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feat: port LinearAlgebra.CliffordAlgebra.Basic (#4802)
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eric-wieser committed Jun 22, 2023
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Showing 2 changed files with 390 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1990,6 +1990,7 @@ import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.BilinearForm.TensorProduct
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.BilinearMap
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Charpoly.Basic
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Charpoly.ToMatrix
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.CliffordAlgebra.Basic
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Coevaluation
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Contraction
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.CrossProduct
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389 changes: 389 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/CliffordAlgebra/Basic.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Eric Wieser. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Eric Wieser, Utensil Song
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module linear_algebra.clifford_algebra.basic
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit d46774d43797f5d1f507a63a6e904f7a533ae74a
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Algebra.RingQuot
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorAlgebra.Basic
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.QuadraticForm.Isometry

# Clifford Algebras
We construct the Clifford algebra of a module `M` over a commutative ring `R`, equipped with
a quadratic_form `Q`.
## Notation
The Clifford algebra of the `R`-module `M` equipped with a quadratic_form `Q` is
an `R`-algebra denoted `CliffordAlgebra Q`.
Given a linear morphism `f : M → A` from a module `M` to another `R`-algebra `A`, such that
`cond : ∀ m, f m * f m = algebraMap _ _ (Q m)`, there is a (unique) lift of `f` to an `R`-algebra
morphism from `CliffordAlgebra Q` to `A`, which is denoted `CliffordAlgebra.lift Q f cond`.
The canonical linear map `M → CliffordAlgebra Q` is denoted `CliffordAlgebra.ι Q`.
## Theorems
The main theorems proved ensure that `CliffordAlgebra Q` satisfies the universal property
of the Clifford algebra.
1. `ι_comp_lift` is the fact that the composition of `ι Q` with `lift Q f cond` agrees with `f`.
2. `lift_unique` ensures the uniqueness of `lift Q f cond` with respect to 1.
Additionally, when `Q = 0` an `AlgEquiv` to the `exterior_algebra` is provided as `as_exterior`.
## Implementation details
The Clifford algebra of `M` is constructed as a quotient of the tensor algebra, as follows.
1. We define a relation `CliffordAlgebra.Rel Q` on `TensorAlgebra R M`.
This is the smallest relation which identifies squares of elements of `M` with `Q m`.
2. The Clifford algebra is the quotient of the tensor algebra by this relation.
This file is almost identical to `linear_algebra/exterior_algebra.lean`.

variable {R : Type _} [CommRing R]

variable {M : Type _} [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M]

variable (Q : QuadraticForm R M)

variable {n : ℕ}

namespace CliffordAlgebra

open TensorAlgebra

/-- `Rel` relates each `ι m * ι m`, for `m : M`, with `Q m`.
The Clifford algebra of `M` is defined as the quotient modulo this relation.
inductive Rel : TensorAlgebra R M → TensorAlgebra R M → Prop
| of (m : M) : Rel (ι R m * ι R m) (algebraMap R _ (Q m))
#align clifford_algebra.rel CliffordAlgebra.Rel

end CliffordAlgebra

/-- The Clifford algebra of an `R`-module `M` equipped with a quadratic_form `Q`.
def CliffordAlgebra :=
RingQuot (CliffordAlgebra.Rel Q)
#align clifford_algebra CliffordAlgebra

namespace CliffordAlgebra

-- Porting note: Expanded `deriving Inhabited, Semiring, Algebra`
instance instInhabited : Inhabited (CliffordAlgebra Q) := RingQuot.instInhabitedRingQuot _
#align clifford_algebra.inhabited CliffordAlgebra.instInhabited
instance instRing : Ring (CliffordAlgebra Q) := RingQuot.instRing _
#align clifford_algebra.ring CliffordAlgebra.instRing
instance instAlgebra: Algebra R (CliffordAlgebra Q) := RingQuot.instAlgebraRingQuotInstSemiring _
#align clifford_algebra.algebra CliffordAlgebra.instAlgebra

/-- The canonical linear map `M →ₗ[R] CliffordAlgebra Q`.
def ι : M →ₗ[R] CliffordAlgebra Q :=
(RingQuot.mkAlgHom R _).toLinearMap.comp (TensorAlgebra.ι R)
#align clifford_algebra.ι CliffordAlgebra.ι

