_perm_le' List.support_formPerm_le'

theorem support_formPerm_le [Fintype α] : support (formPerm l) ≤ l.toFinset := by
intro x hx
have hx' : x ∈ { x | formPerm l x ≠ x } := by simpa using hx
simpa using support_formPerm_le' _ hx'
#align list.support_form_perm_le List.support_formPerm_le

set_option linter.deprecated false in
theorem formPerm_apply_lt (xs : List α) (h : Nodup xs) (n : ℕ) (hn : n + 1 < xs.length) :
formPerm xs (xs.nthLe n ((Nat.lt_succ_self n).trans hn)) = xs.nthLe (n + 1) hn := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,7 +254,7 @@ theorem formPerm_rotate_one (l : List α) (h : Nodup l) : formPerm (l.rotate 1)
· obtain ⟨k, hk, rfl⟩ := nthLe_of_mem hx
rw [formPerm_apply_nthLe _ h', nthLe_rotate l, nthLe_rotate l, formPerm_apply_nthLe _ h]
· rw [formPerm_apply_of_not_mem _ _ hx, formPerm_apply_of_not_mem]
· rw [formPerm_apply_of_not_mem hx, formPerm_apply_of_not_mem]
simpa using hx
#align list.form_perm_rotate_one List.formPerm_rotate_one

Expand All @@ -298,33 +273,18 @@ theorem formPerm_eq_of_isRotated {l l' : List α} (hd : Nodup l) (h : l ~r l') :
exact (formPerm_rotate l hd n).symm
#align list.form_perm_eq_of_is_rotated List.formPerm_eq_of_isRotated

set_option linter.deprecated false in
theorem formPerm_reverse (l : List α) (h : Nodup l) : formPerm l.reverse = (formPerm l)⁻¹ := by
-- Let's show `formPerm l` is an inverse to `formPerm l.reverse`.
rw [eq_comm, inv_eq_iff_mul_eq_one]
ext x
-- We only have to check for `x ∈ l` that `formPerm l (formPerm l.reverse x)`
rw [mul_apply, one_apply]
cases' Classical.em (x ∈ l) with hx hx
· obtain ⟨k, hk, rfl⟩ := nthLe_of_mem (mem_reverse.mpr hx)
have h1 : l.length - 1 - k < l.length := by
rw [Nat.sub_sub, add_comm]
exact Nat.sub_lt_self (Nat.succ_pos _) (Nat.succ_le_of_lt (by simpa using hk))
have h2 : length l - 1 - (k + 1) % length (reverse l) < length l := by
rw [Nat.sub_sub, length_reverse];
exact Nat.sub_lt_self (by rw [add_comm]; exact Nat.succ_pos _)
(by rw [add_comm]; exact Nat.succ_le_of_lt (Nat.mod_lt _ (length_pos_of_mem hx)))
rw [formPerm_apply_nthLe l.reverse (nodup_reverse.mpr h), nthLe_reverse' _ _ _ h1,
nthLe_reverse' _ _ _ h2, formPerm_apply_nthLe _ h]
rw [length_reverse] at *
rcases lt_or_eq_of_le (Nat.succ_le_of_lt hk) with h | h
· rw [Nat.mod_eq_of_lt h, ← Nat.sub_add_comm, Nat.succ_sub_succ_eq_sub,
Nat.mod_eq_of_lt h1]
exact (Nat.le_sub_iff_add_le (length_pos_of_mem hx)).2 (Nat.succ_le_of_lt h)
· rw [← h]; simp
· rw [formPerm_apply_of_not_mem x l.reverse, formPerm_apply_of_not_mem _ _ hx]
simpa using hx
theorem formPerm_append_pair : ∀ (l : List α) (a b : α),
formPerm (l ++ [a, b]) = formPerm (l ++ [a]) * swap a b
| [], _, _ => rfl
| [x], _, _ => rfl
| x::y::l, a, b => by
simpa [mul_assoc] using formPerm_append_pair (y::l) a b

theorem formPerm_reverse : ∀ l : List α, formPerm l.reverse = (formPerm l)⁻¹
| [] => rfl
| [_] => rfl
| a::b::l => by
simp [formPerm_append_pair, swap_comm, ← formPerm_reverse (b::l)]
#align list.form_perm_reverse List.formPerm_reverse

theorem formPerm_pow_apply_get (l : List α) (h : Nodup l) (n k : ℕ) (hk : k < l.length) :
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Logic/Equiv/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1647,6 +1647,10 @@ theorem swap_apply_of_ne_of_ne {a b x : α} : x ≠ a → x ≠ b → swap a b x
simp (config := { contextual := true }) [swap_apply_def]
#align equiv.swap_apply_of_ne_of_ne Equiv.swap_apply_of_ne_of_ne

theorem eq_or_eq_of_swap_apply_ne_self {a b x : α} (h : swap a b x ≠ x) : x = a ∨ x = b := by
contrapose! h
exact swap_apply_of_ne_of_ne h.1 h.2

theorem swap_swap (a b : α) : (swap a b).trans (swap a b) = Equiv.refl _ :=
ext fun _ => swapCore_swapCore _ _ _
Expand Down

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