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feat: Fourier integral of Gaussians on inner product spaces (#11035)
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Also rename (and deprecate) a few statements by changing `fourierTransform` to `fourierIntegral`: the Fourier transform for general L^2 functions is not given by the Fourier integral, so we should separate cleanly the two of them.
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sgouezel committed Mar 4, 2024
1 parent 144ba2b commit 9996993
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Showing 3 changed files with 239 additions and 15 deletions.
180 changes: 168 additions & 12 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/SpecialFunctions/Gaussian.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.PolarCoord
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.Complex
import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.CauchyIntegral
import Mathlib.Analysis.Fourier.PoissonSummation
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.Pi

#align_import analysis.special_functions.gaussian from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"7982767093ae38cba236487f9c9dd9cd99f63c16"

Expand All @@ -24,11 +25,14 @@ We prove various versions of the formula for the Gaussian integral:
We also prove, more generally, that the Fourier transform of the Gaussian is another Gaussian:
* `integral_cexp_quadratic`: general formula for `∫ (x : ℝ), exp (b * x ^ 2 + c * x + d)`
* `fourier_transform_gaussian`: for all complex `b` and `t` with `0 < re b`, we have
* `fourierIntegral_gaussian`: for all complex `b` and `t` with `0 < re b`, we have
`∫ x:ℝ, exp (I * t * x) * exp (-b * x^2) = (π / b) ^ (1 / 2) * exp (-t ^ 2 / (4 * b))`.
* `fourier_transform_gaussian_pi`: a variant with `b` and `t` scaled to give a more symmetric
* `fourierIntegral_gaussian_pi`: a variant with `b` and `t` scaled to give a more symmetric
statement, and formulated in terms of the Fourier transform operator `𝓕`.
We also give versions of these formulas in finite-dimensional inner product spaces, see
`integral_cexp_neg_mul_sq_norm_add` and `fourierIntegral_gaussian_innerProductSpace`.
As an application, in `Real.tsum_exp_neg_mul_int_sq` and `Complex.tsum_exp_neg_mul_int_sq`, we use
Poisson summation to prove the identity
`∑' (n : ℤ), exp (-π * a * n ^ 2) = 1 / a ^ (1 / 2) * ∑' (n : ℤ), exp (-π / a * n ^ 2)`
Expand All @@ -40,7 +44,7 @@ noncomputable section

open Real Set MeasureTheory Filter Asymptotics

open scoped Real Topology FourierTransform
open scoped Real Topology FourierTransform RealInnerProductSpace BigOperators

open Complex hiding exp continuous_exp abs_of_nonneg sq_abs

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,10 +398,10 @@ set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in

namespace GaussianFourier

/-! ## Fourier transform of the Gaussian integral
## Fourier integral of Gaussian functions

open intervalIntegral

open scoped Real
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -567,15 +571,30 @@ theorem _root_.integral_cexp_quadratic (hb : < 0) (c d : ℂ) :
rw [integral_add_right_eq_self fun a : ℝ ↦ cexp (- -b * (↑a + ↑(c / (2 * b)).im * I) ^ 2),
integral_cexp_neg_mul_sq_add_real_mul_I ((neg_re b).symm ▸ (neg_pos.mpr hb))]

theorem _root_.fourier_transform_gaussian (hb : 0 < (t : ℂ) :
lemma _root_.integrable_cexp_quadratic' (hb : < 0) (c d : ℂ) :
Integrable (fun (x : ℝ) ↦ cexp (b * x ^ 2 + c * x + d)) := by
have hb' : b ≠ 0 := by contrapose! hb; rw [hb, zero_re]
by_contra H
simpa [hb', pi_ne_zero, Complex.exp_ne_zero, integral_undef H]
using integral_cexp_quadratic hb c d

lemma _root_.integrable_cexp_quadratic (hb : 0 < (c d : ℂ) :
Integrable (fun (x : ℝ) ↦ cexp (-b * x ^ 2 + c * x + d)) := by
have : (-b).re < 0 := by simpa using hb
exact integrable_cexp_quadratic' this c d

