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feat: more facts on measures in topological groups (#8286)
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sgouezel authored and grunweg committed Dec 15, 2023
1 parent 7a8021e commit 964965f
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Showing 2 changed files with 133 additions and 46 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Group/LIntegral.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,9 +68,8 @@ variable [TopologicalSpace G] [Group G] [TopologicalGroup G] [BorelSpace G] [IsM
"For nonzero regular left invariant measures, the integral of a continuous nonnegative
function `f` is 0 iff `f` is 0."]
theorem lintegral_eq_zero_of_isMulLeftInvariant [Regular μ] (hμ : μ ≠ 0) {f : G → ℝ≥0∞}
theorem lintegral_eq_zero_of_isMulLeftInvariant [Regular μ] [NeZero μ] {f : G → ℝ≥0∞}
(hf : Continuous f) : ∫⁻ x, f x ∂μ = 0 ↔ f = 0 := by
haveI := isOpenPosMeasure_of_mulLeftInvariant_of_regular hμ
rw [lintegral_eq_zero_iff hf.measurable, hf.ae_eq_iff_eq μ continuous_zero]
#align measure_theory.lintegral_eq_zero_of_is_mul_left_invariant MeasureTheory.lintegral_eq_zero_of_isMulLeftInvariant
#align measure_theory.lintegral_eq_zero_of_is_add_left_invariant MeasureTheory.lintegral_eq_zero_of_isAddLeftInvariant
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176 changes: 132 additions & 44 deletions Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Group/Measure.lean
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Expand Up @@ -412,6 +412,9 @@ section Inv

variable [Inv G]

theorem inv_def (μ : Measure G) : μ.inv = inv μ := rfl

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem inv_eq_self (μ : Measure G) [IsInvInvariant μ] : μ.inv = μ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -546,21 +549,37 @@ section TopologicalGroup
variable [TopologicalSpace G] [BorelSpace G] {μ : Measure G} [Group G]

instance Measure.Regular.inv [ContinuousInv G] [T2Space G] [Regular μ] : Regular μ.inv :=
instance Measure.IsFiniteMeasureOnCompacts.inv [ContinuousInv G] [IsFiniteMeasureOnCompacts μ] :
IsFiniteMeasureOnCompacts μ.inv := μ (Homeomorph.inv G)

instance Measure.IsOpenPosMeasure.inv [ContinuousInv G] [IsOpenPosMeasure μ] :
IsOpenPosMeasure μ.inv :=
(Homeomorph.inv G).continuous.isOpenPosMeasure_map (Homeomorph.inv G).surjective

instance Measure.Regular.inv [ContinuousInv G] [Regular μ] : Regular μ.inv := (Homeomorph.inv G)
#align measure_theory.measure.regular.inv MeasureTheory.Measure.Regular.inv
#align measure_theory.measure.regular.neg MeasureTheory.Measure.Regular.neg

instance Measure.InnerRegular.inv [ContinuousInv G] [InnerRegular μ] : InnerRegular μ.inv := (Homeomorph.inv G)

variable [TopologicalGroup G]

theorem regular_inv_iff [T2Space G] : μ.inv.Regular ↔ μ.Regular := by
· intro h; rw [← μ.inv_inv]; exact Measure.Regular.inv
· intro h; exact Measure.Regular.inv
theorem regular_inv_iff : μ.inv.Regular ↔ μ.Regular :=
Regular.map_iff (Homeomorph.inv G)
#align measure_theory.regular_inv_iff MeasureTheory.regular_inv_iff
#align measure_theory.regular_neg_iff MeasureTheory.regular_neg_iff

theorem innerRegular_inv_iff : μ.inv.InnerRegular ↔ μ.InnerRegular :=
InnerRegular.map_iff (Homeomorph.inv G)

variable [IsMulLeftInvariant μ]

/-- If a left-invariant measure gives positive mass to a compact set, then it gives positive mass to
Expand All @@ -585,19 +604,27 @@ theorem isOpenPosMeasure_of_mulLeftInvariant_of_compact (K : Set G) (hK : IsComp

