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chore(UniformSpace): golf (#10627)
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Golf the instance for `UniformSpace (α ⊕ β)`
using the `ofNhdsEqComap` constructor.

Co-authored-by: Moritz Firsching <>
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urkud and mo271 committed Feb 20, 2024
1 parent b255974 commit 8afb410
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Showing 2 changed files with 30 additions and 69 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/Topology/MetricSpace/Gluing.lean
Expand Up @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ def glueMetricApprox (Φ : Z → X) (Ψ : Z → Y) (ε : ℝ) (ε0 : 0 < ε)
dist_triangle := glueDist_triangle Φ Ψ ε H
edist_dist _ _ := by exact ENNReal.coe_nnreal_eq _
eq_of_dist_eq_zero := eq_of_glueDist_eq_zero Φ Ψ ε ε0 _ _
toUniformSpace := Sum.uniformSpace
toUniformSpace := Sum.instUniformSpace
uniformity_dist := uniformity_dist_of_mem_uniformity _ _ <| Sum.mem_uniformity_iff_glueDist ε0
#align metric.glue_metric_approx Metric.glueMetricApprox

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ def metricSpaceSum : MetricSpace (X ⊕ Y) where
· exact eq_of_glueDist_eq_zero _ _ _ one_pos _ _ ((Sum.dist_eq_glueDist q p).symm.trans h)
· rw [eq_of_dist_eq_zero h]
edist_dist _ _ := by exact ENNReal.coe_nnreal_eq _
toUniformSpace := Sum.uniformSpace
toUniformSpace := Sum.instUniformSpace
uniformity_dist := uniformity_dist_of_mem_uniformity _ _ Sum.mem_uniformity
#align metric.metric_space_sum Metric.metricSpaceSum

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95 changes: 28 additions & 67 deletions Mathlib/Topology/UniformSpace/Basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -1759,83 +1759,44 @@ open Sum
/-- Uniformity on a disjoint union. Entourages of the diagonal in the union are obtained
by taking independently an entourage of the diagonal in the first part, and an entourage of
the diagonal in the second part. -/
def UniformSpace.Core.sum : UniformSpace.Core (Sum α β) :='
(map (fun p : α × α => (inl p.1, inl p.2)) (𝓤 α) ⊔
map (fun p : β × β => (inr p.1, inr p.2)) (𝓤 β))
(fun r ⟨H₁, H₂⟩ x => by
cases x <;> [apply refl_mem_uniformity H₁; apply refl_mem_uniformity H₂])
(fun r ⟨H₁, H₂⟩ => ⟨symm_le_uniformity H₁, symm_le_uniformity H₂⟩)
(fun r ⟨Hrα, Hrβ⟩ => by
rcases comp_mem_uniformity_sets Hrα with ⟨tα, htα, Htα⟩
rcases comp_mem_uniformity_sets Hrβ withtβ, htβ, Htβ
refine' ⟨_, ⟨mem_map_iff_exists_image.2 ⟨tα, htα, subset_union_left _ _⟩,
mem_map_iff_exists_image.2 ⟨tβ, htβ, subset_union_right _ _⟩⟩, _⟩
rintro ⟨_, _⟩ ⟨z, ⟨⟨a, b⟩, hab, ⟨⟩⟩ | ⟨⟨a, b⟩, hab, ⟨⟩⟩,
instance Sum.instUniformSpace : UniformSpace (α ⊕ β) :=
{ uniformity := map (fun p : α × α => (inl p.1, inl p.2)) (𝓤 α) ⊔
map (fun p : β × β => (inr p.1, inr p.2)) (𝓤 β)
refl := by
rintro s ⟨hs₁, hs₂⟩ ⟨x, y⟩ (rfl : x = y)
cases x <;> [apply refl_mem_uniformity hs₁; apply refl_mem_uniformity hs₂]
symm := fun s hs ↦ ⟨symm_le_uniformity hs.1, symm_le_uniformity hs.2
comp := fun s hs ↦ by
rcases comp_mem_uniformity_sets hs.1 withtα, htα, Htα
rcases comp_mem_uniformity_sets hs.2 with ⟨tβ, htβ, Htβ⟩
filter_upwards [mem_lift' (union_mem_sup (image_mem_map htα) (image_mem_map htβ))]
rintro ⟨_, _⟩ ⟨z, ⟨⟨a, b⟩, hab, ⟨⟩⟩ | ⟨⟨a, b⟩, hab, ⟨⟩⟩,
⟨⟨_, c⟩, hbc, ⟨⟩⟩ | ⟨⟨_, c⟩, hbc, ⟨⟩⟩⟩
· have A : (a, c) ∈ tα ○ tα := ⟨b, hab, hbc⟩
exact Htα A
· have A : (a, c) ∈ tβ ○ tβ := ⟨b, hab, hbc⟩
exact Htβ A)
#align uniform_space.core.sum UniformSpace.Core.sum
exacts [@Htα (_, _) ⟨b, hab, hbc⟩, @Htβ (_, _) ⟨b, hab, hbc⟩] } inferInstance
fun x ↦ by
cases x <;> simp [mem_comap', -mem_comap, nhds_inl, nhds_inr, nhds_eq_comap_uniformity,
#align sum.uniform_space Sum.instUniformSpace