theorem _root_.fourierIntegral_gaussian (hb : 0 < (t : ℂ) :
∫ x : ℝ, cexp (I * t * x) * cexp (-b * x ^ 2) =
(π / b) ^ (1 / 2 : ℂ) * cexp (-t ^ 2 / (4 * b)) := by
conv => enter [1, 2, x]; rw [← Complex.exp_add, add_comm, ← add_zero (-b * x ^ 2 + I * t * x)]
rw [integral_cexp_quadratic (show (-b).re < 0 by rwa [neg_re, neg_lt_zero]), neg_neg, zero_sub,
mul_neg, div_neg, neg_neg, mul_pow, I_sq, neg_one_mul, mul_comm]
#align fourier_transform_gaussian fourier_transform_gaussian
#align fourier_transform_gaussian fourierIntegral_gaussian

theorem _root_.fourier_transform_gaussian_pi' (hb : 0 < (c : ℂ) :
@[deprecated] alias _root_.fourier_transform_gaussian :=
fourierIntegral_gaussian -- deprecated on 2024-02-21

theorem _root_.fourierIntegral_gaussian_pi' (hb : 0 < (c : ℂ) :
(𝓕 fun x : ℝ => cexp (-π * b * x ^ 2 + 2 * π * c * x)) = fun t : ℝ =>
1 / b ^ (1 / 2 : ℂ) * cexp (-π / b * (t + I * c) ^ 2) := by
haveI : b ≠ 0 := by contrapose! hb; rw [hb, zero_re]
Expand All @@ -595,11 +614,148 @@ theorem _root_.fourier_transform_gaussian_pi' (hb : 0 < (c : ℂ) :
simp only [I_sq]

theorem _root_.fourier_transform_gaussian_pi (hb : 0 < :
@[deprecated] alias _root_.fourier_transform_gaussian_pi' :=
_root_.fourierIntegral_gaussian_pi' -- deprecated on 2024-02-21

theorem _root_.fourierIntegral_gaussian_pi (hb : 0 < :
(𝓕 fun (x : ℝ) ↦ cexp (-π * b * x ^ 2)) =
fun t : ℝ ↦ 1 / b ^ (1 / 2 : ℂ) * cexp (-π / b * t ^ 2) := by
simpa only [mul_zero, zero_mul, add_zero] using fourier_transform_gaussian_pi' hb 0
#align fourier_transform_gaussian_pi fourier_transform_gaussian_pi
simpa only [mul_zero, zero_mul, add_zero] using fourierIntegral_gaussian_pi' hb 0
#align fourier_transform_gaussian_pi fourierIntegral_gaussian_pi

@[deprecated] alias root_.fourier_transform_gaussian_pi :=
_root_.fourierIntegral_gaussian_pi -- deprecated on 2024-02-21

section InnerProductSpace

variable {V : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup V] [InnerProductSpace ℝ V] [FiniteDimensional ℝ V]
[MeasurableSpace V] [BorelSpace V]

open scoped BigOperators

theorem integrable_cexp_neg_sum_mul_add {ι : Type*} [Fintype ι] {b : ι → ℂ}
(hb : ∀ i, 0 < (b i).re) (c : ι → ℂ) :
Integrable (fun (v : ι → ℝ) ↦ cexp (- ∑ i, b i * (v i : ℂ) ^ 2 + ∑ i, c i * v i)) := by
simp_rw [← Finset.sum_neg_distrib, ← Finset.sum_add_distrib, Complex.exp_sum, ← neg_mul]
apply Integrable.fintype_prod (f := fun i (v : ℝ) ↦ cexp (-b i * v^2 + c i * v)) (fun i ↦ ?_)
convert integrable_cexp_quadratic (hb i) (c i) 0 using 3 with x
simp only [add_zero]

theorem integrable_cexp_neg_mul_sum_add {ι : Type*} [Fintype ι] (hb : 0 < (c : ι → ℂ) :
Integrable (fun (v : ι → ℝ) ↦ cexp (- b * ∑ i, (v i : ℂ) ^ 2 + ∑ i, c i * v i)) := by
simp_rw [neg_mul, Finset.mul_sum]
exact integrable_cexp_neg_sum_mul_add (fun _ ↦ hb) c