/-- A nonzero left-invariant regular measure gives positive mass to any open set. -/
@[to_additive "A nonzero left-invariant regular measure gives positive mass to any open set."]
theorem isOpenPosMeasure_of_mulLeftInvariant_of_regular [Regular μ] (h₀ : μ ≠ 0) :
instance (priority := 80) isOpenPosMeasure_of_mulLeftInvariant_of_regular [Regular μ] [NeZero μ] :
IsOpenPosMeasure μ :=
let ⟨K, hK, h2K⟩ := Regular.exists_compact_not_null.mpr h₀
let ⟨K, hK, h2K⟩ := Regular.exists_compact_not_null.mpr ( μ)
isOpenPosMeasure_of_mulLeftInvariant_of_compact K hK h2K
#align measure_theory.is_open_pos_measure_of_mul_left_invariant_of_regular MeasureTheory.isOpenPosMeasure_of_mulLeftInvariant_of_regular
#align measure_theory.is_open_pos_measure_of_add_left_invariant_of_regular MeasureTheory.isOpenPosMeasure_of_addLeftInvariant_of_regular

/-- A nonzero left-invariant inner regular measure gives positive mass to any open set. -/
@[to_additive "A nonzero left-invariant inner regular measure gives positive mass to any open set."]
instance (priority := 80) isOpenPosMeasure_of_mulLeftInvariant_of_innerRegular
[InnerRegular μ] [NeZero μ] :
IsOpenPosMeasure μ :=
let ⟨K, hK, h2K⟩ := InnerRegular.exists_compact_not_null.mpr ( μ)
isOpenPosMeasure_of_mulLeftInvariant_of_compact K hK h2K

theorem null_iff_of_isMulLeftInvariant [Regular μ] {s : Set G} (hs : IsOpen s) :
μ s = 0 ↔ s = ∅ ∨ μ = 0 := by
by_cases h3μ : μ = 0; · simp [h3μ]
· haveI := isOpenPosMeasure_of_mulLeftInvariant_of_regular h3μ
simp only [h3μ, or_false_iff, hs.measure_eq_zero_iff μ]
rcases eq_zero_or_neZero μ with rfl|hμ
· simp
· simp only [or_false_iff, hs.measure_eq_zero_iff μ, μ]
#align measure_theory.null_iff_of_is_mul_left_invariant MeasureTheory.null_iff_of_isMulLeftInvariant
#align measure_theory.null_iff_of_is_add_left_invariant MeasureTheory.null_iff_of_isAddLeftInvariant

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -695,6 +722,40 @@ theorem measure_univ_of_isMulLeftInvariant [WeaklyLocallyCompactSpace G] [Noncom
#align measure_theory.measure_univ_of_is_mul_left_invariant MeasureTheory.measure_univ_of_isMulLeftInvariant
#align measure_theory.measure_univ_of_is_add_left_invariant MeasureTheory.measure_univ_of_isAddLeftInvariant

lemma _root_.MeasurableSet.mul_closure_one_eq {s : Set G} (hs : MeasurableSet s) :
s * (closure {1} : Set G) = s := by
apply MeasurableSet.induction_on_open (C := fun t ↦ t • (closure {1} : Set G) = t) ?_ ?_ ?_ hs
· intro U hU
exact hU.mul_closure_one_eq
· rintro t - ht
exact compl_mul_closure_one_eq_iff.2 ht
· rintro f - - h''f
simp only [iUnion_smul, h''f]

/-- If a compact set is included in a measurable set, then so is its closure. -/
lemma _root_.IsCompact.closure_subset_of_measurableSet_of_group {k s : Set G}
(hk : IsCompact k) (hs : MeasurableSet s) (h : k ⊆ s) : closure k ⊆ s := by
rw [← hk.mul_closure_one_eq_closure, ← hs.mul_closure_one_eq]
exact mul_subset_mul_right h

