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feat: turn a cocone into a functor to costructured arrows (#6369)
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After making this PR I noticed that this already existed in `Functor/Flat.lean`, so I unified the two developments.
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TwoFX committed Aug 15, 2023
1 parent 72b6e76 commit 8840a96
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Showing 3 changed files with 114 additions and 54 deletions.
68 changes: 16 additions & 52 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Functor/Flat.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2021 Andrew Yang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Andrew Yang
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.ConeCategory
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.FilteredColimitCommutesFiniteLimit
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Preserves.FunctorCategory
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Bicones
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,43 +52,6 @@ open Opposite

namespace CategoryTheory

namespace StructuredArrowCone

open StructuredArrow

variable {C : Type u₁} [Category.{v₁} C] {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁} D]

variable {J : Type w} [SmallCategory J]

variable {K : J ⥤ C} (F : C ⥤ D) (c : Cone K)

/-- Given a cone `c : cone K` and a map `f : X ⟶ c.X`, we can construct a cone of structured
arrows over `X` with `f` as the cone point. This is the underlying diagram.
def toDiagram : J ⥤ StructuredArrow K where
obj j := (c.π.app j)
map g := StructuredArrow.homMk g
#align category_theory.structured_arrow_cone.to_diagram CategoryTheory.StructuredArrowCone.toDiagram

/-- Given a diagram of `structured_arrow X F`s, we may obtain a cone with cone point `X`. -/
def diagramToCone {X : D} (G : J ⥤ StructuredArrow X F) : Cone (G ⋙ proj X F ⋙ F) where
π := { app := fun j => (G.obj j).hom }
#align category_theory.structured_arrow_cone.diagram_to_cone CategoryTheory.StructuredArrowCone.diagramToCone

/-- Given a cone `c : cone K` and a map `f : X ⟶ F.obj c.X`, we can construct a cone of structured
arrows over `X` with `f` as the cone point.
def toCone {X : D} (f : X ⟶ F.obj :
Cone (toDiagram (F.mapCone c) ⋙ map f ⋙ pre _ K F) where
pt := mk f
π := { app := fun j => homMk (c.π.app j) rfl }
#align category_theory.structured_arrow_cone.to_cone CategoryTheory.StructuredArrowCone.toCone

end StructuredArrowCone

section RepresentablyFlat

variable {C : Type u₁} [Category.{v₁} C] {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₂} D]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,8 +161,6 @@ namespace PreservesFiniteLimitsOfFlat

open StructuredArrow

open StructuredArrowCone

variable {J : Type v₁} [SmallCategory J] [FinCategory J] {K : J ⥤ C}

variable (F : C ⥤ D) [RepresentablyFlat F] {c : Cone K} (hc : IsLimit c) (s : Cone (K ⋙ F))
Expand All @@ -208,12 +170,13 @@ Given a limit cone `c : cone K` and a cone `s : cone (K ⋙ F)` with `F` represe
`s` can factor through `F.map_cone c`.
noncomputable def lift : ⟶ F.obj :=
let s' := IsCofiltered.cone (toDiagram s ⋙ StructuredArrow.pre _ K F)
let s' := IsCofiltered.cone (s.toStructuredArrow ⋙ StructuredArrow.pre _ K F)
s'.pt.hom ≫
( <|
hc.lift <|
({ app := fun X => 𝟙 _ } : (toDiagram s ⋙ pre K F) ⋙ proj F ⟶ K)).obj <|
({ app := fun X => 𝟙 _ } :
(s.toStructuredArrow ⋙ pre K F) ⋙ proj F ⟶ K)).obj <|
(StructuredArrow.proj F).mapCone s')
#align category_theory.preserves_finite_limits_of_flat.lift CategoryTheory.PreservesFiniteLimitsOfFlat.lift