theorem integrable_cexp_neg_mul_sq_norm_add_of_euclideanSpace
{ι : Type*} [Fintype ι] (hb : 0 < (c : ℂ) (w : EuclideanSpace ℝ ι) :
Integrable (fun (v : EuclideanSpace ℝ ι) ↦ cexp (- b * ‖v‖^2 + c * ⟪w, v⟫)) := by
have := EuclideanSpace.volume_preserving_measurableEquiv ι
rw [← MeasurePreserving.integrable_comp_emb this.symm (MeasurableEquiv.measurableEmbedding _)]
simp only [neg_mul, Function.comp_def]
convert integrable_cexp_neg_mul_sum_add hb (fun i ↦ c * w i) using 3 with v
simp only [EuclideanSpace.measurableEquiv, MeasurableEquiv.symm_mk, MeasurableEquiv.coe_mk,
EuclideanSpace.norm_eq, WithLp.equiv_symm_pi_apply, Real.norm_eq_abs, sq_abs, PiLp.inner_apply,
IsROrC.inner_apply, conj_trivial, ofReal_sum, ofReal_mul, Finset.mul_sum, neg_mul,
Finset.sum_neg_distrib, mul_assoc, add_left_inj, neg_inj]
rw [sq_sqrt]
· simp [Finset.mul_sum]
· exact Finset.sum_nonneg (fun i _hi ↦ by positivity)

/-- In a real inner product space, the complex exponential of minus the square of the norm plus
a scalar product is integrable. Useful when discussing the Fourier transform of a Gaussian. -/
theorem integrable_cexp_neg_mul_sq_norm_add (hb : 0 < (c : ℂ) (w : V) :
Integrable (fun (v : V) ↦ cexp (-b * ‖v‖^2 + c * ⟪w, v⟫)) := by
let e := (stdOrthonormalBasis ℝ V).repr.symm
rw [← e.measurePreserving.integrable_comp_emb e.toHomeomorph.measurableEmbedding]
convert integrable_cexp_neg_mul_sq_norm_add_of_euclideanSpace
hb c (e.symm w) with v
simp only [neg_mul, Function.comp_apply, LinearIsometryEquiv.norm_map,
LinearIsometryEquiv.symm_symm, conj_trivial, ofReal_sum,
ofReal_mul, LinearIsometryEquiv.inner_map_eq_flip]

theorem integral_cexp_neg_sum_mul_add {ι : Type*} [Fintype ι] {b : ι → ℂ}
(hb : ∀ i, 0 < (b i).re) (c : ι → ℂ) :
∫ v : ι → ℝ, cexp (- ∑ i, b i * (v i : ℂ) ^ 2 + ∑ i, c i * v i)
= ∏ i, (π / b i) ^ (1 / 2 : ℂ) * cexp (c i ^ 2 / (4 * b i)) := by
simp_rw [← Finset.sum_neg_distrib, ← Finset.sum_add_distrib, Complex.exp_sum, ← neg_mul]
rw [integral_fintype_prod_eq_prod (f := fun i (v : ℝ) ↦ cexp (-b i * v ^ 2 + c i * v))]
congr with i
have : (-b i).re < 0 := by simpa using hb i
convert integral_cexp_quadratic this (c i) 0 using 1 <;> simp [div_neg]

theorem integral_cexp_neg_mul_sum_add {ι : Type*} [Fintype ι] (hb : 0 < (c : ι → ℂ) :
∫ v : ι → ℝ, cexp (- b * ∑ i, (v i : ℂ) ^ 2 + ∑ i, c i * v i)
= (π / b) ^ (Fintype.card ι / 2 : ℂ) * cexp ((∑ i, c i ^ 2) / (4 * b)) := by
simp_rw [neg_mul, Finset.mul_sum, integral_cexp_neg_sum_mul_add (fun _ ↦ hb) c]
simp only [one_div, Finset.prod_mul_distrib, Finset.prod_const, ← cpow_nat_mul, ← Complex.exp_sum,
Fintype.card, Finset.sum_div]

theorem integral_cexp_neg_mul_sq_norm_add_of_euclideanSpace
{ι : Type*} [Fintype ι] (hb : 0 < (c : ℂ) (w : EuclideanSpace ℝ ι) :
∫ v : EuclideanSpace ℝ ι, cexp (- b * ‖v‖^2 + c * ⟪w, v⟫) =
(π / b) ^ (Fintype.card ι / 2 : ℂ) * cexp (c ^ 2 * ‖w‖^2 / (4 * b)) := by
have := (EuclideanSpace.volume_preserving_measurableEquiv ι).symm
rw [← this.integral_comp (MeasurableEquiv.measurableEmbedding _)]
simp only [neg_mul, Function.comp_def]
convert integral_cexp_neg_mul_sum_add hb (fun i ↦ c * w i) using 5 with _x y
· simp only [EuclideanSpace.measurableEquiv, MeasurableEquiv.symm_mk, MeasurableEquiv.coe_mk,
EuclideanSpace.norm_eq, WithLp.equiv_symm_pi_apply, Real.norm_eq_abs, sq_abs, neg_mul,
neg_inj, mul_eq_mul_left_iff]
rw [sq_sqrt]
exact Finset.sum_nonneg (fun i _hi ↦ by positivity)
· simp [PiLp.inner_apply, EuclideanSpace.measurableEquiv, Finset.mul_sum, mul_assoc]
· simp only [EuclideanSpace.norm_eq, Real.norm_eq_abs, sq_abs, mul_pow, ← Finset.mul_sum]
rw [sq_sqrt]
exact Finset.sum_nonneg (fun i _hi ↦ by positivity)

