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feat: port NumberTheory.Zsqrtd.GaussianInt (#5134)
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Co-authored-by: Ruben Van de Velde <>
Co-authored-by: Moritz Firsching <>
Co-authored-by: Jeremy Tan Jie Rui <>
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4 people committed Jun 22, 2023
1 parent 5040af2 commit 8a76b3e
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Showing 3 changed files with 306 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -2327,6 +2327,7 @@ import Mathlib.NumberTheory.WellApproximable
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Wilson
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.ZetaValues
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Zsqrtd.Basic
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Zsqrtd.GaussianInt
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Zsqrtd.ToReal
import Mathlib.Order.Antichain
import Mathlib.Order.Antisymmetrization
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/Data/Complex/Basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -760,10 +760,11 @@ protected theorem mul_inv_cancel {z : ℂ} (h : z ≠ 0) : z * z⁻¹ = 1 := by
/-! ### Field instance and lemmas -/

noncomputable instance : Field ℂ :=
noncomputable instance instField : Field ℂ :=
{ inv := Inv.inv
mul_inv_cancel := @Complex.mul_inv_cancel
inv_zero := Complex.inv_zero }
#align complex.field Complex.instField

set_option linter.deprecated false
Expand Down
303 changes: 303 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/NumberTheory/Zsqrtd/GaussianInt.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Chris Hughes. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Chris Hughes
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module number_theory.zsqrtd.gaussian_int
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 5b2fe80501ff327b9109fb09b7cc8c325cd0d7d9
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Zsqrtd.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Complex.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.PrincipalIdealDomain

# Gaussian integers
The Gaussian integers are complex integer, complex numbers whose real and imaginary parts are both
## Main definitions
The Euclidean domain structure on `ℤ[i]` is defined in this file.
The homomorphism `GaussianInt.toComplex` into the complex numbers is also defined in this file.
## See also
See `number_theory.zsqrtd.gaussian_int` for:
* `prime_iff_mod_four_eq_three_of_nat_prime`:
A prime natural number is prime in `ℤ[i]` if and only if it is `3` mod `4`
## Notations
This file uses the local notation `ℤ[i]` for `GaussianInt`
## Implementation notes
Gaussian integers are implemented using the more general definition `Zsqrtd`, the type of integers
adjoined a square root of `d`, in this case `-1`. The definition is reducible, so that properties
and definitions about `Zsqrtd` can easily be used.

open Zsqrtd Complex

open scoped ComplexConjugate

/-- The Gaussian integers, defined as `ℤ√(-1)`. -/
def GaussianInt : Type :=
Zsqrtd (-1)
#align gaussian_int GaussianInt

local notation "ℤ[i]" => GaussianInt

namespace GaussianInt

instance : Repr ℤ[i] :=
fun x _ => "⟨" ++ repr ++ ", " ++ repr ++ "⟩"

instance instCommRing : CommRing ℤ[i] :=
#align gaussian_int.comm_ring GaussianInt.instCommRing


attribute [-instance] Complex.instField -- Avoid making things noncomputable unnecessarily.

/-- The embedding of the Gaussian integers into the complex numbers, as a ring homomorphism. -/
def toComplex : ℤ[i] →+* ℂ :=
Zsqrtd.lift ⟨I, by simp⟩
#align gaussian_int.to_complex GaussianInt.toComplex


instance : Coe ℤ[i] ℂ :=

theorem toComplex_def (x : ℤ[i]) : (x : ℂ) = + * I :=
#align gaussian_int.to_complex_def GaussianInt.toComplex_def

theorem toComplex_def' (x y : ℤ) : ((⟨x, y⟩ : ℤ[i]) : ℂ) = x + y * I := by simp [toComplex_def]
#align gaussian_int.to_complex_def' GaussianInt.toComplex_def'

theorem toComplex_def₂ (x : ℤ[i]) : (x : ℂ) = ⟨,⟩ := by
apply Complex.ext <;> simp [toComplex_def]
#align gaussian_int.to_complex_def₂ GaussianInt.toComplex_def₂

theorem to_real_re (x : ℤ[i]) : (( : ℤ) : ℝ) = (x : ℂ).re := by simp [toComplex_def]
#align gaussian_int.to_real_re GaussianInt.to_real_re

theorem to_real_im (x : ℤ[i]) : (( : ℤ) : ℝ) = (x : ℂ).im := by simp [toComplex_def]
#align gaussian_int.to_real_im GaussianInt.to_real_im

theorem toComplex_re (x y : ℤ) : ((⟨x, y⟩ : ℤ[i]) : ℂ).re = x := by simp [toComplex_def]
#align gaussian_int.to_complex_re GaussianInt.toComplex_re

theorem toComplex_im (x y : ℤ) : ((⟨x, y⟩ : ℤ[i]) : ℂ).im = y := by simp [toComplex_def]
#align gaussian_int.to_complex_im GaussianInt.toComplex_im