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
lemma measure_mul_closure_one (s : Set G) (μ : Measure G) :
μ (s * (closure {1} : Set G)) = μ s := by
apply le_antisymm ?_ (measure_mono (subset_mul_closure_one s))
conv_rhs => rw [measure_eq_iInf]
simp only [le_iInf_iff]
intro t kt t_meas
apply measure_mono
rw [← t_meas.mul_closure_one_eq]
exact smul_subset_smul_right kt

lemma _root_.IsCompact.measure_closure_eq_of_group {k : Set G} (hk : IsCompact k) (μ : Measure G) :
μ (closure k) = μ k := by
rw [← hk.mul_closure_one_eq_closure, measure_mul_closure_one]

end TopologicalGroup

section CommSemigroup
Expand All @@ -720,42 +781,46 @@ section Haar

namespace Measure

/-- A measure on an additive group is an additive Haar measure if it is left-invariant, and gives
finite mass to compact sets and positive mass to open sets. -/
/-- A measure on an additive group is an additive Haar measure if it is left-invariant, and
gives finite mass to compact sets and positive mass to open sets.
Textbooks generally require an additional regularity assumption to ensure nice behavior on
arbitrary locally compact groups. Use `[IsAddHaarMeasure μ] [Regular μ]` or
`[IsAddHaarMeasure μ] [InnerRegular μ]` in these situations. Note that a Haar measure in our
sense is automatically regular and inner regular on second countable locally compact groups, as
checked just below this definition. -/
class IsAddHaarMeasure {G : Type*} [AddGroup G] [TopologicalSpace G] [MeasurableSpace G]
(μ : Measure G) extends IsFiniteMeasureOnCompacts μ, IsAddLeftInvariant μ, IsOpenPosMeasure μ :
#align measure_theory.measure.is_add_haar_measure MeasureTheory.Measure.IsAddHaarMeasure

/-- A measure on a group is a Haar measure if it is left-invariant, and gives finite mass to compact
sets and positive mass to open sets. -/
/-- A measure on a group is a Haar measure if it is left-invariant, and gives finite mass to
compact sets and positive mass to open sets.
Textbooks generally require an additional regularity assumption to ensure nice behavior on
arbitrary locally compact groups. Use `[IsHaarMeasure μ] [Regular μ]` or
`[IsHaarMeasure μ] [InnerRegular μ]` in these situations. Note that a Haar measure in our
sense is automatically regular and inner regular on second countable locally compact groups, as
checked just below this definition.-/
@[to_additive existing]
class IsHaarMeasure {G : Type*} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace G] [MeasurableSpace G]
(μ : Measure G) extends IsFiniteMeasureOnCompacts μ, IsMulLeftInvariant μ, IsOpenPosMeasure μ :
#align measure_theory.measure.is_haar_measure MeasureTheory.Measure.IsHaarMeasure

/-- Record that a Haar measure on a locally compact space is locally finite. This is needed as the
fact that a measure which is finite on compacts is locally finite is not registered as an instance,
to avoid an instance loop.
#noalign measure_theory.measure.is_locally_finite_measure_of_is_haar_measure
#noalign measure_theory.measure.is_locally_finite_measure_of_is_add_haar_measure

See Note [lower instance priority]. -/
"Record that an additive Haar measure on a locally compact space is locally finite. This is needed
as the fact that a measure which is finite on compacts is locally finite is not registered as an
instance, to avoid an instance loop.
variable [Group G] [TopologicalSpace G] (μ : Measure G) [IsHaarMeasure μ]