/-- As well as being linear, `ι Q` squares to the quadratic form -/
theorem ι_sq_scalar (m : M) : ι Q m * ι Q m = algebraMap R _ (Q m) := by
erw [← AlgHom.map_mul, RingQuot.mkAlgHom_rel R (Rel.of m), AlgHom.commutes]
#align clifford_algebra.ι_sq_scalar CliffordAlgebra.ι_sq_scalar

variable {Q} {A : Type _} [Semiring A] [Algebra R A]

theorem comp_ι_sq_scalar (g : CliffordAlgebra Q →ₐ[R] A) (m : M) :
g (ι Q m) * g (ι Q m) = algebraMap _ _ (Q m) := by
rw [← AlgHom.map_mul, ι_sq_scalar, AlgHom.commutes]
#align clifford_algebra.comp_ι_sq_scalar CliffordAlgebra.comp_ι_sq_scalar

variable (Q)

/-- Given a linear map `f : M →ₗ[R] A` into an `R`-algebra `A`, which satisfies the condition:
`cond : ∀ m : M, f m * f m = Q(m)`, this is the canonical lift of `f` to a morphism of `R`-algebras
from `CliffordAlgebra Q` to `A`.
@[simps symm_apply]
def lift : { f : M →ₗ[R] A // ∀ m, f m * f m = algebraMap _ _ (Q m) } ≃ (CliffordAlgebra Q →ₐ[R] A)
toFun f :=
RingQuot.liftAlgHom R
⟨TensorAlgebra.lift R (f : M →ₗ[R] A), fun x y (h : Rel Q x y) => by
induction h
rw [AlgHom.commutes, AlgHom.map_mul, TensorAlgebra.lift_ι_apply, f.prop]⟩
invFun F :=
⟨F.toLinearMap.comp (ι Q), fun m => by
rw [LinearMap.comp_apply, AlgHom.toLinearMap_apply, comp_ι_sq_scalar]⟩
left_inv f := by
ext x
-- porting note: removed `simp only` proof which gets stuck simplifying `LinearMap.comp_apply`
exact (RingQuot.liftAlgHom_mkAlgHom_apply _ _ _ _).trans (TensorAlgebra.lift_ι_apply _ x)
right_inv F :=
-- porting note: replaced with proof derived from the one for `TensorAlgebra`
RingQuot.ringQuot_ext' _ _ _ <|
TensorAlgebra.hom_ext <|
LinearMap.ext fun x => by
(RingQuot.liftAlgHom_mkAlgHom_apply _ _ _ _).trans (TensorAlgebra.lift_ι_apply _ _)
#align clifford_algebra.lift CliffordAlgebra.lift

variable {Q}

theorem ι_comp_lift (f : M →ₗ[R] A) (cond : ∀ m, f m * f m = algebraMap _ _ (Q m)) :
(lift Q ⟨f, cond⟩).toLinearMap.comp (ι Q) = f := <| (lift Q).symm_apply_apply ⟨f, cond⟩
#align clifford_algebra.ι_comp_lift CliffordAlgebra.ι_comp_lift

theorem lift_ι_apply (f : M →ₗ[R] A) (cond : ∀ m, f m * f m = algebraMap _ _ (Q m)) (x) :
lift Q ⟨f, cond⟩ (ι Q x) = f x :=
( <| ι_comp_lift f cond) x
#align clifford_algebra.lift_ι_apply CliffordAlgebra.lift_ι_apply

theorem lift_unique (f : M →ₗ[R] A) (cond : ∀ m : M, f m * f m = algebraMap _ _ (Q m))
(g : CliffordAlgebra Q →ₐ[R] A) : g.toLinearMap.comp (ι Q) = f ↔ g = lift Q ⟨f, cond⟩ := by
convert (lift Q : _ ≃ (CliffordAlgebra Q →ₐ[R] A)).symm_apply_eq
-- porting note: added `Subtype.mk_eq_mk`
rw [lift_symm_apply, Subtype.mk_eq_mk]
#align clifford_algebra.lift_unique CliffordAlgebra.lift_unique

theorem lift_comp_ι (g : CliffordAlgebra Q →ₐ[R] A) :
lift Q ⟨g.toLinearMap.comp (ι Q), comp_ι_sq_scalar _⟩ = g := by
-- porting note: removed `rw [lift_symm_apply]; rfl`, changed `convert` to `exact`
exact (lift Q : _ ≃ (CliffordAlgebra Q →ₐ[R] A)).apply_symm_apply g
#align clifford_algebra.lift_comp_ι CliffordAlgebra.lift_comp_ι

/-- See note [partially-applied ext lemmas]. -/
theorem hom_ext {A : Type _} [Semiring A] [Algebra R A] {f g : CliffordAlgebra Q →ₐ[R] A} :
f.toLinearMap.comp (ι Q) = g.toLinearMap.comp (ι Q) → f = g := by
intro h
apply (lift Q).symm.injective
rw [lift_symm_apply, lift_symm_apply]
simp only [h]
#align clifford_algebra.hom_ext CliffordAlgebra.hom_ext