-- Porting note: @[simp] can prove this
theorem toComplex_add (x y : ℤ[i]) : ((x + y : ℤ[i]) : ℂ) = x + y :=
toComplex.map_add _ _
#align gaussian_int.to_complex_add GaussianInt.toComplex_add

-- Porting note: @[simp] can prove this
theorem toComplex_mul (x y : ℤ[i]) : ((x * y : ℤ[i]) : ℂ) = x * y :=
toComplex.map_mul _ _
#align gaussian_int.to_complex_mul GaussianInt.toComplex_mul

-- Porting note: @[simp] can prove this
theorem toComplex_one : ((1 : ℤ[i]) : ℂ) = 1 :=
#align gaussian_int.to_complex_one GaussianInt.toComplex_one

-- Porting note: @[simp] can prove this
theorem toComplex_zero : ((0 : ℤ[i]) : ℂ) = 0 :=
#align gaussian_int.to_complex_zero GaussianInt.toComplex_zero

-- Porting note: @[simp] can prove this
theorem toComplex_neg (x : ℤ[i]) : ((-x : ℤ[i]) : ℂ) = -x :=
toComplex.map_neg _
#align gaussian_int.to_complex_neg GaussianInt.toComplex_neg

-- Porting note: @[simp] can prove this
theorem toComplex_sub (x y : ℤ[i]) : ((x - y : ℤ[i]) : ℂ) = x - y :=
toComplex.map_sub _ _
#align gaussian_int.to_complex_sub GaussianInt.toComplex_sub

theorem toComplex_star (x : ℤ[i]) : ((star x : ℤ[i]) : ℂ) = conj (x : ℂ) := by
rw [toComplex_def₂, toComplex_def₂]
exact congr_arg₂ _ rfl (Int.cast_neg _)
#align gaussian_int.to_complex_star GaussianInt.toComplex_star

theorem toComplex_inj {x y : ℤ[i]} : (x : ℂ) = y ↔ x = y := by
cases x; cases y; simp [toComplex_def₂]
#align gaussian_int.to_complex_inj GaussianInt.toComplex_inj

theorem toComplex_eq_zero {x : ℤ[i]} : (x : ℂ) = 0 ↔ x = 0 := by
rw [← toComplex_zero, toComplex_inj]
#align gaussian_int.to_complex_eq_zero GaussianInt.toComplex_eq_zero

theorem int_cast_real_norm (x : ℤ[i]) : (x.norm : ℝ) = Complex.normSq (x : ℂ) := by
rw [Zsqrtd.norm, normSq]; simp
#align gaussian_int.nat_cast_real_norm GaussianInt.int_cast_real_norm

theorem int_cast_complex_norm (x : ℤ[i]) : (x.norm : ℂ) = Complex.normSq (x : ℂ) := by
cases x; rw [Zsqrtd.norm, normSq]; simp
#align gaussian_int.nat_cast_complex_norm GaussianInt.int_cast_complex_norm

theorem norm_nonneg (x : ℤ[i]) : 0 ≤ norm x :=
Zsqrtd.norm_nonneg (by norm_num) _
#align gaussian_int.norm_nonneg GaussianInt.norm_nonneg

theorem norm_eq_zero {x : ℤ[i]} : norm x = 0 ↔ x = 0 := by rw [← @Int.cast_inj ℝ _ _ _]; simp
#align gaussian_int.norm_eq_zero GaussianInt.norm_eq_zero

theorem norm_pos {x : ℤ[i]} : 0 < norm x ↔ x ≠ 0 := by
rw [lt_iff_le_and_ne, Ne.def, eq_comm, norm_eq_zero]; simp [norm_nonneg]
#align gaussian_int.norm_pos GaussianInt.norm_pos

theorem abs_coe_nat_norm (x : ℤ[i]) : (x.norm.natAbs : ℤ) = x.norm :=
Int.natAbs_of_nonneg (norm_nonneg _)
#align gaussian_int.abs_coe_nat_norm GaussianInt.abs_coe_nat_norm

