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feat: port Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.IncMatrix (#3274)
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Co-authored-by: Parcly Taxel <>
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Parcly-Taxel and Parcly-Taxel committed Apr 5, 2023
1 parent fd51554 commit 9ce81ec
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Showing 2 changed files with 207 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Expand Up @@ -544,6 +544,7 @@ import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Connectivity
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.DegreeSum
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Density
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Hasse
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.IncMatrix
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Init
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Matching
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Metric
Expand Down
206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Combinatorics/SimpleGraph/IncMatrix.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Gabriel Moise. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Gabriel Moise, Yaël Dillies, Kyle Miller
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module combinatorics.simple_graph.inc_matrix
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit bb168510ef455e9280a152e7f31673cabd3d7496
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Matrix.Basic

# Incidence matrix of a simple graph
This file defines the unoriented incidence matrix of a simple graph.
## Main definitions
* `SimpleGraph.incMatrix`: `G.incMatrix R` is the incidence matrix of `G` over the ring `R`.
## Main results
* `SimpleGraph.incMatrix_mul_transpose_diag`: The diagonal entries of the product of
`G.incMatrix R` and its transpose are the degrees of the vertices.
* `SimpleGraph.incMatrix_mul_transpose`: Gives a complete description of the product of
`G.incMatrix R` and its transpose; the diagonal is the degrees of each vertex, and the
off-diagonals are 1 or 0 depending on whether or not the vertices are adjacent.
* `SimpleGraph.incMatrix_transpose_mul_diag`: The diagonal entries of the product of the
transpose of `G.incMatrix R` and `G.inc_matrix R` are `2` or `0` depending on whether or
not the unordered pair is an edge of `G`.
## Implementation notes
The usual definition of an incidence matrix has one row per vertex and one column per edge.
However, this definition has columns indexed by all of `Sym2 α`, where `α` is the vertex type.
This appears not to change the theory, and for simple graphs it has the nice effect that every
incidence matrix for each `SimpleGraph α` has the same type.
* Define the oriented incidence matrices for oriented graphs.
* Define the graph Laplacian of a simple graph using the oriented incidence matrix from an
arbitrary orientation of a simple graph.

open Finset Matrix SimpleGraph Sym2

open BigOperators Matrix

namespace SimpleGraph

variable (R : Type _) {α : Type _} (G : SimpleGraph α)

/-- `G.incMatrix R` is the `α × Sym2 α` matrix whose `(a, e)`-entry is `1` if `e` is incident to
`a` and `0` otherwise. -/
noncomputable def incMatrix [Zero R] [One R] : Matrix α (Sym2 α) R := fun a =>
(G.incidenceSet a).indicator 1
#align simple_graph.inc_matrix SimpleGraph.incMatrix

variable {R}

theorem incMatrix_apply [Zero R] [One R] {a : α} {e : Sym2 α} :
G.incMatrix R a e = (G.incidenceSet a).indicator 1 e :=
#align simple_graph.inc_matrix_apply SimpleGraph.incMatrix_apply

/-- Entries of the incidence matrix can be computed given additional decidable instances. -/
theorem incMatrix_apply' [Zero R] [One R] [DecidableEq α] [DecidableRel G.Adj] {a : α}
{e : Sym2 α} : G.incMatrix R a e = if e ∈ G.incidenceSet a then 1 else 0 := by
unfold incMatrix Set.indicator -- Porting note: was `convert rfl`
simp only [Pi.one_apply]
#align simple_graph.inc_matrix_apply' SimpleGraph.incMatrix_apply'

section MulZeroOneClass

variable [MulZeroOneClass R] {a b : α} {e : Sym2 α}

theorem incMatrix_apply_mul_incMatrix_apply :
G.incMatrix R a e * G.incMatrix R b e = (G.incidenceSet a ∩ G.incidenceSet b).indicator 1 e :=
classical simp only [incMatrix, Set.indicator_apply, ← ite_and_mul_zero, Pi.one_apply, mul_one,
#align simple_graph.inc_matrix_apply_mul_inc_matrix_apply SimpleGraph.incMatrix_apply_mul_incMatrix_apply

theorem incMatrix_apply_mul_incMatrix_apply_of_not_adj (hab : a ≠ b) (h : ¬G.Adj a b) :
G.incMatrix R a e * G.incMatrix R b e = 0 := by
rw [incMatrix_apply_mul_incMatrix_apply, Set.indicator_of_not_mem]
rw [G.incidenceSet_inter_incidenceSet_of_not_adj h hab]
exact Set.not_mem_empty e
#align simple_graph.inc_matrix_apply_mul_inc_matrix_apply_of_not_adj SimpleGraph.incMatrix_apply_mul_incMatrix_apply_of_not_adj

theorem incMatrix_of_not_mem_incidenceSet (h : e ∉ G.incidenceSet a) : G.incMatrix R a e = 0 := by
rw [incMatrix_apply, Set.indicator_of_not_mem h]
#align simple_graph.inc_matrix_of_not_mem_incidence_set SimpleGraph.incMatrix_of_not_mem_incidenceSet

theorem incMatrix_of_mem_incidenceSet (h : e ∈ G.incidenceSet a) : G.incMatrix R a e = 1 := by
rw [incMatrix_apply, Set.indicator_of_mem h, Pi.one_apply]
#align simple_graph.inc_matrix_of_mem_incidence_set SimpleGraph.incMatrix_of_mem_incidenceSet

variable [Nontrivial R]