-- This proof closely follows `TensorAlgebra.induction`
/-- If `C` holds for the `algebraMap` of `r : R` into `CliffordAlgebra Q`, the `ι` of `x : M`,
and is preserved under addition and muliplication, then it holds for all of `CliffordAlgebra Q`.
See also the stronger `clifford_algebra.left_induction` and `clifford_algebra.right_induction`.
theorem induction {C : CliffordAlgebra Q → Prop}
(h_grade0 : ∀ r, C (algebraMap R (CliffordAlgebra Q) r)) (h_grade1 : ∀ x, C (ι Q x))
(h_mul : ∀ a b, C a → C b → C (a * b)) (h_add : ∀ a b, C a → C b → C (a + b))
(a : CliffordAlgebra Q) : C a := by
-- the arguments are enough to construct a subalgebra, and a mapping into it from M
let s : Subalgebra R (CliffordAlgebra Q) :=
{ carrier := C
mul_mem' := @h_mul
add_mem' := @h_add
algebraMap_mem' := h_grade0 }
-- porting note: Added `h`. `h` is needed for `of`.
letI h : AddCommMonoid s := inferInstanceAs (AddCommMonoid (Subalgebra.toSubmodule s))
let of : { f : M →ₗ[R] s // ∀ m, f m * f m = algebraMap _ _ (Q m) } :=
⟨(ι Q).codRestrict (Subalgebra.toSubmodule s) h_grade1, fun m => Subtype.eq <| ι_sq_scalar Q m⟩
-- the mapping through the subalgebra is the identity
have of_id : R (CliffordAlgebra Q) = s.val.comp (lift Q of) := by
-- porting note: `simp` can't apply this
erw [LinearMap.codRestrict_apply]
-- finding a proof is finding an element of the subalgebra
-- porting note: was `convert Subtype.prop (lift Q of a); exact AlgHom.congr_fun of_id a`
rw [← AlgHom.id_apply (R := R) a, of_id]
exact Subtype.prop (lift Q of a)
#align clifford_algebra.induction CliffordAlgebra.induction

/-- The symmetric product of vectors is a scalar -/
theorem ι_mul_ι_add_swap (a b : M) :
ι Q a * ι Q b + ι Q b * ι Q a = algebraMap R _ (QuadraticForm.polar Q a b) :=
ι Q a * ι Q b + ι Q b * ι Q a = ι Q (a + b) * ι Q (a + b) - ι Q a * ι Q a - ι Q b * ι Q b := by
rw [(ι Q).map_add, mul_add, add_mul, add_mul]; abel
_ = algebraMap R _ (Q (a + b)) - algebraMap R _ (Q a) - algebraMap R _ (Q b) := by
rw [ι_sq_scalar, ι_sq_scalar, ι_sq_scalar]
_ = algebraMap R _ (Q (a + b) - Q a - Q b) := by rw [← RingHom.map_sub, ← RingHom.map_sub]
_ = algebraMap R _ (QuadraticForm.polar Q a b) := rfl

#align clifford_algebra.ι_mul_ι_add_swap CliffordAlgebra.ι_mul_ι_add_swap

theorem ι_mul_comm (a b : M) :
ι Q a * ι Q b = algebraMap R _ (QuadraticForm.polar Q a b) - ι Q b * ι Q a :=
eq_sub_of_add_eq (ι_mul_ι_add_swap a b)
#align clifford_algebra.ι_mul_comm CliffordAlgebra.ι_mul_comm

/-- $aba$ is a vector. -/
theorem ι_mul_ι_mul_ι (a b : M) :
ι Q a * ι Q b * ι Q a = ι Q (QuadraticForm.polar Q a b • a - Q a • b) := by
rw [ι_mul_comm, sub_mul, mul_assoc, ι_sq_scalar, ← Algebra.smul_def, ← Algebra.commutes, ←
Algebra.smul_def, ← map_smul, ← map_smul, ← map_sub]
#align clifford_algebra.ι_mul_ι_mul_ι CliffordAlgebra.ι_mul_ι_mul_ι

theorem ι_range_map_lift (f : M →ₗ[R] A) (cond : ∀ m, f m * f m = algebraMap _ _ (Q m)) :
(ι Q) (lift Q ⟨f, cond⟩).toLinearMap = LinearMap.range f := by
rw [← LinearMap.range_comp, ι_comp_lift]
#align clifford_algebra.ι_range_map_lift CliffordAlgebra.ι_range_map_lift

section Map

variable {M₁ M₂ M₃ : Type _}

variable [AddCommGroup M₁] [AddCommGroup M₂] [AddCommGroup M₃]

variable [Module R M₁] [Module R M₂] [Module R M₃]

variable (Q₁ : QuadraticForm R M₁) (Q₂ : QuadraticForm R M₂) (Q₃ : QuadraticForm R M₃)

