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feat: ToExpr deriving handler (#3215)
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Add a deriving handler for `ToExpr` loosely modeled off the  `Repr` one. Supports mutually recursive inductive types.

Introduces a `ToLevel` typeclass for creating `Level` expressions that represent universe levels. This is used in the derived `ToExpr` instances to support some universe polymorphism.
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kmill committed Apr 13, 2023
1 parent 1cd8b31 commit 94c39a2
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Showing 5 changed files with 431 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1586,6 +1586,7 @@ import Mathlib.Tactic.Contrapose
import Mathlib.Tactic.Conv
import Mathlib.Tactic.Convert
import Mathlib.Tactic.Core
import Mathlib.Tactic.DeriveToExpr
import Mathlib.Tactic.Elementwise
import Mathlib.Tactic.Eqns
import Mathlib.Tactic.Existsi
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1672,6 +1673,8 @@ import Mathlib.Tactic.SwapVar
import Mathlib.Tactic.TFAE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Tauto
import Mathlib.Tactic.ToAdditive
import Mathlib.Tactic.ToExpr
import Mathlib.Tactic.ToLevel
import Mathlib.Tactic.Trace
import Mathlib.Tactic.TypeCheck
import Mathlib.Tactic.UnsetOption
Expand Down
197 changes: 197 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Tactic/DeriveToExpr.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Kyle Miller. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kyle Miller
import Lean
import Mathlib.Tactic.ToLevel

# A `ToExpr` derive handler
This module defines a `ToExpr` derive handler for inductive types. It supports mutually inductive
types as well.
The `ToExpr` derive handlers support universe level polymorphism. This is implemented using the
`Lean.ToLevel` class. To use `ToExpr` in places where there is universe polymorphism, make sure
to have a `[ToLevel.{u}]` instance available.
**Warning:** Import `Mathlib.Tactic.ToExpr` instead of this one. This ensures that you are using
the universe polymorphic `ToExpr` instances that override the ones from Lean 4 core.
Implementation note: this derive handler was originally modeled after the `Repr` derive handler.

namespace Mathlib.Deriving.ToExpr

open Lean Elab Lean.Parser.Term
open Meta Command Deriving

def mkToExprHeader (indVal : InductiveVal) : TermElabM Header := do
-- The auxiliary functions we produce are `indtype -> Expr`.
let header ← mkHeader ``ToExpr 1 indVal
return header

/-- Give a term that is equivalent to `(term|mkAppN $f #[$args,*])`.
As an optimization, `mkAppN` is pre-expanded out to use `` directly. -/
def mkAppNTerm (f : Term) (args : Array Term) : MetaM Term :=
args.foldlM (fun a b => `( $a $b)) f

def mkToExprBody (header : Header) (indVal : InductiveVal) (auxFunName : Name) :
TermElabM Term := do
let discrs ← mkDiscrs header indVal
let alts ← mkAlts
`(match $[$discrs],* with $alts:matchAlt*)
mkAlts : TermElabM (Array (TSyntax ``matchAlt)) := do
let mut alts := #[]
for ctorName in indVal.ctors do
let ctorInfo ← getConstInfoCtor ctorName
let alt ← forallTelescopeReducing ctorInfo.type fun xs _ => do
let mut patterns := #[]
-- add `_` pattern for indices
for _ in [:indVal.numIndices] do
patterns := patterns.push (← `(_))
let mut ctorArgs := #[]
let mut rhsArgs : Array Term := #[]
let mkArg (x : Expr) (a : Term) : TermElabM Term := do
if (← inferType x).isAppOf then
`($(mkIdent auxFunName) $a)
else if ← Meta.isType x then
`(toTypeExpr $a)
`(toExpr $a)
-- add `_` pattern for inductive parameters, which are inaccessible
for i in [:ctorInfo.numParams] do
let a := mkIdent header.argNames[i]!
ctorArgs := ctorArgs.push (← `(_))
rhsArgs := rhsArgs.push <| ← mkArg xs[i]! a
for i in [:ctorInfo.numFields] do
let a := mkIdent (← mkFreshUserName `a)
ctorArgs := ctorArgs.push a
rhsArgs := rhsArgs.push <| ← mkArg xs[ctorInfo.numParams + i]! a
patterns := patterns.push (← `(@$(mkIdent ctorName):ident $ctorArgs:term*))
let levels ← indVal.levelParams.toArray.mapM (fun u => `(toLevel.{$(mkIdent u)}))
let rhs : Term ←
mkAppNTerm (← `(Expr.const $(quote [$levels,*])) rhsArgs
`(matchAltExpr| | $[$patterns:term],* => $rhs)
alts := alts.push alt
return alts

def mkToTypeExpr (argNames : Array Name) (indVal : InductiveVal) : TermElabM Term := do
let levels ← indVal.levelParams.toArray.mapM (fun u => `(toLevel.{$(mkIdent u)}))
forallTelescopeReducing indVal.type fun xs _ => do
let mut args : Array Term := #[]
for i in [:xs.size] do
let x := xs[i]!
let a := mkIdent argNames[i]!
if ← Meta.isType x then
args := args.push <| ← `(toTypeExpr $a)
args := args.push <| ← `(toExpr $a)
mkAppNTerm (← `((Expr.const $(quote [$levels,*]))) args

