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feat: Relax arguments of going-up theorems. (#8645)
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Co-authored-by: Andrew Yang <>
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erdOne and erdOne committed Nov 28, 2023
1 parent baf3763 commit 88b4f4c
Showing 1 changed file with 55 additions and 7 deletions.
62 changes: 55 additions & 7 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/Ideal/Over.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ theorem IntegralClosure.eq_bot_of_comap_eq_bot [Nontrivial R] {I : Ideal (integr

/-- `comap (algebraMap R S)` is a surjection from the prime spec of `R` to prime spec of `S`.
`hP : (algebraMap R S).ker ≤ P` is a slight generalization of the extension being injective -/
theorem exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral' (H : Algebra.IsIntegral R S) (P : Ideal R)
theorem exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral_of_isDomain (H : Algebra.IsIntegral R S) (P : Ideal R)
[IsPrime P] (hP : RingHom.ker (algebraMap R S) ≤ P) :
∃ Q : Ideal S, IsPrime Q ∧ Q.comap (algebraMap R S) = P := by
have hP0 : (0 : S) ∉ Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid S P.primeCompl := by
Expand All @@ -374,18 +374,19 @@ theorem exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral' (H : Algebra.IsIntegral R S) (P :
(M := P.primeCompl) (T := Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid S P.primeCompl) (S := Rₚ) _
_ _ _ _ _ (fun p hp => Algebra.mem_algebraMapSubmonoid_of_mem ⟨p, hp⟩) _ _]
#align ideal.exists_ideal_over_prime_of_is_integral' Ideal.exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral'
#align ideal.exists_ideal_over_prime_of_is_integral' Ideal.exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral_of_isDomain


/-- More general going-up theorem than `exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral'`.
/-- More general going-up theorem than `exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral_of_isDomain`.
TODO: Version of going-up theorem with arbitrary length chains (by induction on this)?
Not sure how best to write an ascending chain in Lean -/
theorem exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral (H : Algebra.IsIntegral R S) (P : Ideal R) [IsPrime P]
theorem exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral_of_isPrime
(H : Algebra.IsIntegral R S) (P : Ideal R) [IsPrime P]
(I : Ideal S) [IsPrime I] (hIP : I.comap (algebraMap R S) ≤ P) :
∃ Q ≥ I, IsPrime Q ∧ Q.comap (algebraMap R S) = P := by
obtain ⟨Q' : Ideal (S ⧸ I), ⟨Q'_prime, hQ'⟩⟩ :=
@exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral' (R ⧸ I.comap (algebraMap R S)) _ (S ⧸ I) _
@exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral_of_isDomain (R ⧸ I.comap (algebraMap R S)) _ (S ⧸ I) _
Ideal.quotientAlgebra _ H.quotient
(map ( (I.comap (algebraMap R S))) P)
(map_isPrime_of_surjective Quotient.mk_surjective (by simp [hIP]))
Expand All @@ -399,17 +400,64 @@ theorem exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral (H : Algebra.IsIntegral R S) (P :
exact congr_arg (comap . Q') (RingHom.ext fun r => rfl)
· refine' _root_.trans (comap_map_of_surjective _ Quotient.mk_surjective _) (sup_eq_left.2 _)
simpa [← RingHom.ker_eq_comap_bot] using hIP

lemma exists_ideal_comap_le_prime (P : Ideal R) [P.IsPrime]
(I : Ideal S) (hI : I.comap (algebraMap R S) ≤ P) :
∃ Q ≥ I, Q.IsPrime ∧ Q.comap (algebraMap R S) ≤ P := by
let Sₚ := Localization (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid S P.primeCompl)
let Iₚ := (algebraMap S Sₚ)
have hI' : Disjoint (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid S P.primeCompl : Set S) I
· rw [Set.disjoint_iff]
rintro _ ⟨⟨x, hx : x ∉ P, rfl⟩, hx'⟩
exact (hx (hI hx')).elim
have : Iₚ ≠ ⊤
· rw [Ne.def, Ideal.eq_top_iff_one, IsLocalization.mem_map_algebraMap_iff
(Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid S P.primeCompl) Sₚ, not_exists]
simp only [one_mul, IsLocalization.eq_iff_exists (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid S P.primeCompl),
exact fun x c ↦ hI'.ne_of_mem (mul_mem c.2 x.2.2) (I.mul_mem_left c x.1.2)
obtain ⟨M, hM, hM'⟩ := Ideal.exists_le_maximal _ this
refine ⟨_, hM', hM.isPrime.comap _, ?_⟩
intro x hx
by_contra hx'
exact ((IsLocalization.isPrime_iff_isPrime_disjoint
(Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid S P.primeCompl) Sₚ M).mp hM.isPrime).2 ⟨_, hx', rfl⟩ hx

theorem exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral (H : Algebra.IsIntegral R S) (P : Ideal R) [IsPrime P]
(I : Ideal S) (hIP : I.comap (algebraMap R S) ≤ P) :
∃ Q ≥ I, IsPrime Q ∧ Q.comap (algebraMap R S) = P := by
have ⟨P', hP, hP', hP''⟩ := exists_ideal_comap_le_prime P I hIP
obtain ⟨Q, hQ, hQ', hQ''⟩ := exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral_of_isPrime H P P' hP''
exact ⟨Q, hP.trans hQ, hQ', hQ''⟩
#align ideal.exists_ideal_over_prime_of_is_integral Ideal.exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral

/-- `comap (algebraMap R S)` is a surjection from the max spec of `S` to max spec of `R`.
`hP : (algebraMap R S).ker ≤ P` is a slight generalization of the extension being injective -/
theorem exists_ideal_over_maximal_of_isIntegral [IsDomain S] (H : Algebra.IsIntegral R S)
theorem exists_ideal_over_maximal_of_isIntegral (H : Algebra.IsIntegral R S)
(P : Ideal R) [P_max : IsMaximal P] (hP : RingHom.ker (algebraMap R S) ≤ P) :
∃ Q : Ideal S, IsMaximal Q ∧ Q.comap (algebraMap R S) = P := by
obtain ⟨Q, Q_prime, hQ⟩ := exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral' H P hP
obtain ⟨Q, -, Q_prime, hQ⟩ := exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral H P hP
exact ⟨Q, isMaximal_of_isIntegral_of_isMaximal_comap H _ (hQ.symm ▸ P_max), hQ⟩
#align ideal.exists_ideal_over_maximal_of_is_integral Ideal.exists_ideal_over_maximal_of_isIntegral

lemma map_eq_top_iff_of_ker_le
(f : R →+* S) {I : Ideal R} (hf₁ : RingHom.ker f ≤ I) (hf₂ : f.IsIntegral) : f = ⊤ ↔ I = ⊤ := by
constructor; swap
· rintro rfl; exact Ideal.map_top _
intro h
obtain ⟨m, _, hm⟩ := Ideal.exists_le_maximal I h
letI := f.toAlgebra
obtain ⟨m', _, rfl⟩ := exists_ideal_over_maximal_of_isIntegral hf₂ m (hf₁.trans hm)
rw [← map_le_iff_le_comap] at hm
exact (hm.trans_lt (lt_top_iff_ne_top.mpr (IsMaximal.ne_top ‹_›))).ne

lemma map_eq_top_iff
(f : R →+* S) {I : Ideal R} (hf₁ : Function.Injective f) (hf₂ : f.IsIntegral) : f = ⊤ ↔ I = ⊤ :=
map_eq_top_iff_of_ker_le f (by simp [ hf₁]) hf₂

end IsDomain

end Ideal

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