/-- Any linear map that preserves the quadratic form lifts to an `AlgHom` between algebras.
See `CliffordAlgebra.equivOfIsometry` for the case when `f` is a `QuadraticForm.Isometry`. -/
def map (f : M₁ →ₗ[R] M₂) (hf : ∀ m, Q₂ (f m) = Q₁ m) :
CliffordAlgebra Q₁ →ₐ[R] CliffordAlgebra Q₂ :=
CliffordAlgebra.lift Q₁
⟨(CliffordAlgebra.ι Q₂).comp f, fun m => (ι_sq_scalar _ _).trans <| RingHom.congr_arg _ <| hf m⟩

theorem map_comp_ι (f : M₁ →ₗ[R] M₂) (hf) :
(map Q₁ Q₂ f hf).toLinearMap.comp (ι Q₁) = (ι Q₂).comp f :=
ι_comp_lift _ _
#align clifford_algebra.map_comp_ι CliffordAlgebra.map_comp_ι

theorem map_apply_ι (f : M₁ →ₗ[R] M₂) (hf) (m : M₁) : map Q₁ Q₂ f hf (ι Q₁ m) = ι Q₂ (f m) :=
lift_ι_apply _ _ m
#align clifford_algebra.map_apply_ι CliffordAlgebra.map_apply_ι

theorem map_id :
(map Q₁ Q₁ ( : M₁ →ₗ[R] M₁) fun m => rfl) = R (CliffordAlgebra Q₁) := by
ext m; exact map_apply_ι _ _ _ _ m
#align clifford_algebra.map_id CliffordAlgebra.map_id

theorem map_comp_map (f : M₂ →ₗ[R] M₃) (hf) (g : M₁ →ₗ[R] M₂) (hg) :
(map Q₂ Q₃ f hf).comp (map Q₁ Q₂ g hg)
= map Q₁ Q₃ (f.comp g) fun m => (hf _).trans <| hg m := by
ext m
dsimp only [LinearMap.comp_apply, AlgHom.comp_apply, AlgHom.toLinearMap_apply, AlgHom.id_apply]
rw [map_apply_ι, map_apply_ι, map_apply_ι, LinearMap.comp_apply]
#align clifford_algebra.map_comp_map CliffordAlgebra.map_comp_map

theorem ι_range_map_map (f : M₁ →ₗ[R] M₂) (hf : ∀ m, Q₂ (f m) = Q₁ m) :
(ι Q₁) (map Q₁ Q₂ f hf).toLinearMap = (ι Q₂) :=
(ι_range_map_lift _ _).trans (LinearMap.range_comp _ _)
#align clifford_algebra.ι_range_map_map CliffordAlgebra.ι_range_map_map

variable {Q₁ Q₂ Q₃}

/-- Two `CliffordAlgebra`s are equivalent as algebras if their quadratic forms are
equivalent. -/
@[simps! apply]
def equivOfIsometry (e : Q₁.Isometry Q₂) : CliffordAlgebra Q₁ ≃ₐ[R] CliffordAlgebra Q₂ :=
AlgEquiv.ofAlgHom (map Q₁ Q₂ e e.map_app) (map Q₂ Q₁ e.symm e.symm.map_app)
((map_comp_map _ _ _ _ _ _ _).trans <| by
convert map_id Q₂ using 2 -- porting note: replaced `_` with `Q₂`
ext m
exact e.toLinearEquiv.apply_symm_apply m)
((map_comp_map _ _ _ _ _ _ _).trans <| by
convert map_id Q₁ using 2 -- porting note: replaced `_` with `Q₁`
ext m
exact e.toLinearEquiv.symm_apply_apply m)
#align clifford_algebra.equiv_of_isometry CliffordAlgebra.equivOfIsometry

theorem equivOfIsometry_symm (e : Q₁.Isometry Q₂) :
(equivOfIsometry e).symm = equivOfIsometry e.symm :=
#align clifford_algebra.equiv_of_isometry_symm CliffordAlgebra.equivOfIsometry_symm

