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feat: port Algebra.Homology.Homology (#3491)
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Co-authored-by: Joël Riou <>
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int-y1 and joelriou committed Apr 18, 2023
1 parent f27c11d commit 8accf7a
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Showing 2 changed files with 328 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.Hom.Ring
import Mathlib.Algebra.Hom.Units
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ComplexShape
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomologicalComplex
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.Homology
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ImageToKernel
import Mathlib.Algebra.IndicatorFunction
import Mathlib.Algebra.Invertible
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327 changes: 327 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/Homology.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module algebra.homology.homology
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 618ea3d5c99240cd7000d8376924906a148bf9ff
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ImageToKernel
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomologicalComplex
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.GradedObject

# The homology of a complex
Given `C : HomologicalComplex V c`, we have `C.cycles i` and `C.boundaries i`,
both defined as subobjects of `C.X i`.
We show these are functorial with respect to chain maps,
as `C.cyclesMap f i` and `C.boundariesMap f i`.
As a consequence we construct `homologyFunctor i : HomologicalComplex V c ⥤ V`,
computing the `i`-th homology.

universe v u

open CategoryTheory CategoryTheory.Limits

variable {ι : Type _}

variable {V : Type u} [Category.{v} V] [HasZeroMorphisms V]

variable {c : ComplexShape ι} (C : HomologicalComplex V c)

open Classical ZeroObject

noncomputable section

namespace HomologicalComplex

section Cycles

variable [HasKernels V]

/-- The cycles at index `i`, as a subobject. -/
abbrev cycles (i : ι) : Subobject (C.X i) :=
kernelSubobject (C.dFrom i)
#align homological_complex.cycles HomologicalComplex.cycles

theorem cycles_eq_kernelSubobject {i j : ι} (r : c.Rel i j) :
C.cycles i = kernelSubobject (C.d i j) :=
C.kernel_from_eq_kernel r
#align homological_complex.cycles_eq_kernel_subobject HomologicalComplex.cycles_eq_kernelSubobject

/-- The underlying object of `C.cycles i` is isomorphic to `kernel (C.d i j)`,
for any `j` such that `Rel i j`. -/
def cyclesIsoKernel {i j : ι} (r : c.Rel i j) : (C.cycles i : V) ≅ kernel (C.d i j) :=
Subobject.isoOfEq _ _ (C.cycles_eq_kernelSubobject r) ≪≫ kernelSubobjectIso (C.d i j)
#align homological_complex.cycles_iso_kernel HomologicalComplex.cyclesIsoKernel

theorem cycles_eq_top {i} (h : ¬c.Rel i ( i)) : C.cycles i = ⊤ := by
rw [eq_top_iff]
apply le_kernelSubobject
rw [C.dFrom_eq_zero h, comp_zero]
#align homological_complex.cycles_eq_top HomologicalComplex.cycles_eq_top

end Cycles

section Boundaries

variable [HasImages V]

/-- The boundaries at index `i`, as a subobject. -/
abbrev boundaries (C : HomologicalComplex V c) (j : ι) : Subobject (C.X j) :=
imageSubobject (C.dTo j)
#align homological_complex.boundaries HomologicalComplex.boundaries

theorem boundaries_eq_imageSubobject [HasEqualizers V] {i j : ι} (r : c.Rel i j) :
C.boundaries j = imageSubobject (C.d i j) :=
C.image_to_eq_image r
#align homological_complex.boundaries_eq_image_subobject HomologicalComplex.boundaries_eq_imageSubobject

