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feat(UniqueProds + NoZeroDivisors): AddMonoidAlgebra instances (#6723)
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Add `UniqueProds/Sums` and `NoZeroDivisors` instances.

This has recently been prompted by the port of the [Lindemann-Weierstrass Theorem](, but the results are self-contained.  Instances such as the ones in this PR are the reasons why `UniqueProds/Sums` were introduced.

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Co-authored-by: Junyan Xu <>
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adomani and alreadydone committed Sep 14, 2023
1 parent 7c77a52 commit 96d7853
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Showing 2 changed files with 193 additions and 155 deletions.
166 changes: 127 additions & 39 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Group/UniqueProds.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2022 Damiano Testa. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Damiano Testa
import Mathlib.Data.DFinsupp.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Pointwise
import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Preimage
import Mathlib.Data.Finsupp.Defs

#align_import from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"d6fad0e5bf2d6f48da9175d25c3dc5706b3834ce"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,7 +48,6 @@ about the grading type and then a generic statement of the form "look at the coe
The file `Algebra/MonoidAlgebra/NoZeroDivisors` contains several examples of this use.

/-- Let `G` be a Type with multiplication, let `A B : Finset G` be finite subsets and
let `a0 b0 : G` be two elements. `UniqueMul A B a0 b0` asserts `a0 * b0` can be written in at
most one way as a product of an element of `A` and an element of `B`. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ end Opposites
end UniqueMul

/-- Let `G` be a Type with addition. `UniqueSums G` asserts that any two non-empty
finite subsets of `A` have the `UniqueAdd` property, with respect to some element of their
finite subsets of `G` have the `UniqueAdd` property, with respect to some element of their
sum `A + B`. -/
class UniqueSums (G) [Add G] : Prop where
/-- For `A B` two nonempty finite sets, there always exist `a0 ∈ A, b0 ∈ B` such that
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,52 +240,138 @@ instance {M} [Mul M] [UniqueProds M] : UniqueSums (Additive M) where

end Additive

-- see Note [lower instance priority]
/-- This instance asserts that if `A` has a multiplication, a linear order, and multiplication
is 'very monotone', then `A` also has `UniqueProds`. -/
"This instance asserts that if `A` has an addition, a linear order, and addition
is 'very monotone', then `A` also has `UniqueSums`."]
instance (priority := 100) Covariants.to_uniqueProds {A} [Mul A] [LinearOrder A]
[CovariantClass A A (· * ·) (· ≤ ·)] [CovariantClass A A (Function.swap (· * ·)) (· < ·)]
[ContravariantClass A A (· * ·) (· ≤ ·)] : UniqueProds A where
uniqueMul_of_nonempty {A B} hA hB :=
⟨_, A.max'_mem ‹_›, _, B.max'_mem ‹_›, fun a b ha hb ↦
(mul_eq_mul_iff_eq_and_eq (Finset.le_max' _ _ ‹_›) (Finset.le_max' _ _ ‹_›)).mp⟩
#align covariants.to_unique_prods Covariants.to_uniqueProds
#align covariants.to_unique_sums Covariants.to_uniqueSums
#noalign covariants.to_unique_prods
#noalign covariants.to_unique_sums

namespace UniqueProds

@[to_additive (attr := nontriviality, simp)]
theorem of_subsingleton {G : Type*} [Mul G] [Subsingleton G] : UniqueProds G where
uniqueMul_of_nonempty {A B} | ⟨a, hA⟩, ⟨b, hB⟩ => ⟨a, hA, b, hB, by simp⟩
variable {G H : Type*} [Mul G] [Mul H]

open Finset MulOpposite in
theorem of_mulOpposite (G : Type*) [Mul G] (h : UniqueProds Gᵐᵒᵖ) :
theorem of_mulOpposite (h : @UniqueProds Gᵐᵒᵖ (MulOpposite.mul G)) :
UniqueProds G :=
fun hA hB =>
let f : G ↪ Gᵐᵒᵖ := ⟨op, op_injective⟩
let ⟨y, yB, x, xA, hxy⟩ := h.uniqueMul_of_nonempty ( (f := f)) ( (f := f))
⟨unop x, (mem_map' _).mp xA, unop y, (mem_map' _).mp yB, hxy.of_mulOpposite⟩⟩
fun hA hB =>
let f : G ↪ Gᵐᵒᵖ := ⟨op, op_injective⟩
let ⟨y, yB, x, xA, hxy⟩ := h.uniqueMul_of_nonempty ( (f := f)) ( (f := f))
⟨unop x, (mem_map' _).mp xA, unop y, (mem_map' _).mp yB, hxy.of_mulOpposite⟩⟩