theorem equivOfIsometry_trans (e₁₂ : Q₁.Isometry Q₂) (e₂₃ : Q₂.Isometry Q₃) :
(equivOfIsometry e₁₂).trans (equivOfIsometry e₂₃) = equivOfIsometry (e₁₂.trans e₂₃) := by
ext x
exact AlgHom.congr_fun (map_comp_map Q₁ Q₂ Q₃ _ _ _ _) x
#align clifford_algebra.equiv_of_isometry_trans CliffordAlgebra.equivOfIsometry_trans

theorem equivOfIsometry_refl :
(equivOfIsometry <| QuadraticForm.Isometry.refl Q₁) = AlgEquiv.refl := by
ext x
exact AlgHom.congr_fun (map_id Q₁) x
#align clifford_algebra.equiv_of_isometry_refl CliffordAlgebra.equivOfIsometry_refl

end Map

variable (Q)

/-- If the quadratic form of a vector is invertible, then so is that vector. -/
def invertibleιOfInvertible (m : M) [Invertible (Q m)] : Invertible (ι Q m) where
invOf := ι Q (⅟ (Q m) • m)
invOf_mul_self := by
rw [map_smul, smul_mul_assoc, ι_sq_scalar, Algebra.smul_def, ← map_mul, invOf_mul_self, map_one]
mul_invOf_self := by
rw [map_smul, mul_smul_comm, ι_sq_scalar, Algebra.smul_def, ← map_mul, invOf_mul_self, map_one]
#align clifford_algebra.invertible_ι_of_invertible CliffordAlgebra.invertibleιOfInvertible

/-- For a vector with invertible quadratic form, $v^{-1} = \frac{v}{Q(v)}$ -/
theorem invOf_ι (m : M) [Invertible (Q m)] [Invertible (ι Q m)] :
⅟ (ι Q m) = ι Q (⅟ (Q m) • m) := by
letI := invertibleιOfInvertible Q m
convert (rfl : ⅟ (ι Q m) = _)
#align clifford_algebra.inv_of_ι CliffordAlgebra.invOf_ι

theorem isUnit_ι_of_isUnit {m : M} (h : IsUnit (Q m)) : IsUnit (ι Q m) := by
cases h.nonempty_invertible
letI := invertibleιOfInvertible Q m
exact isUnit_of_invertible (ι Q m)
#align clifford_algebra.is_unit_ι_of_is_unit CliffordAlgebra.isUnit_ι_of_isUnit

/-- $aba^{-1}$ is a vector. -/
theorem ι_mul_ι_mul_invOf_ι (a b : M) [Invertible (ι Q a)] [Invertible (Q a)] :
ι Q a * ι Q b * ⅟ (ι Q a) = ι Q ((⅟ (Q a) * QuadraticForm.polar Q a b) • a - b) := by
rw [invOf_ι, map_smul, mul_smul_comm, ι_mul_ι_mul_ι, ← map_smul, smul_sub, smul_smul, smul_smul,
invOf_mul_self, one_smul]
#align clifford_algebra.ι_mul_ι_mul_inv_of_ι CliffordAlgebra.ι_mul_ι_mul_invOf_ι

/-- $a^{-1}ba$ is a vector. -/
theorem invOf_ι_mul_ι_mul_ι (a b : M) [Invertible (ι Q a)] [Invertible (Q a)] :
⅟ (ι Q a) * ι Q b * ι Q a = ι Q ((⅟ (Q a) * QuadraticForm.polar Q a b) • a - b) := by
rw [invOf_ι, map_smul, smul_mul_assoc, smul_mul_assoc, ι_mul_ι_mul_ι, ← map_smul, smul_sub,
smul_smul, smul_smul, invOf_mul_self, one_smul]
#align clifford_algebra.inv_of_ι_mul_ι_mul_ι CliffordAlgebra.invOf_ι_mul_ι_mul_ι

end CliffordAlgebra

namespace TensorAlgebra

variable {Q}

/-- The canonical image of the `TensorAlgebra` in the `CliffordAlgebra`, which maps
`TensorAlgebra.ι R x` to `CliffordAlgebra.ι Q x`. -/
def toClifford : TensorAlgebra R M →ₐ[R] CliffordAlgebra Q :=
TensorAlgebra.lift R (CliffordAlgebra.ι Q)
#align tensor_algebra.to_clifford TensorAlgebra.toClifford

theorem toClifford_ι (m : M) : toClifford (TensorAlgebra.ι R m) = CliffordAlgebra.ι Q m := by
simp [toClifford]
#align tensor_algebra.to_clifford_ι TensorAlgebra.toClifford_ι

end TensorAlgebra

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