See Note [lower instance priority]"]
instance (priority := 100) isLocallyFiniteMeasure_of_isHaarMeasure {G : Type*} [Group G]
[MeasurableSpace G] [TopologicalSpace G] [WeaklyLocallyCompactSpace G] (μ : Measure G)
[IsHaarMeasure μ] : IsLocallyFiniteMeasure μ :=
#align measure_theory.measure.is_locally_finite_measure_of_is_haar_measure MeasureTheory.Measure.isLocallyFiniteMeasure_of_isHaarMeasure
#align measure_theory.measure.is_locally_finite_measure_of_is_add_haar_measure MeasureTheory.Measure.isLocallyFiniteMeasure_of_isAddHaarMeasure
/-! Check that typeclass inference knows that a Haar measure on a locally compact second countable
topological group is automatically regular and inner regular. -/

example [TopologicalGroup G] [LocallyCompactSpace G] [SecondCountableTopology G] [BorelSpace G] :
Regular μ := by infer_instance

variable [Group G] [TopologicalSpace G] (μ : Measure G) [IsHaarMeasure μ]
example [TopologicalGroup G] [LocallyCompactSpace G] [SecondCountableTopology G] [BorelSpace G] :
InnerRegular μ := by infer_instance

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem haar_singleton [TopologicalGroup G] [BorelSpace G] (g : G) : μ {g} = μ {(1 : G)} := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -803,42 +868,67 @@ theorem isHaarMeasure_map [BorelSpace G] [TopologicalGroup G] {H : Type*} [Group
#align measure_theory.measure.is_haar_measure_map MeasureTheory.Measure.isHaarMeasure_map
#align measure_theory.measure.is_add_haar_measure_map MeasureTheory.Measure.isAddHaarMeasure_map

/-- The image of a finite Haar measure under a continuous surjective group homomorphism is again
a Haar measure. See also `isHaarMeasure_map`.-/
"The image of a finite additive Haar measure under a continuous surjective additive group
homomorphism is again an additive Haar measure. See also `isAddHaarMeasure_map`."]
theorem isHaarMeasure_map_of_isFiniteMeasure
[BorelSpace G] [TopologicalGroup G] {H : Type*} [Group H]
[TopologicalSpace H] [MeasurableSpace H] [BorelSpace H] [TopologicalGroup H] [IsFiniteMeasure μ]
(f : G →* H) (hf : Continuous f) (h_surj : Surjective f) :
IsHaarMeasure ( f μ) :=
{ toIsMulLeftInvariant := isMulLeftInvariant_map f.toMulHom hf.measurable h_surj
lt_top_of_isCompact := fun _K hK ↦ hK.measure_lt_top
toIsOpenPosMeasure := hf.isOpenPosMeasure_map h_surj }

/-- The image of a Haar measure under map of a left action is again a Haar measure. -/
"The image of a Haar measure under map of a left additive action is again a Haar measure"]
instance isHaarMeasure_map_smul {α} [BorelSpace G] [TopologicalGroup G] [T2Space G]
instance isHaarMeasure_map_smul {α} [BorelSpace G] [TopologicalGroup G]
[Group α] [MulAction α G] [SMulCommClass α G G] [MeasurableSpace α] [MeasurableSMul α G]
[ContinuousConstSMul α G] (a : α) : IsHaarMeasure ( (a • · : G → G) μ) where
toIsMulLeftInvariant := isMulLeftInvariant_map_smul _
lt_top_of_isCompact K hK := by
rw [map_apply (measurable_const_smul _) hK.measurableSet]
let F := (Homeomorph.smul a (α := G)).toMeasurableEquiv
change map F μ K < ∞
rw [F.map_apply K]
exact IsCompact.measure_lt_top <| (Homeomorph.isCompact_preimage (Homeomorph.smul a)).2 hK
toIsOpenPosMeasure :=
(continuous_const_smul a).isOpenPosMeasure_map (MulAction.surjective a)

/-- The image of a Haar measure under right multiplication is again a Haar measure. -/
@[to_additive isHaarMeasure_map_add_right
"The image of a Haar measure under right addition is again a Haar measure."]
instance isHaarMeasure_map_mul_right [BorelSpace G] [TopologicalGroup G] [T2Space G] (g : G) :
instance isHaarMeasure_map_mul_right [BorelSpace G] [TopologicalGroup G] (g : G) :
IsHaarMeasure ( (· * g) μ) :=
isHaarMeasure_map_smul μ (MulOpposite.op g)