theorem incMatrix_apply_eq_zero_iff : G.incMatrix R a e = 0 ↔ e ∉ G.incidenceSet a := by
simp only [incMatrix_apply, Set.indicator_apply_eq_zero, Pi.one_apply, one_ne_zero]
#align simple_graph.inc_matrix_apply_eq_zero_iff SimpleGraph.incMatrix_apply_eq_zero_iff

theorem incMatrix_apply_eq_one_iff : G.incMatrix R a e = 1 ↔ e ∈ G.incidenceSet a := by
-- Porting note: was `convert one_ne_zero.ite_eq_left_iff; infer_instance`
unfold incMatrix Set.indicator
simp only [Pi.one_apply]
apply Iff.intro <;> intro h
· split at h <;> simp_all only [zero_ne_one]
· simp_all only [ite_true]
#align simple_graph.inc_matrix_apply_eq_one_iff SimpleGraph.incMatrix_apply_eq_one_iff

end MulZeroOneClass

section NonAssocSemiring

variable [Fintype α] [NonAssocSemiring R] {a b : α} {e : Sym2 α}

theorem sum_incMatrix_apply [DecidableEq α] [DecidableRel G.Adj] :
(∑ e, G.incMatrix R a e) = a := by
simp [incMatrix_apply', sum_boole, Set.filter_mem_univ_eq_toFinset]
#align simple_graph.sum_inc_matrix_apply SimpleGraph.sum_incMatrix_apply

theorem incMatrix_mul_transpose_diag [DecidableEq α] [DecidableRel G.Adj] :
(G.incMatrix R ⬝ (G.incMatrix R)ᵀ) a a = a := by
rw [← sum_incMatrix_apply]
simp only [mul_apply, incMatrix_apply', transpose_apply, mul_ite, mul_one, mul_zero]
simp_all only [ite_true, sum_boole]
#align simple_graph.inc_matrix_mul_transpose_diag SimpleGraph.incMatrix_mul_transpose_diag

theorem sum_incMatrix_apply_of_mem_edgeSet :
e ∈ G.edgeSet → (∑ a, G.incMatrix R a e) = 2 := by
refine' e.ind _
intro a b h
rw [mem_edgeSet] at h
rw [← Nat.cast_two, ← card_doubleton]
simp only [incMatrix_apply', sum_boole, mk'_mem_incidenceSet_iff, h, true_and_iff]
congr 2
ext e
simp only [mem_filter, mem_univ, true_and_iff, mem_insert, mem_singleton]
#align simple_graph.sum_inc_matrix_apply_of_mem_edge_set SimpleGraph.sum_incMatrix_apply_of_mem_edgeSet

theorem sum_incMatrix_apply_of_not_mem_edgeSet (h : e ∉ G.edgeSet) :
(∑ a, G.incMatrix R a e) = 0 :=
sum_eq_zero fun _ _ => G.incMatrix_of_not_mem_incidenceSet fun he => h he.1
#align simple_graph.sum_inc_matrix_apply_of_not_mem_edge_set SimpleGraph.sum_incMatrix_apply_of_not_mem_edgeSet

theorem incMatrix_transpose_mul_diag [DecidableRel G.Adj] :
((G.incMatrix R)ᵀ ⬝ G.incMatrix R) e e = if e ∈ G.edgeSet then 2 else 0 := by
simp only [Matrix.mul_apply, incMatrix_apply', transpose_apply, ← ite_and_mul_zero, one_mul,
sum_boole, and_self_iff]
split_ifs with h
· revert h
refine' e.ind _
intro v w h
rw [← Nat.cast_two, ← card_doubleton (G.ne_of_adj h)]
simp [mk'_mem_incidenceSet_iff, h]
congr 2
ext u
· revert h
refine' e.ind _
intro v w h
simp [mk'_mem_incidenceSet_iff, h]
#align simple_graph.inc_matrix_transpose_mul_diag SimpleGraph.incMatrix_transpose_mul_diag

end NonAssocSemiring

section Semiring

variable [Fintype (Sym2 α)] [Semiring R] {a b : α} {e : Sym2 α}

theorem incMatrix_mul_transpose_apply_of_adj (h : G.Adj a b) :
(G.incMatrix R ⬝ (G.incMatrix R)ᵀ) a b = (1 : R) := by
simp_rw [Matrix.mul_apply, Matrix.transpose_apply, incMatrix_apply_mul_incMatrix_apply,
Set.indicator_apply, Pi.one_apply, sum_boole]
convert @Nat.cast_one R _
convert card_singleton ⟦(a, b)⟧
rw [← coe_eq_singleton, coe_filter_univ]
exact G.incidenceSet_inter_incidenceSet_of_adj h
#align simple_graph.inc_matrix_mul_transpose_apply_of_adj SimpleGraph.incMatrix_mul_transpose_apply_of_adj

theorem incMatrix_mul_transpose [Fintype α] [DecidableEq α] [DecidableRel G.Adj] :
G.incMatrix R ⬝ (G.incMatrix R)ᵀ = fun a b =>
if a = b then ( a : R) else if G.Adj a b then 1 else 0 := by
ext (a b)
split_ifs with h h'
· subst b
rename Semiring R => sr
convert @incMatrix_mul_transpose_diag _ _ _ _ sr.toNonAssocSemiring _ _ _
· exact G.incMatrix_mul_transpose_apply_of_adj h'
· simp only [Matrix.mul_apply, Matrix.transpose_apply,
G.incMatrix_apply_mul_incMatrix_apply_of_not_adj h h', sum_const_zero]
#align simple_graph.inc_matrix_mul_transpose SimpleGraph.incMatrix_mul_transpose

end Semiring

end SimpleGraph

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