/-- The underlying object of `C.boundaries j` is isomorphic to `image (C.d i j)`,
for any `i` such that `Rel i j`. -/
def boundariesIsoImage [HasEqualizers V] {i j : ι} (r : c.Rel i j) :
(C.boundaries j : V) ≅ image (C.d i j) :=
Subobject.isoOfEq _ _ (C.boundaries_eq_imageSubobject r) ≪≫ imageSubobjectIso (C.d i j)
#align homological_complex.boundaries_iso_image HomologicalComplex.boundariesIsoImage

theorem boundaries_eq_bot [HasZeroObject V] {j} (h : ¬c.Rel (c.prev j) j) : C.boundaries j = ⊥ := by
rw [eq_bot_iff]
refine' imageSubobject_le _ 0 _
rw [C.dTo_eq_zero h, zero_comp]
#align homological_complex.boundaries_eq_bot HomologicalComplex.boundaries_eq_bot

end Boundaries


variable [HasKernels V] [HasImages V]

theorem boundaries_le_cycles (C : HomologicalComplex V c) (i : ι) : C.boundaries i ≤ C.cycles i :=
image_le_kernel _ _ (C.dTo_comp_dFrom i)
#align homological_complex.boundaries_le_cycles HomologicalComplex.boundaries_le_cycles

/-- The canonical map from `boundaries i` to `cycles i`. -/
abbrev boundariesToCycles (C : HomologicalComplex V c) (i : ι) :
(C.boundaries i : V) ⟶ (C.cycles i : V) :=
imageToKernel _ _ (C.dTo_comp_dFrom i)
#align homological_complex.boundaries_to_cycles HomologicalComplex.boundariesToCycles

/-- Prefer `boundariesToCycles`. -/
@[simp 1100]
theorem imageToKernel_as_boundariesToCycles (C : HomologicalComplex V c) (i : ι) (h) :
(C.boundaries i).ofLE (C.cycles i) h = C.boundariesToCycles i := rfl
#align homological_complex.image_to_kernel_as_boundaries_to_cycles HomologicalComplex.imageToKernel_as_boundariesToCycles

variable [HasCokernels V]

/-- The homology of a complex at index `i`. -/
abbrev homology (C : HomologicalComplex V c) (i : ι) : V :=
_root_.homology (C.dTo i) (C.dFrom i) (C.dTo_comp_dFrom i)
#align homological_complex.homology HomologicalComplex.homology

/-- The `j`th homology of a homological complex (as kernel of 'the differential from `Cⱼ`' modulo
the image of 'the differential to `Cⱼ`') is isomorphic to the kernel of `d : Cⱼ → Cₖ` modulo
the image of `d : Cᵢ → Cⱼ` when `Rel i j` and `Rel j k`. -/
def homologyIso (C : HomologicalComplex V c) {i j k : ι} (hij : c.Rel i j) (hjk : c.Rel j k) :
C.homology j ≅ _root_.homology (C.d i j) (C.d j k) (C.d_comp_d i j k) :=
homology.mapIso _ _
(Arrow.isoMk (C.xPrevIso hij) (Iso.refl _) <| by dsimp; rw [C.dTo_eq hij, Category.comp_id])
(Arrow.isoMk (Iso.refl _) (C.xNextIso hjk) <| by
rw [C.dFrom_comp_xNextIso hjk, Category.id_comp])
#align homological_complex.homology_iso HomologicalComplex.homologyIso


end HomologicalComplex

/-- The 0th homology of a chain complex is isomorphic to the cokernel of `d : C₁ ⟶ C₀`. -/
def ChainComplex.homologyZeroIso [HasKernels V] [HasImages V] [HasCokernels V]
(C : ChainComplex V ℕ) [Epi (factorThruImage (C.d 1 0))] : C.homology 0 ≅ cokernel (C.d 1 0) :=
(homology.mapIso _ _
(Arrow.isoMk (C.xPrevIso rfl) (Iso.refl _) <| by
rw [C.dTo_eq rfl]
exact (Category.comp_id _).symm : (C.dTo 0) ≅ (C.d 1 0))
(Arrow.isoMk (Iso.refl _) (Iso.refl _) <| by
simp [C.dFrom_eq_zero fun h : _ = _ =>
one_ne_zero <| by rwa [ChainComplex.next_nat_zero, Nat.zero_add] at h] : (C.dFrom 0) ≅ 0)
rfl).trans <|
homologyOfZeroRight _
#align chain_complex.homology_zero_iso ChainComplex.homologyZeroIso