@[reducible, deprecated] alias Sum.uniformSpace := Sum.instUniformSpace -- 2024-02-15

/-- The union of an entourage of the diagonal in each set of a disjoint union is again an entourage
of the diagonal. -/
theorem union_mem_uniformity_sum {a : Set (α × α)} (ha : a ∈ 𝓤 α) {b : Set (β × β)} (hb : b ∈ 𝓤 β) :
(fun p : α × α => (inl p.1, inl p.2)) '' a ∪ (fun p : β × β => (inr p.1, inr p.2)) '' b ∈
(@UniformSpace.Core.sum α β _ _).uniformity :=
⟨mem_map_iff_exists_image.2 ⟨_, ha, subset_union_left _ _⟩,
mem_map_iff_exists_image.2 ⟨_, hb, subset_union_right _ _⟩⟩ inl inl '' a ∪ inr inr '' b ∈ 𝓤 (α ⊕ β) :=
union_mem_sup (image_mem_map ha) (image_mem_map hb)
#align union_mem_uniformity_sum union_mem_uniformity_sum

/- To prove that the topology defined by the uniform structure on the disjoint union coincides with
the disjoint union topology, we need two lemmas saying that open sets can be characterized by
the uniform structure -/
theorem uniformity_sum_of_isOpen_aux {s : Set (Sum α β)} (hs : IsOpen s) {x : Sum α β}
(xs : x ∈ s) : { p : (α ⊕ β) × (α ⊕ β) | p.1 = x → p.2 ∈ s } ∈
(@UniformSpace.Core.sum α β _ _).uniformity := by
cases x
· refine' mem_of_superset
(union_mem_uniformity_sum (mem_nhds_uniformity_iff_right.1 (hs.1.mem_nhds xs)) univ_mem)
(union_subset _ _) <;> rintro _ ⟨⟨_, b⟩, h, ⟨⟩⟩ ⟨⟩
exact h rfl
· refine' mem_of_superset
(union_mem_uniformity_sum univ_mem (mem_nhds_uniformity_iff_right.1 (hs.2.mem_nhds xs)))
(union_subset _ _) <;> rintro _ ⟨⟨a, _⟩, h, ⟨⟩⟩ ⟨⟩
exact h rfl
#align uniformity_sum_of_open_aux uniformity_sum_of_isOpen_aux

theorem isOpen_of_uniformity_sum_aux {s : Set (Sum α β)}
(hs : ∀ x ∈ s,
{ p : (α ⊕ β) × (α ⊕ β) | p.1 = x → p.2 ∈ s } ∈ (@UniformSpace.Core.sum α β _ _).uniformity) :
IsOpen s := by
· refine (isOpen_iff_mem_nhds (X := α)).2 fun a ha ↦ mem_nhds_uniformity_iff_right.2 ?_
rcases mem_map_iff_exists_image.1 (hs _ ha).1 with ⟨t, ht, st⟩
refine' mem_of_superset ht _
rintro p pt rfl
exact st ⟨_, pt, rfl⟩ rfl
· refine (@isOpen_iff_mem_nhds (X := β)).2 fun b hb ↦ mem_nhds_uniformity_iff_right.2 ?_
rcases mem_map_iff_exists_image.1 (hs _ hb).2 with ⟨t, ht, st⟩
refine' mem_of_superset ht _
rintro p pt rfl
exact st ⟨_, pt, rfl⟩ rfl
#align open_of_uniformity_sum_aux isOpen_of_uniformity_sum_aux

-- We can now define the uniform structure on the disjoint union
instance Sum.uniformSpace : UniformSpace (Sum α β) where
toCore := UniformSpace.Core.sum
isOpen_uniformity _ := ⟨uniformity_sum_of_isOpen_aux, isOpen_of_uniformity_sum_aux⟩
#align sum.uniform_space Sum.uniformSpace

theorem Sum.uniformity :
𝓤 (Sum α β) =
map (fun p : α × α => (inl p.1, inl p.2)) (𝓤 α) ⊔
map (fun p : β × β => (inr p.1, inr p.2)) (𝓤 β) :=
#noalign uniform_space.core.sum
#noalign uniformity_sum_of_open_aux
#noalign open_of_uniformity_sum_aux

theorem Sum.uniformity : 𝓤 (α ⊕ β) = map ( inl inl) (𝓤 α) ⊔ map ( inr inr) (𝓤 β) :=
#align sum.uniformity Sum.uniformity

-- porting note: 2 new lemmas
lemma uniformContinuous_inl : UniformContinuous (Sum.inl : α → α ⊕ β) := le_sup_left
lemma uniformContinuous_inr : UniformContinuous (Sum.inr : β → α ⊕ β) := le_sup_right

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