def mkLocalInstanceLetDecls (ctx : Deriving.Context) (argNames : Array Name) :
TermElabM (Array (TSyntax ``Parser.Term.letDecl)) := do
let mut letDecls := #[]
for i in [:ctx.typeInfos.size] do
let indVal := ctx.typeInfos[i]!
let auxFunName := ctx.auxFunNames[i]!
let currArgNames ← mkInductArgNames indVal
let numParams := indVal.numParams
let currIndices := currArgNames[numParams:]
let binders ← mkImplicitBinders currIndices
let argNamesNew := argNames[:numParams] ++ currIndices
let indType ← mkInductiveApp indVal argNamesNew
let instName ← mkFreshUserName `localinst
let toTypeExpr ← mkToTypeExpr argNames indVal
let letDecl ← `(Parser.Term.letDecl| $(mkIdent instName):ident $binders:implicitBinder* :
ToExpr $indType :=
{ toExpr := $(mkIdent auxFunName), toTypeExpr := $toTypeExpr })
letDecls := letDecls.push letDecl
return letDecls

/-- Fix the output of `mkInductiveApp` to explicitly reference universe levels. -/
def fixIndType (indVal : InductiveVal) (t : Term) : TermElabM Term :=
match t with
| `(@$f $args*) =>
let levels := mkIdent
`(@$f.{$levels,*} $args*)
| _ => throwError "(internal error) expecting output of `mkInductiveApp`"

/-- Make `ToLevel` instance binders for all the level variables. -/
def mkToLevelBinders (indVal : InductiveVal) : TermElabM (TSyntaxArray ``instBinderF) := do
indVal.levelParams.toArray.mapM (fun u => `(instBinderF| [ToLevel.{$(mkIdent u)}]))

open TSyntax.Compat in
def mkAuxFunction (ctx : Deriving.Context) (i : Nat) : TermElabM Command := do
let auxFunName := ctx.auxFunNames[i]!
let indVal := ctx.typeInfos[i]!
let header ← mkToExprHeader indVal
let mut body ← mkToExprBody header indVal auxFunName
if ctx.usePartial then
let letDecls ← mkLocalInstanceLetDecls ctx header.argNames
body ← mkLet letDecls body
-- We need to alter the last binder (the one for the "target") to have explicit universe levels
-- so that the `ToLevel` instance arguments can use them.
let addLevels binder :=
match binder with
| `(bracketedBinderF| ($a : $ty)) => do `(bracketedBinderF| ($a : $(← fixIndType indVal ty)))
| _ => throwError "(internal error) expecting inst binder"
let binders := header.binders.pop
++ (← mkToLevelBinders indVal)
++ #[← addLevels header.binders.back]
let levels := mkIdent
if ctx.usePartial then
`(private partial def $(mkIdent auxFunName):ident.{$levels,*} $binders:bracketedBinder* :
Expr := $body:term)
`(private def $(mkIdent auxFunName):ident.{$levels,*} $binders:bracketedBinder* :
Expr := $body:term)

def mkMutualBlock (ctx : Deriving.Context) : TermElabM Syntax := do
let mut auxDefs := #[]
for i in [:ctx.typeInfos.size] do
auxDefs := auxDefs.push (← mkAuxFunction ctx i)
`(mutual $auxDefs:command* end)

open TSyntax.Compat in
def mkInstanceCmds (ctx : Deriving.Context) (typeNames : Array Name) :
TermElabM (Array Command) := do
let mut instances := #[]
for i in [:ctx.typeInfos.size] do
let indVal := ctx.typeInfos[i]!
if typeNames.contains then
let auxFunName := ctx.auxFunNames[i]!
let argNames ← mkInductArgNames indVal
let binders ← mkImplicitBinders argNames
let binders := binders ++ (← mkInstImplicitBinders ``ToExpr indVal argNames)
let binders := binders ++ (← mkToLevelBinders indVal)
let indType ← fixIndType indVal (← mkInductiveApp indVal argNames)
let toTypeExpr ← mkToTypeExpr argNames indVal
let levels := mkIdent
let instCmd ← `(instance $binders:implicitBinder* : ToExpr $indType where
toExpr := $(mkIdent auxFunName).{$levels,*}
toTypeExpr := $toTypeExpr)
instances := instances.push instCmd
return instances

def mkToExprInstanceCmds (declNames : Array Name) : TermElabM (Array Syntax) := do
let ctx ← mkContext "toExpr" declNames[0]!
let cmds := #[← mkMutualBlock ctx] ++ (← mkInstanceCmds ctx declNames)
trace[Elab.Deriving.toExpr] "\n{cmds}"
return cmds

def mkToExprInstanceHandler (declNames : Array Name) : CommandElabM Bool := do
if (← declNames.allM isInductive) && declNames.size > 0 then
let cmds ← liftTermElabM <| mkToExprInstanceCmds declNames
cmds.forM elabCommand
return true
return false

registerDerivingHandler `Lean.ToExpr mkToExprInstanceHandler
registerTraceClass `Elab.Deriving.toExpr

end Mathlib.Deriving.ToExpr
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Tactic/ToExpr.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Kyle Miller. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kyle Miller
import Mathlib.Tactic.DeriveToExpr