/-- The 0th cohomology of a cochain complex is isomorphic to the kernel of `d : C₀ → C₁`. -/
def CochainComplex.homologyZeroIso [HasZeroObject V] [HasKernels V] [HasImages V] [HasCokernels V]
(C : CochainComplex V ℕ) : C.homology 0 ≅ kernel (C.d 0 1) :=
(homology.mapIso _ _
(Arrow.isoMk (C.xPrevIsoSelf (by rw [CochainComplex.prev_nat_zero]; exact one_ne_zero))
(Iso.refl _) (by simp) : (C.dTo 0) ≅ 0)
(Arrow.isoMk (Iso.refl _) (C.xNextIso rfl) (by simp) : (C.dFrom 0) ≅ (C.d 0 1)) <|
by simp).trans <|
homologyOfZeroLeft _
#align cochain_complex.homology_zero_iso CochainComplex.homologyZeroIso

/-- The `n + 1`th homology of a chain complex (as kernel of 'the differential from `Cₙ₊₁`' modulo
the image of 'the differential to `Cₙ₊₁`') is isomorphic to the kernel of `d : Cₙ₊₁ → Cₙ` modulo
the image of `d : Cₙ₊₂ → Cₙ₊₁`. -/
def ChainComplex.homologySuccIso [HasKernels V] [HasImages V] [HasCokernels V]
(C : ChainComplex V ℕ) (n : ℕ) :
C.homology (n + 1) ≅ homology (C.d (n + 2) (n + 1)) (C.d (n + 1) n) (C.d_comp_d _ _ _) :=
C.homologyIso rfl rfl
#align chain_complex.homology_succ_iso ChainComplex.homologySuccIso

/-- The `n + 1`th cohomology of a cochain complex (as kernel of 'the differential from `Cₙ₊₁`'
modulo the image of 'the differential to `Cₙ₊₁`') is isomorphic to the kernel of `d : Cₙ₊₁ → Cₙ₊₂`
modulo the image of `d : Cₙ → Cₙ₊₁`. -/
def CochainComplex.homologySuccIso [HasKernels V] [HasImages V] [HasCokernels V]
(C : CochainComplex V ℕ) (n : ℕ) :
C.homology (n + 1) ≅ homology (C.d n (n + 1)) (C.d (n + 1) (n + 2)) (C.d_comp_d _ _ _) :=
C.homologyIso rfl rfl
#align cochain_complex.homology_succ_iso CochainComplex.homologySuccIso

open HomologicalComplex

/-! Computing the cycles is functorial. -/


variable [HasKernels V]

variable {C₁ C₂ C₃ : HomologicalComplex V c} (f : C₁ ⟶ C₂)

/-- The morphism between cycles induced by a chain map. -/
abbrev cyclesMap (f : C₁ ⟶ C₂) (i : ι) : (C₁.cycles i : V) ⟶ (C₂.cycles i : V) :=
Subobject.factorThru _ ((C₁.cycles i).arrow ≫ f.f i) (kernelSubobject_factors _ _ (by simp))
#align cycles_map cyclesMap

-- Porting note: Originally `@[simp, reassoc.1, elementwise]`
@[reassoc (attr := simp 1100), elementwise (attr := simp)]
theorem cyclesMap_arrow (f : C₁ ⟶ C₂) (i : ι) :
cyclesMap f i ≫ (C₂.cycles i).arrow = (C₁.cycles i).arrow ≫ f.f i := by simp
#align cycles_map_arrow cyclesMap_arrow

theorem cyclesMap_id (i : ι) : cyclesMap (𝟙 C₁) i = 𝟙 _ := by
dsimp only [cyclesMap]
#align cycles_map_id cyclesMap_id

theorem cyclesMap_comp (f : C₁ ⟶ C₂) (g : C₂ ⟶ C₃) (i : ι) :
cyclesMap (f ≫ g) i = cyclesMap f i ≫ cyclesMap g i := by
dsimp only [cyclesMap]
simp [Subobject.factorThru_right]
#align cycles_map_comp cyclesMap_comp

variable (V c)