theorem integral_cexp_neg_mul_sq_norm_add
(hb : 0 < (c : ℂ) (w : V) :
∫ v : V, cexp (- b * ‖v‖^2 + c * ⟪w, v⟫) =
(π / b) ^ (FiniteDimensional.finrank ℝ V / 2 : ℂ) * cexp (c ^ 2 * ‖w‖^2 / (4 * b)) := by
let e := (stdOrthonormalBasis ℝ V).repr.symm
rw [← e.measurePreserving.integral_comp e.toHomeomorph.measurableEmbedding]
convert integral_cexp_neg_mul_sq_norm_add_of_euclideanSpace
hb c (e.symm w) <;> simp [LinearIsometryEquiv.inner_map_eq_flip]

theorem integral_cexp_neg_mul_sq_norm (hb : 0 < :
∫ v : V, cexp (- b * ‖v‖^2) = (π / b) ^ (FiniteDimensional.finrank ℝ V / 2 : ℂ) := by
simpa using integral_cexp_neg_mul_sq_norm_add hb 0 (0 : V)

theorem integral_rexp_neg_mul_sq_norm {b : ℝ} (hb : 0 < b) :
∫ v : V, rexp (- b * ‖v‖^2) = (π / b) ^ (FiniteDimensional.finrank ℝ V / 2 : ℝ) := by
rw [← ofReal_inj]
convert integral_cexp_neg_mul_sq_norm (show 0 < (b : ℂ).re from hb) (V := V)
· change ofRealLI (∫ (v : V), rexp (-b * ‖v‖ ^ 2)) = ∫ (v : V), cexp (-↑b * ↑‖v‖ ^ 2)
rw [← ofRealLI.integral_comp_comm]
simp [ofRealLI]
· rw [← ofReal_div, ofReal_cpow (by positivity)]

theorem _root_.fourierIntegral_gaussian_innerProductSpace' (hb : 0 < (x w : V) :
𝓕 (fun v ↦ cexp (- b * ‖v‖^2 + 2 * π * Complex.I * ⟪x, v⟫)) w =
(π / b) ^ (FiniteDimensional.finrank ℝ V / 2 : ℂ) * cexp (-π ^ 2 * ‖x - w‖ ^ 2 / b) := by
simp only [neg_mul, fourierIntegral_eq', ofReal_neg, ofReal_mul, ofReal_ofNat,
smul_eq_mul, ← Complex.exp_add, real_inner_comm w]
convert integral_cexp_neg_mul_sq_norm_add hb (2 * π * Complex.I) (x - w) using 3 with v
· congr 1
simp [inner_sub_left]
· have : b ≠ 0 := by contrapose! hb; rw [hb, zero_re]
field_simp [mul_pow]

theorem _root_.fourierIntegral_gaussian_innerProductSpace (hb : 0 < (w : V) :
𝓕 (fun v ↦ cexp (- b * ‖v‖^2)) w =
(π / b) ^ (FiniteDimensional.finrank ℝ V / 2 : ℂ) * cexp (-π ^ 2 * ‖w‖^2 / b) := by
simpa using fourierIntegral_gaussian_innerProductSpace' hb 0 w

end InnerProductSpace

end GaussianFourier

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -672,7 +828,7 @@ theorem Complex.tsum_exp_neg_quadratic {a : ℂ} (ha : 0 < (b : ℂ) :
· exact continuous_const.mul (Complex.continuous_ofReal.pow 2)
· exact continuous_const.mul Complex.continuous_ofReal
have hFf : 𝓕 f = fun x : ℝ ↦ 1 / a ^ (1 / 2 : ℂ) * cexp (-π / a * (x + I * b) ^ 2) :=
fourier_transform_gaussian_pi' ha b
fourierIntegral_gaussian_pi' ha b
have h1 : 0 < (↑π * a).re := by
rw [re_ofReal_mul]
exact mul_pos pi_pos ha
Expand Down
55 changes: 52 additions & 3 deletions Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Integral/Pi.lean
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Expand Up @@ -8,14 +8,61 @@ import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Constructions.Prod.Integral