-- see Note [lower instance priority]
/-- This instance asserts that if `G` has a right-cancellative multiplication, a linear order,
and multiplication is strictly monotone w.r.t. the second argument, then `G` has `UniqueProds`. -/
"This instance asserts that if `G` has a right-cancellative addition, a linear order,
and addition is strictly monotone w.r.t. the second argument, then `G` has `UniqueSums`." ]
instance (priority := 100) of_Covariant_right [IsRightCancelMul G]
[LinearOrder G] [CovariantClass G G (· * ·) (· < ·)] :
UniqueProds G where
uniqueMul_of_nonempty {A B} hA hB := by
obtain ⟨a0, b0, ha0, hb0, he⟩ := (Finset.max'_mem _ <| hA.mul hB)
refine ⟨a0, ha0, b0, hb0, fun a b ha hb he' => ?_⟩
obtain hl | rfl | hl := lt_trichotomy b b0
· refine ((he'.trans he ▸ mul_lt_mul_left' hl a).not_le <| Finset.le_max' _ (a * b0) ?_).elim
exact Finset.mem_mul.mpr ⟨a, b0, ha, hb0, rfl⟩
· exact ⟨mul_right_cancel he', rfl⟩
· refine ((he ▸ mul_lt_mul_left' hl a0).not_le <| Finset.le_max' _ (a0 * b) ?_).elim
exact Finset.mem_mul.mpr ⟨a0, b, ha0, hb, rfl⟩

open MulOpposite in
@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem iff_mulOpposite (G : Type*) [Mul G] :
UniqueProds Gᵐᵒᵖ ↔ UniqueProds G := by
refine ⟨of_mulOpposite G, fun h ↦ of_mulOpposite (Gᵐᵒᵖ) ⟨fun {A B} hA hB ↦ ?_⟩⟩
-- see Note [lower instance priority]
/-- This instance asserts that if `G` has a left-cancellative multiplication, a linear order,
and multiplication is strictly monotone w.r.t. the first argument, then `G` has `UniqueProds`. -/
"This instance asserts that if `G` has a left-cancellative addition, a linear order,
and addition is strictly monotone w.r.t. the first argument, then `G` has `UniqueSums`." ]
instance (priority := 100) of_Covariant_left [IsLeftCancelMul G]
[LinearOrder G] [CovariantClass G G (Function.swap (· * ·)) (· < ·)] :
UniqueProds G :=
let _ := LinearOrder.lift' (unop : Gᵐᵒᵖ → G) unop_injective
let _ : CovariantClass Gᵐᵒᵖ Gᵐᵒᵖ (· * ·) (· < ·) :=
{ elim := fun _ _ _ bc =>
have : StrictMono (unop (α := G)) := fun _ _ => id
mul_lt_mul_right' (α := G) bc (unop _) }
of_mulOpposite of_Covariant_right

open Finset
theorem mulHom_image_of_injective (f : H →ₙ* G) (hf : Function.Injective f) (uG : UniqueProds G) :
UniqueProds H := by
refine ⟨fun {A B} A0 B0 => ?_⟩
let f : Gᵐᵒᵖᵐᵒᵖ ↪ G := ⟨_, unop_injective.comp unop_injective⟩
obtain ⟨a0, ha0, b0, hb0, d⟩ :=
h.uniqueMul_of_nonempty ( (f := f) hA) ( (f := f) hB)
simp only [Finset.mem_map, Function.Embedding.coeFn_mk, Function.comp_apply] at ha0 hb0
rcases ha0 with ⟨a0, ha0, rfl⟩
rcases hb0 with ⟨b0, hb0, rfl⟩
refine ⟨a0, ha0, b0, hb0, ?_⟩
apply (UniqueMul.mulHom_map_iff (H := G) (⟨_, unop_injective.comp unop_injective⟩) ?_).mp
· simp only [Function.Embedding.coeFn_mk, Function.comp_apply]
convert d
· simp only [Function.Embedding.coeFn_mk, Function.comp_apply, unop_mul, implies_true]
obtain ⟨a0, ha0, b0, hb0, h⟩ := uG.uniqueMul_of_nonempty (A0.image f) (B0.image f)
rcases ha0 with ⟨a', ha', rfl⟩
rcases hb0 with ⟨b', hb', rfl⟩
exact ⟨a', ha', b', hb', (UniqueMul.mulHom_image_iff f hf).mp h⟩

/-- `UniqueProd` is preserved under multiplicative equivalences. -/
@[to_additive "`UniqueSums` is preserved under additive equivalences."]
theorem mulHom_image_iff (f : G ≃* H) :
UniqueProds G ↔ UniqueProds H :=
⟨mulHom_image_of_injective f.symm f.symm.injective, mulHom_image_of_injective f f.injective⟩