theorem nat_cast_natAbs_norm {α : Type _} [Ring α] (x : ℤ[i]) : (x.norm.natAbs : α) = x.norm := by
rw [← Int.cast_ofNat, abs_coe_nat_norm]
#align gaussian_int.nat_cast_nat_abs_norm GaussianInt.nat_cast_natAbs_norm

theorem natAbs_norm_eq (x : ℤ[i]) :
x.norm.natAbs = * + * :=
Int.ofNat.inj <| by simp; simp [Zsqrtd.norm]
#align gaussian_int.nat_abs_norm_eq GaussianInt.natAbs_norm_eq

instance : Div ℤ[i] :=
fun x y =>
let n := (norm y : ℚ)⁻¹
let c := star y
⟨round ((x * c).re * n : ℚ), round ((x * c).im * n : ℚ)⟩⟩

theorem div_def (x y : ℤ[i]) :
x / y = ⟨round ((x * star y).re / norm y : ℚ), round ((x * star y).im / norm y : ℚ)⟩ :=
show _ _ = _ by simp [div_eq_mul_inv]
#align gaussian_int.div_def GaussianInt.div_def

theorem toComplex_div_re (x y : ℤ[i]) : ((x / y : ℤ[i]) : ℂ).re = round (x / y : ℂ).re := by
rw [div_def, ← @Rat.round_cast ℝ _ _]
simp [-Rat.round_cast, mul_assoc, div_eq_mul_inv, mul_add, add_mul]
#align gaussian_int.to_complex_div_re GaussianInt.toComplex_div_re

theorem toComplex_div_im (x y : ℤ[i]) : ((x / y : ℤ[i]) : ℂ).im = round (x / y : ℂ).im := by
rw [div_def, ← @Rat.round_cast ℝ _ _, ← @Rat.round_cast ℝ _ _]
simp [-Rat.round_cast, mul_assoc, div_eq_mul_inv, mul_add, add_mul]
#align gaussian_int.to_complex_div_im GaussianInt.toComplex_div_im

theorem normSq_le_normSq_of_re_le_of_im_le {x y : ℂ} (hre : || ≤ ||)
(him : || ≤ ||) : Complex.normSq x ≤ Complex.normSq y := by
rw [normSq_apply, normSq_apply, ← _root_.abs_mul_self, _root_.abs_mul, ←
_root_.abs_mul_self, _root_.abs_mul, ← _root_.abs_mul_self,
_root_.abs_mul, ← _root_.abs_mul_self, _root_.abs_mul]
add_le_add (mul_self_le_mul_self (abs_nonneg _) hre) (mul_self_le_mul_self (abs_nonneg _) him)
#align gaussian_int.norm_sq_le_norm_sq_of_re_le_of_im_le GaussianInt.normSq_le_normSq_of_re_le_of_im_le

theorem normSq_div_sub_div_lt_one (x y : ℤ[i]) :
Complex.normSq ((x / y : ℂ) - ((x / y : ℤ[i]) : ℂ)) < 1 :=
Complex.normSq ((x / y : ℂ) - ((x / y : ℤ[i]) : ℂ))
_ = Complex.normSq
((x / y : ℂ).re - ((x / y : ℤ[i]) : ℂ).re + ((x / y : ℂ).im - ((x / y : ℤ[i]) : ℂ).im) *
I : ℂ) :=
congr_arg _ <| by apply Complex.ext <;> simp
_ ≤ Complex.normSq (1 / 2 + 1 / 2 * I) := by
have : |(2⁻¹ : ℝ)| = 2⁻¹ := abs_of_nonneg (by norm_num)
exact normSq_le_normSq_of_re_le_of_im_le
(by rw [toComplex_div_re]; simp [normSq, this]; simpa using abs_sub_round (x / y : ℂ).re)
(by rw [toComplex_div_im]; simp [normSq, this]; simpa using abs_sub_round (x / y : ℂ).im)
_ < 1 := by simp [normSq]; norm_num
#align gaussian_int.norm_sq_div_sub_div_lt_one GaussianInt.normSq_div_sub_div_lt_one

instance : Mod ℤ[i] :=
fun x y => x - y * (x / y)⟩

theorem mod_def (x y : ℤ[i]) : x % y = x - y * (x / y) :=
#align gaussian_int.mod_def GaussianInt.mod_def