# Integration with respect to a finite product of measures
On a finite product of measure spaces, we show that a product of integrable functions each
depending on a single coordinate is integrable, in `MeasureTheory.integrable_fintype_prod`, and
that its integral is the product of the individual integrals,
in `MeasureTheory.integral_fintype_prod_eq_prod`.

open BigOperators Fintype MeasureTheory MeasureTheory.Measure

variable {𝕜 : Type*} [IsROrC 𝕜]

namespace MeasureTheory

/-- On a finite product space in `n` variables, for a natural number `n`, a product of integrable
functions depending on each coordinate is integrable. -/
theorem Integrable.fin_nat_prod {n : ℕ} {E : Fin n → Type*}
[∀ i, MeasureSpace (E i)] [∀ i, SigmaFinite (volume : Measure (E i))]
{f : (i : Fin n) → E i → 𝕜} (hf : ∀ i, Integrable (f i)) :
Integrable (fun (x : (i : Fin n) → E i) ↦ ∏ i, f i (x i)) := by
induction n with
| zero => simp only [Nat.zero_eq, Finset.univ_eq_empty, Finset.prod_empty, volume_pi,
integrable_const_iff, one_ne_zero, pi_empty_univ, ENNReal.one_lt_top, or_true]
| succ n n_ih =>
have := ((measurePreserving_piFinSuccAbove (fun i => (volume : Measure (E i))) 0).symm)
rw [volume_pi, ← this.integrable_comp_emb (MeasurableEquiv.measurableEmbedding _)]
simp_rw [MeasurableEquiv.piFinSuccAbove_symm_apply,
Fin.prod_univ_succ, Fin.insertNth_zero]
simp only [Fin.zero_succAbove, cast_eq, Function.comp_def, Fin.cons_zero, Fin.cons_succ]
have : Integrable (fun (x : (j : Fin n) → E (Fin.succ j)) ↦ ∏ j, f (Fin.succ j) (x j)) :=
n_ih (fun i ↦ hf _)
exact Integrable.prod_mul (hf 0) this

/-- On a finite product space, a product of integrable functions depending on each coordinate is
integrable. Version with dependent target. -/
theorem Integrable.fintype_prod_dep {ι : Type*} [Fintype ι] {E : ι → Type*}
{f : (i : ι) → E i → 𝕜} [∀ i, MeasureSpace (E i)] [∀ i, SigmaFinite (volume : Measure (E i))]
(hf : ∀ i, Integrable (f i)) :
Integrable (fun (x : (i : ι) → E i) ↦ ∏ i, f i (x i)) := by
let e := (equivFin ι).symm
simp_rw [← (volume_measurePreserving_piCongrLeft _ e).integrable_comp_emb
(MeasurableEquiv.measurableEmbedding _),
← e.prod_comp, MeasurableEquiv.coe_piCongrLeft, Function.comp_def,
exact .fin_nat_prod (fun i ↦ hf _)

/-- On a finite product space, a product of integrable functions depending on each coordinate is
integrable. -/
theorem Integrable.fintype_prod {ι : Type*} [Fintype ι] {E : Type*}
{f : ι → E → 𝕜} [MeasureSpace E] [SigmaFinite (volume : Measure E)]
(hf : ∀ i, Integrable (f i)) :
Integrable (fun (x : ι → E) ↦ ∏ i, f i (x i)) :=
Integrable.fintype_prod_dep hf

/-- A version of **Fubini's theorem** in `n` variables, for a natural number `n`. -/
theorem MeasureTheory.integral_fin_nat_prod_eq_prod {n : ℕ} {E : Fin n → Type*}
theorem integral_fin_nat_prod_eq_prod {n : ℕ} {E : Fin n → Type*}
[∀ i, MeasureSpace (E i)] [∀ i, SigmaFinite (volume : Measure (E i))]
(f : (i : Fin n) → E i → 𝕜) :
∫ x : (i : Fin n) → E i, ∏ i, f i (x i) = ∏ i, ∫ x, f i x := by
Expand All @@ -37,15 +84,17 @@ theorem MeasureTheory.integral_fin_nat_prod_eq_prod {n : ℕ} {E : Fin n → Typ
_ = ∏ i, ∫ x, f i x := by rw [Fin.prod_univ_succ]