/-! # `ToExpr` instances for Mathlib
This module should be imported by any module that intends to define `ToExpr` instances.
It provides necessary dependencies (the `Lean.ToLevel` class) and it also overrides the instances
that come from core Lean 4 that do not handle universe polymorphism.
(See the module `Lean.ToExpr` for the instances that are overridden.)
In addition, we provide some additional `ToExpr` instances for core definitions.

section override
namespace Lean

attribute [-instance] Lean.instToExprOption

deriving instance ToExpr for Option

attribute [-instance] Lean.instToExprList

deriving instance ToExpr for List

attribute [-instance] Lean.instToExprArray

instance {α : Type u} [ToExpr α] [ToLevel.{u}] : ToExpr (Array α) :=
let type := toTypeExpr α
{ toExpr := fun as => mkApp2 (mkConst ``List.toArray [toLevel.{u}]) type (toExpr as.toList)
toTypeExpr := mkApp (mkConst ``Array [toLevel.{u}]) type }

attribute [-instance] Lean.instToExprProd

deriving instance ToExpr for Prod

end Lean
end override

namespace Mathlib
open Lean

deriving instance ToExpr for Int

deriving instance ToExpr for ULift

/-- Hand-written instance since `PUnit` is a `Sort` rather than a `Type`. -/
instance [ToLevel.{u}] : ToExpr PUnit.{u+1} where
toExpr _ := mkConst ``PUnit.unit [toLevel.{u+1}]
toTypeExpr := mkConst ``PUnit [toLevel.{u+1}]

deriving instance ToExpr for String.Pos
deriving instance ToExpr for Substring
deriving instance ToExpr for SourceInfo
deriving instance ToExpr for Syntax.Preresolved
deriving instance ToExpr for Syntax

open DataValue in
private def toExprMData (md : MData) : Expr := do
let mut e := mkConst ``MData.empty
for (k, v) in md do
let k := toExpr k
e := match v with
| ofString v => mkApp3 (mkConst ``KVMap.setString) e k (mkStrLit v)
| ofBool v => mkApp3 (mkConst ``KVMap.setBool) e k (toExpr v)
| ofName v => mkApp3 (mkConst ``KVMap.setName) e k (toExpr v)
| ofNat v => mkApp3 (mkConst ``KVMap.setNat) e k (mkNatLit v)
| ofInt v => mkApp3 (mkConst ``KVMap.setInt) e k (toExpr v)
| ofSyntax v => mkApp3 (mkConst ``KVMap.setSyntax) e k (toExpr v)
return e

instance : ToExpr MData where
toExpr := toExprMData
toTypeExpr := mkConst ``MData

deriving instance ToExpr for FVarId
deriving instance ToExpr for MVarId
deriving instance ToExpr for LevelMVarId
deriving instance ToExpr for Level
deriving instance ToExpr for BinderInfo
deriving instance ToExpr for Literal
deriving instance ToExpr for Expr

end Mathlib
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Tactic/ToLevel.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Kyle Miller. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kyle Miller
import Lean
import Mathlib.Init.Align

/-! # `ToLevel` class
This module defines `Lean.ToLevel`, which is the `Lean.Level` analogue to `Lean.ToExpr`.
**Warning:** Import `Mathlib.Tactic.ToExpr` instead of this one if you are writing `ToExpr`
instances. This ensures that you are using the universe polymorphic `ToExpr` instances that
override the ones from Lean 4 core.

namespace Lean

/-- A class to create `Level` expressions that denote particular universe levels in Lean.
`Lean.ToLevel.toLevel.{u}` evaluates to a `Lean.Level` term representing `u` -/
class ToLevel.{u} where
/-- A `Level` that represents the universe level `u`. -/
toLevel : Level
/-- The universe itself. This is only here to avoid the "unused universe parameter" error. -/
univ : Type u := Sort u
export ToLevel (toLevel)
#align reflected_univ Lean.ToLevel
#align reflected_univ.lvl Lean.ToLevel.toLevel

instance : ToLevel.{0} where
toLevel := .zero

instance [ToLevel.{u}] : ToLevel.{u+1} where
toLevel := .succ toLevel.{u}

/-- `ToLevel` for `max u v`. This is not an instance since it causes divergence. -/
def ToLevel.max [ToLevel.{u}] [ToLevel.{v}] : ToLevel.{max u v} where
toLevel := .max toLevel.{u} toLevel.{v}

/-- `ToLevel` for `imax u v`. This is not an instance since it causes divergence. -/
def ToLevel.imax [ToLevel.{u}] [ToLevel.{v}] : ToLevel.{imax u v} where
toLevel := .imax toLevel.{u} toLevel.{v}

end Lean

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