/-- Cycles as a functor. -/
def cyclesFunctor (i : ι) : HomologicalComplex V c ⥤ V where
obj C := C.cycles i
map {C₁ C₂} f := cyclesMap f i
#align cycles_functor cyclesFunctor


/-! Computing the boundaries is functorial. -/


variable [HasImages V] [HasImageMaps V]

variable {C₁ C₂ C₃ : HomologicalComplex V c} (f : C₁ ⟶ C₂)

/-- The morphism between boundaries induced by a chain map. -/
abbrev boundariesMap (f : C₁ ⟶ C₂) (i : ι) : (C₁.boundaries i : V) ⟶ (C₂.boundaries i : V) :=
imageSubobjectMap (f.sqTo i)
#align boundaries_map boundariesMap

variable (V c)

/-- Boundaries as a functor. -/
def boundariesFunctor (i : ι) : HomologicalComplex V c ⥤ V where
obj C := C.boundaries i
map {C₁ C₂} f := imageSubobjectMap (f.sqTo i)
#align boundaries_functor boundariesFunctor



/-! The `boundariesToCycles` morphisms are natural. -/

variable [HasEqualizers V] [HasImages V] [HasImageMaps V]

variable {C₁ C₂ : HomologicalComplex V c} (f : C₁ ⟶ C₂)

-- Porting note: Originally `@[simp, reassoc.1]`
@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
theorem boundariesToCycles_naturality (i : ι) :
boundariesMap f i ≫ C₂.boundariesToCycles i = C₁.boundariesToCycles i ≫ cyclesMap f i := by
#align boundaries_to_cycles_naturality boundariesToCycles_naturality

variable (V c)

/-- The natural transformation from the boundaries functor to the cycles functor. -/
def boundariesToCyclesNatTrans (i : ι) : boundariesFunctor V c i ⟶ cyclesFunctor V c i where
app C := C.boundariesToCycles i
naturality _ _ f := boundariesToCycles_naturality f i
#align boundaries_to_cycles_nat_trans boundariesToCyclesNatTrans

/-- The `i`-th homology, as a functor to `V`. -/
def homologyFunctor [HasCokernels V] (i : ι) : HomologicalComplex V c ⥤ V where
-- It would be nice if we could just write
-- `cokernel (boundariesToCyclesNatTrans V c i)`
-- here, but universe implementation details get in the way...
obj C := C.homology i
map {C₁ C₂} f := _ _ (f.sqTo i) (f.sqFrom i) rfl
map_id _ := by
simp only
simp only [homology.π_map, kernelSubobjectMap_id, Hom.sqFrom_id, Category.id_comp,
map_comp _ _ := by
simp only
simp only [Hom.sqFrom_comp, kernelSubobjectMap_comp, homology.π_map_assoc, homology.π_map,
#align homology_functor homologyFunctor

/-- The homology functor from `ι`-indexed complexes to `ι`-graded objects in `V`. -/
def gradedHomologyFunctor [HasCokernels V] : HomologicalComplex V c ⥤ GradedObject ι V where
obj C i := C.homology i
map {C C'} f i := (homologyFunctor V c i).map f
map_id _ := by
simp only [GradedObject.categoryOfGradedObjects_id]
simp only [homology.π_map, homologyFunctor_map, kernelSubobjectMap_id, Hom.sqFrom_id,
Category.id_comp, Category.comp_id]
map_comp _ _ := by
simp only [GradedObject.categoryOfGradedObjects_comp]
simp only [Hom.sqFrom_comp, kernelSubobjectMap_comp, homology.π_map_assoc, homology.π_map,
homologyFunctor_map, Category.assoc]
#align graded_homology_functor gradedHomologyFunctor


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