/-- A version of **Fubini's theorem** with the variables indexed by a general finite type. -/
theorem MeasureTheory.integral_fintype_prod_eq_prod (ι : Type*) [Fintype ι] {E : ι → Type*}
theorem integral_fintype_prod_eq_prod (ι : Type*) [Fintype ι] {E : ι → Type*}
(f : (i : ι) → E i → 𝕜) [∀ i, MeasureSpace (E i)] [∀ i, SigmaFinite (volume : Measure (E i))] :
∫ x : (i : ι) → E i, ∏ i, f i (x i) = ∏ i, ∫ x, f i x := by
let e := (equivFin ι).symm
rw [← (volume_measurePreserving_piCongrLeft _ e).integral_comp']
simp_rw [← e.prod_comp, MeasurableEquiv.coe_piCongrLeft, Equiv.piCongrLeft_apply_apply,

theorem MeasureTheory.integral_fintype_prod_eq_pow {E : Type*} (ι : Type*) [Fintype ι] (f : E → 𝕜)
theorem integral_fintype_prod_eq_pow {E : Type*} (ι : Type*) [Fintype ι] (f : E → 𝕜)
[MeasureSpace E] [SigmaFinite (volume : Measure E)] :
∫ x : ι → E, ∏ i, f (x i) = (∫ x, f x) ^ (card ι) := by
rw [integral_fintype_prod_eq_prod, Finset.prod_const, card]

end MeasureTheory
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Measure/Lebesgue/EqHaar.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ We also show that a Lebesgue density point `x` of a set `s` (with respect to clo
density one for the rescaled copies `{x} + r • t` of a given set `t` with positive measure, in
`tendsto_addHaar_inter_smul_one_of_density_one`. In particular, `s` intersects `{x} + r • t` for
small `r`, see `eventually_nonempty_inter_smul_of_density_one`.
Statements on integrals of functions with respect to an additive Haar measure can be found in

assert_not_exists MeasureTheory.integral
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -335,6 +338,16 @@ theorem addHaar_image_continuousLinearEquiv (f : E ≃L[ℝ] E) (s : Set E) :
μ.addHaar_image_linearMap (f : E →ₗ[ℝ] E) s
#align measure_theory.measure.add_haar_image_continuous_linear_equiv MeasureTheory.Measure.addHaar_image_continuousLinearEquiv

theorem LinearMap.quasiMeasurePreserving (f : E →ₗ[ℝ] E) (hf : LinearMap.det f ≠ 0) :
QuasiMeasurePreserving f μ μ := by
refine ⟨f.continuous_of_finiteDimensional.measurable, ?_⟩
rw [map_linearMap_addHaar_eq_smul_addHaar μ hf]
exact smul_absolutelyContinuous

theorem ContinuousLinearMap.quasiMeasurePreserving (f : E →L[ℝ] E) (hf : f.det ≠ 0) :
QuasiMeasurePreserving f μ μ :=
LinearMap.quasiMeasurePreserving μ (f : E →ₗ[ℝ] E) hf

### Basic properties of Haar measures on real vector spaces
Expand All @@ -351,6 +364,12 @@ theorem map_addHaar_smul {r : ℝ} (hr : r ≠ 0) :
simp only [f, map_linearMap_addHaar_eq_smul_addHaar μ hf, mul_one, LinearMap.det_smul, map_one]
#align measure_theory.measure.map_add_haar_smul MeasureTheory.Measure.map_addHaar_smul

theorem quasiMeasurePreserving_smul {r : ℝ} (hr : r ≠ 0) :
QuasiMeasurePreserving (r • ·) μ μ := by
refine ⟨measurable_const_smul r, ?_⟩
rw [map_addHaar_smul μ hr]
exact smul_absolutelyContinuous

theorem addHaar_preimage_smul {r : ℝ} (hr : r ≠ 0) (s : Set E) :
μ ((r • ·) ⁻¹' s) = ENNReal.ofReal (abs (r ^ finrank ℝ E)⁻¹) * μ s :=
Expand Down

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