theorem norm_mod_lt (x : ℤ[i]) {y : ℤ[i]} (hy : y ≠ 0) : (x % y).norm < y.norm :=
have : (y : ℂ) ≠ 0 := by rwa [Ne.def, ← toComplex_zero, toComplex_inj]
(@Int.cast_lt ℝ _ _ _ _).1 <|
↑(Zsqrtd.norm (x % y)) = Complex.normSq (x - y * (x / y : ℤ[i]) : ℂ) := by simp [mod_def]
_ = Complex.normSq (y : ℂ) * Complex.normSq (x / y - (x / y : ℤ[i]) : ℂ) := by
rw [← normSq_mul, mul_sub, mul_div_cancel' _ this]
_ < Complex.normSq (y : ℂ) * 1 :=
(mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left (normSq_div_sub_div_lt_one _ _) (normSq_pos.2 this))
_ = Zsqrtd.norm y := by simp
#align gaussian_int.norm_mod_lt GaussianInt.norm_mod_lt

theorem natAbs_norm_mod_lt (x : ℤ[i]) {y : ℤ[i]} (hy : y ≠ 0) :
(x % y).norm.natAbs < y.norm.natAbs :=
Int.ofNat_lt.1 (by simp [-Int.ofNat_lt, norm_mod_lt x hy])
#align gaussian_int.nat_abs_norm_mod_lt GaussianInt.natAbs_norm_mod_lt

theorem norm_le_norm_mul_left (x : ℤ[i]) {y : ℤ[i]} (hy : y ≠ 0) :
(norm x).natAbs ≤ (norm (x * y)).natAbs := by
rw [Zsqrtd.norm_mul, Int.natAbs_mul]
exact le_mul_of_one_le_right (Nat.zero_le _) (Int.ofNat_le.1 (by
rw [abs_coe_nat_norm]
exact Int.add_one_le_of_lt (norm_pos.2 hy)))
#align gaussian_int.norm_le_norm_mul_left GaussianInt.norm_le_norm_mul_left

instance instNontrivial : Nontrivial ℤ[i] :=
⟨⟨0, 1, by decide⟩⟩
#align gaussian_int.nontrivial GaussianInt.instNontrivial

instance : EuclideanDomain ℤ[i] :=
{ GaussianInt.instCommRing,
GaussianInt.instNontrivial with
quotient := (· / ·)
remainder := (· % ·)
quotient_zero := by simp [div_def]; rfl
quotient_mul_add_remainder_eq := fun _ _ => by simp [mod_def]
r := _
r_wellFounded := (measure (Int.natAbs ∘ norm)).wf
remainder_lt := natAbs_norm_mod_lt
mul_left_not_lt := fun a b hb0 => not_lt_of_ge <| norm_le_norm_mul_left a hb0 }

open PrincipalIdealRing

theorem sq_add_sq_of_nat_prime_of_not_irreducible (p : ℕ) [hp : Fact p.Prime]
(hpi : ¬Irreducible (p : ℤ[i])) : ∃ a b, a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 = p :=
have hpu : ¬IsUnit (p : ℤ[i]) :=
mt norm_eq_one_iff.2 <| by
rw [norm_nat_cast, Int.natAbs_mul, mul_eq_one]
exact fun h => (ne_of_lt hp.1.one_lt).symm h.1
have hab : ∃ a b, (p : ℤ[i]) = a * b ∧ ¬IsUnit a ∧ ¬IsUnit b := by
-- Porting note: was
-- simpa [irreducible_iff, hpu, not_forall, not_or] using hpi
simpa only [true_and, not_false_iff, exists_prop, irreducible_iff, hpu, not_forall, not_or]
using hpi
let ⟨a, b, hpab, hau, hbu⟩ := hab
have hnap : (norm a).natAbs = p :=
((hp.1.mul_eq_prime_sq_iff (mt norm_eq_one_iff.1 hau) (mt norm_eq_one_iff.1 hbu)).1 <| by
rw [← Int.coe_nat_inj', Int.coe_nat_pow, sq, ← @norm_nat_cast (-1), hpab]; simp).1
⟨,, by simpa [natAbs_norm_eq, sq] using hnap⟩
#align gaussian_int.sq_add_sq_of_nat_prime_of_not_irreducible GaussianInt.sq_add_sq_of_nat_prime_of_not_irreducible

end GaussianInt

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