Expand All @@ -227,7 +190,7 @@ theorem uniq {K : J ⥤ C} {c : Cone K} (hc : IsLimit c) (s : Cone (K ⋙ F))
(f₁ f₂ : ⟶ F.obj (h₁ : ∀ j : J, f₁ ≫ (F.mapCone c).π.app j = s.π.app j)
(h₂ : ∀ j : J, f₂ ≫ (F.mapCone c).π.app j = s.π.app j) : f₁ = f₂ := by
-- We can make two cones over the diagram of `s` via `f₁` and `f₂`.
let α₁ : toDiagram (F.mapCone c) ⋙ map f₁ ⟶ toDiagram s :=
let α₁ : (F.mapCone c).toStructuredArrow ⋙ map f₁ ⟶ s.toStructuredArrow :=
{ app := fun X => eqToHom (by simp [← h₁])
naturality := fun j₁ j₂ φ => by
Expand All @@ -236,24 +199,25 @@ theorem uniq {K : J ⥤ C} {c : Cone K} (hc : IsLimit c) (s : Cone (K ⋙ F))
-- Asked here
-- I'm now doing `simp, rw [Comma.eqToHom_right, Comma.eqToHom_right], simp` but
-- I squeezed the first `simp`.
simp only [Functor.mapCone_pt, Functor.comp_obj, toDiagram_obj,
Functor.mapCone_π_app, map_mk, mk_right, Functor.comp_map, toDiagram_map, comp_right,
map_map_right, homMk_right]
simp only [Functor.mapCone_pt, Functor.comp_obj, Cone.toStructuredArrow_obj,
Functor.mapCone_π_app, map_mk, mk_right, Functor.comp_map, Cone.toStructuredArrow_map,
comp_right, map_map_right, homMk_right]
rw [Comma.eqToHom_right, Comma.eqToHom_right] -- this is a `simp` lemma
simp }
let α₂ : toDiagram (F.mapCone c) ⋙ map f₂ ⟶ toDiagram s :=
let α₂ : (F.mapCone c).toStructuredArrow ⋙ map f₂ ⟶ s.toStructuredArrow :=
{ app := fun X => eqToHom (by simp [← h₂])
naturality := fun _ _ _ => by
-- porting note: see comments above. `simp` should close this goal (and did in Lean 3)
simp only [Functor.mapCone_pt, Functor.comp_obj, toDiagram_obj, Functor.mapCone_π_app,
map_mk, mk_right, Functor.comp_map, toDiagram_map, comp_right, map_map_right, homMk_right]
simp only [Functor.mapCone_pt, Functor.comp_obj, Cone.toStructuredArrow_obj,
Functor.mapCone_π_app, map_mk, mk_right, Functor.comp_map, Cone.toStructuredArrow_map,
comp_right, map_map_right, homMk_right]
rw [Comma.eqToHom_right, Comma.eqToHom_right] -- this is a `simp` lemma
simp }
let c₁ : Cone (toDiagram s ⋙ pre K F) :=
(Cones.postcompose (whiskerRight α₁ (pre K F) : _)).obj (toCone F c f₁)
let c₂ : Cone (toDiagram s ⋙ pre K F) :=
(Cones.postcompose (whiskerRight α₂ (pre K F) : _)).obj (toCone F c f₂)
let c₁ : Cone (s.toStructuredArrow ⋙ pre K F) :=
(Cones.postcompose (whiskerRight α₁ (pre K F) : _)).obj (c.toStructuredArrowCone F f₁)
let c₂ : Cone (s.toStructuredArrow ⋙ pre K F) :=
(Cones.postcompose (whiskerRight α₂ (pre K F) : _)).obj (c.toStructuredArrowCone F f₂)
-- The two cones can then be combined and we may obtain a cone over the two cones since
-- `StructuredArrow F` is cofiltered.
let c₀ := IsCofiltered.cone (biconeMk _ c₁ c₂)
Expand Down
98 changes: 97 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Limits/ConeCategory.lean
Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ Authors: Andrew Yang
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Adjunction.Comma
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Preserves.Shapes.Terminal
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.StructuredArrow
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Equivalence
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Over

#align_import category_theory.limits.cone_category from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"18302a460eb6a071cf0bfe11a4df025c8f8af244"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,55 @@ variable {J : Type u₁} [Category.{v₁} J] {K : Type u₂} [Category.{v₂} K]

variable {C : Type u₃} [Category.{v₃} C] {D : Type u₄} [Category.{v₄} D]

/-- Given a cone `c` over `F`, we can interpret the legs of `c` as structured arrows
` ⟶ F.obj -`. -/
def Cone.toStructuredArrow {F : J ⥤ C} (c : Cone F) : J ⥤ StructuredArrow F where
obj j := (c.π.app j)
map f := StructuredArrow.homMk f

/-- Interpreting the legs of a cone as a structured arrow and then forgetting the arrow again does
nothing. -/
def Cone.toStructuredArrowCompProj {F : J ⥤ C} (c : Cone F) :
c.toStructuredArrow ⋙ StructuredArrow.proj _ _ ≅ 𝟭 J :=
Iso.refl _

lemma Cone.toStructuredArrow_comp_proj {F : J ⥤ C} (c : Cone F) :
c.toStructuredArrow ⋙ StructuredArrow.proj _ _ = 𝟭 J :=

/-- Interpreting the legs of a cone as a structured arrow, interpreting this arrow as an arrow over
the cone point, and finally forgetting the arrow is the same as just applying the functor the
cone was over. -/
def Cone.toStructuredArrowCompToUnderCompForget {F : J ⥤ C} (c : Cone F) :
c.toStructuredArrow ⋙ StructuredArrow.toUnder _ _ ⋙ Under.forget _ ≅ F :=
Iso.refl _

lemma Cone.toStructuredArrow_comp_toUnder_comp_forget {F : J ⥤ C} (c : Cone F) :
c.toStructuredArrow ⋙ StructuredArrow.toUnder _ _ ⋙ Under.forget _ = F :=

/-- Given a diagram of `StructuredArrow X F`s, we may obtain a cone with cone point `X`. -/
def Cone.fromStructuredArrow (F : C ⥤ D) {X : D} (G : J ⥤ StructuredArrow X F) :
Cone (G ⋙ StructuredArrow.proj X F ⋙ F) where
π := { app := fun j => (G.obj j).hom }
#align category_theory.structured_arrow_cone.diagram_to_cone CategoryTheory.Limits.Cone.fromStructuredArrow