@[to_additive] instance [UniqueProds G] [UniqueProds H] : UniqueProds (G × H) where
uniqueMul_of_nonempty {A B} hA hB := by
obtain ⟨aG, hA, bG, hB, hG⟩ := uniqueMul_of_nonempty (hA.image Prod.fst) (hB.image Prod.fst)
rw [mem_image, ← filter_nonempty_iff] at hA hB
obtain ⟨aH, hA, bH, hB, hH⟩ := uniqueMul_of_nonempty (hA.image Prod.snd) (hB.image Prod.snd)
simp_rw [mem_image, mem_filter] at hA hB
refine ⟨(aG, aH), ?_, (bG, bH), ?_, fun a b ha hb he => ?_⟩
· obtain ⟨a, ⟨ha, rfl⟩, rfl⟩ := hA; exact ha
· obtain ⟨b, ⟨hb, rfl⟩, rfl⟩ := hB; exact hb
rw [Prod.ext_iff] at he
specialize hG (mem_image.mpr ⟨a, ha, rfl⟩) (mem_image.mpr ⟨b, hb, rfl⟩) he.1
specialize hH _ _ he.2
all_goals try simp_rw [mem_image, mem_filter]
exacts [⟨a, ⟨ha, hG.1⟩, rfl⟩, ⟨b, ⟨hb, hG.2⟩, rfl⟩, ⟨Prod.ext hG.1 hH.1, Prod.ext hG.2 hH.2⟩]

@[to_additive] instance {ι} (G : ι → Type*) [∀ i, Mul (G i)] [∀ i, UniqueProds (G i)] :
UniqueProds (∀ i, G i) where
uniqueMul_of_nonempty {A} := by
let _ := Finset.isWellFounded_ssubset (α := ∀ i, G i) -- why need this?
apply IsWellFounded.induction (· ⊂ ·) A; intro A ihA B hA
apply IsWellFounded.induction (· ⊂ ·) B; intro B ihB hB
obtain hc | ⟨i, hc⟩ : (A.card ≤ 1 ∧ B.card ≤ 1) ∨
∃ i, (∃ a1 ∈ A, ∃ a2 ∈ A, a1 i ≠ a2 i) ∨ (∃ b1 ∈ B, ∃ b2 ∈ B, b1 i ≠ b2 i)
· obtain hA1 | h1A := le_or_lt A.card 1
· obtain hB1 | h1B := le_or_lt B.card 1
· exact Or.inl ⟨hA1, hB1⟩
obtain ⟨b1, h1, b2, h2, hne⟩ := h1B
obtain ⟨i, hne⟩ := hne
exact Or.inr ⟨i, Or.inr ⟨b1, h1, b2, h2, hne⟩⟩
obtain ⟨a1, h1, a2, h2, hne⟩ := h1A
obtain ⟨i, hne⟩ := hne
exact Or.inr ⟨i, Or.inl ⟨a1, h1, a2, h2, hne⟩⟩
· obtain ⟨a0, ha0⟩ := hA; obtain ⟨b0, hb0⟩ := hB
simp_rw [Finset.card_le_one_iff] at hc
exact ⟨a0, ha0, b0, hb0, fun a b ha hb _ => ⟨hc.1 ha ha0, hc.2 hb hb0⟩⟩
obtain ⟨ai, hA, bi, hB, hi⟩ := uniqueMul_of_nonempty (hA.image (· i)) (hB.image (· i))
rw [mem_image, ← filter_nonempty_iff] at hA hB
let A' := A.filter (· i = ai); let B' := B.filter (· i = bi)
obtain ⟨a0, ha0, b0, hb0, hu⟩ : ∃ a0 ∈ A', ∃ b0 ∈ B', UniqueMul A' B' a0 b0
· rcases hc with ⟨a1, h1, a2, h2, hne⟩ | ⟨b1, h1, b2, h2, hne⟩
· refine ihA _ ⟨A.filter_subset _, fun h => ?_⟩ hA hB
obtain rfl | hai := eq_or_ne (a1 i) ai
exacts [hne ( <| h h2).2.symm, hai ( <| h h1).2]
by_cases hA' : A' = A
· rw [hA']; refine ihB _ ⟨B.filter_subset _, fun h => ?_⟩ hB
obtain rfl | hbi := eq_or_ne (b1 i) bi
exacts [hne ( <| h h2).2.symm, hbi ( <| h h1).2]
exact ihA A' ((A.filter_subset _).ssubset_of_ne hA') hA hB
rw [mem_filter] at ha0 hb0
refine ⟨a0, ha0.1, b0, hb0.1, fun a b ha hb he => ?_⟩
specialize hi (mem_image_of_mem _ ha) (mem_image_of_mem _ hb) ?_
· refine (congr_arg (· i) he).trans ?_; rw [← ha0.2, ← hb0.2]; rfl
exact hu (mem_filter.mpr ⟨ha, hi.1⟩) (mem_filter.mpr ⟨hb, hi.2⟩) he

end UniqueProds

instance {ι} (G : ι → Type*) [∀ i, AddZeroClass (G i)] [∀ i, UniqueSums (G i)] :
UniqueSums (Π₀ i, G i) :=
DFinsupp.coeFnAddMonoidHom.toAddHom FunLike.coe_injective inferInstance

instance {ι G} [AddZeroClass G] [UniqueSums G] : UniqueSums (ι →₀ G) :=
Finsupp.coeFnAddHom.toAddHom FunLike.coe_injective inferInstance

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