/-- A convenience wrapper for `MeasureTheory.Measure.isHaarMeasure_map`. -/
@[to_additive "A convenience wrapper for `MeasureTheory.Measure.isAddHaarMeasure_map`."]
nonrec theorem _root_.MulEquiv.isHaarMeasure_map [BorelSpace G] [TopologicalGroup G] {H : Type*}
[Group H] [TopologicalSpace H] [MeasurableSpace H] [BorelSpace H] [T2Space H]
[Group H] [TopologicalSpace H] [MeasurableSpace H] [BorelSpace H]
[TopologicalGroup H] (e : G ≃* H) (he : Continuous e) (hesymm : Continuous e.symm) :
IsHaarMeasure ( e μ) :=
isHaarMeasure_map μ (e : G →* H) he e.surjective
({ e with } : G ≃ₜ H).toCocompactMap.cocompact_tendsto'
{ toIsMulLeftInvariant := isMulLeftInvariant_map e.toMulHom he.measurable e.surjective
lt_top_of_isCompact := by
intro K hK
let F : G ≃ₜ H := {
e.toEquiv with
continuous_toFun := he
continuous_invFun := hesymm }
change map F.toMeasurableEquiv μ K < ∞
rw [F.toMeasurableEquiv.map_apply K]
exact (F.isCompact_preimage.mpr hK).measure_lt_top
toIsOpenPosMeasure := he.isOpenPosMeasure_map e.surjective }
#align mul_equiv.is_haar_measure_map MulEquiv.isHaarMeasure_map
#align add_equiv.is_add_haar_measure_map AddEquiv.isAddHaarMeasure_map

/-- A convenience wrapper for MeasureTheory.Measure.isAddHaarMeasure_map`. -/
theorem _root_.ContinuousLinearEquiv.isAddHaarMeasure_map
{E F R S : Type*} [Semiring R] [Semiring S]
[AddCommGroup E] [Module R E] [AddCommGroup F] [Module S F]
[TopologicalSpace E] [TopologicalAddGroup E] [TopologicalSpace F] [T2Space F]
[TopologicalSpace E] [TopologicalAddGroup E] [TopologicalSpace F]
[TopologicalAddGroup F]
{σ : R →+* S} {σ' : S →+* R} [RingHomInvPair σ σ'] [RingHomInvPair σ' σ]
[MeasurableSpace E] [BorelSpace E] [MeasurableSpace F] [BorelSpace F]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -872,14 +962,14 @@ instance prod.instIsHaarMeasure {G : Type*} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace G] {_ :
/-- If the neutral element of a group is not isolated, then a Haar measure on this group has
no atoms.
The additive version of this instance applies in particular to show that an additive Haar measure on
a nontrivial finite-dimensional real vector space has no atom. -/
The additive version of this instance applies in particular to show that an additive Haar
measure on a nontrivial finite-dimensional real vector space has no atom. -/
"If the zero element of an additive group is not isolated, then an additive Haar measure on this
group has no atoms.
This applies in particular to show that an additive Haar measure on a nontrivial finite-dimensional
real vector space has no atom."]
This applies in particular to show that an additive Haar measure on a nontrivial
finite-dimensional real vector space has no atom."]
instance (priority := 100) IsHaarMeasure.noAtoms [TopologicalGroup G] [BorelSpace G] [T1Space G]
[WeaklyLocallyCompactSpace G] [(𝓝[≠] (1 : G)).NeBot] (μ : Measure G) [μ.IsHaarMeasure] :
NoAtoms μ := by
Expand All @@ -893,8 +983,6 @@ instance (priority := 100) IsHaarMeasure.noAtoms [TopologicalGroup G] [BorelSpac
#align measure_theory.measure.is_haar_measure.has_no_atoms MeasureTheory.Measure.IsHaarMeasure.noAtoms
#align measure_theory.measure.is_add_haar_measure.has_no_atoms MeasureTheory.Measure.IsAddHaarMeasure.noAtoms


end Measure

end Haar
Expand Down

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