/-- Given a cone `c : Cone K` and a map `f : X ⟶ F.obj c.X`, we can construct a cone of structured
arrows over `X` with `f` as the cone point.
def Cone.toStructuredArrowCone {K : J ⥤ C} (c : Cone K) (F : C ⥤ D) {X : D} (f : X ⟶ F.obj :
Cone ((F.mapCone c).toStructuredArrow ⋙ f ⋙ StructuredArrow.pre _ K F) where
pt := f
π := { app := fun j => StructuredArrow.homMk (c.π.app j) rfl }
#align category_theory.structured_arrow_cone.to_cone CategoryTheory.Limits.Cone.toStructuredArrowCone

/-- Construct an object of the category `(Δ ↓ F)` from a cone on `F`. This is part of an
equivalence, see `Cone.equivCostructuredArrow`. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,6 +173,53 @@ def IsLimit.ofReflectsConeTerminal {F : J ⥤ C} {F' : K ⥤ D} (G : Cone F ⥤
(Cone.isLimitEquivIsTerminal _).symm <| (Cone.isLimitEquivIsTerminal _ hc).isTerminalOfObj _ _
#align category_theory.limits.is_limit.of_reflects_cone_terminal CategoryTheory.Limits.IsLimit.ofReflectsConeTerminal

/-- Given a cocone `c` over `F`, we can interpret the legs of `c` as costructured arrows
`F.obj - ⟶`. -/
def Cocone.toCostructuredArrow {F : J ⥤ C} (c : Cocone F) : J ⥤ CostructuredArrow F where
obj j := (c.ι.app j)
map f := CostructuredArrow.homMk f

/-- Interpreting the legs of a cocone as a costructured arrow and then forgetting the arrow again
does nothing. -/
def Cocone.toCostructuredArrowCompProj {F : J ⥤ C} (c : Cocone F) :
c.toCostructuredArrow ⋙ CostructuredArrow.proj _ _ ≅ 𝟭 J :=
Iso.refl _

lemma Cocone.toCostructuredArrow_comp_proj {F : J ⥤ C} (c : Cocone F) :
c.toCostructuredArrow ⋙ CostructuredArrow.proj _ _ = 𝟭 J :=

/-- Interpreting the legs of a cocone as a costructured arrow, interpreting this arrow as an arrow
over the cocone point, and finally forgetting the arrow is the same as just applying the
functor the cocone was over. -/
def Cocone.toCostructuredArrowCompToOverCompForget {F : J ⥤ C} (c : Cocone F) :
c.toCostructuredArrow ⋙ CostructuredArrow.toOver _ _ ⋙ Over.forget _ ≅ F :=
Iso.refl _

lemma Cocone.toCostructuredArrow_comp_toOver_comp_forget {F : J ⥤ C} (c : Cocone F) :
c.toCostructuredArrow ⋙ CostructuredArrow.toOver _ _ ⋙ Over.forget _ = F :=

/-- Given a diagram `CostructuredArrow F X`s, we may obtain a cocone with cone point `X`. -/
def Cocone.fromCostructuredArrow (F : C ⥤ D) {X : D} (G : J ⥤ CostructuredArrow F X) :
Cocone (G ⋙ CostructuredArrow.proj F X ⋙ F) where
ι := { app := fun j => (G.obj j).hom }

/-- Given a cocone `c : Cocone K` and a map `f : F.obj c.X ⟶ X`, we can construct a cocone of
costructured arrows over `X` with `f` as the cone point. -/
def Cocone.toCostructuredArrowCocone {K : J ⥤ C} (c : Cocone K) (F : C ⥤ D) {X : D}
(f : F.obj ⟶ X) : Cocone ((F.mapCocone c).toCostructuredArrow ⋙ f ⋙ CostructuredArrow.pre _ _ _) where
pt := f
ι := { app := fun j => CostructuredArrow.homMk (c.ι.app j) rfl }

/-- Construct an object of the category `(F ↓ Δ)` from a cocone on `F`. This is part of an
equivalence, see `Cocone.equivStructuredArrow`. -/
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/CoverPreserving.lean
Expand Up @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ theorem compatiblePreservingOfFlat {C : Type u₁} [Category.{v₁} C] {D : Type
over it since `StructuredArrow W u` is cofiltered.
Then, it suffices to prove that it is compatible when restricted onto `u(c'.X.right)`.
let c' := IsCofiltered.cone (StructuredArrowCone.toDiagram c ⋙ StructuredArrow.pre _ _ _)
let c' := IsCofiltered.cone (c.toStructuredArrow ⋙ StructuredArrow.pre _ _ _)
have eq₁ : f₁ = (c'.pt.hom ≫ (c'.π.app left).right) ≫ eqToHom (by simp) := by
erw [← (c'.π.app left).w]
Expand Down

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